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Just need to talk to my friends (194)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sitting on the front porch drinking my coffee ☕️ after it cooled down. Would rather have it hot, but nothing hot for now. Mouth not as sore this morning, but now fir bone graph on uppers this morning.

    Weather is slowly trying to warm up and looking forward to a nice summer.

    Jo.C, still thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    David Hope you don’t get too much rain today.

    Marie all those people around. Last year I had to have people driving me around and I know I sure did appreciate it. After a major event like your son-in-law had there are lots of doctors appointments for a month or two I found that out. I agree. The most important thing is being safe. I’m always thankful when I get home safely.

    Nice to hear that you’re doing OK this morning Ron. Hope things go easy for you today.

    Some of my family is leaving today for my aunt memorial service tomorrow. The others will go tomorrow morning. I’m staying with mom. A lot of the family cannot go due to some medical problems in their family. My uncle and his family are going through a lot right now.

    I think my old neighbor moved out totally yesterday. Their trash can is gone, an unfamiliar SUV was there for a little bit late yesterday evening and the outside garage light is on this morning, which is never been on before.

    Lorita my car is 12 years old I think and sometimes I still have to look something up.

    Take care, everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, up and at 'em. Looks like it will be a pretty day. So far, not windy. Just fed the birds and opened a box from WM that had bird feed in it.

    Sarah texted me and I called her. She's so sick, crying and afraid. Told her to get Todd to call ambulance and go to hospital. She said all the doctors had told her they wouldn't see her if she went to the ER. Can they do that? Told her the ER doctor would. She feels like everything is shutting down. I'm really worried that it's time.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita I can only answer regarding what may be, since I wasn’t there, and did not hear the conversation there’s no way for me to know for sure.

    If she goes to the emergency room she will be seen by an emergency room physician normally. He would be the one who would do the initial assessment. From there the patients either discharged or they’re sent to the floor. If she has a family physician more than likely, if it’s like here, they do not go to the hospital

    At the hospital, you’re taken care of usually by a hospitalist. When you get to the floor, the hospitalist sees you and then he will consult with whatever specialist you need. Specialist usually do not come down to the emergency room unless a patient has called them and they have told the patient to meet them there. Even then they’re often seen by the emergency room physician first before that specialist gets there just to make sure they don’t need something immediate. The specialist also may tell them to go to the emergency room to be evaluated. They let the emergency room physician decide whether you need to be seen by them or not. When you get to the floor a consult will have to be put in by the hospitalist for the specialist. If they haven’t consulted the specialist, she could ask them to and my experience has been that normally they will. The specialist can come in and say that he has nothing further to add and sign back off, if he decides that he has nothing that he can do at that time. Basically a specialist is not going to do any sort of general care. So this is just been my experience.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Mint. That's what I thought,too,but my experience has been with the VA and they're different. I can't imagine a doctor refusing to see someone or make an appt. What happened to the Hippocratic Oath they took.

    I know the time is coming for Sarah to leave us but we're not ready. We tbought, and the doctors though, it might have been 15 months ago. I don't know how she goes on not able to eat and in such pain.She's scared so I tried to reassure her but not much you can say. I did tell her she wouldn't know when it happened. Her aunt, Scarlet, passed away in her sleep which would be the best way to go.

    M .y new car is making a noise I don't like. I hadn't heard it until I was outside of it when if was running. Sort of like it's not running smoothly. I told the salesman and he said to bring it in. Probably be next week, just too worried to do it now.. I remember one car I bought many years ago had something wrong with the gas gauge. I ran out of gas a mile from home. With the Cougar I had to have the company or dealer put on different wheels. The ones on it were so wide it threw gravel up on the car.

    Girls are out front wanting to change pastures so I'll go open the gate. Thanks, again,Mint, and thank you for bolding.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Lorita you much be sick with worry. I'm so sorry for you - its such a helpless feeling. I'm thinking its going to be a beautiful day there - time to be outside and in nature. Chat with your girls - they listen and you'll feel a little better.

    Sending you a great big TXsized hug.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited March 29

    Thank you, Eagle, I'm a worrier anyway so it is bothering ne. Aggravating that Todd doesn't call. You're right I need to get outside. Thanks for the Texas sized hug, neighbor.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I think Mint is spot on. Today is not like 15 years ago.

    I do wish Sarah/Todd could get Hospice/pallative care on board. I feel certain they could help her with her pain. I she still planning on the dental work being done? Has she gotten her appointment with the Dr who can provide the IV feeding?

