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noticeable changes after the Moderna Vaccine

LadyTexan Member Posts: 810
Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments 25 Care Reactions 25 Likes

DH and I had our 2nd Moderna vaccine yesterday morning.

Today, I feel fluish and fatigued. This is in line with the literature I reviewed prior to the vaccine.

DH is off balance, confused and his tremors are noticeably more pronounced. In addition, DH is having hallucinations which is a completely new behavior for him. Maybe he is reacting to going to another environment for an event that is uncommon for us. Maybe he developed a UTI. I am keeping an especially watchful eye over DH. 

I am not linking the vaccine to the significant changes. I am sharing our experience. The changes are significant enough to cause me concern. I will contact the med center. 

I hope the hallucinations subside promptly. I have no experience responding to hallucinations. I welcome your guidance regarding the hallucinations. He is not afraid of what he is seeing, so that is good (I guess).

Thanks for listening. This has me a little shook up this morning.


  • riajean
    riajean Member Posts: 98
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Care Reactions

    Dear Lady, my DH and I will be getting our 2nd Moderna vaccine tomorrow.  Trying not to be scared.  The first one had me so over the edge with anxiety, I almost passed out, but it wasn't the vaccine, it was my fear of it.  I, too, am a bit concerned over any effects that might present themselves after this second vaccine.  First, hoping YOU feel better soon; and second, hoping nothing significant comes from it. 

    I'm sorry your husband is feeling off.  There've been some who have reported this can happen.  You don't say how/what he is hallucinating, and maybe just distracting him, giving him cold water to drink, putting on a movie might help?  Music seems to be the ultimate for my DH, prompting him to whistle and gets his distracted for quite awhile.

    My DH's overall symptoms are random.  He had tremors in his legs a few times, now nothing.  He was incontinent and wet himself a few times, and then nothing till yesterday when it happened again.  He's off/on with things, so it's hard to know what to expect.  Thank you for sharing your experience.  Please let us know if / when you both feel better. 

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Hi LT,

    Is he seeing and or hearing things or people who are not there, for example? Glad that he is not alarmed, but I understand how you are feeling about that. It shook me up when my DH's hallucinations started a while back, too. There are some threads on hallucinations if you search.

    I try to take them in stride now, as it is a daily thing. My staying calm always helps. Like Teepa Snow validation techniques, and other advice on these boards, it may help to stock up on some matter of fact responses to reassure, distract and divert for now. For us, this was the reason Seroquel was started as he was responding in dangerous ways to his initial hallucinations (about non-existent intruders). And his 3 UTIs in the last year ramped it up with no warning, even despite his regular meds.

    I hope you are right that the stress and new activity of getting vaccinated may have triggered this and it will subside in a couple of days. I'll bet it would help, at minimum if you both can get some rest (melatonin?) while generally expected effects of the 2nd vaccine subside. Good luck to you for a restorative weekend for you both, and that he returns to baseline quickly.

  • Joe C.
    Joe C. Member Posts: 944
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    Sorry to hear your dealing with these side effects and hope they pass soon. I was really wiped out the day after my second Moderna shot but DW did not seam to have any side effects. As for the hallucinations, as long as he is not afraid, my advice would be not to tell him they are not real. DW has delusions (hallucinations?) about the people in the mirror. Mostly they are her friends, so as long as she is not afraid I play along and talk to them as well.
  • abc123
    abc123 Member Posts: 1,171
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    I certainly hope you and DH get back to base ASAP. I had my first injection of Moderna vaccine on the 11th. Felt fine the rest of the day. The 12th and 13th I slept straight through. On the 14th I had my energy back but was dizzy and felt high as a kite all day. No aches, no fever. By Saturday I was back to normal.  Hopefully someone will come along to help you with DH’s hallucinations. I wish you both the best.
  • LadyTexan
    LadyTexan Member Posts: 810
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    I spoke with the Med Center's Emergency Department. The healthcare professional that answered the phone stated that DH's symptoms are likely related to his body fighting a fever caused by the 2nd vaccination. I took DH's temp when I got off the phone and sure enough he has a fever. 

