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What a joke!

Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,084
Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions
I went to the grocery store this morning. It's the only one that is close by. They put a big sign on the doors where you walk in. It said something like "If you are not fully vaccinated, a mask is required". Of course nobody asked for proof of vaccination. I wore a mask (and I am fully vaccinated), but I felt as if the only ones wearing a mask were the ones who were vaccinated. If masks are not required for everybody, why would they think someone who would not be vaccinated to protect themselves, would wear a mask to help stop the virus from others? If they wanted to come across as being responsible, that didn't work for me. Just the opposite.


  • JoseyWales
    JoseyWales Member Posts: 602
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 25 Likes

    Ed, there's a county between you and me - LaGrange - that has a 19% vaccination rate. Almost no one there wears masks in any of the stores. I think the vaccination rate is about 39% in my county. 

    I can count one hand the number of people in our Walmarts/Targets/grocery stores who are wearing masks. Including kids between the ages of 2-12 who are not possibly vaccinated.

  • Beachfan
    Beachfan Member Posts: 790
    Sixth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    I saw an ad on FB or TV or somewhere that said, “If you won’t take the vaccine because you don’t trust doctors or medical science, will you go to the hospital to get treated for COVID?”  Food for thought.  I am worried for my grandchildren and all the other little kids (and folks) who are not eligible for the vaccine.
  • JoseyWales
    JoseyWales Member Posts: 602
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 25 Likes
    I'll also add that I work in an elementary school building. Masks are optional this year. Not a single child wears one. Of course last year the masks that they wore were disgustingly dirty and often wet, so at least I'm not dealing with that.
  • Ed1937
    Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,084
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    It's too bad this thing has become so politicized. I really fear for our country.

    How are they handling schools where you are, with masking? Over here, there was quite a fight about masking policies, but I think more are requiring masks now. Threat of the virus is not getting better, that's for sure.

    EDIT: Never mind, you already answered that.

  • JoseyWales
    JoseyWales Member Posts: 602
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 25 Likes

    There are those mask fights at a lot of schools around here, too. I haven't followed your area so much, but FW schools announced they were going to require them last week, and the more rural district on our south border announced a mask requirement. We only require them on the bus, but that's a federal public transportation requirement.

    We'll require anyone to quarantine if they're a close contact, unless you've had a vaccine. We'll end up with a lot of students quarantined this year, I think. Last year there were only 4 students in our building who ever tested positive, because at that time it didn't really seem to infect the younger children. 

    At the end of the last school year somewhere around 10% of our entire district's staff had turned in proof of vaccination. This year they've said we'll have to use sick days if quarantined, and then no pay once you're out of sick days. I think that will push more to vaccinate. I know of parents who have not yet vaccinated their older children, but might now so they don't need to quarantine. 

  • DrinaJGB
    DrinaJGB Member Posts: 425
    100 Comments First Anniversary

    This has become such a red hot issue here in Texas. We are in the most conservative county and there are many who do not wear masks, and many more un-vaccinated. I fear for my granddaughter returning to school who is too young for vaccine. I got my DH and myself vaccinated back in March when the lines were long, but still I do not take him anywhere unless it is a doctor's appointment. It is too scary now.I still wear a mask when I go anywhere. I simply do not get the attitudes regarding keeping oneself safe from a deadly pandemic. It is as if all common sense has flown out of the window.

      My daughter and I butted heads this past winter right after the big freeze. I became upset that her MIL had flown down from Florida (pre-vaccine days) for a little visit for 2 weeks. I was beside myself with fear for their safety. When I asked them what they could be thinking my daughter became angry with me for stating my concern and we did not speak for a few weeks. I still believe I had every right to be angry and fearful and that the MIL who came from the epicenter for covid---crossed through 2 airports and a plane ride should Never have come down for a 2 week stay. She was risking the life of my family and it still makes me angry to think about it.

     My DH was struck down by a viral invasion of the brain. Not only did he nearly die and was placed on life support on a ventilator for weeks--but it completely changed our lives. How could my daughter not remember all of that and act so flippant about this covid virus that also attacks brains? It doesn't make any sense to me but maybe I am missing something.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh  gosh, Ed; I get what you are saying and I also feel what you are saying.   I too am fearful for our country - this has been a beyond dreadful last few years that I never. ever could have foreseen or thought of in earlier years. Everything, even life saving actions have become politicized to the nth degree.  I cannot even attach sufficient adjectives to it.  Really beyond my ken.

