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Did the SLUMS test....outcome....Dementia

Hello, I really don't feel like I belong here bc I don't know all the big test names that everyone else seems to know, but I'm scared and looking for ppl who understand. I've had a brain MRI that came back as normal, But I knew in my heart that something is majorly wrong with my memory, so I requested to have a cognitive test done. So yesterday my Dr did the SLUMS test, which I failed miserably and then was told it is Dementia. I am 50. The Dr has referred me to a neurologist, but she said there is quiet a long wait and so shes going to do an E-conference with them to see what can be done while I wait (ie meds). I live alone and am always on edge bc of how much I can't reemember. I cant remember the previous day, I can watch a show and then not know what I had just watched bc I forget it that fast, I don't follow conversation well bc 10mins in I forget what is being talked about (so now I just really isolate and keep to myself as much as possible), I'm terrified to go on a walk in fear of getting lost, I cant remember my kids bdays. It's like everyday is a new day, but not in a good way. I live on a continuous hampster wheel. I'm depressed and scared. Can anyone relate? I feel completely alone.


  • keep_hope_alive
    keep_hope_alive Member Posts: 34

    I did the SLUMS test and scored in the range of mild cognitive impairment. But it’s my understanding that SLUMS is only a screening and not a diagnostic. There are many things that can cause cognitive impairment so if it were me I’d want to know the cause, because some things are correctable.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,548
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Welcome Angeldore. Yes, the SLUMS test is a screening test. This means that furthest testing and investigation is warranted. You need blood tests to look for hormonal and other medical problems. Also, check all of your medications, prescription and over-the-counter, for memory loss side effects. You can check on rxlist.com.

    Do you have a history of depression or severs stress? These can also impact memory greatly.

    Are you working? How is that going? Can you take time off work in order to get the testing done? Please keep posting and keep us updated.


  • angeldore
    angeldore Member Posts: 3
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    Well, I was told that I needed to be seen by neuropsych, bc I am bipolar and have severe anxiety, but the neuropsych Dr denied the request. She stated that I need to get my mental health issues under control bf being seen. I was so upset by this. I' so tired of all of my health issues being blamed on my mental health. I understand that these things can be a factor for memory loss, but I know in my heart that this is not the case. I'm slowly losing myself from the memory issues. I can no longer remember the previous day, I can watch a show over and over again bc I don't remember the story line, I forget conversations 10mins after its happened. I try not to have conversations anymore bc of this. It's embarrassing. I've begun to isolate myself bc I'm just not the same person I was even a yr ago. I;m afraid to go on a walk for fear of getting lost. I sent my psych Dr a messege staying all of this, basically begging him to talk to the Dr who denied me and ask her to reconsider. All I;m asking is that they do their testing on me, and if in the end it all really does fall back on my mental health, well then, so be it. I just need answers. Thanks for your replies, as they really help me feel so not alone in this battle.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,548
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    One of our emeritus members, Alan in Colorado, who was himself a psychologist, used to warn us that stress and anxiety will reduce our cognition by HALF. So yes, anxiety and other mental health issues can cause memory loss.

    Fortunately, extensive neurocognitive testing can help to denote areas of dementia, anxiety, depression, mania and other issues. I don't understand why your neuropsychologist is refusing, this is right up her alley. To the least, you need a baseline because you will probably need one or two more testing to determine if there is a DECLINE in your cognition.

    I do have an alternative. If there is a question of depression and anxiety, then intensive treatment for depression and anxiety is indicated. This includes a therapeutic dosage of appropriate antidepressant medication, along with talk psychotherapy. This should be undertaken for at least two to three months, since it takes about six weeks for the blood levels to reach the therapeutic range. After this time, you can determine if there has been improvement in your symptoms due to treatment for depression. If not, then you can proceed with further testing for dementia.

    At the same time, keep in mind that medical issues, such as thyroid disorders, low Vitamin B12 and other diseases, also can cause significant memory loss. These diseases need to be excluded by blood tests. If there is a history of head trauma from sports, search for evidence of old concussions and even brain tumors. Cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure can cause memory loss. So can sleep apnea. Extensive medical workup is indicated.

    You did not state if you are working. How is that going? Do you use work accommodations?

    I know this is very scary. But take things step by step. Practice stress and anxiety relieving techniques. I use and have used deep breathing as my anxiety relieving technique, and it works for me very well.

    Please keep us updated.


  • angeldore
    angeldore Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    Iris, thanks for commenting. Yes, I work, I am a full-time caregiver. I work in memory care, ironic huh!? As far as my mental state, I am bipolar and suffer from severe anxiety. I have suffered from both my whole life, and been on many different medications almost as long. I'm never totally 'normal', but, what is 'normal' really? I have to say that I am baffled as to why neuropsych refused. She stated that I need to get my mental state level before I can be properly tested. But again, I'm bipolar, so I'm NEVER one hundred percent level! I was SO angry when I read that. I have been begging my psychiatrist to please get a hold of her and ask her to reconsider. I cant even remember my kids' birthdays! It's like every day is a new day, because I don't remember much from the day before, and I remember nothing past that. My memory has got significantly worse over the last year, and I have been on meds this whole time. All I can do I guess is hope that my psychiatrist goes to bat for me. We'll see. My blood work has all turned out fine I think. I do have hypothyroidism, but the last my Dr checked, thyroid levels looked good. B12 is good. IDK what else they check for in blood. I've just been trying not to think too hard about it, bc I was driving myself crazy, and that was doing me no good.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,548
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Angel, check your bipolar and other meds for memory loss side effects. Also, don't stress-out your memory. Make good use of memory aids such as calendars and keeping notes and lists. You can go to askjan.org and search for work accommodations. Keep in mind that depression can cause memory loss.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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