What has changed in a year and a half
Greetings all. In September 2023, I moved both my parents into my home. My dear mom has Alzheimer's. My dear dad has mild cognitive impairment. They are 85 and 87 respectively. For more background, see the discussion at https://alzconnected.org/discussion/64542/moving-my-folks-into-my-house#latest btw - I copied and pasted…
New diagnosis, new to group. Having a rough ugly cry day.
I have been very emotional, ugly crying today. Today is hard, others are not- those days I am "numb". I am 41, married for 19 years, I have 5 kids ages 8, 10, 17, 18, 20. I have tested positive for PSEN1 which is one of 3 variants known to cause young onset Alzheimer’s. I have had cognitive symptoms since August 2023. I…
Needing to move mother to memory care
92 yo mother has been in assisted living for 18 months. Over the last year she has had more episodes of confusion and disordered sleep. She often refuses to dress for bed and will wander the hallway at night - we have an upcoming care meeting and I expect that they will say she needs to move to the memory care unit. We…
DH does not know w
Home care services in Omaha
My brother will have to move from assisted living back to his partner`s appartment. I`m visiting from Germany and trying to help. He will need 1)someone to come in 4 hours a day to relieve the caregiver 2)Showering and clothes change 3 times a week 3)some meals brought in. Initially it will be out of pocket. So many places…
Looking for Support: MCI Diagnosis with Normal Test Results at 51
Hi everyone. I'm looking for others who might have gone through something similar. I'm 51 and recently received a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) after experiencing memory issues, headaches, and possibly some minor balance issues. Given that my mother has Alzheimer's (I'm her primary caregiver), this diagnosis…
How to handle angry people?
I am 74 and have been married for 52 years. I have been slowly declining since 2020. I was happy that I maintained an abiliity to craft a sentence. I have a husband, 74, and two sons, 50 and 48. THe 50 year old is very kind and generous. My husband keeps complaining because I talk too much. My 48 year old son thinks I am…
Short term memory and spouse
I am 56 and started having memory issues this year and seems more prevalent recently. I dont have a diagnosis yet and see the neurologist in Nov. A recent example is my wife and I went on a hot air balloon ride in Africa. 8 days later she told friends we took the balloon ride and I interrupted her and said no we didnt. I…
Having NO LUCK getting mom an appt with a Neurologist
I am in South Carolina, just south of Charlotte, so not in a rural area or anything like that. I have been attempting to get my mom AN APPOINTMENT with a neurologist for OVER A YEAR, I've had her primary care doctor send in referrals to every neurologist in a 20 mile radius and I've called them myself, only to leave voice…
New research on the timeline of Alzheimer's
Research is being called "ground breaking" Alzheimer’s May Progress in Two Phases, Transforming Understanding of Brain Damage - CogniFit Blog: Brain Health News
Does speech therapy
I asked about occupational therapy, I should perhaps have asked about speech therapy. DH with ALZ most noticable problem is lost words.
Following our Request
Mom moved in Sept 8th, she has moderate dementia, almost no short term memory, long term is pretty good, last 11 years or so are fuzzy. She was mild to moderate until she got a UTI and low sodium and was hospitalized for 3 weeks, now she's fully moderate. It's difficult because she can remember how to use the chair to get…
Caregiving for Parent when you have a full time job and a teenager
Good morning. I am new to this forum and located in Wichita, KS. My mother has some memory issues resulting from an unknown stroke about a year go but discovered after she had a fender bender last March. I am 55, work a full time job, have a 16yo at home and two dog :smile: . She has always lived independently (my dad…
alz...the disease that is full of surprises
DH, diagnosed in June with ES. I've done enough reading that I really shouldn't be surprised by anything but…He has had short term memory loss for a number of years but when I finally woke to the fact of his misuse of words was beyond normal, we got him checked. ES is supposed to have short term memory loss. I get it. But,…
memory loss
DH, diagnosed ES ALZ in June has been losing words for some time now, and that seems to be accelerating. This week he lost memory of two of his life events, one the wedding of our 2nd daughter some years ago. Yesterday, he asked me what I was listening to (bible in a year with Fr. Mike). His comment: "that sounds…
Asking for help( caring for a loved oned showing signs of dementia)
Hello everyone, Me & my mom would like some advice. We are currently caring for my grandma & she has been showing signs of dementia. We have been to multiple doctor appointments, just waiting to hear the results. Even though she hasn’t been diagnosed, we’re pretty sure it’s dementia being that in runs on her side of her…
Doctor appointments
Hi all, My mom (69) was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's and I (28) am her caregiver. It's difficult being so young and trying to figure some things out on my own. I don't have any experience and no one in my family does either. I am learning as I go. Since my mom has started her diagnosis journey, she finds every…
Personal Stigma
Why is the stigma associated with mental health, dementia, Alz, etc. so pervasive? It affects all of us, even those afflicted……
Is there any early warning system for dementia?
