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Jo C

Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,084
Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions
Haven't seen any posts from you for a while. Just wondering if you're doing ok?


  • abc123
    abc123 Member Posts: 1,171
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  • Marie58
    Marie58 Member Posts: 382
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    I was just thinking the same.
  • Ed1937
    Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,084
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  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear sweet friends, thank you very much for your thoughtfulness in looking out for me.  I am truly deeply touched by your call out.

    My husband and I have had not a single person in our house for almost a year now - nor have we gone anywhere at all.  Husband's last doctor's appt. was several months ago. COVID precaution isolation as DH has diabetes.  Non-contact grocery pickup has been it, but DH does that.

    Had to see the doctor Friday for a troubling skin ailment that was not responding to home care.   My first person to person contact for many months.  No other patient in the office, MD, his nurse and myself all masked.  (Me double masked and gloved.)   We left the office and goodness; out of nowhere  I got dreadfully sick at my stomach and stayed that way for hours into evening - t'was horrible.  Next day still not out of the GI woods.  No elevated temp.  Haven't experienced that stomach sick dynamic in years. 

    Question is; if I picked up a bug, how did I get it with no person to person exposure  -  not even anyone standing outside of the house talking to me - truly nobody; husband is okay and neither of us exposed to anyone at all  as we have stayed isolated.  DH has diabetes so we are extra cautious.  We both eat the same food and had a casserole night before; husband just fine with no problem.

    Anyway, now improved but still feeling a bit less than I usually do.  What the dickens happened since neither DH nor I have had any exposure to anyone leaves me puzzled.  Guess it will stay that way. 

    Just have felt flat and not up to snuff - I do drop in to check on things now and then, but haven't felt like writing.

    Long story; thank you for letting me whine.  As said, I am so very heartfelt touched that someone was checking to see if I was okay; thank you again.   Your are all so dearly awesome.

    With my affection to this wonderful, wonderful group of people,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Jo,  Sorry you have not been feeling well.  Hope you are feeling more up to snuff soon.
  • abc123
    abc123 Member Posts: 1,171
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    Dear Jo, I'm so glad you posted! I think just about everybody was thinking about you and wondering! I'm sorry to hear about the "bug" you had to deal with! It's a mystery for sure! Glad you are on the mend. I hope you continue to get back to normal. Thanks again for responding and a BIG THANKS to our buddy Ed! Ed you truly are a blessing to us all, as is Jo.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Dear Jo,

    Thank You for letting us know you are O.K. I am sorry you had a bad stomach ache but lets hope thats all it was. Please rest till you feel better. Hugs Zetta  

  • Ed1937
    Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,084
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions
    Jo, thanks for letting us know you're OK. Sorry you had to fight a bug, but it sounds like you're heading in the right direction now. Get some rest, then get back with us when you feel better.
  • JJAz
    JJAz Member Posts: 285
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments


    So sorry that you've been ill, but delighted that you've responded and are OK.  Stay safe.  The group needs you.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hi Jo,

     Hope you're feeling much better by today.  Sometimes we got those upsets and never know where they came from.  In fact, I'm sort of in that problem today.  Like you, haven't seen anyone nor eaten anything unusual - just not up to par. 

     Are you taking anything for it or did you?  Maybe Pepto Bismol.  I keep that on hand all the time.  Do wish they could figure out how to make it taste better.

     Good to hear from you.  I've been wondering about you as have the others.  I miss reading your posts.  Hopefully, you'll be fully recovered in a day or so. 

  • amicrazytoo
    amicrazytoo Member Posts: 169
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    Glad you are on the mend. We are a family here, when someone who is here most of the time drops out of sight, it's noticed. You are loved Jo C.
  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,710
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    Jo I almost hesitate to bring it up, but did you consider getting covid tested?  These new strains are so worrisome, and I know it can be a GI illness for some.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    A basket filled with thank you's is sent to everyone.   Your concern and reaching out warms my spirit and I feel thankful for all of you.  It truly does mean so very, very much. 

    Hello M1, that COVID thought first entered my mind too except neither DH nor myself have been out of the house for months, (except non-contact grocery pickup), nor has anyone come into our house or to our porch door in over six months plus except mail or UPS deliveries.  No face to face with any human for us except for the day I got sick when I had a doctor's appt. for a skin condition.   I was the only patient; doctor, nurse and myself were well masked and gloved.    I got sick at my stomach about 15 minutes after leaving the Dr.'s office.  Afebrile, no other COVID symptoms including taste/smell issues,  (not everyone gets loss of taste/smell.)  Doctor's office was informed as things got so bad I called later in the day and asked for Zofran prescription, so doctor was aware but said no need to test. 

    Dr's. RN called next day to check and see how I was doing and if I had other symptoms or fever.  Glad she did, good to be reminded. I checked my temp every day for awhile even though not everyone with COVID runs a temp.  Since I am an old broad, longer in the tooth and well past the time to join AARP, if it was the dread virus I probably would have exhibited more longer lasting symptoms or harsher ones perhaps.

    If symptoms had continued, I definitely would have found a place to get tested.  I seem to be doing okay now with only a rare fleeting slight queasiness which seems to be stopped by putting something in my tummy.   Now if only I could find a clinical place to get a vaccine. Due to a long list of allergies to meds and scallops, it would be best if I got the vaccine in a clinical setting rather than sitting in our car or at a pharmacy.  Ah, M1; I shall have to put you on retainer.  Will you accept badly written verse?  I was not the billion dollar Lottery winner. Drats!  

