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Does speech therapy

Maru Member Posts: 102
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I asked about occupational therapy, I should perhaps have asked about speech therapy. DH with ALZ most noticable problem is lost words.


  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,788
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    Same issue. It doesn't help. The brain damage is not repairable.

  • Vitruvius
    Vitruvius Member Posts: 352
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    I responded to the other post, and I have an even less favorable view of speech therapy. My DW has Semantic Dementia, I.e. trouble with words. She was referred to speech therapy. After one session she was distraught at her inability to comprehend what the therapist was trying to accomplish. On the way home she said in an tone of embarrassment, “Do you still love me.” We never went again.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,585
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    Speech and cognitive therapy are for stroke and head trauma patients who have a chance of regaining speech and skills. PWDs need to continue to stimulate their brains with fulfilling and failure-free activities on their level. You can read about such activities here and online, and do them at home. Think about what he still can do. Whatever hobby he liked to do before, try to modify it.


  • JDancer
    JDancer Member Posts: 495
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    Your post is tagged "early stage (mild)." Many of the symptoms you've mentioned (in previous posts) tend to come in later stages. Are you underestimating the level of impairment? An honest assessment is needed to coordinated and plan care. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this difficult situation.

  • Maru
    Maru Member Posts: 102
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    His diagnosis is ES, but I think he is further along. Looking back I see how I have been excusing and compensating for his loses for years. Ty for your response. I guess here in this place we all suffer together.

  • Maru
    Maru Member Posts: 102
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    The sad thing is that local daughter is a Speech Therapist, has a Master's and is positive this will help him.I am sure that, in theory, it does. In reality, I am learning to turn to this group for the facts. i have enough fears and anxiety about all this without getting into an argument . She is going with us to the Dr next week and if he agrees, I will do what our insurance will cover…so long as DH is alright with it. DH has accepted his diagnosis and it's inevitible (sp?) outcome.

    Off topic, now that I know what is happening, his lapses seem to be coming faster and faster. I would ask if tht is normal, but I have learned already from this group that there is no normal that there is no "normal". Yesterday, he asked me if daughters one and two were married in the Church. ..that seems frightenly close to forgetting names of loved ones.

  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,788
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    Maru, he may well forget names of loved ones—and their relationships. It's painful but to be expected. I'm sorry your daughter has unrealistic expectations. I doubt if your insurance will cover much. Maybe your daughter could work with him and will see for herself that it won't do much.

    we all tend to underestimate our loved one's impairments. It's natural—but you're right, we overcompensate immensely.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,930
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    My take on this is to try the speech services if you can get them covered by insurance. I seriously doubt he'll improve, remain stable or even progress at a less rapid rate as a result. He may find the attention a positive thing and it will preserve your relationship with your daughter. She may even learn a thing or two about the limits of her profession in the context of dementia.

    If he resists or it proves burdensome for you, you can stop while saying you tried.

    In education, speech therapy is always tied to a measurable goal with regular benchmarks. I would ask your daughter what goals she would have for dad were she treating him professionally.


  • CampCarol
    CampCarol Member Posts: 180
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    We tried speech therapy as part of the home care regime a few times after his latest hospitalization at the recommendation of the Hospitalist. We had the same issue as @Vitruvius above. Although the therapist was very nice, he dreaded her visits because he felt he was “failing” her tests. This was prior to my finding this forum; I wish I had known sooner there was nothing to be gained from it. In hindsight, I guess I should have figured that out when she was asking him what his “goals” were for their sessions. What we were coming up with was completely unattainable, even though to me they seemed tiny at the time. I know better now!

  • Maru
    Maru Member Posts: 102
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    Very insightful. Daughter will respect the question. i know that, like all the kids, she wants to help.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,585
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    Family members should be aware of just how little comprehension many professionals who regularly work with older adults have about the nature of the dementias. Sadly, often you cannot rely on what a professional says to you.