    She stated that if the symptoms worsen or do not subside in 2 days to bring him in.

    His current symptoms are:

    • temperature of 101
    • abdominal pain on his left side
    • lack of balance
    • occasional body jerks
    • more significantly pronounced and more frequent tremors
    • confusion 
    • hallucinations
    Thank you for the guidance regarding the hallucinations. As always, thank you for listening and your kindness and support.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    please let us know how tomorrow is...
  • LadyTexan
    LadyTexan Member Posts: 810
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    DH and I are both feeling worse.

    DH wanted to take a shower. He rejected my assistance using our walk in shower that has a shower seat. Since he is so unsteady on his feet, I talked him into a bath instead. As you might have expected, he was unable to get out of the bathtub after the bath. I finally called the EMTs for a lift assist.

    The EMTs were kind and professional. I explained to them that DH had Alzheimer's, that he was confused, that he was currently unable to follow simple instructions. That didn't stop them from asking him to lift his left leg higher or move towards them. I get it. I provided instructions too, even when he was not registering what I said.

    This has been an eye opening day. DH is not tracking what I am saying. DH has gotten lost in our home 3 times. He is unaware of what to do with his body and is unable to follow simple instructions. He is very sensitive to touch. DH still has a fever, as do I.

    My sister will deliver groceries soon. Thank goodness.

    I would like to manage this storm in our home. I can only imagine that going to the hospital would create even more confusion for DH.

  • LadyTexan
    LadyTexan Member Posts: 810
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments 25 Care Reactions 25 Likes


    DH went to bed about 3:30 pm yesterday afternoon and slept through the night except for going to the bathroom. DH stated he feels better today. He definitely looks better!

    • DH does not appear to be scared, confused, or uncomfortable.
    • DH is more steady on his feet. He is not hunched over or shuffling like he was yesterday.
    • DH's tremors are back to baseline.
    • DH and I are able to communicate more effectively.
    • DH has not complained about pain.
    • DH has been playing with the dog and joking around.

    As I mentioned, yesterday was a true eye opener. I learned:

    • I am not strong enough to lift DH (yet). 
    • I realized I need to be educated on effective communication when DH doesn't understand me. Yesterday, I tried to give simple instructions, clearly and calmly. DH was not registering what I was saying. I hope Teepa Snow has some videos that will help me in this regard.
    • I need to enhance my skills and build my strength when it comes to transferring DH.
    • There is a limit on the care I can provide to DH. I may not be able to care for DH at home for as long as I would like. I am just not physically capable. There is no shame in that. I think it is better to realize that now, than to kid myself.
    Thank you everyone for your support. I was so rattled by what was happening. I'm still feeling a little crummy and fluish. I can rest better knowing that DH is more comfortable, aware and steady.
  • Doityourselfer
    Doityourselfer Member Posts: 224
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    Lady Texan,  Good to hear you're both feeling better.
  • Beachfan
    Beachfan Member Posts: 790
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    Lady Texan,

    Glad you are feeling better!  If it’s any consolation, as I was being carted off by ambulance after passing out in a holly bush the day following my second Moderna shot, the EMT told me, “You are fortunate.  Your body is reacting to the vaccine just as it should and fighting off the virus.....”. 6 hours in the ER and a 7K bill later (thankfully all but $40.00 covered by Medicare and supplemental insurance), I am re-evaluating my “luck”.  DH, on the other hand, never skipped a beat.  Go figure.

    All is well now and I don’t miss the mask.  I will prep for a booster shot by drinking gallons and gallons of water and Gatorade.  (I was treated for dehydration and low potassium.)

  • riajean
    riajean Member Posts: 98
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Care Reactions

    Beachfan, that's just downright SCARY!  Hard to read as someone who's just gotten her 2nd vaccine.  Praying, PRAYING, nothing like that happens to me as my husband wouldn't have a clue what do do!!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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