Welcome! New Forum for Caregivers
This is a new discussion forum for caregivers supporting someone living with Alzheimer's or dementia from a distance. Perhaps you live in a different city or state.
New Here: Dad still driving, working, making treatment decisions, but also raging....
Hi Everyone, I am new here and just looking for support to help my brain from melting. My dad a 78, in good general health. An Engineer/Scientist who is still working in his field. Lives with wife, drives, manages finances, invests, travels, etc. He has been diagnosed with either early dementia or Alzeheimer's (depending…
Kisunla Treatment
I would like to speak to someone who has taken the Kisunla ( elie lilly) infusion treatment or is currently taking the Kisunla treatment. I have just been qualified by Doctor Joseph Cheng to receive this treatment to reduce the amyloid plaque. and before I start the treatment I would like to speak to someone who has taken…
Long distance sister
I am new to this site. I have a sister in a care facility far away. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer about nine years ago and I had to put her in Memory care in 2018. I have traveled back many times to visit and oversee her care. She is a widow with no children and all our siblings have passed away so I am her soul…
Helping caregiver long distance
Hi. I’m new to this group. My niece takes care of my sister who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. They live in the same home together. Please advise how I can support them, especially my niece, an only child who’s raising a teenage daughter. Thank you.
How to handle long distance Mother
First time poster here. My Mom lives in NV I live in MO. For the last 3 years it seems my Mom has signs and symptoms of dementia. No diagnosis and my Mom will not go to a doctor for anything. She is fit, healthy, active but it is clear her cognitive abilities are intermittently affected by “dementia?” She takes no…
Depression since FIL diagnosed
My father in law was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's and I was doing okay with it until I had a really bad nightmare about it the other night. I dreamed that I went to visit him and found him in his car in someone else's driveway. He had gotten lost on the way home and couldn't figure out how to turn the car off. (In…
Helping parents
My mom most likely has Alzheimer's. She is 81. My dad is 83 and caring for her but not doing well ..alot of anger about her losing things. He is frustrated and says things he probably doesn't mean. He's upset because she's not cooking, and she constantly hides things. She then calls me (I'm 59 and out of state) crying…
My brother
I'm new here. My brother has early onset dementia. He lives a few states away from me. He is married to a wonderful person. He is very angry at her. He claims there is too much clutter in the house and wants it all removed by a certain date or he is leaving and moving up by me. I love my brother and we are very close. I am…
New here. Mom with relatively early dementia
I live a long way from my mom, a 4 day drive. She is relatively early in things. Her PCP never actually told her when she wrote dementia on her problem list a few years ago. Recently I went to ophthalmologist’s appointment with her and asked “she has Alzheimer’s, so you should add that to her problem list”. My mom said “I…
Is Sundowning Real?
My grandmother has early stage Alzheimer's. I live a few hours away from her, but whenever I'm on the phone at night she seems much worse. I read an article about sundowning, which apparently is some sort of disorientation thing where after the sun sets, the patient becomes much more confused. Is it real? Can't tell if…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 12/8/24
GOD TEACHES AND LEADS YOU AND ME Isaiah 48:17 New Living Translation “This is what the Lord says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is good for you and leads you along the paths you should follow.” I am always asking the Lord for His guidance. I suspect you do too. He…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 11/19/24
THE LORD BLESSES US Psalm 29:11 New International Version 11 The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. me: When you and I love and obey the Lord, we too are among His people. Lord, You are my God. Thank you for always being with me and giving me the strength and peace I need each day.…
Need some word tracks
My Mom has been in MC for about 5 weeks. She’s not happy to be there but is slowly settling in. I live 6 hours away so most of my interactions with her are over the phone. I struggle with coming up with good answers to the same questions she asks me over and over again. “How long do I have to be here”? “Who do I talk to…
My brother
I just heard from his doctor's office. The doctor doesn't believe that my brother is impaired in any way and he won't do anything to restrict his driving. He seems to think that the MMSE that he administered supercedes the more thorough neuropsychological testing that was done in August. I'm done. There isn't a blasted…
