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Toilet Paper

I am used to my OH pulling out toilet paper ,neatly folding and then hiding it . Today was a first . She hid the toilet roll and holder . Looked in all her normal hiding places with no luck . When I went to put some laundry in her dresser , I found the toilet roll and holder neatly tucked in her night dress. Of course she did not know who put it there .


  • annie51
    annie51 Member Posts: 229
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    So strange to see the different behaviors - and to realize how common they are! My DH is always pulling out a few sheets and neatly folding them. He doesn't hide them but puts them in various places around the house. But he has "lost" two pairs of work gloves and two pruning shears. I can't find them anywhere (I did check the trash barrels!). So I bought extra ones and keep the spares. Maybe I need to buy an extra toilet paper roll too…

  • Biggles
    Biggles Member Posts: 322
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    ha ha such interesting behaviour.. here’s a story with a winning streak please have a laugh. My darling DH has VD and other bits but my mother-in-law years ago who also had VD (the doctors would not diagnose it) vowed and declared that she had been burgled and all her jewellery had been stolen. Put up a good story, we got in the police, we all searched everywhere and then put in an insurance claim. The insurers paid out, she had a new ring made etc. 3 months later we found a very neat package with all her ‘stolen’ jewellery hidden at the back of her linen press! Yikes we contacted the insurance company who said they weren’t interested nothing they could do. We thought it was a very funny situation and just goes to show how money and jewels are just not important. This road is so hard, find the amusement if you can. Take care.

  • ImMaggieMae
    ImMaggieMae Member Posts: 1,079
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    Folding sheets of toilet paper or paper towels seems to be a very common behavior, regardless of the type of dementia. Does anyone know why they do that?

  • DTSbuddy
    DTSbuddy Member Posts: 95
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    I wore mismatched shoes yesterday because the corresponding shoe of each pair had vanished. Found them this evening on a bookcase. I see him picking things up, sometimes looks like he is finding easter eggs. Then, having discovered them, and carried them around a while, he loses interest and deposits them somewhere else. Going to a store with him is becoming more problematic. He slips candy bars into his pockets, grazes on the grapes, (unless I carry them in my hand until we pay,) tries to 'help' the checker, and once insisted on appropriating another customers' cart. He really loves to go to the grocery store and pick things out. The checkers in our store have been very understanding. I go to a smaller store where it is easier to keep track of him.

    Folding is big in our house too. He likes to fold clean towels, sheets of toilet paper, as well as the dirty laundry, the mail, and blankets on a bed, even when I'm still in it. Thanks for the stories.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 538
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    DW does folds paper and carries things around too, don't know why. Sometimes she follows me around with my hat, offering it to me. If she's persistent enough I put it on and wear it in the house for a while. Ordinarily I would think offering me my hat was asking me to leave, but that isn't the case here.

  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,788
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    There are toilet rolls on each side of our toilets in MC—on the grab bars—and yes, they and the rollers disappear frequently. Fortunately there are not too many places in the room to put them so i can usually find them. but for $1.97 I bought an extra roller at Walmart and it stays in my bag waiting for the day that I can't find one of them. So odd. Anything that's not nailed down is fair game apparently.

  • Jeanne C.
    Jeanne C. Member Posts: 846
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    toilet paper folding! Who knew that would be the commonality among PWDs. 😂

  • Babz0226
    Babz0226 Member Posts: 61
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    My DH loves to fold paper napkins, and put him in his pockets. I have given him white men hankies but no go. I have to check every piece of clothing before I put them in the machine if not a big old mess will happen. I do check all his clothing everytime, burn me once is enough.

  • ​fesk
    ​fesk Member Posts: 497
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    While my mother doesn't do this exactly, she does always need to keep her hands busy. I read this behavior begins when they can no longer do normal/useful activities. Makes sense.

  • psg712
    psg712 Member Posts: 466
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    Yes! I find several squares of toilet paper next to mom's sink, on her bedside table, on her bookshelf. I appreciate that at least it is clean!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,078
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    I was going to suggest drawers. Maybe a stack of paper on the dining room table to fold?

  • bwanasil
    bwanasil Member Posts: 27
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    Very interesting comments. Strange and sometimes hilarious.

  • fehk82
    fehk82 Member Posts: 4
    First Comment

    My HWD folds and puts it in his underwear. He uses it as pad. Says it works better for him than the disposable underwear. 😣

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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