    Please tell and Todd that we carry both of them in our hearts.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, praying for Sarah!

    Today's upper bone graph was no fun, 5 times worse than the lower inplants yesterday. Still have gauze I keep changing from bleeding and it takes a lot for me to agree for anything stronger than tylenol, but this is one of those occasions.

    I did have something today that really gave me a deep appreciation for VA staff. My throat was real dry from keeping my mouth open for 2 1/2 hours and te water fountain was not working. I was struggling trying to get water and had my mask off and this nice young lady took me by the arm and had me sit down. She went and bought me a bottle of water and wouldn't let me pay her.

    Need to rest@


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Judith. I will tell them. I have talked and talked to them about hospice. Just talked to Todd. He said she didn't want to go to hospital but finally she agreed. She's in the ambulance now. Wanted to go to St. Anthonys. Attendants said they're really busy today so may go to Mercy. He said none of the doctors she's had would see her because there's nothing they can do for her. I can't understand that. Looks like there should be a place to report something like that. Going out with the girls for a while.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Lorita, it must be so difficult for you to standby and not be able to do anything for Sarah; I'm so sorry and I feel your pain. Did her health issues start after she married Todd, I mean did they have time to enjoy their new union? I ask because I think I remember they haven't been married long. So sad for both of them! Please keep us posted on her; we truly care xo

    Ron, you are my hero for having all that dental work done! I had two implants a couple of years ago and I lived on pain meds for the next few days! Hope all goes well and you heal quickly. It is a long process.

    I'm still dealing with house renovation issues! Never ending! Since LO lives here with me, I have to do one room at a time. As you know I starting with the roof and working my way down.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited March 28

    Ron hope you are able to sleep tonight.

    Lorita I understand what Todd is saying. You mentioned that Todd said they have said there’s no more they can do for her. So the doctors apparently have been upfront with her about that . That point comes with many illnesses and when it happens the next step is hospice. Her primary care physician would be the one probably now giving her the majority of her care until she goes on hospice and then the hospice doctor I believe would assume her care.

    Everyone is kind of in a bad spot here it seems. Sara is in a lot of pain and the poor thing still wants to get better which is understandable for sure. Todd has to be worn out I would think. He knows what the doctors have said as he shared it with you, and may be more accepting at this point about that then Sara is. I don’t know that I’m just saying it is a possibility. I’ve been in the caregivers shoes twice so far in my life and it is very tiring even when you’re not doing it alone. And it seems like Todd is on his own.

    The specialists are probably a little frustrated too because they have told her there’s no more they can do but she still wants to see them. Probably at this point her main physician would be her primary care physician. I can’t remember if she has a primary care physicians she sees on a regular basis or not. When she comes to ER and the ER physician evaluates her, he has access to all her medical records if she is staying in the same health system or if she gave them permission to share like I did so that any doctor I go to at OSU or here at home can see the other hospital records also. So he knows what she’s been told, so he doesn’t really have many options either. If he calls them, they’re probably just going to repeat to him what he already read in the chart. He may call them anyways so that he can tell the patient what they said to help cover him for the decision that he makes. And if a doctor truly can’t do anymore that is what he should say. Just to do things that are never going to help or make matters worse is not the right thing for them to do. If they do something that they know is of no value and could make matters worse then that’s also against the Hippocratic oath. They have to know their limitations also.

    If she is seeing a primary care physician it’s probably also very frustrating for him because he doesn’t really have any options other than just caring for her day to day. He has nothing else to offer though, so that has to be very frustrating and hard for him as a physician.

    she’s your niece, that you have many fond memories of, and that you helped raise as you’ve told us. So it’s very hard to watch this and to hear her crying and you would like for somebody to fix it. I kind of have those feelings right now about my uncle. He went to the oncologist today and I am so hoping that there is something that they can do to at least make him more comfortable. I was always so thankful for the pain clinic that took care of my sister because they kept her very comfortable and that’s their specialty. It would’ve been so much harder to care for her if she would been in pain and there was nothing you could do about it. It was comforting to me to be able to give her medication’s that helped her rest. And I hope that my uncle is offered that if the ones caring for him right now are not able to relieve his pain.

    I’m very sorry Lorita that you are having to go through this.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    I’m praying for Sarah and Todd, and you Lorita.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Please pray the good Lou stays around a couple of days. I had a spell earlier with cold sweat and nauseous, but it passed. Still having to keep gauze in my mouth.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Ron, you and Lou are in my prayers. Could the caregiver perhaps come some extra days/times to ensure you get some rest?

