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Gummies to calm wife down

Hoot619 Member Posts: 342
100 Comments 25 Care Reactions Second Anniversary

My wife could use some or at least try them on her.  She is on no meds at all.  Some on here have used them. What do I ask for?      I'm to the point I will try anything and also it might help to get her calmed down for when I get her placed.    Right now even to get dressed takes hours.

I'm at my wits end.  Hoot


  • rlpete
    rlpete Member Posts: 33
    10 Comments First Anniversary


    What you can get depends on the state you reside in. My wife uses them to help calm her anxiety as sometimes it almost reaches the point of a panic attack where she is incapable of almost everything. She usually takes one in the morning and then one later if she is feeling a bit too anxious that day.  

    My suggestion is to go to a legitimate CBD/dispensary store. Don't go to the gas station, t-shirt store, tattoo parlor, smoke shop etc. that sells items. A real store should be able to answer your questions and direct you to proper solution. If they don't then find a different store. The store will also have higher quality products. You could also consider tinctures or water soluble products. They are supposed to get into the system quicker than gummies but they also leave quicker. We have tried them but stick with the gummies.

    Dosage is also important. Again, the store should be able to help. Start smaller. The normal size gummies we get are too strong for my wife. They make her feel "high" which on top of the dementia is not good. I cut the gummies in half and that seems to be the right dosage. I've also taken the full size gummie and I can feel the effect. The half size is better for us. Some stores also have microdose products which are a smaller dosage.  

    We mentioned this to her doctor and the doctor said the studies were not conclusive as to the benefit for dementia patients but that it wouldn't hurt anything at the levels we were using. For my wife even if there is some placebo effect, I don't care. Her anxiety is under control so I'm happy. That is one battle over. Good luck.        

  • Hoot619
    Hoot619 Member Posts: 342
    100 Comments 25 Care Reactions Second Anniversary
    Ripete, thank you for the reply when I get my tears dried-I listened to the song Honey- I'm heading for the store. Have one about 7-8 miles from here.  I'm in recovery and never even thought this stuff would help her.  But it is worth a try. Hoot
  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    CBD gummies are available almost everywhere, but as said, I’d stress the importance of getting them from a reputable source.

    Gummies with THC (the substance in marijuana) are enormously helpful to many. How easy they are to get can vary hugely, depending on your state.

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes

    I was using gummies to relieve DHs anxiety and anger for about 4 months prior to the Psych doctor's treatments with Seroquel. I began using the THC with the knowledge and consent of his primary care doctor. He responded well to them. You need to specifically choose the INDICA strain of THC. It has the best calming effect on the psychosis. The Sativa strain of gummies can actually make these behaviors somewhat worse because it's more of a mood uplifting gummie - best for depression symptoms.

    Start low and go slow. Try the 25mg Indica gummie and cut it in half to begin with a 12.5mg dose. It takes about 45 min to 1 hour to see an effect. Make sure to give her a Pepsi or water to drink. THC has a dehydrating effect & can cause cotton mouth. The gummies work for about 4-6 hours depending on the individual & their digestion. If you see obvious signs of intoxication (primarily the unsteadiness on her feet that presents falling risk) you can cut the gummies in 4 pieces to provide a 7mg dose instead of the 12.5mg. If you're not getting any good effect from the low dose, you can try giving a full 25mg dose. According to our doctor and the Dispensary, THC overdose is pretty much unheard of unless taken at extremely high doses. For your own peace of mind, if she chances to react badly to the THC, know that she will likely return to baseline within 4 hours as the effect wears off. Give her plenty of water or Pepsi during that time.

    Good luck Hoot. Hope it brings you and your wife some relief.

  • Hoot619
    Hoot619 Member Posts: 342
    100 Comments 25 Care Reactions Second Anniversary
    Thanks to all that replied. I got them but had to travel 45 miles to get them hope it was worth the trip.   Now to get her to take 1.  My daughter-in-law went with me and the conversation was good. I sure don't get any at home.  That song,( Honey ) sure brought back memories of what we used to have.  Hoot
  • MaryG123
    MaryG123 Member Posts: 393
    100 Comments 5 Likes
    It sounds like they can be quite helpful. I thought that thc frequently causes paranoia though.  Is that not a problem with the gummies?  Does anyone administer alcohol for its sedation properties?  (Oh boy, I can just hear the feedback on this one.  You guys can be brutal.).
  • AdultOrphan
    AdultOrphan Member Posts: 2
    Ninth Anniversary First Comment

    Look into Home Town Heros in Austin Texas. They have very good FDA approved products.

    I have severe anxiety and panic attacks and they work for me.

    The rice crispy treats are very good. Start with a little bite. The recommended amount 

    was to much for me.

