Important stuff will go here one day.
Mixed Dementia: Alzheimer's and Vascular
My DH (67) was diagnosed with Vascular Dementia in Nov. 2023. Neurologist sent him for AD-Detect blood test in Dec. 2023 and he tested positive for Alzheimer's. DH does not understand he has Vascular Dementia. His physician said the strokes were 'old' so he thinks they are not currently causing problems. He doesn't…
Memory is not the problem
My MIL had Alzheimer’s and was almost blissfully unaware of her situation. She forgot about bills, her personal belongings that didn’t fit in her AL apartment, didn’t recognize her own Christmas decorations when brought to her. Every day was a new day. My mom on the other hand has vascular dementia. I sometimes think her…
MCI diagnosis.
Hey all I have been diagnosed for tears as having MCI but in the last year I found out I have small vessel disease in my brain. Its mild right now, but I have noticed some changes in my mental abilities. Like not able to get to my point when I'm telling my friend about sinething i saw or did. Also my ability to pay…
Recently diagnosed with Vascular Dementia HELP
Im so glad I've found this group. I'll be 62 next month. Three months ago I found out I have vascular dementia. The Doctor put me on Aricept and that's thatall. Now I worry all of the time, cry, get angry, cry some more and try to figure out how to just DO NOTHING…. I love my life, the thought of giving it up is…
VD in older seniors.
Hi, I'm new. My wife is 77 and received her diagnosed about a year and a half ago. Her driver's license has been cancelled by the state. Her memory is slipping and she gets aggravated easily. She uses a walker in and out of the house. She also has some difficulty sometimes with dressing. She was a Commercial Banker. She…
New to group
Husband had hemorrhagic stroke - left side - and showing signs of VD Diagnosed with MCI before stroke. Recovered from stroke amazingly well. Language and comprehension issues.
New Join
I am new to this group and hoping to find helpful information and ongoing support. I have been a caregiver/caretaker to my father since I was 17 yrs old. A couple of years ago, he was diagnosed with vascular dementia and his physical health has become more challenging. I am now 53 yrs old, no partner and no children. In…
Just wanted to reach out for support. My DH was recently diagnosed with VD. Very forgetful and has difficulty with certain tasks. Gets lost if he drives out of the neighborhood but recognizes this and asks for directions. But he drives less overall. He is a long term diabetic which has impacted his health. Just wanted say…
New to group
I am my DH's caregiver who has VD. I am reaching out for some support from spouses in the same boat. I am feeling alone....
Seeking advice
After a work accident, at the age of 38. I u drew ent a neuropsych exam. One of the findings was dementia. Having a family history of ALZ and now learning of vascular impacts, I would love to learn more and gain coping skills of handling the moving forward.