    Lorita, prayers for Sara, Todd and for you. And Mint, for your Uncle and for you as you care for your Mom while others travel.

    Everything just seems so hard for everybody right now.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi. first I want to thank each of you for the prayers. They are much appreciated. I don't know anymore except I called Mercy and St. Anthony's and she isn't in either one. Probably wouldn't admit her so she may be back home. Maybe Todd will call and let me know what happened.

    Caro Lynn, Sarah and Todd have been together for almost 15 yesrs, I think. So they've had years together before the gastro paresis happened. Since they got married in December 2022 she has been very ill. She's had this disease for probably nine years, getting worse and worse.

    Ron, I'm so sorry for the pain you have. Don't let the pain build before taking pain meds. I hope you're able to rest and sleep tonight. I agree with Jerilynn, it would be good if the sitter could come for a day or two while you recover.

    Mint, I see what you're saying and it makes sense. She says they just don't want her death on their records. I do wish they would get hospice. It would help both.of them. Todd says he hasn't left her side for three days so I know he's worn out. She doesn't have a PCP. He also dropped her. She feels like there's no help for her. Guess she's right if she can't get on hospice..

    Thank you, Joan. Prayers are much appreciated by all of us. I hope you're continuing to improve and aren't working too hard getting ready for your move. Don't overdo.

    Mint, it is hard because I don't know what has or is happening and there is nothing I can do but wait to hear. How long will you be staying with your mother? Hope it goes well.

    Somehow today until a while ago I missed your post earlier today, Ron. Hope you're feeling better by now. Also missed yours, Mint. You both must have posted while I was writing. So sorry about your uncle, Mint.

    It has been a beautiful day, Eagle, Stormy and I did go out and sit with the girls this afternoon. Always makes me feel.better. While we were sitting a little calf came over to see Stormy and they touched noses. Really sweet. Both the GPs are asleep and one is snoring softly.. At night when they hear the wolves Stormy barks and Sheena howls until they go by.

    I'll stop for now. So wonderful to have good friend like all of you who care and give me support. Sleep well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Haven't seen a post from Iris lstely. Is she on her trip to Oklahoma?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Kept having trouble sleeping so just got up! Bleeding has just about stopped! After Wednesday's inplants going so smoothly, I thought the bone graph would be a breeze. Boy, how wrong I was! Go back in two weeks just to see how it's going.

    Jo.C, w are all worried about you and praying for you. It's a shame we don't have ways to check on our friends when their front porch rocker is empty.

    Guess my coffee has cooled enough to drink now. I like my coffee hot, but trying my best to do what I'm told.

    Home health is coming to check on me today and preacher said he was stopping by.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Good early morning Rockers!

    Careful with hot/warm liquids Ron. Glad home health is coming. Continued prayers for all and for @Jo C. .

    Busy day planned for today. Work to get the patio in order for Easter. DH mowed yesterday but some of the front pasture was still too wet and he's not happy. Trying to keep him off a lawn mower is proving to be a challenge. He started physical therapy yesterday for his neck and using a zero-turn mower in a rough pasture is not a good thing. But he won't listen. The great Grand is coming so he wants the yard "pretty" for her to have her Easter Egg Hunt.

    Speaking of eggs, we are having a "hunt" ourselves. One of the new chickens is an "egg eater", so we are isolating them one by one to find the culprit. If it's not one thing, it's another, right?

    Trying to start the month-end bookkeeping work for the Shop so everything will be all tied up with a bow by the time I leave for NYC. Hoping this is the last sales tax I have to file.

    Checking the pantry for all the fixin's for Easter. Baked ham, smoked turkey, potato salad, green beans, deviled eggs, relish tray, and some kind of dessert (which I have not decided). I usually have all the food ready before we leave for church so we can eat right after and then have the afternoon to "play" with the Great Grand. Supposed to be a beautiful day Sunday and 80 degrees. I found two vintage egg plates on Marketplace and have to run pick those up this morning. I'll use one Sunday and then gift them both to the daughters.

    Well, I have to go clean the kitchen where I left baking dishes soaking overnight. Made butter garlic tilapia crusted with almonds and roasted veggies. I got fresh asparagus out of my front flower bed yesterday!

