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I do not know if anyone has been following my story. Up until now I have been able to do my own meds with my wife just checking on me once in a while just to make sure I am doing it right. Well today I could not remember which meds I take in the a.m. or the p.m. This scared the s—t out of me. I guess this proves that my Dementia is progressing This puts more pressure on my wife whom I know that she loves me but this means she not only is taking care of my meds she also takes care of my Dr appointments and my finances and I am not supposed to order anything online without her giving me permission.


  • dlubritz
    dlubritz Member Posts: 16
    10 Comments 5 Likes

    My name is Deborah. I was diagnosed with dementia—AD In 2022. I had neuro-psycho cognitive testing done by a neuro psychologist. I had testing done 2023 as well. My neurologist specializes in AD. He stated no significant changes from last year!!! Great news. I can rest another day!!

    I have been on Aricept since 2022. This drug has helped me so much. I did not have the side effects you And others had. I appreciate this medication.

    I am also a former RN and always learning about this horrible disease.

    Just as a suggestion, David. I am responsible for me. I live alone , no family and going on this journey alone.Therefore I must be learning/educate myself all the time.
    My daily medication is divided by the instructions on the label. If it is taken one x a daily, 2x a day or 3-4X a day. I have small or large cloth bags that read AM ,LUNCH, and PM, bedtime. ( I use cosmetic bags for you ladies out there, I prefer them over the pill boxes, always aware of when to order more.) it can be used to remind you to call pharmacies.

    You might try this sometime. It helps!! Print LARGE LABELS on the bags

    I hope this helps!

    Good luck!! Chin up!!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,543
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    David, it is a good that you can recognize changes and adapt. In addition to what dlubritz posted above, I have a few suggestions.

    --Let your wife fill your pillbox and dispense all medications.

    --Have your pharmacist place your medications in labeled blister packs. Then you will know what to take, and when.

    --Use a pillbox set on a timer, to open when the it's time for the next dose.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 947
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    All my pills are ordered on line now my wife will do the ordering and she will help me when it's time to fill my pill box. Now she has to do hers and mine.I know she loves me but I think it's getting to much for her so when I can go to the VA home I will it will be hard but it will be better for both of us.

  • dlubritz
    dlubritz Member Posts: 16
    10 Comments 5 Likes


    Participate as much as you can. Read, word games, puzzles and any other games.
    I play solitaire on the line. Any thing to keep you mind alert !!

    Also continue your exercise-chair yoga is good, walking for at least 20 minutes is great.

    Try to continue these programs to keep the early stages going!!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,543
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    David, filling a pill box is not that big a deal. I fill my blind neighbor's pill box every week.

    I agree with dlubritz for you to participate as much as you can.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 947
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    I read a lot play solitaire, words with friends I do 2 exercises classes a week, play bingo and gin rummy. I can't walk to much because of my legs I use a rollater but I do 3000 to 4000 steps a day

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 673
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    David my DH has never done his pills. He was nervous he'd not take the correct ones, etc. I fill his and my medicine boxes on Sunday's. He doesn't help, but he'll come look and see how many he takes in the morning / noon / supper / bedtime. Oddly he can remember that number, but not what he ate for breakfast! Anyway, my point being, filling a pill box is easy peasy - just thank your wife for doing it for you. I'm sure she'd appreciate hearing that.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 947
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    I know that it is easy I have done it for as long as I can remember this the first time since my diagnosis I could not remember which one I take in them in the a.m. or p.m. I do not at this time take any at lunch. I panicked because I could not remember what to do and I cried into my wife's arm and she do not worry it will be o.k.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 673
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    David I hope her words comforted you. She knows it won't be ok, but she means she'll be beside you to help you be as ok as possible. And if doing your pill box is the next step to help you, she's right there ready.

    I'm very glad that you are able to share your emotions, its very healthy. You were scared about what was happening, frustrated about what was happening and scared about what was next. I think we'd all be better if we'd let our emotions out more. (I'm the worst at holding my emotions in. Maybe I'll listen to me!!!)


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 947
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    Thank you for your comforting words. I know that men "don't show their emotions " but most of the time I let them out. I feel better when I let them out. I know my wife will always be there to help me. We are being proactive she is 5 years older Than I am so we have put my name in at the local VA home in Boston so if she can't help me I will have a place to go.

  • nursejudy
    nursejudy Member Posts: 7
    Second Anniversary First Comment

    Although I am still doing my pillbox, I follow a written list of medication with dosage and times which is very helpful ! If I can't remember if I have taken the pills it easy to check the box and take them as needed!


