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Caregivers, I Love and Thank You All!

You may not hear it often enough, and unfortunately, definitely not from the people from whom it would mean the most, but don’t let that make you doubt that you are loved and appreciated.  Having recently joined this board, I thank and love you for your presence.  I thank and love you for the ability to share, and I especially thank and love those who have the courage to cry out in being overwhelmed, guilty, lost and just unable to know what to do or expect.  I thank and love you all. Why?  Because as one who sits in unfavorable awe of this disease, and role as caregiver, I have learned to depend and lean on all of you – and you let me, and you don’t even know it.  Anytime I have a question or am feeling some kinda’ way or is confused or scared, I come here, and someone has already felt it and cried it out, angered it out, puzzled it out.  All I have to do is find that question that gives voice to what I am going through, who was courageous enough, overwhelmed enough, scared enough to have already asked that question.  And then I can find comfort in all who respond, who shares their experience with what is scaring me, who shares their tips on how to address what I am confused about.  Yes, Care Givers, I thank and love you all because God blessed you with gifts you never knew you had, even when you wish you didn’t have it and quite frankly, never wish you had to find out.  Whether the torch was picked up by you, given to you, or thrust upon you unwillingly, you hold it.  Know that it is not just how you are dealing with your loved one, but also how you are lifting and sharing with the rest of us.  Your walk, your struggle edifies me, affirms me that what I may feel sometimes in pain and anger is not something that I should feel guilty about, and validates me that I am not alone in dealing with any part of this disease.  Being here, being present, is one of the best gifts to your brothers and sisters who are treading before you, with you and after you.  And for that,  I Thank and love you all for walking this cobbled path.  


  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,788
    1,500 Care Reactions 1,500 Likes 5000 Comments 1,000 Insightfuls Reactions
    You bring tears to my eyes.  You just did the same thing.  Thank you for such an articulate expression of what we all feel.
  • Marta
    Marta Member Posts: 694
    Legacy Membership 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Where is the like button?
  • Hal42
    Hal42 Member Posts: 35
    10 Comments First Anniversary

    WOW! Thank you for your post, the4thone. You put into words what I’m unable to. I’m new here, having just joined last evening and have been looking through various posts. I, too, appreciate  the input from others. I have a hard time putting my thoughts on paper so if I should offend anyone with a post, let me know, ok? God Bless!

  • Mlewis501
    Mlewis501 Member Posts: 24
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments
    The club we didn't want to join.... but so thankful that I have a place to ask questions, seek advice, and not feel so alone.  Thank you for your kind words.... We are in this together!  I too thank all who have shared their experiences. It has meant the world to me!
  • glitterqueenscare
    glitterqueenscare Member Posts: 36
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments
    Dear 4th one,
    I have been thinking about you and your June 1 date ever since you responded to my post awhile ago.  I prayed for you and your family and of course your loved one, I hope it was an easy transition.  I am sure you are all still working through it.  

    I think all we can do sometimes is pray for one another, I know a lot of us pray for one another on these boards quietly without them ever knowing too.  We lift one another up, I hope you felt that on that day you dreaded.  I appreciate you posting this tonight, this needs to be remembered and felt by us all.

    Take care and thank you for your response to me, it was very comforting too.

  • The4thOne
    The4thOne Member Posts: 40
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments

    Thank You, Glitter.  The day went OK.  The days since have caused me more angst.  The nursing home has already had some missteps that I am trying to keep my cool about, as she has only been there 2 weeks.  I'm allowing that it is the period of adjustment which I anticipated.  Admittedly, I have made it clear, in a nice but subjective way, that I expect that at any time I randomly show up, my mother will be a symbol of nursing attention at it's finest. I know 2020 hit nursing homes in the pocket in a big way, and so financial recuperation is based on capacity and getting those beds re-filled as soon as possible.  However, while there are 114 beds, # 115 has a name, and her name is Dorothy, and I am her Committed, Spirit Filled, Anytime Visitor, Warrior Queen Advocate! 

    I Thank You and all of you for your prayers, and as was shared the prayers for all of us.  I've decided to take an attitude of gratitude.  Her doctors, her homecare givers, all did their best to help us keep her home for as long as we could, so I am focusing on what was good in this.  I Thank God that she is safe, with professionals who know how to handle the behaviors we struggled with. Love is why we elevated her to her next level of care, and so I am grateful that it is available.  

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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