One year to the day
Well, here we are. It's hard to believe that it's been exactly one year since my sister passed away due to "complications of clinically diagnosed Alzheimer's disease", as is stated on her death certificate. In some ways it still doesn't feel real, even though it very much is. I've been reflective today. The other two core…
Grief after loss of mom with Alzheimer’s
Hi there, new to the support forum and hoping I can find any whom are dealing with the grief of losing a mom to Alzheimer’s. I was her sole caregiver for nearly 7-10 years. I’m hoping there’s some other Alzheimer’s daughters out there. How do you handle the combined grief, trauma from caregiving and near debilitating fear…
Medical Marijuana: Anyone w/ experience?
I've been on the regular caregiver's board, but likely should have been here. I'm a 69-year-old man.. My Mom was 91. I was her primary caregiver for two years. She passed two days ago. My heart literally hurts. It's the dull hurt one has during extreme sadness, located just a little left of the center of the chest. She was…
ho perso mia moglie a causa della sindrome Alzheimer/Corpi di Lewy.
Salve sono stato il marito di Margherita, la mia bellissima moglie, giovane intraprendente e amatissima compagna. Dopo alcuni anni di questa malattia incredibile lei se ne è andata lasciandomi solo con due figlie, Alice e Valentina, già grandi. Ma la sua assenza è incolmabile, per me e per loro anche se stanno reagendo…
Day 10
Day 10. Doing laundry. I tried to sort the clothes and came to the black sweater I wore to the visitation and funeral. I can still smell the scents of the people who hugged me and showed me such love. I held it close and cried like a baby. Then I carefully folded it and put it away unwashed. It seems that now that the…
processing/ grief support, not lots of people to relate to
Worst Week of My Life-Rant
This has been the worst week of my life. DH died Tuesday night. That was understandably difficult, but bearable. Wednesday, my car started making a loud noise when I apply the brakes. Thursday I cleaned out his room at the ALF. It was very emotionally difficult. Thursday night the motherboard in my furnace failed. Living…
Looking for someone to help me launch Support Grouo.
I am the Pastor/Chaplain for Holbrook Acworth. I am looking for someone to help me facilitate a monthly support group at our location.
How to get through the holidays
My father passed away from Alzheimer's in July. It's been a rough month since Thanksgiving. I miss having my father around espically around the holidays.
Almost 4 weeks and Christmas
Is there anyone else here just trying to make it through Christmas? I will be so glad when Saturday gets here and the second of two celebrations is done. It’s almost 4 weeks since Mom passed. Every day I made a list of what to do and I might get 1/3rd of it done. November was spent watching Mom pass so I was way behind on…
It’s been a week
7 days since Mom passed away. The graveside service for her and my step-dad isn’t for another six days. I wish it was later today ( it’s 12:47AM). I feel I need it to happen for ‘closure’. My siblings aren’t coming. I don’t think any of my step-siblings will either. Honestly, I don’t care if anyone comes. I just want it…
Hope we can make this board more active
Hello, fellow travelers. DH left this world one month ago, and I am struggling. Both the speed of his departure (seven weeks from first hospital admission to death) and the unexpectedness of it (just over three years since diagnosis) have really leveled me. I have heard from other members of speedy departures after…
Honor those who passed away from Alzheimer's
I want to tell my mother's story about the 12 years she suffered with Alzheimer's. I am in a legal battle with family who all turned their backs on my mother when she needed them the most, all they care about is the inheritance. My mother and I made an verbal agreement 13 years ago that if I moved in to care for her till…
Making my list, checking it twice
Ok, I should probably be thinking kinder thoughts, but I am starting to get mad. It’s been eight and a half weeks since DH died. The first four or five were pretty busy — memorial service to plan, pension and bank and finances to deal with, etc. Now that all of that has settled a bit, it is deathly quiet. Nobody seems to…
Advice request
Hi everyone - this is my first visit to this board. I seem to recognize more names here than I do on the spouse board. It's nice to see all your familiar names. I'm having a problem that all of you would be best to ask for advice. DH is getting closer to finally moving on. It could be weeks, it could be months. Maybe even…
Advice on moving.
