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THC test



  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
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    Thanks for posting. Sounds like it wasn't a bad experience at all. Excellent reminder not to drive - or play with power tools under the influence If you wish to dial back the euphoria at 5mg THC, adding an under-the-tongue tincture of CBD oil can do that. Remember that body mass will play a role on how your DW might respond to the THC content, If she's a petite little thing, you can get gummies with as low as 1-2mg each that have CBD added. My son gave me a 10mg THC/CBD gummie to try some months ago. It was a bit too high a dose and definitely made me feel intoxicated - about the equivalent of having about 3 strong margaritas. I was definitely unsteady on my feet. OTOH, it did a fine job of pain relief for the rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Scooterr
    Scooterr Member Posts: 168
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      Far out, you definitely got my attention now. I live in Oklahoma and we have a abundance of dispensaries since we're legal for medical marijuana. My wife is on Seroquel, for her delusions and aggression. I don't know if I should give her the THC and Seroquel together? If I do give them together I have a feeling I wouldn't know if the THC was working.  I was thinking of slowly cutting her Seroquel back and introducing the THC. On the other hand will it help with her delusions or compound them? Something I'll just have to work on.

      I'm like most of you guys I absolutely hate giving her pharmaceutical drugs.  


  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
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    Scooterr - If you're reluctant to talk to her doctor about trying THC for your wife, I'd suggest you find a dispensary that is licensed for medical marijuana. It's your best bet for finding trained staff who can help advise you on whether to cut back on the Seroquel or just go to a very low dose of THC (like 1 or 2 mg) as an addition to see how she responds. I think I'd be considering how the Seroquel effects her now, i.e. is she dizzy, drowsy, uncoordinated, or more confused after taking a dose. THC may add to that effect so it might be wise to reduce or skip a dose for the trial. Remember that edibles can take an hour or more to show effects and 4 hours or so to wear off. If it's not helpful, I suppose you could always give her the skipped dose of Seroquel later. Just my best guess, but do talk to someone at the dispensary about it.
  • toolbeltexpert
    toolbeltexpert Member Posts: 1,583
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    Scooteer that's a great photo. 5 mg really had more effect than I thought. I don't know the type though. Whether it was indica? I has cotton mouth laughs, hyper aware of my dw but I could brush off my anxiety. I am gonna look for the specific indicia type.
  • ImMaggieMae
    ImMaggieMae Member Posts: 1,015
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    Are the gummies still working? Are you still using them?
  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
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    MaggieMae - Over the past 4 days, I've only needed to use the gummies once to combat the angry agitation in the early afternoon, rather than the typical after-dinner hours. In this instance, I gave him the 1/2 dose of 5mg THC gummie and then took him for an hour-long car ride, as a distraction, while waiting for the gummie to take effect. Within an hour, the earlier agitation had disappeared. His speech was slower and still largely composed of non-sequiturs, but it didn't have the anger in it. Interestingly, he's still capable of remembering most of the lyrics to the old songs on the radio and often sang along. After that hour, he looked drowsy, so I took him home and convinced him to lay down for a nap. He fell asleep quickly and I enjoyed a blessed three hours of respite for myself the rest of the afternoon. I woke him at dinnertime. He had an appetite and remained calm all evening. I didn't notice any residual effects of the gummie. 

    As I mentioned before, I only used the gummies when I can't cope with the angry agitation any longer. I don't feel like I need to give it every day as I might need to with the typical psych drugs. It's all good so far. I'm still not noticing any downside to using the THC, so I plan to continue using it when needed. It has definitely reduced my caregiver stress this past week or so. Anyone contemplating a trial for their LO, I would suggest that you follow the advice I received from the dispensary - stick with the Indica strain of Cannabis and a low dose to start. 

  • Gig Harbor
    Gig Harbor Member Posts: 564
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    Well it is the full moon weekend and about 4 pm today he started in saying he has to go to work and has to call people. I am going to fix dinner and see how he does but otherwise he is going to get a THC gummie. Last time I used 10 mg but this time I will cut it in half. It is so tiring to hear him mumble and ramble on and on. So far he has not tried to leave the house and I locked the door to my office and the garage so that I can keep him out of there. I think tomorrow will be worse so I might just give him some around 4pm.
  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
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    Gig - Do come back and let us know how the smaller dose works for him. A lot of us are walking in new territory with this and I find it helpful to hear the stories from others in our shoes. I do have to say that I've been relieved that the THC seems to be helping rather than heaping problems on top of problems. I hope you'll feel that way too.
  • MomofMany
    MomofMany Member Posts: 1
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    My dad had a medical THC card and when he went into the MC unit, the nurses were NOT allowed to administer it at all.  My mom would go to see him and give it to him.  They said that a family member can come and administer it to them but the nurses wouldn't touch it. Just sharing our experience.  We live in TX.

