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Update on my brother

elainechem Member Posts: 182
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I did spend a few days with him in early December and I saw him again over Christmas. His memory is terrible. He can forget what he's doing while he's doing it. He agreed to allow me to administer the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test. He scored well in all areas except memory. This doesn't seem like Alzheimer's and I don't know whether it falls under the heading of dementia. But a person can become disabled solely on the basis of a severely impaired memory. He's told me that he has never discussed this with his PCP. He says that his doctor never spends sufficient time with him. I'm not sure that I believe this. I had an appointment with my PCP just before Christmas. The nurse or tech always asks some screening questions before the doctor comes in. One of the questions was whether I had any memory or concentration problems that concerned me. What do you want to bet that my brother is asked that same question and always says, "No" ? It is clear to me that my brother won't take any initiative on this, so I called his PCP's office last week and left a message for the doctor saying that the family is very concerned about his memory. I also told them that I am an Alzheimer’s widow and I know a lot about cognitive decline. Hopefully, the doctor will refer Bill to a neurologist. I have a strong feeling that Aricept and/or Namenda will help him. He just needs to take that step. So, I'm going to be waiting and praying and see what happens.


  • JDancer
    JDancer Member Posts: 485
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    If your brother is alone when he sees his PCP, I doubt he will tell the doc what's going on. It's also highly unlikely your brother will follow through on any referrals. Does he have any support near him? Dementia isn't something one can navigate alone. I'm sorry you have to go through this (again).

  • elainechem
    elainechem Member Posts: 182
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    No, he has no family where he lives. He has some friends, but that isn't the same as family. I'm hopeful that his doctor will take some affirmative steps. If not, I may have to call adult protective services in his area. There are also some virtual support groups in his city. Maybe I can join one of them and learn of resources in his area.

  • JDancer
    JDancer Member Posts: 485
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    I'm not sure what you expect the doctor to do. What do you mean by "affirmative steps"?

  • elainechem
    elainechem Member Posts: 182
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    I'm hoping that the PCP will, at least, refer him to a neurologist. If my brother doesn't follow through, I may have to look into becoming his guardian or conservator. My first step in that direction will be to find an elder care attorney in my brother's city.

  • JDancer
    JDancer Member Posts: 485
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes 100 Comments

    I think a referral is a legitimate expectation. I would also suggest some screenings (blood work, scans. etc) to rule out correctable causes. Has your brother completed release of information paperwork so you may communicate directly with his providers?

    Your brother is fortunate to have your help.

  • elainechem
    elainechem Member Posts: 182
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes

    No, my brother has not authorized me to receive any of his medical information. He doesn't think that he has a problem.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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