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Oddest thing missing

Kevcoy Member Posts: 129
Fourth Anniversary 25 Care Reactions 10 Comments 5 Insightfuls Reactions
I can understand my LO misplacing a ring or losing a set of keys but today I'm missing two bath towels.  I have turned the house upside down and can't find them.  How do you lose two big towels?  What is the oddest thing that has come up missing in your house?


  • John_inFlorida
    John_inFlorida Member Posts: 51
    10 Comments Second Anniversary
    So far, the only thing that went missing is a small whicker basket where I keep fruit. I found it in the refrigerator. She said I told her to put it there
  • Care4Mom2
    Care4Mom2 Member Posts: 42
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments

    That brings back memories when I was taking care of my mom.... A bath towel went missing. I swear a caregiver took it! I never found it!! How does a large towel go missing????

    Recently, while cleaning out our kitchen cabinets (since we are moving), I found a jar lid of nuts at the top shelf of a cabinet. My DH started using the lid as a dish for nuts. Why he put it on the top shelf of a cabinet I will never know (and he doesn't remember).... 

    One thing have yet to find is a key to our shed.... 

  • GinnyToday
    GinnyToday Member Posts: 1
    Second Anniversary First Comment
    25 lb hand weight went missing.  DH eventually found it under the guestroom bed and said I put it there, I could never lift a 25lb weight. Also said maybe it was my son, he doesn't live with us and rarely comes over. Now it's boxing gloves that are missing.
  • David J
    David J Member Posts: 479
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    Not so much missing, but found: My wife has been in the MCF for 8 months and I am still finding Diet Coke bottles and Glucerna bottles in the strangest places. Under couch cushions, tucked into the pedestal of the guest bathroom, inside decorative urns, on my workbench, in the bushes outside…
  • Kenzie56
    Kenzie56 Member Posts: 130
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Care Reactions
    Kleenex.  DH takes tissues and neatly folds them into tiny squares and hides them everywhere. I find them in all pockets, canisters, boxes of food, shoes, coffee mugs, etc.  Thank goodness I check every pocket before doing the laundry and also that they have all been clean...so far.  I should buy Kleenex stock.
  • Bob in LW
    Bob in LW Member Posts: 91
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Care Reactions
    This is soooo...typical of anyone who has short term memory loss due to Alzheimers.  Right now, my SO and I are spending a few days in our travel trailer.  Bought a brand new dustbuster, and found an ideal spot to keep it with its' charger.  She used it for the first time yesterday, and now it's missing!  In a 29 foot RV!  It has to be here somewhere, but I'm still looking.
  • Cinsababe
    Cinsababe Member Posts: 36
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Care Reactions
    I was missing the 2 beautiful lilac colored towels that match my bathroom and couldn't find them for months. I asked my husband where they might be and he had no idea what towels I was talking about. When preparing for a recent weekend away I found them inside his suitcase on the top shelf of his closet. When I pulled them out and showed him he acted shocked and asked me why on Earth I put them there! lol  I still have no idea why just like I have no idea why on most things.
  • toolbeltexpert
    toolbeltexpert Member Posts: 1,583
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Cindy you made me laugh,what were you thinking put towels there.

    My missing item is our wedding album. All Polaroids so no negatives. She had pulled it out and that triggered her, she started asking me if we were married? 44years yep, she asked do I have a paper that shows we are married.This kept up for a couple weeks, so I went looking for the photo album to stop her from asking. Lo and behold it's gone, so are the questions. I haven't found the album yet, I have quit looking so as to not create a problem she also threw out her wedding dress years ago but that keeps coming up and she regrets doing that. I don't know how she can remember throwing out her dress and  can't remember we are married, Alzheimers crazy stuff.

