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Declining leg strength and postural instability

My husband has VD and osteoperosis, both progressing. His has a shuffling gait, forward lean, and its difficult for him to walk or stand. He uses a walker when we leave the house but refuses to use one in our home. His osteoperosis causes back pain and standing for more than a few minutes is impossible. Has anyone on this forum experienced something similar. He doesn't like doctors, says hes had enough testing and intervention. This has a negative impact on his life. Next step is a wheel chair that he will hate! I could use some advice. I emailed Dr a out meds or OTC products he could take with his current meds. This forum is a life line for me. Ty


  • SDianeL
    SDianeL Member Posts: 1,208
    500 Likes 1000 Comments 500 Care Reactions 250 Insightfuls Reactions

    many dementia patients develop gait problems and may lean to one side or lean forward. That increases their fall risk. You didn’t mention what Stage your DH is in. Do you know why he won’t use the walker in the house? If he won’t use the walker in the house there aren’t many options. He may have to use a wheelchair. My DH went from walking with a cane to being unable to learn to use a walker to being in a wheelchair to being bedridden. He had very bad knees. I gave him CBD gummies which seemed to help his knees at first.

  • BrownB1996
    BrownB1996 Member Posts: 14
    10 Comments 5 Likes

    You are definitely on the right tracks with talking to the doctor about medications. It would be helpful to get him on a good pain management schedule. If he does not want to use the walker inside the home, consider possibly a cane or moving the furniture in a way that he can use that as support. If you have long hallways or steps in your home, you can get railings installed along the wall to give him something to hold onto. Have a chair or two in larger areas of the home in the event that he gets tired and needs to sit down quickly. Remove any rugs or other possible tripping hazards as well.

    Unfortunately, this is just a natural progression of the disease and having the osteoporosis makes him a very high risk for bone fractures. You are an amazing caregiver, stay strong!

  • RetiredTeacher
    RetiredTeacher Member Posts: 59
    100 Care Reactions 25 Likes Second Anniversary 10 Comments

    Thank you for the CBD gummy suggestions, I hadn't thought of that. He refuses to go to eurology to get staged. He's tired of all the drs appts, tests and intervention. He just wants to be left alone. It's just hard for me to watch this happening to the big strong guy I married 36 yrs ago.

  • RetiredTeacher
    RetiredTeacher Member Posts: 59
    100 Care Reactions 25 Likes Second Anniversary 10 Comments

    Ty for the support. We caregivers need to hear positive affirmations. Too much of our life is stuck in dementia land.

  • BrownB1996
    BrownB1996 Member Posts: 14
    10 Comments 5 Likes

    This is the hardest journey, so remember to keep your own health in check as well! So often, caregivers are the ones who end up being sicker before the end, because they have not spent the time needed to maintain their own wellbeing. It's a caregiver's worst nightmare: "What will happen to my person if something happens to me?"

    Whenever a doctor is recommending treatments or surgeries, always ask what is the risk (if any) and the "reward" if any? Is it worth being poked and prodded, as all doctors generally do, or is it easier to just make him as comfortable as possible, and wouldn't you be less stressed?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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