Understanding late stage
Good morning. My mom is mid 80s and was diagnosed 7 or 8 years ago. She is definitely in late stage 7. When I read the chart she hits most of the makers. She no longer can walk and has not been able to do so for a couple of years. She needs assistance for everything. She can no longer hold her head up. She tends to lean to…
Had to separate mom and dad between Missouri and Arizona
Has anyone here ever dealt with needing to separate spouses from each other because of the caregiver situation? My younger sister is able to start caring for my dad because my mom really cannot take care of him. They typically spent their winters in Arizona, but now mom is living back at their home in Missouri, but dad is…
Move her closer to me
Hi, I'm seeking advice from those who have experienced this. Short back story, my wife has been in memory care in Fresno Ca. for 2 1/2 years. Her son lives seven miles from where she is and sees her twice a week. She is currently level six. I live in Boise Idaho. I moved here to be close to my daughters because of health…
New to the group. Need a listener pls
Hi. My dad has dementia and in MC in a dif state. I’m his guardian and take care of things for him but haven’t talked to him in few months as I suffer from ptsd and he’s my trigger. He mailed me a letter of sorts - various scraps of paper, misspellings and incoherent sentences. I can’t stop crying. It’s so hard to see his…
I need to get help for my brother in Las Vegas for in home care I live in San Jose ca and she is getting worse has fallen many times again today
I’m new to this forum, and to Alzheimer’s.
My question is, have any of you seen Alzheimer’s symptoms (in particular, alertness) improve? My relative is apparently in mid-late stages and I haven’t seen this person for almost a year. She has recently been assigned a new caregiver and I just learned she is doing so well she was taken off hospice after being on it for…
Stressed out
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 10/27/24
Dear Caregiver, there are many verses here, so my suggestion: Read a bit now, pray and think about it, and come back later to read a bit more. It is always worthwhile rereading and meditating on familiar verses especially these about love. You give up and do so much because you choose to help someone who needs you. That is…
New person, first post - Trying to be the rock
To say I'm frustrated would be an understatement - my dad was finally diagnosed with dementia/alzheimers along with anxiety, depression, and OCD/fixation. We could sort of see signs of something not being quite right with him a year or so ago and I had to push my mom to get testing done. The first specialist they were…
Daughter of dementia patient: The inevitable?
After my dad’s diagnosis, I’m terrified of getting dementia myself. I grew up with difficulty learning and remembering things effectively while also dealing with anxiety and depression. So I’ve always been kind of like my dad, I found ways around the problem , never actually taking the time to learn…how to learn…until I…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 10/20/24
WORKING FOR PEACE Psalm 4:8 NLT "In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe." Matthew 5:9 NLT Jesus' Words "God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God." THINK ABOUT THIS Do you lose peace often? If so... What tends to make you lose peace? Have you…
GOOD WORKS/MUCH FRUIT John 15:5 NIV JESUS’ WORDS “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit...” Ephesians 2:8-10 NIV “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For…
She wants her car
79 yr old sister-in-law recently admitted to a MC Unit after a fall and broker her arm. We knew she was declining and this accident made us realize she can no longer live alone. We immediately got DPOA & POA Healthcare. She thinks she is in a hotel “that serves meals” and wants us to bring her car so she can go home.…
Dreadful fear and the "Dark Thoughts"
My father died Jan 2nd (1 day before his 86th birthday). He had end stage Alzheimer's and a very aggressive form of cancer which was discovered just 2 weeks before his death. My Mom is seriously struggling with reality. She calls me at LEAST once a day and tells me people are trying to get into the house and that the "dark…
Sometimes you just can't win
So...my brother. He just sent me an email telling me that I was using an old email address for him. I checked. The last two emails that he sent me was from that old address. Now, I have to be certain that I'm using his preferred email address (no matter which one he used) or he'll think I'M confused. Sigh.
Automated pill dispensers
hi. Does anyone know of a good automated pill dispenser? I was on the alzstore.com and I ordered an automated pill dispenser made by med ready and it doesn’t work. For some reason I thought this store was connected with the Alzheimer’s Association, even though it doesn’t say so, and it turns out the return policy is really…