Share your Story with the Alzheimer’s Association
The Alzheimer's Association is dedicated to ensuring that everyone facing Alzheimer's or another dementia is able to access a timely diagnosis, available treatment options and quality care throughout their journey. To better understand the barriers people currently face, we are looking for people to share their experience…
6th infusion
Today was # six Leqembi infusion. So far so good! Although I do have a headache and feel exhausted. I'm scheduled for a second MRI this Friday. My husband keeps reassuring me I'm doing so good and how strong I am, but I don't feel strong. I guess I'm just having a bad day. (pity party for one) anyone else out there…
Early Onset of Dementia
My name is Bonnie and I live near Dillsburg, Pa. I am 57 and was just diagnosed with early onset of Alzheimer’s. I am trying to get treated with Leqembi. I am on a wait list… they said maybe July. I was just reaching out to learn or hear about anything that is helpful for this disease. The more I know, the better prepared…
Leqembi treatments for early dementia
Hello everyone. So my neurologist is sending me to a specialty clinic that does infusion Leqembi treatments. I was wondering if anyone here has been on it and if they have had any problems with brain bleeds or brain swelling. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about it so I can ask the right questions to the specialist.…
New on this Journey
I’m a 59yr old female who’s been diagnosed with Younger Onset Alzheimer’s. About several years ago I knew I was gradually forgetting the littlest things which grew to bigger things (how to get home) . At that point I went to my Neurologist who was seeing me for my Parkinson’s. Now I was in denial however, getting connected…
Hello everyone, I'm new to the group. I've read your stories and am relieved to know I'm not alone in my feelings. So, here's my story… I was officially diagnosed last year at age 54. Hearing the words early onset Alzheimer's shook me to my core! My mom had dementia so I knew/know all too well what may come. Have you ever…
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder/Lewy Body?
Hello! I am new to this message board and would love to get involved with this community. I am a 52 year old female diagnosed with sleep apnea and Persistent limb movement disorder at age 42. I self-diagnosed REM sleep behavior disorder from incidents in the past 20 years where I have injured myself by kicking nightstand,…
New to Alzheimer's
I'm 58 years old and have been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. I would like to talk with those who have early onset also.
New diagnosis, new to group. Having a rough ugly cry day.
I have been very emotional, ugly crying today. Today is hard, others are not- those days I am "numb". I am 41, married for 19 years, I have 5 kids ages 8, 10, 17, 18, 20. I have tested positive for PSEN1 which is one of 3 variants known to cause young onset Alzheimer’s. I have had cognitive symptoms since August 2023. I…
Familial AD
Hi everyone. I am new to this group and am in shock. I recently learned that my father and grandfather both died of EOA. I was adopted so I did not know this history until recently. They both started symptoms in mid 60s and died at 69 and 70. I am devastated, terrified, depressed, lost. I have been reading everything I can…
feeling lost and depressed
Hello everyone, I feel like I need to vent a little bit. I can't talk to my family because I don't want them to be sad. They are feeling worried already. I'm feeling very depressed and wondering what I should do. I'm on antidepressants and meds to help me sleep because I've been having trouble with that lately. I'm feeling…
Why so hard to get diagnosed?!?
:/ I am so infuriated as to why it is so hard to get doctors to take me seriously!! Why does being highly educated, very intelligent and a health professional make doctors think I am "just stressed out." I would not be ruining my career if I did not know that something is happening to my brain!!
Looking for Support: MCI Diagnosis with Normal Test Results at 51
Hi everyone. I'm looking for others who might have gone through something similar. I'm 51 and recently received a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) after experiencing memory issues, headaches, and possibly some minor balance issues. Given that my mother has Alzheimer's (I'm her primary caregiver), this diagnosis…
white matter detected on my brain...