    Yet . . . . 

    If I should still feel concern and test, I am listening. It reminds me of that Shakespeare quote . . ."something wicked this way comes."

    Love is sent to all, wish I could hug each and every one of you,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    JoC reach out to your physicians office.  Know Zetta went through her physician and that is my plan too if nothing changes.  Do you have an electronic chart?  My health care system sent me an email saying each of us will be notified when we are eligible and then we will go to our electronic chart and make an appointment.  Zetta said hers was very organized and well ran.  Just a thought.  (((JoC)))
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Very good idea Sayra. I spoke to my doctor the day I went in.  He said he knew of no clinic or hospital settings that had the vaccine; he keeps close tabs on that, and that no physician's office has the vaccine.   Med Centers got vaccines only for staff.  Our California vaccine rollout has been a debacle and sorely mismanaged.  Despite the vaccine shortage and bad rollout and still increased cases along with a growing number of the UK mutation  - LA County is a veritable pool of virus - the governor of the state has lifted a myriad of restrictions - salons, barbershops, nail shops, gym, any personal care sites now open; restaurants open for sidewalk eating; grocery stores and other shops no longer held to partial capacity . . . full on open.  All a bit too soon to many expert professionals.

    This of course gives the wrong idea to short sighted people and to those who feel entitled.  We of course are headed for another huge spread which will mean that closures will come again and businesses will be in worse shape than ever than if we got the numbers way down.   Couple that with the no-maskers as well as a big sports event coming up which has been announced as a potential "super-spreader event," this seems quite a disappointing lack of foresight and management.

    Our governor has been taking a bad political hit including recall petitions that were being well signed, so whether this was a political move or not, I do not know with certainty.  The openings have raised much questioning and outright criticism.  Sometimes I just wonder what in the world . . .

    Thanks for the suggestion a good idea for anyone seeking the vaccine.  Our physcian said it is highly unlikely that the MD offices will get vaccine, that is too bad as that would be a helpful  humane way of getting everything out on a schedule.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Jo..stress and anxiety can cause nausea...you have had a lot of that lately....maybe the Dr visit was the straw.
  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,710
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    Glad you're feeling better regardless.  I haven't heard of many fomite-transmitted cases (through objects), but I think the story about that is not over and will continue to evolve with these new strains too.  

    I'm helping our county with their testing/vaccine program and was able to get vaccinated because of that, but it's just awful everywhere.  I suppose we've known since the getgo that demand was going to outstrip supply for a while, but the complete lack of planning on the federal level is just so sad.  I was able to get my partner vaccinated too, and I don't feel guilty about that because she's nearly 80 with a lymphoma, but I was only able to get her an appointment because they had sent me an email link to the scheduler for myself.  I thought to look to see if I could use it for her, and all the appointments were booked, but while I was online someone cancelled, and I was able to grab it.   Was complete dumb luck.  Like I say, I don't feel guilty, but it's extremely, extremely unfair.  

    Double up on your masks, everyone:  look online for N95 (still hard to find), KN95 (Chinese equivalent), or Korean equivalent (I don't know the number), and look before you buy to be sure they have emergency use authorization.  Cover it with a cloth mask too, and DON'T wear it below your nose as so many people are doing.  This double-masking is going to be the best we can do until vaccine production ramps up.  Vinyl gloves in the grocery store are also not a bad idea if you can find them.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Welcome back Jo C!  I have had on rare occasion, about once a year or so, an episode of seemingly spontaneous vomiting and G.I. upset, fortunately lasting briefly.  I'm glad you're feeling better now.

    I put my name on the list for a vaccine.  Last Saturday I drove to the Health Department, hoping to be able to be a walk-in, but they were strict about taking only people with appointments.  At 10 am there were about two hundred cars in line, wrapping way around the corners and down Redondo.  

    I received an email telling me to be patient, because the supply they receive is erratic; it might take weeks or even months before they get to me.  And I am in a high risk category, too.  My 89 year old neighbor, who belongs to Kaiser Permanente, was called and given an appointment at one of their medical centers.  I suppose we just have to continue to wait, and continue to socially distance and everything else.  Actually, I'm beginning to like the quiet.  

    Stay well, Jo!  I hope you and your DH get vaccines soon!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I just read in today's paper that LBMemorial Medical Center will be available as a vaccination site.  Perhaps some of their other locations will open up, too.  


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Hello Jo.  There's an interesting report on the front page of today's newspaper Sat 2/20 regarding your experience.  

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I got my first Covid vaccine!  I logged on to the cvs.com site yesterday and got an appt for today.  I went in and got my temperature taken, and got my barely perceptable shot about five minutes later.  I waited 15 minutes and was given the okay to leave.  It's been four hours, no side effects yet.  I already have an appt scheduled for four weeks from today.  I feel relieved, I feel like I just got paroled from COVID jail!  Hospitalizations are down 80%!  Covid is on its way OUT! I'm still masking and distancing and washing my hands, though.  


  • Ed1937
    Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,084
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    That's great, Iris. I know you were worried about it.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Iris,   Congratulations on getting your 1st shot and I know the relief you must have felt. I got my 2nd one this past Wed and I really felt relief knowing that I had had both of them. I hope things are starting to get better for all of us., Hugs Zetta

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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