I am worried about my grandmother and grandfather developing dementia. Although they don't have any clear symptoms yet, they often forget small things, which concerns me. My great grandmother passed away due to dementia, so I am even more worried. The dementia screening tests seem too simple and unreliable, and it feels…
Anosognosia - Mom refuses help
I am the only living child and live on the other side of the country. Mom (89) has lived on her own for about 5 years since my dad passed away. During that time i have been paying her bills and doing as much as i can from across the country. I first noticed my mom starting to experience memory lapses about 20 months ago.…
Should I tell Dad he has Alzheimers?
Is it more helpful or hurtful to remind my Dad that he has Alzheimers? My Dad refuses to move to AL. He says they are doing fine. We try to give him examples of why he's not but it feels like this is more hurtful than helpful, especially since he won't remember the conversation. What do we do/say instead? I find myself…
LO just diagnosed with VD
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Navigating Family Dynamics: Post removed
Post removed
Fed up from the life.
Previously i posted about me feeling that i am forgetting things and losing my memory. I don't remember any happy memories seems they are somewhere in the dark and as much as i know I had many happy memories with kids, family and with the person I love. I am in love with a person, i am going through many things, having…
Trying to Capture my Grandma's Memories for Her and the Family
My grandmother has mild dementia that's getting worse and she's slowly losing her memories. I'm trying to use my engineering background to create a sort of Scrapbook/Memorybook for my grandmother and for my family to enjoy. My goal is to design something that can help my grandma capture her memories by uploading photos to…
Trying to Capture my Grandma's Memories for Her and the Family
My grandmother has mild dementia that's getting worse and she's slowly losing her memories. I'm trying to use my engineering background to create a sort of Scrapbook/Memorybook for my grandmother and for my family to enjoy. My goal is to design something that can help my grandma capture her memories by uploading photos to…
Diagnosis needed ASAP
My dad is showing signs of dementia. He forgets things so quickly. He’s very short-tempered. This has been going on for years. He’s in denial. His mom passed away in 2011. She suffered from Alzheimer’s. How do I go about getting him some help? Do I reach out to his doctor?
how to deal with mom not knowing me
My mom sometimes knows me, sometimes no. She knows my siblings & my children. But not me. I don't know why. How do others deal with a parent not knowing you? I'm trying to wrap my head around it, be happy to be whoever she thinks I am. How do you that? Just with time?
Sometimes I forget some very important things
Hii my name Mohan yadav and I’m 32years old All the most important tasks, how much money was given to whom, for how much, where was it kept and some other things, I often forget people's names, some in two days, some in one day, some in 5 days.
Valutazione neuropsicologica
Salve a tutti da anni convivo con varie difficoltà cognitive che già erano risultate deficitarie anni fa e dato un peggioramento il medico ha richiesto una nuova valutazione che riporto di seguito. Sto aspetta di fare una PET/TC, ma ho capito che il quadro è quello di una demenza. Qualcuno ha avuto esiti simili? Grazie…