    I also have tried their gummies, half of a gummy for me is just right.

  • Lynne D
    Lynne D Member Posts: 276
    100 Comments Second Anniversary
    Start slow. I had some success with a 1:1 ratio of THC to CBD. Do not expect the edibles to act quickly and adjust dosing as necessary.
  • Berryette
    Berryette Member Posts: 47
    10 Comments First Anniversary
    Doc had me give CBD gummies to my DH.  They did not have THC.  For awhile, they helped "smooth" him out.  He was happy and relaxed.  But he started having nightmares.  We had to discontinue them.
  • Hoot619
    Hoot619 Member Posts: 342
    100 Comments 25 Care Reactions Second Anniversary

    MaryG123,  That is something I don't dare have in the house.  The way things are going here in a weaker moment I Could drain the darn bottle.  I don't even dare take the gummies.

    I think she took one last night, I was gone dear Daughter-in-law went out for a smoke break and when she returned it was gone. Hasn't turned up anyway.  Today I put one out -no good- so I melted it with a little water and added it to her pepsi. Sooner or later she will drink it.  I hope!

    I hope the UTI med. help her hasn't so far well maybe a little.   She won't let me do anything for or with her like changing her etc. 

    My Son wants her placed here in town, he said I don't want to drive for an hour to see her and walk in and have  her screaming at me and have to leave right away.  She has done that more than a few times to him.   Me , it's darn near all the time.    Time to try again, if she will stand up I can HELP her to bathroom.    Hoot

  • MaryG123
    MaryG123 Member Posts: 393
    100 Comments 5 Likes
    I hope they help Hoot.
  • Just Bill
    Just Bill Member Posts: 315
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    I hope the gummies work for her Hoot. How did she avoid being on some sort of medication?

    It seems everyone with dementia is on something.  Kinda like kids in high school in the '70's.

  • Hoot619
    Hoot619 Member Posts: 342
    100 Comments 25 Care Reactions Second Anniversary

    It got so She would not take her pills no matter what I did . Only thing I didn't try was a turkey baster.  Taking meds only once or twice a week is no help.  The Doc's agreed with me.

      I should have got cookies or something else rather than gummies.  I melt them . Have to buy a small funnel that will fit pop can. I already stole the wife's for filling batteries.  Hoot

    They or the meds for UTI have calmed her down quite a little. That is a big WIN.

  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Glad they are helping your wife, maybe you can get some rest now too!
  • Ed1937
    Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,084
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions
    Hoot, glad you found something to help. That's huge.
  • Hoot619
    Hoot619 Member Posts: 342
    100 Comments 25 Care Reactions Second Anniversary

    The THC is working ok , a little slow depends on how fast she drinks her Pepsi.  It has made it a lot easier on me. She is still raising hell in the mornings but calms down later on.  Not very much yelling at all.  Eating better, another win.

      On a side note- getting her into the bathroom this morning the dog is watching over her pretty good. I may have to start watching him more closely .  Years ago she was choking and I grabbed her and use that Hymlich or whatever on her and the dog went for me.  They can be real protective.     

      People at my meetings noticed the change in me, so something is working.   Hoot

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes
    Until you've exhausted the gummies, you might have a quicker result if you add one to a very small amount of Pepsi in a glass. Tell her it's just a little bit of leftovers she needs to drink before you open a new can.
  • [Deleted User]
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  • Hoot619
    Hoot619 Member Posts: 342
    100 Comments 25 Care Reactions Second Anniversary
    Getting her to drink or to do anything has to be her idea. She doesn't understand anymore hardly anything. She talks  to the dog more than she talks to me which isn't much. She is good at swearing at me at times.  Thanks for the glass idea I'll use empty can and do it that way.  In fact I did it Sunday I think. I'll cut down on the pop til she gets them in her. Then she can drink as much as wants .    As long as she mellows out some I am satisfied. I'm glad something is working. Hoot
  • rlpete
    rlpete Member Posts: 33
    10 Comments First Anniversary
    Hoot, Glad to see you have something that is working even if only a little. Every little bit helps.
  • LilySue
    LilySue Member Posts: 37
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    I've given CBD gummies to DH for several years. It seems a bit hit and miss, sometimes they seem calming, sometimes not so much.

    The hospice physician visited yesterday and suggested I purchase from a dispensary gummies or tincture with a strength of 8:1. I'll be doing that tomorrow.

    Never did I ever picture myself shopping at a marijuana dispensary! Our daughter and I had a good laugh about it the other day in her car when she said, "Here's a song for you!" She then "told" her "radio" to play Willie Nelson singing "Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die"!

    For your entertainment:


    I hope no one is offended! I told my retired police detective friend about the song (I'd never heard it) and he said if that actually happened, the whole city would get high!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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