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New invitations for connections?

Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,095
Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions
Within the last few weeks I have received requests from two individuals to be "friends" here. Neither one of these have had any posts that I could find. I do not accept invitations from people if I have no idea who they are or what their motives are. Have any of you received requests like that?


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,958
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    Yes, I have received many of these from requestors who have never Posted on this site.  I think that there may be even a marketing attempt, but  I will never know as I do not ever respond to them.

    It comes to mind you have had the death of your beloved wife, and have had a son who has suffered an exacerbation of a condition and you have also mentioned stopping Comcast.  These topics may possibly be generating contact from a multiplicity of sources looking to market their wares to you or even to try and scam.

    That is a guess of course, but it is a possibility.


  • Scooterr
    Scooterr Member Posts: 172
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    ED,  I haven't received any new ones lately. I do have a couple of contacts and somehow I disconnected from one when I got a new laptop. I can't even remember who the contact was. Sometimes I think my memory is getting just as bad as DW.

    Jo did bring up a very good point. I wouldn't have even thought about that.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,069
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    Yes, I let them sit until I know who they are.
  • toolbeltexpert
    toolbeltexpert Member Posts: 1,591
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    I had requested a connection and it was never accepted which is fine. But about a week ago it just went away. I don't know if it was a maintenance thing when they worked on the site. Someone had recently posted that there was no way to remove a connection request.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,958
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    If the person who the request is sent to deletes the request, I think it is removed in its entirety.  I may be wrong, but for some reason that comes to mind from the past.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,952
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    Ed I’ve been on here around 6 years.  Had never received an invitation from unknown poster til about a week ago.  Felt they were using their name to attract me.  Felt uncomfortable, wonder if there are people on here who are looking to scam someone.  We all need to be alert to this and ignore them unless you know who they are.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,549
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    I got two requests from people who never posted, one invitation just three days ago.  I waited to see if there were any posts from them, then I declined both. I think trolls come to this site to make mischief.


  • Midwest Gal
    Midwest Gal Member Posts: 27
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    Thank you for sharing this information as I also received a personal contact request.  I felt bad about not accepting it if someone needed my help, but did not feel comfortable and would prefer that the request came through the public format.  I rarely post, but do appreciate the information you all share.  I wonder what is up with so many people getting similar requests?
  • Quilting brings calm
    Quilting brings calm Member Posts: 2,679
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    I have several invitations that I’ve left sitting.  None extremely recent . One I didn’t know at all, one doesn’t need a connection to me, and two I haven’t researched yet.  I’ve only accepted one connection since I have been here. That was a person who was in my near geographical area, was in contact with me on the main forum, and she wanted to help me with resources that would not be helpful to people farther away. 

  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,501
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    I have had a couple lately. Had not seen any post from them so I didn’t deleted.
  • Sligo177
    Sligo177 Member Posts: 165
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments

    Hi Ed,

    I received a request a few weeks ago and it didn't really make sense.  I think it's a marketing thing.  Could be because I am moving DH to memory care and something I did triggered the marketing move.  Who knows?  Have a good day Ed.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,958
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    I sent the link for this Thread and information regarding this to Admin. using the "Contact Us" button at the top just so they have information since there is some risk to such unknown contacts who never have Posted on the Forum.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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