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Count it all joy?

My dw and I made it again to church although I had to kinda persuade her, she isn't wanting to go and always gets agitated , I think it's a self defense  mechanism. Any way we have  a church member who speaks most fifth Sundays. Today it was James 1:1-6 , 12. Many in our congregation are elderly  and families are getting to have to care for their  parents.  It was well thought out and I pondered  where it says " knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience" I looked at it and thought, it is not the testing of your patience that produces faith. How many of us feel that our patience is tested! It is my faith that has allowed me to give love abundantly. I have had opportunities to give it to those who never thanked me, I also have given it to those who couldn't thank me. I am thankful for those opportunities cause I was blessed. But now I have the opportunity to give my love more abundantly to my dw, she is the one who sacrificed so I could minister to others. I know she isn't  gonna get better, but I know that God is faithful to keep us till our work is finished. The speaker finished with,  we have to persevere,  we have to exercise our faith muscles, which produces the patience we need for all our trials.  The speaker quoted Redgie Cambell who in his last few day of life had written 6 things. Things so he would die well. Number 5 was" I will not give up and run out the clock." I hope I got it right, but I have decided I won't  give up and  run out the clock. Some of you might be so tired and ready to just run out the clock, Let me tell you God has a plan for you.  Love you all and pray for each one as I hear of your trials.


  • Marie58
    Marie58 Member Posts: 382
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments

    Thanks for the good words! The NIV uses the word perseverance in place of patience. We need them both, of course. My prayer everyday when DH was still home was for strength and patience. 

    On a side note, church got harder for us at some point too. Getting there was fine, but keeping DH there for 90 mins was the tough part. When he had enough, he'd just get up and walk out. Then covid hit and we live streamed the service. Now that he's in MC, I can go to church again.

    DH was/is a strong Christian. Not long after his diagnosis I heard a program on Christian radio about a man who lost his father to Alz. The only thing I remember about the program was his comment that even if his dad forgot God, God never forgot his dad. I've hung on to that. 

  • OrganizerBecky
    OrganizerBecky Member Posts: 32
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments
    Thank you for sharing how you've been able to apply this Bible verse to your own life - I love your point of view.
  • Emmettlee
    Emmettlee Member Posts: 7
    First Comment First Anniversary

    I recently read those words in James and wondered as my DW went into MC how I could count it joy. My heart is broken and oh how I miss her.

    I've been a born again Christian most of my adult life and was blessed to share my walk with a woman who accepted Jesus at the age of ten and never faltered in her walk. Church was an important part of our lives, even when traveling, we were in church on Sunday. For about the last half of 2021 she began to not want to go until about four months ago when she wouldn't go. Our world changed so quickly from that point on.

     She is in MC now, almost 6 weeks. Do I count it all Joy? I'm still struggling with that, how do I do that when the Joy of my life has been wrenched from me? But I know God is faithful and He has been giving me the strength to get through each day. I know there is purpose in each thing He allows into our lives but I have yet to recognize that purpose. Don't get me wrong, I'm not losing faith, He is my God and my rock, just trying to deal with the loss.


  • toolbeltexpert
    toolbeltexpert Member Posts: 1,583
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Emmettlee wrote:

    I recently read those words in James 

    Lee one thing I want to say I don't know everything but I know the one who does and so do you. I had wondered about Heb 12:2 looking to Jesus the Author and Finisher of [our] faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured [the] cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right of the throne of God.  Jesus knew one thing, not everybody was going to believe, but some were going too. We make Jesus smile when we believe in Him. We are the joy in Jesus' cross. Our faith in times like we are going thru can lead to others coming to know Christ. I am a late bloomer, but I was watching other Christian when I was wondering about this faith they had, I watched when they resisted temptations in the work place. I was impressed that they lived their faith. Maybe the joy in our cross is that we just live our faith. 

  • abc123
    abc123 Member Posts: 1,171
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    Dear Toolbelt, what an important thread! Thank you for this. The book of James is a favorite to me. I’m happy that you and DW were able to attend services!  Sundays were always a BIG day for us. When I was a young mother, I made sure my daughter was in church and Sunday school and summer bible camp. My parents attended the same church. This was before hurricane Katrina tore thru. I miss our church and our pastor, Brother Debord! 

    The last time I went to church with mom and dad was for a Christmas musical program at their new church in Texas. Mom was “just there”, she didn’t enjoy the beautiful light show and singing. Dad and I enjoyed it and we were glad to be there with momma. She was at the stage of NOT bathing. It was terrible. I could get her to easily wear clean clothes BUT not a bath. Her skin had a fowl order. All through the evening, I was hoping no one else could smell her. That was about 4 years ago! 

    Hang tough everyone!

    We shall persevere! It might be by the skin of our teeth, but we will finish the race!

  • White Crane
    White Crane Member Posts: 851
    Seventh Anniversary 250 Care Reactions 500 Comments 100 Likes
    "Consider it all joy." I can't say I consider being a caregiver a joy but there are still moments of joy at times.  And the joy really isn't in what is happening around me.  The joy of the Lord is my strength.  I can take joy in knowing He is with me and helping me.
  • toolbeltexpert
    toolbeltexpert Member Posts: 1,583
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    abc123 wrote:

    We shall persevere! It might be by the skin of our teeth, but we will finish the race!

    I read your update on mom and someone else commented it almost made they cry me too. Thanks for your encouraging words.  I am finding it challenging to always get it right.  But I am learning don't give a pwd choices, like what's for supper. Same answer dw doesn't  know so we had a 1/2 of a sub from Lunch I told her she could have that and I would have Velveeta  and rotel. She could keep that and seemed upset she was gonna have to eat leftover. Next time I will make supper, she can't help it. She would never let me cook or do dishes, I have found that if I just do it she is content no problems. I am gonna do some paring down. Even I can find the cover for that container, that's a point of frustration for  her and I am learning to take whatever is causing trouble out of sight then it's all good. Fyi I spent a couple of months down in New Orleans area doing relief work with the VIM, volunteers in mission. Helped with roofs, sheet rock, and listening to the stories of all those who went thru Katrina. Met some of the finest folks, had grits done right, shrimp gumbo. May you continue to be filled with joy and the hugs that heal. 
  • toolbeltexpert
    toolbeltexpert Member Posts: 1,583
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    White Crane wrote:
    The joy of the Lord is my strength.  I can take joy in knowing He is with me and helping me.
    Amen it is very tiring and thankful for our God who is faithful.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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