  • elainechem
    elainechem Member Posts: 182
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    It would probably be as useful as sending my hubby with EOAD to physical therapy after he had hip replacement surgery. He could never remember how to do the exercises that they wanted him to do. I tried to help him at home, but he had a real hard time following my directions.

  • Maxine
    Maxine Member Posts: 1
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    I am a board certified speech language pathologist. I am here bc I am daughter of parent with early stage Alzheimer. As a professional, yes, I recommend occupational therapy and speech therapy. Both therapy specialists can assist in modifying the environment and creating memory systems to help the patient maintain activities of functional daily living for as long as possible.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,585
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    Welcome Maxine. What sort of memory system are you recommending for the PWD?


  • sandwichone123
    sandwichone123 Member Posts: 899
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    While the PWD will not be able to learn from the interventions, I have heard of families gaining valuable skills from a knowledgeable PT or ST.

  • sambassman
    sambassman Member Posts: 1
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    My DW is stage 5/6 and was recommended for OT and ST. Similar to other posters, the speech therapist had no positive impact, but did lead to anxiety and frustration.

    The occupational therapist and my DW decided to try vacuuming. She suggested my DW try vacuuming while sitting. That was the end of any further assistance from that home healthcare agency.

    Thank goodness my wife has no memory of vacuuming from a sitting position. The area rugs and the cat are grateful.

    For my wife who has Posterior Cortical Atrophy - PCA, it's all about routine. The OT and ST only disrupted the routine and added frustration.

    Extra walks on the rail trail would have been a far better use of the time.

    This was our experience.

  • Maru
    Maru Member Posts: 102
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    So far, DH is still marking off each day on his reminder calendar and making a short list of things to accomplish each day. I'm not sure that it is helpful but it can't hurt. We decided that we are not going into Dallas to see a speech or occupational therapist but our speech therapist daughter had the suggestions about a calendar and it is not onerous for me….because that is the other part of the equation. As the amyloid proteins take up more space in his brain, none of this will be retained. In the meantime, we wait and cope.

  • cdgbdr
    cdgbdr Member Posts: 126
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    I use a white board for the day and quick reminders of events. I don't know if ST will help but giving it a try. There are no miracles expected. My insurance pays therapy 100% so not losing $.

  • allit
    allit Member Posts: 120
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    We’ve started working with this speech therapist.

    When I saw her credentials and use of Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care, I asked my wife if she’d be interested. My wife said yes and so far it’s been a good resource. DW was diagnosed at 64 with MCI with Alzheimer’s pathology. She’s still working and driving. ST has been helping with communication and concentration strategies. And my wife has had some trouble swallowing lately so ST set her up with an appointment for a swallow study.

    I’m hoping ST with also help us (mostly me) as things progress and we start having issues with communication.

    We’ll see how it goes. For now, it’s a positive thing in our life. This ST focused on the things we can do. And that feels good to have validation that we still are capable of communicating.

  • Maru
    Maru Member Posts: 102
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    Teepa Snow has a lot of videos on youtube. They are really good. I am sure that you will get a lot more out of her approach if you are working with a ST who can direct you into role playing so that you get a real feel for what to do. I'm getting a lot better understanding of what DH is going through and hopefully, I can adjust my behavior enough to be a better caretaker for him.

  • m3ghan
    m3ghan Member Posts: 5
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    I know I'm late to the game on this one, but my DH, who was diagnosed with Early Onset last month, has been dealing with worsening logopenic aphasia (inability to find words - feeling like words are on the tip of your tongue) for 2 years. Our neurologist confirmed that, for early onset patients, often language difficulties are the first and most obvious symptom. We had been doing speech therapy, but ultimately, it did not improve things for us. Now that we know that AD is the cause of the aphasia, it makes sense.

  • Cardenas1816
    Cardenas1816 Member Posts: 7
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    DH who has EOAD had his first speech therapy appointment and it went well. I will be attending all of the appointments with him so that I can learn how to help him. Curious, do other speech therapists not let SO attend?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,128
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    I have always felt that anything that is not harmful is a plus. Just the interaction can be a benefit.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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