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Having one heck of a time

Hoot619 Member Posts: 342
100 Comments 25 Care Reactions Second Anniversary

Dear wife woke me by yelling, checked on her but yelled louder. I haven't been able to change since yesterday afternoon.  At least she is dressed     When she gets up out of her chair then I can get her to bathroom-grab both hands and pull.  She hollars all the way.

I 'll have to get a UTI sample again to see if all clear and at the same time will talk to Doc and see if any liquid meds will calm her down some.

   She got up a few minutes ago but when I got to her she sat back down.   She needs changing bad.  On a winning note she ate 1 bannana and a toasted cheese.  I doctored her pop up, hope it has some effect. Used 1 gummy melted it added to pop.It has helped some with her but should increase it. I don't know what her limit would be.  Anybody??

I'm using the Mooneybaby now with her mike on at the loudest level to watch and hear her.

I think I have great big problems, then I come on here and find out lots of others are in worse shape with their caregiver role.  I keep all Caregivers in my prayers. For some it is a thankless job but ever so often a smile or a thank you from our loved one.  It makes it worth it.    Hang in there    Hoot


  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes

    I would be sure to ask for the INDICA THC liquid to make it easier to add to Soda or food (like oatmeal). Absolutely insist on the Indica strain. The Sativa or Hybrid strains will not calm your DW's behavior and might make it worse. Tell the person at the dispensary that it absolutely needs to be Indica. The liquid formulation will often be referred to as a tincture or an an infusion. Most will come with an eye-dropper to make dosing easy. They will often recommend putting the tincture under the tongue (sublingual) for faster acting, but the liquid can be added to food and drinks, too. It still requires about 45 min. to 1 hour to see full effect of the dose, so I would start low (10mg or 25mg dose) and give more if she's not feeling calm and a little sleepy within 2 hours. Once she's feeling calmer, this is your opportunity to try changing incontinence briefs.

    She will definitely need to have something to drink on hand when consuming THC. Cotton mouth is a common side effect. Pepsi, cranberry juice diluted with water, or just plain water would be best. 

    It's difficult to tell you how much THC to give in a single dose because not everyone has the same metabolism. Some people can take as little as 10 mg and feel calm, relaxed, and mellow. Others might need 50 mg for the same effect. But, again, I recommend you go slow on increasing the dose. Wait at least 2 hours after giving one low dose before giving more. You can give THC liquid on a 6 hour schedule to maintain the effect throughout the day (the same as it is with a lot of sedatives),

  • abc123
    abc123 Member Posts: 1,171
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Hello Hoot, I’m sorry things are so rough for you. We used liquid Ativan for my mother to keep the edge off when needed. It was a HUGE help. The hospice nurse recommended it. 

    Hoot, I’ve been following your post. I admire you. I think you are a real trooper!



  • Hoot619
    Hoot619 Member Posts: 342
    100 Comments 25 Care Reactions Second Anniversary

    Thanks for the replies, I'm going to check on both .     Finally got her changed and even clothes on. Later she  calmed down. She ate some icecream followed by a corn dog.  I keep on getting upset with her when I know I shouldn't. When she is somewhat lucid it is so nice.

    When this disease started it was very slow, the last year getting faster and the last 2- 3 months seems like the bottom dropped out.  I know that a lot of the caregivers have been dong this for a lot of years. Sometime I think how the heck do they do it !  I guess it's one day at a time, doing the best we can.  Hoot

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Hello again Hoot; what a time you have been having; I am sorry. I wonder if she has any pain in some of her joints when moving which causes her to resist and cannot communicate that to you.  One wonders about knees, hips, spine, shoulders, hands, etc.  It can be severely painful and can take time to stand and begin to slowly move.

    One thing to know is that not all persons tolerate THC well.   Some have negative reactions, so do try and see if this is something contributing.   I understand you are on the short end of waiting for a bed in a care facility - how long now?  And are you keeping intermittent communication with the facility to ensure the bed will still be there?  It is a good idea to do so now and then.

    As for calming needs - Ativan also comes in a cream that can be applied to the body, so it is easy to use.  If one has the brand name tablet of Ativan, it also quickly melts on or under the tongue.  Not recommending it; just  giving input since it was mentioned.

    The doctor can also order Home Health to come in to assess things and that can also lead to some intermittent help in the home such as a bath aide.  Just suggesting . . .

    Take good care of you too, Hoot; it is a lot to be dealing with.  It may be a huge benefit to both of you when she has been admitted to a care facility - she will have 24 hour aide care, routine and structure, socialization as she can tolerate as well as activities to watch or take part in to her capability and tolerance.  You may find she does much better in such a setting without all the behavioral triggers she has at home.  And . . . you can once again be the supportive, loving husband without the uber stress and exhaustion.  Hang in there, it is getting closer.


  • Hoot619
    Hoot619 Member Posts: 342
    100 Comments 25 Care Reactions Second Anniversary

    To all that replied,  The gummies do work but takes 2 and she is very slow in drinking her pepsi. Took about 4 hours for them to work, she was talking a little and it lasted for quite a while. She stood up this morning a little while ago and I was able to get her changed. Wasn't in a very good mood.

    The MCF  in town has not returned my call, I know they are filled up. I did go see the one I had dealings with before, She was the one who said we don't qualify for medicaid a few months ago and also the one who let me know they are filled up now. She didn't know or wouldn't tell me how many on list.

      I'll go see the patient advocate and see if I can get more information on how many on the list Monday.  Will call and get her name on waiting list for other places.   The one I had picked out is Covid positive-no way going there.

    Now that I know that the gummy works will make another trip to wacky weed place and get the INDICA THC. I'll be very careful with that.  It was nice to get a hug from her and her saying she loves me.   I really needed it.  Thanks all from a very grateful Caregiver, Hoot

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    We don't know what we don't know. In that light, here is an older Post with information from all places, Consumer Reports regarding how to make a purchase, etc.  Most of this is about CBD, but same concerns apply. (THC can make a person, "high," by the way, CBD does not):

    "1.  Most important:  Do No Harm - these substances can sometimes cause unforeseen and unwanted effects/interactions with prescription meds, so before starting, please do speak to both your Loved One's physician as well as your pharmacist to ensure there will be no negative effects on medically necessary meds needed for other conditions.

    2.  We don't know what we don't know.  That is a big one.  There is a LOT more to screen for than just purchasing the substance and moving forward - in this light, I am providing links to of all things, Consumer Reports magazine that has done an excellent job of sharing what one would want to look and screen for to safely making such a purchase.   



    https://www.consumerreports.org/cbd/safe-cbd-use/     "


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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