    Have a good day everyone.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Fresh asparagus how nice.
    Ron those graft are a little tough from my observations. Definitely be careful with hot things as you do not want to start things a bleeding, less fun than drinking cold coffee😊

    Yes hopefully Iris is just on her trip.

    Sounds like a nice meal JeriLynn. We are getting together but keeping things very simple. Im thankful for Easter.

    I didn’t realize that some chickens would eat eggs, hope you find the culprit.

    Lorita that is hard being away. Im learning that with my uncle. You don’t get the whole story. You kind of gather it in pieces and parts. Now I understand a lot of Sara‘s issue. If you don’t have a PCP then there’s no one directing the orchestra. That Is really a problem. No specialist is ever going to fill the role of a PCP.

    i’m really not doing anything different with my mom Thursday and Friday were my days to cover anyways. I did tell my sister that I would cover Saturday for her if she wanted me too, but she said that was not necessary. So mainly, I’m just staying here to keep things covered as normal, but neither my sister or I feel like that we can both go off at the same time and really we can’t because my mom depends on us each day. my mom really acts up if she don’t feel safe. And regardless of what she says, I’ve seen that if she knows that I’m gone that creates anxiety for her. We try not to let her know when we are away. We tried to carry on just like everything is normal.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited March 29

    Morning, Ron, sorry you're going through this. They should let people know rough it will be. Hopefully, today will be better. Did they tell you that you could rinse your mouth with warm salt water? That always helped me.

    JeriLynn, sounds like you have a lovely Easter planned. I love baked asparagus. When I wss young we had a little of it and no one liked it except mother. I remember she always let some keep growing to make the feerny greenery to go in the fresh bouquets she kept in the house. I used to have a little dog, Butch, who would hunt the Easter eggs I hid for him. Wonder if the GPs would do that?

    Thanks, Mint, I thought that might be where Iris is. Haven't heard from Sarah or Todd. Hope I do today. Checked two hospitals and she isn't there. She probably went home. He said he had a hard time getting her to agree to go. Mint, she had a PCP but he dropped her. I do wish she would get on hospice.. I don't think you need a PCP for that.

    Eating my crumb cake, then need to go down and close the gate so GL won't go exploring. Toad just fed and we had a little visit. He's a character. He's been really sick the last week but Mike fixed him up and he's better. Neither of them go to doctors. I'll be back a little later.

    Addendum: Todd just called. Sarah was admitted to St. Anthonys. They have her listed under the name she had when an she was there. He said they did a CT scan. Their friend is going to let him use her car while she works today. Hopefully, she will get nourishment and pain meds.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Yea It finally stopped raining. Its supposed to be a nice weekend for Easter but guess what more rain expected by Tuesday

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm still here. I've been responding to some posts from newcomers. Nevertheless, I have a hard time keeping up with all the goings-on of the Rockers here, you all are a busy group! I can't keep up with what to respond to.

    I am still trying to prepare my taxes, but first I have to pay April's bills. Plus this is Holy Week, and I'm listening to Biblical messages. And I had to make sure that my cousins in Baltimore were okay, after the horrific bridge collapse. I'm still having trouble sleeping, I'm awake during the night and I sleep in the day. I'm still trying to get back to a regular sleep routine. And I haven't been eating well. My life is a bit out of order right now.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Iris, it’s OK if you can’t keep up with everything. Just answer what you can remember and let us know how Iris is doing and what she’s up to. Hope you get your sleep straightened out.

    we had a beautiful day too David. I was able to get quite a bit done outside. But the next four or five days it’s all rain and they’re saying may be quite a bit of rain. I’m not gonna complain because if summer comes and it’s dry. I will be glad we got the rain. I still have plenty to do inside.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good afternoon to all the denizens of Lorita's porch.

    I've been enjoying a quiet week with little in the way of mother-stuff. On the plus side, it means I've been getting pesky things done around my house. On the downside, she has too much time to ruminate and come up with nonsense that irritates when I call to touch base with her— two days ago she told me my husband didn't want to go to a party at my niece's house Sunday because he's autistic. He doesn't want to attend a party where he doesn't know anyone but the hosts and he's 40 years older than the other adults and no one talks to him. This is a new line of craziness from her, mostly she talks about how old or fragile he is which makes us both annoyed. DS has to work, so I don't want to leave DH home alone to take her to some party when my niece has offered to Uber her there and back. Poor DH spends entirely too much time home alone while I ferry her hither and yon— it'll be nice to have a smaller holiday just the two of us.