  • Crushed
    Crushed Member Posts: 1,444
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    DW had a lovely life size hummingbird pendent I bought from the native American artist
    for our  40th anniversary  She "put it away" one day and it was never seen again 

  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Some times we just have to laugh about the missing or disappearing things. My DH has gotten on this cornbread and milk kick. So ever evening I make a pan of cornbread for him. He goes to bed at 7 pm and sleeps for a couple of hours and gets up to eat I leave the the cornbread in the toaster oven so he can find it. He came in my room and asked where is my cornbread. I told him and he said he couldn’t find it. I went to kitchen, he had milk sitting on counter and no cornbread. I looked everywhere not knowing what he could have done with it. Opened frig and there was his cornbread. Silly little things but he was getting so frustrated. Saying now I can’t go to sleep. He was back to sleep under 20 minutes.
  • RobertsBrown
    RobertsBrown Member Posts: 143
    Sixth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    It's tempting to be cavalier and say 'everything', but here is the current list:

    iPhone, hers and mine.  TV remote. Cords for iphones. Hat. Other hat.  Picture album. Pictures. Cherry Pie. Dishes. Water cup. Shoes. Clothes. Socks, socks, socks. Toothbrush.  Toothpaste. Cap for toothpaste.  Wedding ring. Cap for hand lotion.  Tube of hand lotion.  Bag containing hand lotion. Dinner. Every piece of paper that has writing on it.  Bills.  Mail. 

    That's the last few days.  My gal has become the great re-arranger, unpacker, unfolder, and distributor.

  • Davegrant
    Davegrant Member Posts: 203
    Sixth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Missing items are a part of our story in our house. Mostly I am looking for her purse, money, medicine hers and mine, hearing aid batteries, the pattern is that these items repeatedly come up missing and DW claims they were stolen by family members who have been here or me if no one else is suspected. She becomes very upset, and I go on a treasure hunt in the house and am usually successful but only after a few hours of searching and frustration with the situation. She is clever in her hiding spaces and often will put things in Kleenex tissues, or in folded socks or anywhere really. I am trying to get duplicates of the most critical items like the medicines and the batteries and lock them in a file cabinet so that if we have to have them it is a lot easier on me to not have to look for them in a panic. Last month the purse was the biggest problem but this month it is the medicine. DW gets upset with the loss of these items but gets equally upset if I lock these things up, pre-emptily.
  • nancyj194
    nancyj194 Member Posts: 173
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Two garage door openers went missing.  Our latest car has it built into the rearview mirror and the other car was sold. When DH went outside in the front yard, he would take the opener and put it down somewhere.  I would find it, but the very next time he went outside, so did the opener.  Eventually I found one, it was in the grass on the neighbor's property behind out six foot cedar fence.  What was he doing at the neighbors? Cutting branches that were hanging over our fence.  I explained he was trespassing, but he argued that he had to trim the branches off of our fence. He didn't go into their back yard, but walks between the houses from the front yard. 

    He has lost three rings.  The first one was his wedding ring, which was lovely and had three diamonds in it. The second was a black onyx with a diamond that was given to him when he reached an anniversary milestone where he worked.  Same with the third one, which was gold with a  diamond in the center. I found that one under the recliner at my mother's, and hid it for awhile. Now I give it to him to wear when we go to dinner at our children's homes.  I rarely wear my wedding rings, as if I do, he has to wear his.  

    He's lost more pocket knives than I can count.  

    His wallet became a problem and after the last one was lost, I  carry his ID and credit cards in my purse.  

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes

    He lost a dental pick. Not one of those cheesy disposable plastic ones. A real, stainless steel dental pick like the dental tech uses when scraping the plaque off your teeth. It's been a bathroom fixture for over three decades and it was suddenly gone. Months later I was cleaning out the kitchen utensil drawer. Just how many soup ladles or shish kebab skewers does one need, anyway? Bottom of the drawer among the unidentified crumbs, rubber bands, and saved twist ties was the dental pick. Go figure.

    I raised two boys and a husband who would daily ask, "Mom - do you know where my _____ is?" I pretty much always found what was missing and used to joke, "It's okay. You need to have a uterus to find things." Fat lot of good it does me today.

  • Arrowhead
    Arrowhead Member Posts: 361
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    My wife is constantly putting things in strange places. There are 5 or 6 objects that I've never found over the past 3 years or so. There should not be any place in our small house that I don't know about, but there must be because she knows of at least one.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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