Good evening peeps, I saw my neurologist today and they found some white matter on my MRI which he said could account for my falling, balance problems. He wants to see me back in 3 months after I have another PET scan. He also wants me to go to the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health here in Las Vegas. He…
Early Onset
Hi, I am 59 years old and was just diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. To say the least I am devastated. Lots and lots of ugly crying. I am trying to get my hands around all of this, so many things to do and so many questions? Has anyone ever been on a clinical trial? What was it like? I have started taking…
No idea what to do next…
Hello, my name is Sandy and I am turning 51 years old this coming spring. I have not actually been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s or dementia, but I am in need of help in knowing whether I should accept what my neurologist is telling me or if I should be more aggressive in figuring all this out on my own. A little…
Searching for answers
Hi … my message is very long so please bear with me The following paragraph outlines my current health situation regarding memory and concentration issues. Before and After 2024: A Timeline Before 2024, for 7 years , I had consistent issues with memory, specifically: ● Difficulty memorizing names and faces. ● Forgetting…
Dementia at 45
I was diagnosed with HIV associated dementia after having imaging done due to behavioral and cognitive issues, and long term HIV infection. The last five years have been difficult alone, self isolating, now seeing problems completing everyday tasks or just takes a lot longer. I can't even get into the bathroom to brush my…
Short term memory and spouse
I am 56 and started having memory issues this year and seems more prevalent recently. I dont have a diagnosis yet and see the neurologist in Nov. A recent example is my wife and I went on a hot air balloon ride in Africa. 8 days later she told friends we took the balloon ride and I interrupted her and said no we didnt. I…
Newly diagnosed with Fahr’s Dementia
Hello all, I (59 female) am very happy to have found this group and hope to gain and give support. I was diagnosed with Fahr’s Dementia following a mental health crisis. My once stable anxiety and depression symptoms increased terribly which were accompanied by continued difficulty with my work (Speech Pathologist) and…
Newly diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's I'm 59
Im single and work fulltime. I live paycheck to paycheck. I'm in early/mild , kinda crossing over. I have no idea what to expect. Or any kind of timeline. I have debts and need some direction. There is no long/short term disability where I work. I expect a 2 week severance when they find out. How long will i be able to…
Live womens groups in San Diego area?
Putting this out there to see if there are any early onset women in the San Diego area who would be interested in getting together occassionally. My wife, 65 years old, EO and early stage is interested in meeting other women for support and socialization.
55 and have early/mild Alzheimer's
Just got pet results
I’m freaking out because it appears to me that it’s saying I have ad. Now to wait for my appointment to go over my bloodwork and pet results in two weeks. Unfortunately my family has a strong history of early onset dementia, but still, 42 is the youngest in my family if it’s true. I’m hoping doing some research will help…
Just Diagnosed with AD
Good Morning, New to this group. I was just diagnosed with AD (early stage). I am 60 and I still function at a high level. Because I can function at a high level, it is very difficult to accept this. My biggest fear is that of the unknown. How long am I going to be able function at this level? When will the debilitating…
Did the SLUMS test....outcome....Dementia
Hello, I really don't feel like I belong here bc I don't know all the big test names that everyone else seems to know, but I'm scared and looking for ppl who understand. I've had a brain MRI that came back as normal, But I knew in my heart that something is majorly wrong with my memory, so I requested to have a cognitive…
What is the best way to track cognitive changes?
I have asked my neurologist how I could get a neuropsychological assessment for the MCI that was picked up in a screening. They still have not found a cause. Is this the best way to track cognitive changes to get one of these assessments and have it redone periodically? If so, how often? Or is another method better? I…
Phantom smells
I’m 63 and have had phantom smells for almost 2 years. My primary care doc dismissed them 1+ years ago as Covid-related. Since then I’ve begun having memory problems, definitely a personality change (much crying/depression), and difficulty problem-solving. My mom had EO and my dad some form of dementia. I had a PET scan…
Moderate Sedation with MCI
I’m 51 and scored in the MCI range on a recent cognitive screening when I told a neurologist I felt like I had memory issues. The cause is still being determined. Initial blood tests show it’s likely not Alzheimer’s, though I still have an MRI and sleep eeg. That said, my mother has Alzheimer’s, as likely my paternal…
Mild Cognitive Impairment
Hi, my name is Barb (61 yo), and I am trying to find out more about Early onset Alzheimer’s. I completed Neuropsych testing two years ago and was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment. I feel like I am struggling more so I had the testing redone. I have not heard the results yet, but I know my scores went down. I had a…
Is there any hope?
I am turning 50 at the end of the month, I just got the PET scan done and it says I have AD. I have 4 adult kids and 2 grandbabies that are under 2. Is there any pill I can take?