    Something really big took place for me this morning regarding California and the ongoing striving to protect people with best practics as proven by science.   What I heard stunned and really shocked me.  Our state, California, is in the midst of a political driven recall election against our present governor; voting will take place in a few weeks.  There are a huge number of candidates running against the present governor; but only one is at the top who is actually nose in nose with the present governor for who will be or remain governor for the rest of the term.  Please read on:

    This state has mandated masking when in indoor places, as well as mandated vaccinations for some groups.  ALL school staff as well as staff in hospitals, doctor's offices, clinics, nursing home, and other indoor healthcare sites MUST have vaccinations by the end of the month.  Realizing there was a gap, they are now working on mandating vaccination requirements for Home Health,  Hospice nad other patient care entities.  The thought is that these staff members are close to the most at-risk groups which need protection.

    Masking is already required in all indoor public places as well  as proof of vaccination to get into bars, restaurants, movie theaters and other indoor sites is required.  Mandates had to be done secondary to those who do not take precautions who flout masks and vaccination as well as many ethically compromised who lie through their teeth about having been vaccinated and move forward with unmasked faces and gathering without distancing while spreading their infectious largesse. 

    California as is every state, is having an increase in COVID cases, but overall due to masking and vaccinations is doing far better than many other states with lower numbers due to masking mandates, etc. . . . BUT:

    The top candidate running against the existing governor made a statement that I heard with my own ears from his own lips this morning.

    IF this person is elected, he will rescind present orders and forbid mandatory masking as well as mandatory vaccination!

      What?????   Are we to lose the low rates of COVID and protection of others including children and become like Florida and Texas??  I do not understand - except perhaps it is political; playing to a particular base for future political gain beyond being even governor. 

    Why would someone even conceive of doing this - it is unfathomable to choose to be the instrument for a hugely significant number of preventable illnesses and deaths.

    For shame..

  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,715
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    I am in Williamson County, TN.  Our local school board meeting was featured in the Washington Post, PBS Newshour, NBC National News, and Washington Week this week, as well as being cited by President Biden.  So proud!!  It's the Wild Wild West out here.  And this is the wealthiest county in TN, sadly.

    I signed my partner up for a third shot today (lymphoma qualifies).

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Would suggest if you would like a mask that will be much better at protecting your child or you as an adult, go to YouTube and search for Aaron Collins. He will give you very good information on this.  He is an engineer who has put a lot of time in researching protective masks.
  • DrinaJGB
    DrinaJGB Member Posts: 425
    100 Comments First Anniversary
    Good luck California with your governor election. As far as our clueless governor here in Texas, and the resulting catastrophe he has caused---I agree with Willie Nelson who recently sang in a protest in Austin-- "vote him out!" . Yes.
  • JJ401
    JJ401 Member Posts: 312
    Sixth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Care Reactions

    We went to a funeral (brother-in-law) last week. It was short, about 20 minutes, in the chapel at the Veteran’s cemetery. Of the about 40 mourners, five of us were wearing masks. DH, me, two severely compromised brothers-in-law, and a niece. I knew one was unvaccinated before we went. But, in talking afterward, I found out six were unvaccinated. Plus, the undertaker was not masked.

    We had to gather in a spot outside the area to process to the chapel. I saw a niece handing out masks, but no one she handed them to wore them, and neither did she. The wife of one of the severely compromised brother-in-law didn’t wear one either. She held one in her hand.

    We were in the chapel at the Veteran’s cemetery. Masks were supposed to be required. The honor guard, who were outside and visible through a floor to ceiling window, were masked. But, most of the mourners just ignored the rules. 

    I don’t get it. 

    But, I noticed an increase in mask wearing at church tonight. We were down to about 25% masked. Tonight we were up to about 40% masked. All the children who looked too young to be vaccinated were masked, and their parents were too. 