    She did get her Christmas present installed— a new chair height toilet with a Toto Washlet Bidet. She's quite impressed. The thing is massive; it dominates her ensuite bathroom. She described it as working kind of like a carwash and all I could think of is when you pay an extra $5 to get the undercarriage wash to get rid of corrosive road salt.

    Sandwiches tonight. I feel like I have been cooking and baking all week.

    @Iris L I know what you mean about all the players on this thread. Sometimes I take notes, so I don't confuse people with one another.

    @Lorita I am so sorry for Sarah's situation. I know it weighs heavily on you.

    @ronald71111 I am sorry the implant procedure was so rough for you. I don't recall my husband complaining at all. Mom didn't either, but she had some serious bruising. I can't speak to my graft procedure hurting— I'd had a lot of lidocaine and the extraction was more traumatic as he had to dig around to get the pieces of fractured root out. The closure of the wound was creepy. I was very disappointed not to get my post that day.

    @loveskitties Even I don't do that much medical transport. Mom currently has a dozen medical professionals in play and has been to the ER or orthopedic urgent care 6 times in the last year. I am sick to the teeth of watching HGTV.

    @JeriLynn66 Enjoy your Easter Egg hunt. Your meals always sound so good.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    HB, you had me laughing about the car wash. The lower inplants I had done Wednesday was nor that bad, it was the bone graph for the upper dentures is what I'm having a hard time with. I have a balance problem anyway and all the extra medications I'm taking after oral surgery has me walking like a drunk sailor. Also, after getting Lou up this morning, fixing breakfast and making the beds blood shot out of my nose. I've been off the blood thinner since Sunday and yesterday I was told to start it back today, but after the nose bleeding I'm waiting another day or two. Been resting this afternoon and except for the swelling I seem better. Preacher came by and it was good to have someone to talk to.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    edited March 29

    Dear friends, just got back from SIL eye doc exam…great news as there was no evidence of problem from the stroke…even his vision had only changed slightly in the last 3 yrs!

    One more hoop with the neurologist follow-up on Monday. Am hoping that goes well and he gets released back to work.

    We are all thanking everyone for their prayers and for the Good Lord's blessings that things are going so well.

    Wishing all better health and only good days.

    Hugs, Marie

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited March 30

    Hi, I've had a different afternoon. About 1 pm Darwin called and asked if I could take he and Donna to the hospital. His daughter was coming from east of Ft. Smith but I could get him there faster. O f course, I can I told him. Hurried and threw on some presentable clothes and hot over there..He saw our doctor yesterday and got meds for a UTI but was having problems. Both of his daughters got there after vitals and a CT scan were done. They were going to have to wait up to an hour for results so since.his daughters were there I came on home. I hope it turns out ok for him.

    I had left the GPs outside and of all the crying and screaming you would have thought I had been gone a month.. I am worn out and my.back hurts. One thing I learned.is that an Equinox is not made for a.very long trip.. This was only 25 miles each way. The seat is too short for me and hard. I'm used to a soft Mercury seat. The PU seats are firm but wide enough front to back. I don't plan on any long trips but may have to look again. I do like it though. It has been so windy today and I could feel the 40 mph gusts hitting the car.

    Iris, glad to see your post. When do you go on your trip?

    Marie, good news for your sister in law. Hope the next trip also has good news.

    Ron, how scary was that blood coming from your nose? Hope it didn't last long. Take it easy and rest when you can. HB, glad your mom likes her new stool. I know the taller ones are much easier to navigate as we get older. Thank you, I do worry about her. I did talk briefly to her this evening. She's getting IVs to hydrate and nourish and pain meds every six hours. This is where she needs to be. And, maybe Todd can rest some, too. I'm with you,

    Mint,I'm with your - can't fuss much about rain after the drought the last two years. I still have three big trees that aren't showing buds yet and some only have leaves on one or two branches. Hope you don't have stormy weather. It's forecast for here Monday with possible tornadic activity. Dread that.

    David, hope you don't have too much rain this weekend.

    Nothing on tap tomorrow so we're going to sleep in. Darwin's daughter raid she'd let me know if he's admitted. If so, she'll stay with Donna. She'll be lost without him being home.

    Rest well tonight.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just had a call from D's daughter. They are still at the hospital! He's going to come home but on the CT scan they found an abdominal aneurysm. He's to have an appt. later about this. Maybe a very good thing they did the CT scan. She said all if them were worn out and hungry. I imagine so after 5-6 hours. Glad I came home when I did.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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