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An ambulance ride, hospital stay and a step down

We've now been working with a psychiatrist to help with DH's anxiety. He started him on some meds that only helped a little bit, then slowly increased them and changed the antidepressant. It was working. He was sleeping better and overall his mood was improving.

Then, the Friday before last, he woke early in the morning. I got up with him. DH was in the kitchen and I was just in the next room when I heard him yell and fall. When I turned around I found him having a huge seizure. I called 911. We live rurally, so it took about 12 minutes for the first responder to make it to my house (actually a LOT quicker than I thought it would be). DH was just beginning to come around. The ambulance arrived about 30 minutes after my call. By then DH was up and walking, but still more confused than was normal. They took him to the hospital. 

3 hours after the first seizure, he had a second one, this time at the hospital. 

We spent 3 days in the hospital. Lots of tests were run, and DH developed pneumonia, probably from aspiration during the seizure. DH was not the best patient. He rarely knew who I was while we were there. He spent hours pacing the hospital room and would refuse to allow them to check his vitals. Security had to be called on 3 different occasions, because he was trying to leave the room, refusing help and threw a few punches. Two of those hit me. He did not know who I was, and I was probably just too close and he perceived me as a threat. It was not all that fun.

We've been home almost a week now. The psychiatrist is pretty sure the seizures were from one of the medications. He's on an anti-seizure med now and there have been no new seizures. 

One of the most interesting things from all of this was the report from the MRI. It noted significant white matter loss/atrophy since the last MRI 3 1/2 years ago. I mean, of course there is, but seeing it in writing somehow makes it more real. 

He now rarely knows who I am. It used to be there were those moments he didn't know who I was, and I noted those times. Now it's reversed and I note the times he does know who I am. It's not like I expected it to be somehow. It's been such a slow walk down this road that I am surprised to find myself here.

DH was diagnosed 6 years ago. He knew there was a problem 11 or 12 years ago. I wish there was something to stop the progression of this disease, and that it was available to us 12 years ago. 


  • JoseyWales
    JoseyWales Member Posts: 602
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 25 Likes

    Adding just an interesting aside. My screen name, JosieWales, was picked by DH almost 6 years ago so he could join into conversations on these boards. I took it over when he became disinterested, because I had used my email address to register.

    Once we were in our hospital room Friday night, I turned on the tv and The Outlaw Josie Wales was on. I said all the lines with the actors, and DH, who would have said them all with me 6 years ago, continued to pace. 

    My favorite quote, for some reason. "I have a piece of rock candy. But it's not for eating. It's just for lookin' through."

  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,717
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    So sorry this happened Josey.  I'm glad there's a psychiatrist on board now though.....
  • Ed1937
    Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,084
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions
    I'm really sorry you are having yet more difficulties. You need a break. Has there been any progress made on placement? When I read stuff like this, I realize how easy I have it.
  • Quilting brings calm
    Quilting brings calm Member Posts: 2,404
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    Josey( Josie) 

    Our younger son gets the tonic-clinic ( formerly known as grand mal) seizures.  I know exactly what you saw.  His  postictal (after) state is woozy, confused, sleepy, and nauseous, with a headache.  

    I remember being in the hospital with my mom when she had urosepsis.  It’s so draining to be with them all day when they are so confused, frightened and confined in the room ( and maybe even the bed).  You go home exhausted.  And you were already exhausted a month ago. 

    I’m glad the medications are helping and that he is now on an  anti-seizure medication. Are you still working on the Medicaid paperwork?  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi Josey,

     I know what you're going through is really hard.  Caregiving is a hard job.  I have often wondered when I would see your forum name is it was from the movie - now I know!  Good movie - really like Clint Eastwood and I laughed at the quote you posted. 

     Hopefully, your husband will get back to the point he remembers who you are all the time.  I can remember the first time Charles didn't know me - like a punch in the stomach.  I had left him in the car when I went inside a store (just for a minute) and when I came back he was gone.  I found him in the store and said something to him and for an instant he didn't know me.  I think that was the only time. 

     Seizures are a scary thing.  My niece, Sarah, has grand mal seizures and has really injured herself when having them.  Hopefully, the change in your husband's medications will fix the situation so he won't have more. 

     I hope today is a good day for both of you.


  • LadyTexan
    LadyTexan Member Posts: 810
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments 25 Care Reactions 25 Likes

    dear Josey, 

    I am so sorry for all that you have been through and continue to endure. You have been through so much and you persevere. YOU are amazing and inspirational. Your husband is so blessed to have you by his side.

    Take care dear one.

  • Marie58
    Marie58 Member Posts: 382
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments
    Josey, so sorry to hear all this. Hope today is a better day.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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