  • Crushed
    Crushed Member Posts: 1,442
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    The USA is conducting the largest public health experiment in history . We are comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated response to disease .  The VOLUNTARY UNVACCINATED CONTROL GROUP are dying at about 650  per day . The vaccinated group perhaps 1 per day . The experiment will  run until at least 100,000 unvaccinated people die since vaccination has no effect on deaths for 5 weeks The death count in the unvaccinated control group should hit about 2000 per day in 28 days . After that point it depends on whether people stay in the control group or go to the vaccinated group . If no action is taken deaths will continue to rise

    Nothing can be done about deaths over the next 35  days ,

     The national known infection fatality ratio  KIFR is 2.5% on a 28 day lag.  Given the current 7 day infection rate of 121,000 per day it projects to 3000 per day in 28 days .  98% will be in the

    unvaccinated control group   

    These are projections of course based on recent tests and deaths. increasing the rate of testing will reduce KIFR but not deaths

     What is staggering is that almost all the elderly and those with co morbidities are in the Vaccinated group .   

  • Ernie123
    Ernie123 Member Posts: 152
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Insightfuls Reactions
    As a Canadian watching all this unfold my observation is that  it is so sad to see the attaching of politics to vaccination overwhelm rational common sense related to public health. There is a bit of it happening up here but nothing like the extremes afflicting the US. I have a son and grandchildren living in Maryland, so I feel entitled to express an opinion about a country which is not my own. In my county in Ontario we have single vaccination  rates of about 90%, double vaccination close to 80% and EVERYONE  still masks indoors in stores etc. as a common courtesy, no big deal. Canada’s population is about 1/10th that of the US. We have had about 26 000 pandemic deaths. Therefore, US deaths should total been about 260 000 assuming similar health approaches throughout the pandemic.  The US death total of well over 600 000 in my mind shows the sad result of ill informed political influence on what should be science based medical guidance. It is indeed unfortunate to see this literally deadly misinformation emanating from some of the top politicians in the country. No wonder people are confused when those in whom leadership has been entrusted use their influence in such a misguided fashion, often intentionally contradicting basic medical science.
  • DrinaJGB
    DrinaJGB Member Posts: 425
    100 Comments First Anniversary
    Yep. Playing politics with our lives. Extraordinary that it should come to this.
  • HSW
    HSW Member Posts: 34
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments
    We have those signs as well in RI.  DH and I never stopped masking and the only places we go inside have less than 4 people. At a dealership waiting for our truck to be serviced I have told a couple we would go outside because their too young to be vaccinated children were unmasked. We have received a ton of looks from the maskless and I get the  impression family thinks I am overprotective.  I reminded them DH has an autoimmune disease and that I am awaiting results of the same. I also asked them to imagine the suffering their brother would endure if  hospitalized with covid.  I have taken some of his family to task for their posts about vaccinations and masks. I have told them they have lost the opportunity to see and talk to DH before he dies due to covid. I had wanted to give family a good memory with a field day and camp out at our house.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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     Hello Ernie; have to say, I love Canada and always have.   I grew up in the very north top of the U.P. of Michigan and traveled to Canada with parents when young.

    DH and I have also traveled to Canada in our journeys here and there,  and overall find the country and its people really lovely and overall, the way we used to be here long ago .  Every country has its problems; yet caring respect and politeness to one another seems to be part of the Canadian culture in most of the populace.   We have such an affection, we have even thought of moving to Canada, living there part of the year and part here would fit us, but it will not happen.  It is just such a good feeling to be in a place where one feels a good fit on several levels.  Somehow, have not seen that culture, which we used to have, as a routine here for some time which is ludicrous to even think about as we truly do deeply love our country. It is the dynamics that are beyond the pale with no care or end in sight.  And after the DC riots into  the capital building and the dreadful response and actual startling defense of such a said dread situation by some of our politicians in Congress and the Senate has left us feeling sadly adrift . . . . . then the COVID denials of preventive care . . . . even feel farther out at sea.

