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Anger and delusions all day

My DH is in a rehabilitation facility after a fall in which he fractured his neck. He has to wear a neck brace for about 3 months. He is doing very well in therapy. He has a history of anger, paranoia, agitation, and and infidelity delusions. He has had these episodes in the facility but, unlike today has been over the top with me. He is expected to be discharged next Monday.
Today I visited as usual, I brought him homemade Italian donuts and coffee. While in therapy one of the staff accidentally knocked over his coffee mug and it broke. DH wanted me to take it home to glue back together. ( He has a hoarding history) I told the nurse to just throw it out. He got very angry with me over this and then threw the donuts in the trash. Basically told me to leave and doesn’t want to go home. He was angry saying I am very controlling and he has no say in anything. When I got home he sent me a voice messages telling me he wants a divorce, accusing me of infidelity etc. The next time he called he apologized on a voice message. I didn’t answer due to the first message and within the next message he was back on his anger and rant. This all occurred due to a broken mug. This is so stressful.


  • trottingalong
    trottingalong Member Posts: 551
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments 250 Care Reactions 250 Likes

    I’m so sorry. I haven’t gone through anything like what you describe (yet). I wouldn’t know what to do, but hope others who have been through similar situations can help.

  • Quilting brings calm
    Quilting brings calm Member Posts: 2,717
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    Medication is about all you can do for it. At some point you might need to reconsider him being at home.

  • BPS
    BPS Member Posts: 193
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    My wife has the same delusions and she would also say I was controlling because I was making all the decisions, but when I ask her what she wants to do between two choices (watch tv or listen to music) she can't decide. Over time her delusions have become less intense but not fully gone away. I don't know if it is due to medications (we have tried several but she has had side effects) or just dieses progression. She is in MC and don't have a phone because she doesn't know how to use one. When she made accusations I would leave the room or make one comment then just sit quietly for a few minutes and then change the subject and that was enough to get her mind off it for a while. Sounds like your husband hangs on to it longer.

  • Palmetto Peg
    Palmetto Peg Member Posts: 238
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    My husband does the same thing - he is constantly accusing me of infidelity, having multiple boyfriends, etc. He is in a MC facility, and several times I have simply left when I couldn't get him off the subject. He also tells others that I have left him for another man, or that I am in his room having sex with another man. It is really discouraging and hurtful, but I haven't found a way to get him to stop. I'm so sorry you are dealing with all of his anger, and I too, think you might have to reconsider bringing him home as he might become violent. Good luck!!!

  • SDianeL
    SDianeL Member Posts: 1,323
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    so sorry. It’s the disease and very common. No amount of arguing or denying will work. You can’t reason with someone with dementia. He needs medication for agitation and delusions. His world is falling apart and he doesn’t know how to cope. You can ask for him to be admitted to the hospital in Geri Psyche so they can put him on medication and get him stable. Then you can decide whether he can return home or whether it’s time to place him in memory care.

  • marier
    marier Member Posts: 81
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    Medication was extremely helpful when my DH went through this type of behavior and verbal outburst. It was most prevelant

  • marier
    marier Member Posts: 81
    Sixth Anniversary 25 Likes 25 Care Reactions 10 Comments

    Opps! It was most prevalent in the early stages.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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