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Vocabulary Disappearing

Of late I have noticed a drastic change in my DW’s vocabulary. Words don’t come easy if at all. When we go for a walk in the park we normally see lots of squirrels. Today, the squirrels became “damn idiots “. So sad to see the decline especially in the past month.


  • ​fesk
    ​fesk Member Posts: 497
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    It is definitely difficult to watch the ongoing decline. However, if it's a sudden decline, please have her checked by a physician to rule out of UTI or other medical issue if you haven't done so already.

  • jsps139_
    jsps139_ Member Posts: 249
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    We are experiencing the same thing with vocabulary, but not all the time. My DH speaks in phrases at times and nonsensical words other times. He substitutes words … calls the remote a pretzel. Then at times just waves his hands because he cannot verbalize his thoughts. And then there are times that his language is normal. Very confusing to me.

  • sandwichone123
    sandwichone123 Member Posts: 865
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    Loss of words was my dh's primary symptom for a long time. When he couldn't think of words he'd always substitute something. The most common was wanting to go to, "that place…where we had the yummy stuff," and I had to guess the restaurant by playing 20 questions, or driving around playing warmer..colder.

  • cdgbdr
    cdgbdr Member Posts: 114
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    My DH has word finding problems and we are trialing a device where he can identify the picture and get the word.

  • Nowhere
    Nowhere Member Posts: 302
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    Yes, My DH is also struggling with recalling names and generates much less conversation. The car is now the “machine”. The overly ripe bananas in his room are “dead bananas”. The geese are, “animals”. The mountains are “cement”. Seeing our daughter, “There goes someone”. He’s slowly but surely losing the ability to retrieve stored information. He can recognize it though when it’s stated.

  • Sitemsek
    Sitemsek Member Posts: 14
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    Language problems were also my wife's first symptoms. It now includes loss of words, making up words, spelling and numbers/math are a complete mystery to her. On the bright side, we get a lot of laughs out of the words she comes up with. Her best line is that she hears these words the same time I do. God bless her.

  • Buggytoo
    Buggytoo Member Posts: 112
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    The sudden declines are always startling and remind us of the direction this disease is going.

    P.S. I am going to start calling the squirrels "damn idiots."

  • bwanasil
    bwanasil Member Posts: 27
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  • jsps139_
    jsps139_ Member Posts: 249
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    I am sitting on the recliner right now looking out at the beautiful fall trees and the “damn idiots” running up and down the trees.

    Oh, thank you for sharing. These little funny stories that give me a chuckle, and stay with me for a long time, are one of the many benefits that I get from this wonderful support group! I will never look at another squirrel without a smile on my face because of your post.

    I don’t mean to minimize your concern about your DW’s decline, but laughter truly is the best medicine. ❤️❤️❤️

  • bwanasil
    bwanasil Member Posts: 27
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    At least I can have a laugh bc of those idiots.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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