    Our country has run amok with politics local and federal; and for the life of me, cannot figure out why or even how it has happened.  It seems power needs most of all by lesser ethical pols; greed, avarice, power grabbing, pandering, by people in positions of trust; it is mind boggling.  In citizens, in so many than ever before, there have been deep changes in behaviors by some states and large citizen groups away from the "common good."  That populace which has grown in larger numbers has been enabled to be the, "me, me, me" sort of self-entitled dynamic.  Lack of respect for others and expectational demands for self, self, self.  And of course constant media barrage of displaying this has not helped as the opposite of this is never really consistently represented in reports.

    Still so many good people,  but that does not make good news and that good, solid main group is not a rabble rousing group of society  All such factions and more plays into these awful changes we are seeng.  But to have it enter the scene of COVID protections costing lives, is hard to believe how that could even come about.  Politics playing to a certain base in hopes of making political hay to use to advance ones own future political goals seems to be the hook upon which this hangs.

    Not the way I was raised and not that way in our small town; but things have changed.  I am not a prude, but if one looks at the constant, constant movies and shows and music,  how often does one see positive scripting such as was common "back in the day," think of our parent's 40's and 50's.   Crazy. However; it is not the 40's and 50's.

    Also interestingly appalling to suddenly find myself in this mode of thinking, but it has all gone so far over the top for so long, I am not certain we can ever come back to center.  So hope this feeling is temporary; but it has been persisting due to the ongoing sad and awful realities led by braying politicians using misinformation and manipulation. How can this continue and not cost lives with COVID; it cannot.  I am an RN; served on care units as well as being Administrator of Patient Care Management; this has put me in a position of seing so much and hearing such heart rending grief of those suffering and those who have lost Loved Ones.  It makes very intense experiences that stays with one.

    All those who refuse to vaccinate and decry the vaccine; BUT if they get ill, there they go into the hospitals putting healthcare workers at risk.   Why; if they do not believe or want to follow healthcare science for prevention, do they trust the same healthcare science to help or even save them?  Do not know that population's rationale; but think perhaps that "Me, Me, Me," enters into it somewhere.

    Sorry; I sincerely extend my apologies to all; this caught me at a bad moment and sent me venting; I need to stay away from the news programs; the COVID "felonies" against the best interests of the people is breaking my heart and has me feeling a bit of despair as to how this can possibly be and how it will play out.


  • Jude4037
    Jude4037 Member Posts: 39
    10 Comments Second Anniversary
    Ed, I have said the same thing. If they refused to wear masks before unless someone was standing at the door telling them they could not enter unmasked, they certainly aren’t going to now.  Strange world we are living in now.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Well; I got a grip, slapped my face and deleted the venting of all and sundry in my last Post re the pandemic and surrounding issues especially with bad practices from multiple sources..   Very unusual for me to lose myself and start ranting; guess enough was just enough at the time.

    So . . . . once again got both feet on the ground; deep respect and many thanks to all who are doing their very best with the pandemic dynamics and keeping themselves and others as safe as can be under the circumstances.


  • Ed1937
    Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,084
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions
    Jo, are you trying to tell us that you're human?
  • Somethingelsa
    Somethingelsa Member Posts: 1
    Fourth Anniversary First Comment
    I have not been on this site for quite awhile ( I won’t even go into the disturbing posts that caused me to leave ) but time to buck up and move on . I would love to give a brilliant and understanding response to all those who are not vaccinated or wearing masks . Some I’m sure have , what they think , are valid reasons . All I can say is that I’m heartbroken about what is going on in our country and cannot begin to comprehend how this all became political. Years ago a friend explained to me that I may not have many higher education degrees but I had common sense which she said was very rare . It allowed me to see the big picture and the many sides to an issue but know what was basically the right thing to do. I  didn’t understand that at the time but I’m beginning to now . Is there no common sense out there ?  Sorry to come back in this manner but I have to say between DH’s advancing AD and the state of my country maybe I am beyond heartbroken .
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    My heart breaks with yours.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Ah, sweet Mr. Ed; you have found me out!

    And yes; my heart is deeply saddened too; I even find myself angry at the politics and lack of ethics involved; truly dreadful when lives are at stake and we citizens at this point are powerless to do anything about it.

    May those, whether politicians or citizens, who are willing participants in enabling far more preventable disease and death soon find their ethics and moral obligations to one and all and may they be capable of clearly seeing this and doing so.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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