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Do I s*ck at caregiving?


  • sbcspin
    sbcspin Member Posts: 16
    10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions First Anniversary

    I am caring for my husband with "baby-sitter' help to make sure the house doesn't burn down while I run errands, My sisters say I am doing a horrible job because I don't force him to shower or brush his teeth believe me, I try. Toothbrush is always loaded and next to the sink - I provide verbal and visual cues and he says "I'll get to it"

    It's stressfull enough without feeling like a caregiving failure.

    Has anyone else felt this way?

  • sbcspin
    sbcspin Member Posts: 16
    10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions First Anniversary

    • You are my caregiving twin.
    • My sister said to me today, 'you obviously don't love him' if you let him stay in bed.
    • I educate myself as much as possible but there really is no road map.
    • His daughter sent me an email this week that salt water could cure dementia.

    Leave a C

  • Stan2
    Stan2 Member Posts: 114
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    Some were born to be caregivers, but for most of us it was thrust upon us and we do the best that we can. There is no one size fits all answer for how to do this, each of our LO's have different personalities and different needs. whats more, those needs can change day by day. Pay no attention to those who would criticize, they know no better. You will have failures but you will also have small successes, take credit for those, pat yourself on the back once in a while.T

  • Biggles
    Biggles Member Posts: 320
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    You are fantastic, you are brilliant always remember that, anyone who ends up doing this job should be recognised. Criticising is oh too easy and shouldn’t be listened to. I don’t know why people, especially those we are closest to, feel they have the right to criticise and tell us what we should or shouldn’t be doing. With the amount of stress involved loosing your DH little by little, the lack of sleep, the sheer amount of work and the isolation we become so vulnerable and an easy target. I shower with my DH I use a large colourful body scrubber (so I don’t actually have to feel his skin too much) and a lovely smelling medicated piece of soap. Then my turn on my own while he sort of dries himself?? It works for us good luck and buzz the critics off.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 144
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    They just don’t get it. How it is when you constantly remind them. They are resistant and you don’t see any point. In forcing them I understand. My husband is very withdrawn and I have tried. To get him to enjoy some activities he can still do. He really is not very interested. So I give up on suggesting them.

  • ronda b
    ronda b Member Posts: 166
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    Yes. My DH will not take a shower. He is not interested in doing anything, except feeding the squirrel and birds.

  • ronda b
    ronda b Member Posts: 166
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  • Quilting brings calm
    Quilting brings calm Member Posts: 2,688
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    If you suck as a caregiver, well then, you’ve joined a legion of us out here. We are all just doing the best we can, sharing tips that worked, others that don’t. In addition, what worked yesterday might not work today. We all sometimes feel like we should be doing better- but we are only human and all we can do is our best. We get tired, we have physical limitations, emotional limitations, we need time off, etc. There are times our best is better than other times. At least we are doing something. Whether we are 24/7 caregivers, advocating and caring for loved ones in a facility, or aiding family members caring for loved ones.

    Do NOT allow the sisters to live rent-free in your head.

  • Maru
    Maru Member Posts: 97
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    If you are hanging in there, getting him to eat and take his med and are not abusive…you are a terriffic caretaker.

    I am still early in the "game" but DH has already gotten argumenative about brushing his teeth (once). I didn't argue about it and I won't. If he starts sleeping longer and gets upset, I will let him sleep longer. When we get to the point of no bathing, I will buy the large wipes. It is hard enough to watch your loved one slowly erasing you and their kids and everything that made you fall in love with that person. I plan on letting him win all the skirmishes. If and when family members start the "blame game", I will gently insist that they come and be stay for a week and be the caretaker.

    I don't know what I will do if/when he gets to a smelly stage. I am a super taster and super smeller. Grateful that I am also a super hearer. That will serve me well on this journey.

  • ImMaggieMae
    ImMaggieMae Member Posts: 1,079
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    No, you don’t suck as a caregiver if you’re doing the best you can. Lots of good suggestions here about showering and changing clothes. The only thing I would suggest is to do whatever you can to do some form of tooth brushing. I learned the hard way. My DH always took good care of his teeth before dementia. I was more focused on incontinence and showering issues and went for over a year without pushing the toothbrushing. Things went south very quickly and he now has several bad teeth and the anesthetics needed to put him out and pull them would likely affect his cognitive abilities and after care would be extremely difficult in stage 6/7. I use a strong fluoride mouthwash that I brush on his teeth at night with one of those little sponges on a stick and use a finger cover thing to do whatever brushing he will put up with. It won’t make things better but will hopefully help with not making them worse. His dentist says that there isn’t much if any pain, but I still give him Tylenol when I think something may hurt.
    I hand feed him and have for over a year. He still eats well although it takes a couple hours sometimes.
    Do whatever you can to push some type of toothbrushing. It’s amazing how quickly things can go south. Even a good fluoride mouthwash might help if you can keep him from swallowing it.

  • JC5
    JC5 Member Posts: 185
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    No one here asked for this and no one knows what to do especially since each person with this disease has different issues . And guess what we do the best we can and No one has the right to criticize you! they are not walking your walk they should not judge. You are doing the best you can and that is good enough. They should be encouraging, hey maybe even physically helping you and not criticize! Shame on them! It’s a learning curve for us! My DH was showering once a month. I’m working on once a week. His teeth are and always have been horrible and he won’t go to dentist 10 years now! Picking my battles. Just know you are doing the best you can right now. Give yourself some credit. It’s a hard road . All the best

  • CampCarol
    CampCarol Member Posts: 163
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    I cannot imagine how I would react if my sister even insinuated something like that, let alone coming right out and saying it! How dare she…others are right, let her try and walk one day in your shoes. You (and all of us) have been dealt a crappy hand, and we’re all trying our best to keep our LO safe and as happy as can be. I can’t remember the last time my husband showered or brushed his teeth, but I did find a pretty lady barber who will occasionally wash his hair and give him a hot shave (I think he has a little crush on her 🙂), so I will continue to bring him for as long as he will tolerate it. You absolutely don’t s*ck, nobody needs this kind of extra angst, be strong and continue to do the right thing for both DH and you!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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