  • toolbeltexpert
    toolbeltexpert Member Posts: 1,583
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    Well I am gonna report as someone who wanted to know about this. So I am finding after taking 5 mg at 4 pm for a few days that it has effects that linger for at least a day. I feel different the next day, more reserved and quiet and maybe a little slower. It may be the way my body metabolized it, that it last so long,, for example if I take an ibuprofen 200 mg the effects last at least a day and my pain is gone. The main effects of the "high" hit about 4 hours or so after I take it. I sleep thru the night, I usually wake several times a night. I get the dry mouth and I am careful to stay hydrated, I have had a case or two of the giggles I have been searching for an online store with the indicia strain in gummies, the ones I have just say delta8, no other details. Locally I can only find indicia in a vapor cartridge. My cost was 5.95 for 60 mg which I cut into 12. 5mg pieces. Maybe some of this will help some else, it would be hard to ask a pwd how do you feel? I am glad Gig and jmlarue your posting your success,as this maybe an alternative medicine for a pwd. I want to ask you both how you administer it. Do you conceal it?  Or just offer it like a piece of candy?  My dw is probably still to with it to accept it.
  • ImMaggieMae
    ImMaggieMae Member Posts: 1,015
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    My DH is on Risperidone which has something like a 20 day half life, so it wouldn’t be simple for us to try this without the guidance of a doctor. His GP and geriatric GP has already said in the past that they know nothing about THC. I wonder if his neurologist would be more open to the idea. The Risperidone is working pretty well, but we did have to increase the dosage. And it’s one of those antipsychotics with the black box warning. 

    It seems like those who have tried it here have had good results with it. I also like the idea of taking something “as needed” rather than on a daily basis.

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
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    Toolbelt - Thanks for your insightful post. You're right. I can't ask my husband how he's feeling. He's utterly incapable of finding the words to say if he's happy or sad, feeling ill or in pain. I have to be a keen observer and a good guesser.

    It's interesting to me that you feel a residual calming effect the following day. Since I've begun giving DH the gummies, I'm noticing that his angry agitation is not the everyday occurrence it was before THC use. Every other day now seems the norm. I don't give him a gummie unless his behavior is stressing both of us. I give him the THC gummie along with his vitamin and fiber chewables that he's taken daily for a number of years. I have not discussed the THC with him. It's not because I think he would object, but because he wouldn't remember the discussion 10 minutes later. He has no clue what prescription meds he takes each day for the same reason. I feel no sense of obligation to make full disclosures to him any more than I would have discussed or explained everything with my children when very young.

    Are you in a state where marijuana use is not yet legalized? There is information on Delta 8 with a Google search. From what I gather, Delta 8 is manufactured from hemp-derived CBD oil. As such, I believe the hemp species is Sativa, which I was told produces a stronger euphoric high that can also result in anxiety or hallucinations. The Indica variety has a more calming, relaxing effect and is the variety recommended for chronic pain. If you are able to try the Indica strain, I think you'll probably notice a difference in the effect you experience. From all I've read, I would never consider giving the Sativa variety to someone with anger, aggression, delusions or hallucinations. I think the possibility of making those behaviors worse is beyond my risk tolerance.

  • toolbeltexpert
    toolbeltexpert Member Posts: 1,583
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    Jmlarue, no marijuana isn't legal here. And there maybe some legislation that could ban or limit all the hemp derivatives like delta 8.  I have been researching delta 8 but I am finding that around here the only indica I can find is vapor. I don't want to get into vaping and it would be impossible for me to administer. I have been to several shops and no luck on indica gummies. And I get it about giving it, sorry it sounds like a popular colon test! If  that day comes I will do what is best for my dw and me. I continued with 5mg last night woke 2 times last night. I am finding it changes my bladder. I do not get the same waking it is more delayed. Put bluntly I hold more without waking. Last night I drank a lot before bed and sure enough midnight hit. I do my best to drink a gallon of water a day and have for most of my life. It used to be in coffee form or other drink like Kool aid. But for 15 years it's mainly water. I do not take any medication. I take vit c and b everyday. Again I just want to share my experiences as candidly as possible. I did the checking account today and got dyslexic, it didn't add up so kept checking my numbers. I finally found I had missed a payment,on the second page duh.but it is all good now. I don't feel as much mellow today? I am gonna do another hunt again today for the Indica gummies. I hope everyone has good success and they continue to share, it is encouraging to hear it has helped some.
  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
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    An interesting tidbit of info I found in researching last night: 

