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Uptick in USA covid deaths.

Crushed Member Posts: 1,442
Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Likes 100 Care Reactions
Despite all the vaccination effort there has been an uptick in 7 day average Covid deaths over the last few days.  The average hit a low on June 4 and is up about 10% since then


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  • Quilting brings calm
    Quilting brings calm Member Posts: 2,403
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    I expect the counts to  go up this summer. I know heat is supposed to make the virus more difficult to spread. However things are reopening. Our state fully opened  today, only  masks are to be worn in certain places and/ or by unvaccinated people. We all know that many unvaccinated people also feel they should not have to wear masks. So I anticipate those people will make each other sick. 

    By fall and winter, virus variant 25 will be around, we will need boosters and be unable to get them quick enough. So the mess will begin again in  high numbers.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh yes, things are percolating.  It does indeed seem as though there are many who think that COVID is no longer an issue - boggles the mind.  Victoria's analogy is spot on.  People cannot see it, feel it or taste it and the opening of the cities and towns gives them psychological viewpoints that permits them to prance about openly without care as though nothing has happened or is happening.  Others do believe the issue is still on the table, but more and more are careless not consistently masking properly and not hand washing as they had been doing.  That was a reporting observation and one I have seen myself.

    With the states loosening, cautious behaviors seem to be becoming an exception for large numbers of people.  The India Variant is well spread across the country and is considered much more virulent which does not bode well at all.   Those who have had two vaccinations have an 88% protection from this mutation; that is not fully comforting.

    Had a haircut this last week, wore my mask though I am vaccinated.  My beautician was not masked but she had also been vaccinated. We were the only ones in the shop as it was early.  Two chairs over, another beautician came in the salon about a half hour later.  She was not wearing a mask and began touting that she has NOT had a vaccination and never, ever will.  She then went on to harangue about how those who are vaccinated are only guinea pigs.  She regaled that the drug companies purposely put prions into the vaccines and that in ten years the rest of us will be coming down with mad cow disease . . . . further, the drug companies do not share what they put in their vaccines and do this because they purposely contaminate them.  No vaccine for her or her LOs; she is "too smart" for that.

    I did try to share info regarding prions and where to find the list of what goes into the vaccines which is available online.  But she was on a full tilt blather so I shut up.

    She finally put a mask on when her client came in, BUT she put it on only over her mouth; she did not cover her nose at all which of course is the worst reservoir for the virus and for spreading the virus.  So off she goes with her face closely over her client's face at the shampoo bowl and again her head near her client's head while doing her hair with the mask slipping from her mouth as she talked.  Oh my stars and garters!

    Last week, the news did a bit on a local man who stole over 550 vaccination cards from a vaccine center he was working at.   His intent was to sell them to others to fake their having been vaccinated.  Also on national news a week or so ago was the bit that searching the web to obtain false vaccine cards had risen 1100%.  Eleven hundred!   So . . . it is up to the rest of us to continue to take precautions.  This is like a very bad scifi movie written by a teenager.

    Was also not surprised that the first cruise ship that took ONLY vaccinated travelers who also tested negative for COVID prior to sailing had on return, two of the passengers positive for COVID when they docked after the cruise.   I have to continue to remind myself that not all of us will be highly protected by the vaccine. Sure would like to know how well my immune system  accepted all of this.

    So here we are, each individually responsible for our continuing down the masked trail with our Purell and hand soap.  Knit one, purl two . . . . ad infinitum it seems.


  • Stuck in the middle
    Stuck in the middle Member Posts: 1,167
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    Jo C. wrote:

    Knit one, Purell two . . . . ad infinitum it seems.

    Fixed it for you 
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I read on a site today (can't remember which one) that there are 20,000 persons in the U.S. hospitalized with Covid-19. That is the lowest number since March 20, 2020.
  • Crushed
    Crushed Member Posts: 1,442
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    BethL wrote:
    I read on a site today (can't remember which one) that there are 20,000 persons in the U.S. hospitalized with Covid-19. That is the lowest number since March 20, 2020.

    You have to be very careful with the data Michigan and Maryland for example have very similar hospitalization rates per million but Michigan has a far higher death rate

    We are well within short term statistical reporting error   But do recall this is an infectious disease.  One person gives it to another.  Even 350 deaths a day is a huge number.  As a comparison, many people worry about being murdered by a stranger.   The rate of "stranger homicide" in the USA   is about 10 per day.  (you are far more likely to be murdered by someone you know or live with)  Those are about 40 per day

    Being killed by another driver is about 20-30 per day

  • Stuck in the middle
    Stuck in the middle Member Posts: 1,167
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    Covid infections are rising rapidly where I live.  Tourist season, people come here in busloads.  And it's the new variety that has India burning bodies in parking lots because the crematoria are overwhelmed.  

    We lost a 31 year old man to Covid last week, who was a star athlete in high school.  He was a leader in some of the local charities, and is much missed.

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DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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