A guide to managing someone’s money
This was posted by V3(thank you). It is a great resource for those with guardianship or a DPOA. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/consumer-tools/managing-someone-elses-money/
Veteran's Resources
first time caregiver in regard to dementia
To start out with my husband and I are married in name only, the marriage died long ago, I do care for him, and we live in the same house, but different floors. My husband was diagnosed with dementia 2 years ago, but within the past 3 months I've seen some decline. I was in denial until he couldn't check the fluids in the…
family and friends too afraid of anger to help- what to do?
Hi, My stepmom has recently been diagnosed with "moderate dementia likely due to Alzheimer's". We had been seeing changes in her memory for a couple of years and it took some real "gymnastics", including a friend of hers who is a nurse literally making the appointment with the neuropsychologist for her and practically…
Placement discussion
Link to thread about placement: https://alzconnected.org/discussion/68050/an-old-question-with-many-answers#latest
10 absolutes in dementia care
Two big topics: anosognosia and driving
Excellent post by @ButterflyWings discussing a couple of topics that are crucial in the early stages. ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,466 Hi to all new members posting here. Sharing two things here, that are intertwined. This is what I learned first hand in the last 6 years of dementia caregiving 24/7. Anosognosia is a real…
Useful tips and products
Link to thread https://alzconnected.org/discussion/64731/useful-tips-and-products#latest
Emergency contact
Link to member discussion on making sure emergency contact info is available: https://alzconnected.org/discussion/68355/leaving-lo-alone-on-the-caregivers-side#latest
Medical stuff: useful member posts
Add links to posts about medical issues like tests, diagnoses, and medications