    Cannabinoid Modulation of Amygdala Reactivity to Social Signals of Threat in Humans


    Points of discussion from the layman's perspective -

    We know that THC causes depressive effects on the frontotemporal lobes of the brain - the center of control for motivation, inhibitions, empathy, compulsions, and executive function (making decisions or sequencing the steps to complete a task), the ability to speak or understand language, judgement and reasoning, motor skills, and self-control. These impairments are common in PWD. 

    Question: If giving a person with dementia can further depress these functions, why would medical professionals and caregivers use it to treat difficult and threatening behavioral issues? 

    Answer: THC also depresses the amygdala portion of the brain - the "fight or flight" control center. It is here that agitation, anxiety, fear, paranoia, and anger originate.

    Caregivers and family members find it less difficult to cope with the declining functions of  frontotemporal dementia, such as the decline of speaking and understanding words, apathy, or lost judgement and reasoning. There are fewer and less dangerous emotional consequences caused by the loss of those functions. If using THC adds to further decline in those functions, it may be seen as an acceptable trade-off in order to also suppress the heighted emotional state of the amygdala. It is dysfunction there that results in anxiety, angry agitation, and paranoia in the PWD. It's these behaviors that are often most difficult to control or cope with, because they present a real or perceived threat to the safety of the persons who live with and care for that person.

    It makes sense to me. What are your thoughts?

  • toolbeltexpert
    toolbeltexpert Member Posts: 1,583
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    Jmlarue as said in a previous post, I play Mahjongg and found that I bested a my old shortest times. I just wanted something that I did b4 I started my delta 8 test. I have with stayed better times but no more new low times just improved times over my previous norm.  Motivation may be a little less but when I get started it seems more focused. But my anxiety level has really improved which is a big plus for me.
  • Scooterr
    Scooterr Member Posts: 168
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        Ok, I told you guys you had my attention, and I've been following your up dates. DW and I went down and applied for our medical license today, should get them in 14 to 18days (unable to purchase without license). So far what your saying sounds good. Where we applied for the license they have their on doctors, and dispensary, it was very simply. I explained to the doctor about my DW condition and issues. He informed me about how I should start the gummies,  "take a 10mg and quarter it and start her on 2.5 mg to began with." I asked him about the different strains ( Indica and Sativa). He informed me, "here in OK. you can't get 100% of just one strain you may find one with a  more Indica vs. the percentage of Sativa or vice versa, and I would definitely need one for my wife with more Indica." So in about 14 to 18days we shall see what happens. Thank you guys for the up dates.


  • Gig Harbor
    Gig Harbor Member Posts: 564
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    Jmlarue that is really interesting research on THC and dementia. I have not had to use it again and we got thru the full moon weekend with only a short episode of confusion. I have to say I was tempted to try it but I didn’t. I put on the LIon King for my husband tonight and it took some convincing that it was animation and not real.
  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
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    Scooterr - Wishing you and your DW all the very best. It's sounds like you received similar advice to what I got - Indica strain and "start low, go slow." After about 10 days and only having to use the gummies on 4 occasions, I'm ready to declare this a "win" for both my DH and myself. I fully intend to continue to use the 5mg THC (only as needed) so long as he suffers no adverse reactions. I understand there is a possibility he may need a higher dose as time goes by, but I will continue to heed the advice to "go slow" when I come to that bridge. Please do come back with an update on how your DW responds. I hope it's as good for her as it has been for my DH.

    Gig - I am so happy that you are seeing similar effects in your DH as I am. I really do think the THC is having a residual calming effect for my DH in the days following a gummie dose. It's been both a surprise and a relief that this isn't something that I need to give to him daily in order to dial back the stress level for both of us.

  • toolbeltexpert
    toolbeltexpert Member Posts: 1,583
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    I went to a place yesterday that was more formal and treated it like medicine. They offered me free samples of THCV. It is supposed to be good for Parkinson. Supposed to help with epilepsy as well.  All there gummies were 25 mg which they suggested was a low dose. They described the diffent reactions of too much and just right. Ha I took a half of their delta eight gummie 12.5 never again. I was so far out of it even my dw noticed how I looked tired my eyes were half open. I took it at 4pm by 9pm I was done. Didn't sleep as well 3 bathroom breaks as well. Tonight I will try the other,the  THCV, with the same dose 12.5 mg to see what it does. It isn't supposed to give the high effect.

