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She has gone to heaven

F&E Member Posts: 40
25 Care Reactions Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes

I cry as I write this. My wife passed yesterday at 2AM. Now I am suffering in stage eight. I don’t know what to do in order to feel better. So I thought I would write my awe full feelings down and send them away. I know others have gone threw this. I am nervous and restless. I am very sad I miss my wife so much. I feel lost and alone without her.it seems like there is not much left to live for. or any reason to do anything. Living life is horrible right now. I tell myself that as time passes things will get better. I try to be positive and imagine a better future but right now it seems impossible I just can’t see it happening. I feel so hopeless and destroyed. So there, I rwrote it down in type .I am going to tell my bad feelings goodbye and send them away. If I sound crazy it is because I am out of my mind in emotional pain and it’s the grief talking. Thank y’all for reading. all responses will be appreciated very much


  • annie51
    annie51 Member Posts: 212
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    My deepest condolences to you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I hope that sending your feelings to us will help in some small way. Think of how happy your wife is now, free from the prison of dementia. You will get through this - caregivers have a special kind of strength. Hugs and prayers for you.

  • Quilting brings calm
    Quilting brings calm Member Posts: 2,651
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    Life will get better. My spouse suffers from depression and he has always said that four word sentence gets him through on bad days. We lost our son over 18 months ago and I can tell you life gets better. Will you forget your spouse? Of course not. But there are things and people to live for- and there are ways to be happy. For now? Just sleep, eat, read, binge watch tv. The rest will come later.

  • Joe C.
    Joe C. Member Posts: 996
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Care Reactions

    My sincere condolences on the loss of your dear wife. May you find some peace in the days ahead.

  • fmb
    fmb Member Posts: 531
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    I am so sorry for the loss of your dear wife. And no, you do not sound crazy. The emotional pain and grief are devastating, especially this early in your grief journey. As much as we think we have grieved before our loved one dies, it still hits hard when they do leave us. QBC gives some very good advice. Cut yourself a lot of slack and take very good care of yourself. Surround yourself with people who truly care and will support you. Slowly but surely the pain will eventually ease and you will again know peace and joy. ((hugs))

  • clarinetist
    clarinetist Member Posts: 178
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    So sorry to hear of your loss. Hope writing down your feelings helped. Be kind to yourself as you work through your grief.

  • ronda b
    ronda b Member Posts: 145
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    So sorry for your loss.

  • midge333
    midge333 Member Posts: 394
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    I am sorry for your loss. Please be kind to yourself.

  • Kat63
    Kat63 Member Posts: 96
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Care Reactions 25 Likes 10 Comments

    So sorry for your loss. I can feel your pain and understand your terrible grief. Please know we care and my hope for you is that each day gets a little bit easier and memories of your wife and your life together help to carry you forward.

  • --Rebecca--
    --Rebecca-- Member Posts: 66
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    F&E, I am so very sorry. I wish my words could help ease your grief. I send you love and comfort. I hope each day gets easier.

  • Stan2
    Stan2 Member Posts: 105
    25 Likes 25 Care Reactions 10 Comments First Anniversary

    I am so sorry. Please try to take care of yourself.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 426
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    I am very sorry for your loss. It gets easier, with time. You never forget, but in time you will remember more of the good times and less of the bad.

  • Jgirl57
    Jgirl57 Member Posts: 548
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Insightfuls Reactions

    We are here for you as you stumble through stage 8. So very sorry for you. The ache that others feel who faced their loved ones death is brutal as well as relief. I dread it.

  • v3
    v3 Member Posts: 167
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    I'm sorry , dementia losses are so hard - we mourn their loss for years ahead of time and those "living with the disease years" are not the future we wanted.

    But she wasn't just those years , I hope in time you can remember her with fond memories of the years you shared - those are always yours to have in your heart . The happy years live on in your memories of her , and for others who will miss her — you will be a remembrance of her presence here.