My DH passed about a month ago.He had been in high level AL/MC for over 2 ½ years. He had severely disabling Parkinson’s disease and dementia, diagnosed about six years ago, but it went back further than that. I am in the midst of grieving, and overwhelmed with unhappy memories of the last years. Everywhere I go, I see…
It's been almost 17 months since I lost Jan
I was reading last night in bed which I do every night for an hour or more til I get sleepy or can't see the darn print anymore. I started to get the coffee shakes so I got up and got a cup. At the kitchen sink I have a window and on both sides of it she has a big cat she made and painted. It was if I had never seen them…
How I feel one year after DH's death
DH died 1 year ago yesterday. It feels odd. One year is a fairly standard metric for measuring time, but it does not feel real. I remember his death as if it were yesterday. I feel the loss and despair of multiple life times. My heart ache is acute. The brain fog remains. I move forward with sadness that he is gone and…
My Stage 8
My DH passed on 4/17 at 73 after a 12-year journey with AD. The last five were tough years. He was in memory care for 6 mo. After being in a psych unit for a month, due to behavior. He went to a second MC at mid stage 6, developed aspiration pneumonia and was gone in 5 weeks. This week I finished the required paperwork for…
I'm angry and sad
Hello, I'm new to this site and this is my first post. I lost my Mom almost 2 years ago. She had AD and Cancer. I keep thinking that I will feel less sad and angry any day now but I seem to find myself stuck between these two emotions. There were some unresolved issues when my Mom passed and I never could have a…
Coping with grief
My wife passed 8 days ago. I was her full time caregiver for 3.5 years. I read a lot about the grief process and what to expect after a spouses passing. There are 2 things that happen to someone in my situation. A tremendous euphoria comes over you after your spouse passes because the weight of care giving is relieved.…
Gabapentin mimics dementia symptoms
Just wanted to let everyone know if you take Gabapentin for nerve pain, etc. it causes symptoms that mimics Alzheimer's. So much so, that I was 99% sure I had it (also have family history with the disease). Been off Gabapentin for three months now and am feeling much better. If you need help with nerve pain, maybe your…
A Circle of Care
My wife of 57 years passed away three months ago after several years of progressing through the Alzheimer's disease. I thank the members of this website for providing invaluable support and ideas on how to cope. I know what many of you are feeling. Early on I started developing what I called a Circle of Care—people that I…
My great grandmother passed away
My great grandmother passed away due to dementia. Since she was very old, we didn't take her symptoms seriously, which I believe prevented us from detecting dementia early. Looking back, early diagnosis of dementia seems to be the most important thing. She had symptoms of delirium, but we didn't think much of it. It wasn't…
Questionnaire d'enquête
Bonjour à tous, J'effectue une enquête dans le cadre de ma formation qui porte sur "La nutrition peut-elle améliorer les troubles cognitifs dans la maladie d'Alzheimer et les maladies apparentées ?" et j'aurai besoin du témoignage de personnes touchées par cette maladie neurodégénérative ou les aidants d'une personne…
New to alz. just lost a close family member last week; if someone can help with a few questions
Hello, I'm new to the alz.connected I've been in contact with the Alzheimer's Association for 3 years now since I found out our now late cousin had a mild case of dementia. He passed away just a little over a week ago and I took off last Monday for his wake and his funeral was on Tuesday & I took off on Thursday to myself.…
Making sense of where I am now - stage 8
It's been 5 1/2 years since my sister was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's and FTD, and a little over a month since she passed away from it (yeah, early onset does move fast). It's still easy for me to think that she's off somewhere on vacation with no cell service, although we're getting to the outer edges of that…
Battle Buddy -Stage 8
Well I have finally come to Stage 8. It was 7 years of caregiving , with two of those years on Hospice. I kept my husband home the entire time . It’s been 2 weeks since he passed. The funeral was 10 days ago. I have done so much in those 10 days, including painting the room his hospital bed was in. I don’t know how I got…
60falcon, over a year now
Hi. I just felt like I needed to give an update. I lost Pat at the end of August last year. She had EOAD and in her last month of life she went from late stage 6 to passing away. Looking back, it happened too suddenly and I was unprepared for how it would effect me. My devastation and grief was probably normal and…