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
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    I think I would play Goldilocks - halve it again and see what the effect is at 6mg.
  • ImMaggieMae
    ImMaggieMae Member Posts: 1,015
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    Have you gone out and bought tie dyed t-shirts and bellbottoms yet?
  • toolbeltexpert
    toolbeltexpert Member Posts: 1,583
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    ImMaggieMae yeah closets full!!!!! Tonight I took a 7.5 mg of the "thc v" no head buzz, but I feel calmer, it's not suppose to get you High. Wish I had figured how to sneak in dw food this afternoon started with the usual trigger "cat food" and I thought it was going to get out of control, still early, I redirected and away we go. This is stuff is definitely different, I am gonna see it it has any residual effect. I took it at three cause I wanted to be awake for the full effects. Hope everyone is doing as well as all the reports. That is very encouraging. They say a lots of advances are made by the social network effect. This forum is a library that can cover more ground than a lot of internet searching, cause it is first-hand knowledge. Well here goes, we all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine,  yellow submarine. My bad ImMaggieMae and jmlarue
  • Scooterr
    Scooterr Member Posts: 168
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes
    ImMaggieMae wrote:
    Have you gone out and bought tie dyed t-shirts and bellbottoms yet?

    Funny you should bring it up ImMaggieMae, I purchased a tie dyed last year in Alabama, I knew there was a reason I needed it.

  • sunshine5
    sunshine5 Member Posts: 148
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments

    What is CBD & THC? Is it prescription? What is it used for?

    Never heard of it before!

    DH is diabetic, has started eating lot of sweets and zero coke, and sleeps 3 hours in the afternoon. may be these pills will help!

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
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    CBD and THC are derived from marijuana. If you live a State where it's legal, both forms and mixture of both can be purchased at Cannabis dispensaries. 

    CBD is the oil that is extracted from Cannabis. It does not produce a euphoric "high" People use CBD for chronic conditions like anxiety, depression, epilepsy, Crohn's Disease, PTSD, and pain relief. Here's an article that explains it: https://www.forbes.com/health/body/cbd-oil-benefits/

    THC is the component in Cannabis that produces the "high." Small doses are used to relieve anxiety, offers pain relief, and can counter the anger, aggression, and obsessive behavior in folks with dementia. Large does of THC, however, can actually make those troublesome dementia symptoms worse. Caution is advised. Here's a link to the National Institute of Health article detailing some of the positive effects on Alzheimer's:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5652027/

    Your DH may not be the best candidate for THC. Surely you've heard of marijuana users getting a serious case of the "munchies?" It definitely increases appetite and could make a craving for sweets worse. Those of us who are trialing THC are doing so to moderate anger, anxiety, agitation, and compulsive behavior in our LOs as an alternative to prescription psychiatric drugs that often have serious side effects.

  • Buggsroo
    Buggsroo Member Posts: 573
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    Never mind the person with dementia, I think I will check out my local pot shop for some gummies for me. I used to smoke a lot of weed with my cousin and dad, but the Indica sounds like something to take the edge off. I don’t want to smoke because of lung issues, but the gummy route sounds great.
  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
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    Buggs - I never even tried it back in the 70's when the pot-smoking, psychedelic culture was in full flower. I tried a few tokes after marijuana was legalized here and thought I was going to hack up a lung. I think the gummies have a slightly odd vegan taste, but it's easy enough to wash away with a glass of water. Hope it helps relieve some of your stress.
  • toolbeltexpert
    toolbeltexpert Member Posts: 1,583
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    Buggs I can relate to former times when I would smoke everyone under the table. They say that the effects are more pronounced and I would agree. I had a 25mg gummy I cut in half. It was so strong I had to hold the walls in the shower, that was to much! 5mg pieces are just right. I don't want to risk getting hurt.

    And I have been experimenting with THC V, which doesn't have the same effects. Still calming but sleeping was terrible. There is no buzz but it definitely does make you feel different. I was hoping this would be the one for dw, but sleep disturbances are not a good effect.

     I think if I ever give my dw anything it will be the delta 8 gummy cut to 2mg to start. I have also found all delta 8 gummies are not the same. I haven't  been able to get anything that is labeled with the indica strain. But I have 2 different delta 8 and there seems to be some differences.

    If you get a delta 8 gummy you have to start slow. The effects don't kick in for at least an hour and driving is out of the question. 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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