    Take time for you now, you'll have a lot to do with settling things but they can wait a bit.

    She was blessed to have been loved and cared for by you for so long.

  • Carmen M
    Carmen M Member Posts: 41
    25 Care Reactions 10 Comments 5 Insightfuls Reactions First Anniversary

    So sorry for your loss. Concentrate on the happy moments and embrace the happiness and love you both shared.

    Be kind to yourself and her memories will live on.

  • ImMaggieMae
    ImMaggieMae Member Posts: 1,061
    1000 Comments 250 Likes Third Anniversary 100 Insightfuls Reactions

    I am very sorry for the loss of your wife. May your memories of your lives together bring you peace in the coming months.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,910
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Im sorry for your loss of DW.

  • White Crane
    White Crane Member Posts: 946
    Seventh Anniversary 500 Care Reactions 250 Likes 500 Comments

    My heart goes out to you at this sad time. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear wife. Please know that you are not alone. We are all here for you and care about you. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself time to grieve and to heal. Your heart is wounded and needs to rest. Sending hugs and prayers.


  • Russinator
    Russinator Member Posts: 91
    25 Likes 25 Care Reactions 10 Comments First Anniversary

    So sorry for your loss.

  • SDianeL
    SDianeL Member Posts: 1,198
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    so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband Lonny August 12 and know how you feel. I make a list every day of things I want to accomplish that day. It helps to stay busy. Someone posted here about “thought stopping” to help with grief. It works sometimes. My wise Mom said when you lose someone you love to do things that honor their memory. I made a list of things I could do to do that. Someone else posted “Grief is the price we pay for love” Your wife was lucky to have you. Cherish the memories. She wouldn’t want you to be sad. Hugs.

  • hiya
    hiya Member Posts: 81
    25 Likes 25 Care Reactions 10 Comments First Anniversary

    I’m so sorry for your loss. It takes time to process all the emotions. Time and giving yourself grace will help this journey. In time, you will begin to remember your wife pre-dementia and reflect on happy memories. Big hugs

  • CampCarol
    CampCarol Member Posts: 140
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    My sincere condolences on the loss of your DW. Please give yourself some grace; your feelings are very raw right now. As time passes, you’ll be able to see things in a different light and hopefully remember and appreciate the wonderful times you had together. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this most difficult time.

  • Dio
    Dio Member Posts: 738
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    My condolences to you and your family for your loss! As the seasons change and colors turn, so will the grieving period. You will see sunshine and feel the warmth again. Be comforted in knowing that your wife is free from suffering and in a good place. She'd want you to thrive, not shrivel. Be kind to yourself. All things do come to past.

  • ALCB
    ALCB Member Posts: 18

    I am so sorry for your loss. Just remember—things will get easier and this difficult time will pass. Be kind to yourself. My condolences.

  • trottingalong
    trottingalong Member Posts: 506
    Eighth Anniversary 250 Care Reactions 250 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions

    I am really sorry. I’m sure it’s so raw right now. I hope with time the pain eases.

  • Biggles
    Biggles Member Posts: 266
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    In another life someone said to me (our carefree 20’s) “life’s crap, then you die” . At the time we laughed and I thought what a loser but you know there are times in your life when I think this saying holds some truth, and I think this is one of them. I know I will feel destroyed when my DH passes. All I can say is one step at a time, don’t try too hard just keep moving ever so slowly forward, the sun will shine again. Take care we are all still here for you.

  • Jazzma
    Jazzma Member Posts: 133
    Sixth Anniversary 100 Comments 100 Care Reactions 25 Insightfuls Reactions

    Cry until you can't cry any more. Then you will cry again. Remember to eat something and drink fluids. Sleep if you can. Deep grief is like a severe illness, in my experience, and while it will eventually ease you need to survive the days when it is most acute. For me, seeing a therapist helped — as did antidepressants. Having someone — anyone — you can talk to, cry to, someone to hold your hand, can help.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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