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 947
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    Well, it is time to my pills again and again I had a hard time to remember which was a.m. or p.m. again, my wife stood over me and had to watch to see that I was filling the pill box correctly. This is really scaring me.

  • dlubritz
    dlubritz Member Posts: 16
    10 Comments 5 Likes

    WE ALL DO!! Medication is not that DIFFICULT!!

    DAVID, make a list of all medications!! You can have two pillboxes! AM PM—different colors or MARK on them.
    it is really easy!!

    I was diagnosed in 2021. I rely on myself.

    It would be great if you -DAVID could!! Enjoy this time!! It won’t last forever!!

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 947
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    I have 1 pill box with blue for a.m. and red for p.m. I just have a hard time remembering which one goes where. When I store them for the week my wife suggested when I put them away put all a.m.one side of the box and p.m.on the other side and label the container a.m.on one side and p.m. on the other side. I will try this.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 947
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    Well, this morning it wasn't my pills it was my hearing aids. It was time to clean the wax out of my aids and I had the pick to clean out the wax in my hand, and I could not remember which end I was to put in the hearing aid to clean out the wax and which end to put the new filter in. I guess that my dementia is slowly progressing. Has anyone else had this happen?

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 947
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    Well this week it was my pills again I take 6 pills in the a.m. but this morning after I filled the box I only had 5 the am and could not figure which one that I had missed. I asked my wife to help me figure out which one I missed it was huge. I t may not be a big thing but to me .it was huge.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 947
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  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,543
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    David, taking your medications at the right time is very important. In fact, it is the first step of Best Practices. It is very important that you find a solution for this problem.

    You have mentioned labeling your pill box for am and pm. Have you done that? Or perhaps, you can delegate filling your pill box to your wife. Perhaps she can dispense your medications to you. You don't have to struggle, David. Make your life easier!

    I fill the pill box fior my elderly neighbor. She doesn't have dementia but she is frail. I don't mind alleviating her from this chore.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 947
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    I did what my wife suggested, and I put all am pills on one side and pm pills on the other side she also suggested when I put the pill in the pill box and put back i the same spot and this helped. I used to just put them on the table and put them back in the box in any order and it would get confusing putting them away.

  • James Middleton
    James Middleton Member Posts: 21
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    I have a pill box that has seven top flaps for AM during the week and seven bottom flaps for the PM meds. It seems to work well for me. Found it at CVS. For now, I only do AM and PM meds. Not sure what I would do if I had to start taking mid day meds. Maybe a diff color seven day box?

  • jackiputnam
    jackiputnam Member Posts: 13
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    David, I just asked my son to please fill my med box for me. I can do it when I have to…I have all the meds written down with them marked am or pm or both. It just got to the stage where it would take so much concentration for me to do it, I was exhausted when I was done. Fatigue is a real problem for me. So I asked him to do it now and it's a relief. I can use that energy for something I like to do. Also, I've asked my adult kids to ask me if I've taken them. They have saved a lot of skipped meds. I think it's good to ask for help when needed.

    I took care of my husband for 2 1/2 years when he had terminal cancer. I was his only caregiver. It was hard as hell but I wouldn't have had it any other way. It might be a way your wife can help you that isn't too hard?


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 947
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    I fill my pill box on Sunday, but my wife is right there watching my every move I know that she is helping me by watching what I am doing. If she sees that I have missed a pill she will say double check the pills for Monday etc. I hope that it never gets to the point that I am never able to do my pills, but I know that my wife will be there to help me. My wife also asks me if I have taken my pills when it is time. I thank God for my wife being here to help me.

    For now, I only have pills for am and pm none for noontime, I am not looking forward when I have meds at noontime

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 947
    500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes First Anniversary

    Last Sunday I went to take my a.m.meds. I take 6 in the morning when I went to take the pills I realized that I had my p.m. pills. It scared the hell out me. I told my wife and she said if it happens again I will have to I will have to take charge of your pills. I hope that this doesn't mean that my dementia progressing but only a one time thing.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 673
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    David It doesn't matter if you have dementia or not, mistakes happen. Maybe you were talking to your wife or something, instead of paying attention to taking your medication. Try to only do one thing at a time - take your medication. I know with my DH if he's talking to me he'll forget to take all of his medication.

    I know with anything that's a change you worry its progression, but sometimes we just make a mistake.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 947
    500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes First Anniversary
    edited August 2024

    Thank you I will try to be more careful when doing my meds. But like you said every mistake seems like my disease is progressing.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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