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Incontinent briefs

M5M Member Posts: 131
100 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions Second Anniversary 25 Likes

I ordered 3 pair of incontinent briefs for DH, trying to find an interim solution for the drips and dribbles. I am pleased with the quality but surprised by one thing…the width of the crotch. I wondered if anyone considered this: the crotch from edge to edge is over 6" wide, exactly between the legs. Surely that is going to bunch up and be a big clump of damp/wet material. What do you find in various brands?


  • White Crane
    White Crane Member Posts: 948
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    My DH is in MC so I don't have to buy incontinence products. That said, I've noticed that instead of bunching up, the kind they use tends to sag in the crotch. I don't know what brand you ordered but I have heard good things about parentgiving.com. One man who used to be on the forum said they were the best he had found. He also said to be sure and order the ones made in Italy.

  • White Crane
    White Crane Member Posts: 948
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  • conrey
    conrey Member Posts: 5
    First Comment
    I don’t know if I’m even at the place I need to be🤷‍♀️. My husband was told 8 months ago he had Alzheimer’s. He refuses to talk about it or tell anyone. Actually he’s in denial and says he just missed a couple questions. Spend most of his day away from me,,, he can’t relax never could,, and it’s like he gonna show people there is nothing wrong. When he is around me never talks just looks at stupid social media videos and such. Thank goodness we did get an estate planner and are getting that settled. He gets mad at me when he’s not able to explain something. Doesn’t treat anyone else this way, just me. Doctor put him on medication. But I don’t see much change. His sister passed away at 57 with EOD. He even says that isn’t what she had,, he has 2 grown boys which he’s not close to. I have 1 daughter from previous marriage. Don’t see them getting to involved and am planning on keeping him at home myself. Any suggestions on Anything ?
  • White Crane
    White Crane Member Posts: 948
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    Hello, conrey, and welcome to the forum. I'm sorry you need to be here but there is a lot of help and support here. You need to copy your post and post it as a new thread. That way others will see it and add their comments and support. I'm glad you are seeing an estate planner. It is very important to get all your finances taken care of and set up your durable powers of attorney… (DPOA) for short. Be sure you have a DPOA and not a spring POA. Your husband probably has anosognesia. This is a condition where people do not recognize they have a problem. It's different from denial. Please post often and feel free to share your feelings, questions, and concerns. There will usually be someone who is either going through the same thing or has gone through it and can guide and encourage you. There is a book titled, "The 36 Hour Day" which a lot of people find helpful. There are also videos on you-tube that can be helpful an informative. Teepa Snow videos are very good. Mostly, I want to encourage you to keep posting and read lot of posts. We are all here for you and we care about you. Sending hugs.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,766
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    If your DH just needs protection from minor urine dribbling, a guard might be most convenient and cost effective for now.

    IME, briefs are designed for absorbency which requires substantial material. Many who need them have lost significant weight and the size helps eliminate gaps and leakage. As White Crane mentioned, they do tend to droop when they need changing.


  • M5M
    M5M Member Posts: 131
    100 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions Second Anniversary 25 Likes

    Ah, thank you. Maybe he will be more accepting of those. With no experience in men's incontinence, its rather a new experience!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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