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How many caregivers are keeping their spouses at home until the nightmare ends?

I’m absolutely determined to see my DH through this nightmare. I am determined to keep him home until the end. Are there others out there that are doing this and have you managed to keep your sanity through it? My husband is in stage late 4/early 5. He’s always been extremely calm, kind, gentle, helpful, loving. I just can’t imagine him getting mean. I do know we’re going to have to downsize as I can’t take care of our large home alone, but that doesn’t worry me much. This is such a frightening disease. I’m so sorry we are all going through this.



  • Kat63
    Kat63 Member Posts: 102
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Care Reactions 25 Likes 10 Comments

    Abby627, My DH is now late stage 6, early stage 7. He is home with me and I have Hospice on board for the last 6 months. This past August was our 40th wedding anniversary and we had the best possible marriage. My DH was always laid back, loving and always put me first. I too have always wanted to have him here with me through to the end. I want to do that for him but really it’s me being selfish, as I still want to be with him as much as possible. He may not remember “US” but I do. There are moments that are hard and honestly prayers have helped me through those. I also have family and friends that help by being supportive and listen when I need to vent. I joined a caregiver group here in my area and that has been good for me and I have had some caregivers a hour or two a week. I have learned to be very patient and understanding. I try to always remember our loved ones are not doing any of what they do on purpose, it’s the disease. I did have to give my DH prescribed medicine for agitation at the beginning of stage 6. I didn’t think my DH would get mean (not sure mean is the right word, more like very agitated) but he is easier to redirect and handle with the meds. Just take it a day at a time and also take care of yourself.

  • SDianeL
    SDianeL Member Posts: 1,260
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    I also had planned to care for my DH until I was no longer physically able to do so. Unfortunately last December I was diagnosed with a rare aggressive cancer and had to immediately place him in memory care. So please have a plan B ready just in case. Find 3 facilities tour them and get on a waiting list of one. Also as Vitruvius posted once your LO becomes incontinent and bedridden you will need help as you can’t provide 24/7 care. Care is very expensive and Medicare doesn’t cover it. Just have a plan. Your DH is very lucky to have you.

  • Lgb35
    Lgb35 Member Posts: 102
    25 Likes 25 Care Reactions 10 Comments First Anniversary

    we are early in this journey. DH is 61. I am 54. Last visit to the neurologist said MCI but he has been steadily been declining. I do plan to keep him home with me throughout this journey. Finically I am not sure how I could pay for MC and still have money for the remainder of my life.

  • cdgbdr
    cdgbdr Member Posts: 109
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    I plan to keep DH at home with me but the more time I have been on this board the less possible it seems. DH is 72 and can still be alone for short periods. I am 65 work full time and have a companion here during the day. He needs help with personal care, meds, dressing. I have managed home health for 40 years as a nurse so feel pretty well-equipped from the knowledge perspective. I do have support. I dread the financial burdens and stress that come with this.

  • Abby627
    Abby627 Member Posts: 15
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    I sometimes think that being on this board isn’t the best thing I can do for myself, even though I so appreciate all the love and support shown here. It’s so sad to read about what’s to come. I keep hoping for this stage to keep steady for a year or more but I know that’s probably not going to happen. We run a bed and breakfast in our home and DH still is helpful and enjoys doing it. His neurologist recommends that we keep it up as long as he can, so I’m going to keep going with it. It’s very life-changing for all of us that are caregivers, but I truly want to do this. I know he would do it for me. The next step will be downsizing and I know it will break his heart. We built this house from the ground up. It has been a real labor of love for us. Some days I just take a deep breath and carry on!

  • Goodlife2025
    Goodlife2025 Member Posts: 28
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    My 'plan" is to have my DW, age 49 with me until the end. I pray that can be so both financially, physically, and emotionally. Full on stage 4, we'll see.

  • CampCarol
    CampCarol Member Posts: 153
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    I’m not trying to be a ‘Debbie Downer’, but…hope for the best and plan for the worst! See an elder care lawyer asap and find out what (if any) options you may have financially. Think about how you would go about selling your B&B and where you would move to downsize. You don’t have to act on anything now, but chances are you’ll be exercising all of these plans on your own as your husband may not be able to help when the time comes.
    My thought was always to keep DH here, but at 6’2” and 250lbs, I don’t know that it will be a possibility should he become fully incontinent or unable to walk. Right now, every day brings a surprise, some good, some bad. Just don’t be caught short, think about it now. Good luck!

  • BPS
    BPS Member Posts: 182
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    I know medicaid is different in each state but in a lot of states there are things you can do to protect some of your assets like your house. If you sell your house then it is cash available for care so it may need to be spent before you qualify for Medicaid. In some states you can put your money in a Medicaid approved annuity. An approved annuity does not count against you. You should talk to elder law attorney if you haven't. There may be options available. I talked to one briefly and found there are more options than I knew or found on line. I haven't acted on them yet but it nice to know they are there. A plan B or C.

  • mrsdee13
    mrsdee13 Member Posts: 20
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    I am relatively new to this board. I've been on for about 3 or 4 months now. So far, I have found it informative and sad yet encouraging. I feel we need to realize that every situation is different. Every individual situation is different. WE all want to keep our LO with us at home as long as possible. I don't know what I will do, but I am doing all I can now to educate myself. I am 65, and my DH is 82, almost 83. He's declining, and I see him week after week. I have to work because we have a mortgage, and he cannot contribute financially. I pray that I develop plans B and C if needed. If he gets to a point where he needs care around the clock or at least during the day, I am not qualified to care for him.
    I'm doing all I can now to care for him, and I'll continue to do that with all my being. I also know I have to take care of myself. This is truly an awful disease for anyone. I wish each one of us the best. Please don't stick your head in the sand and think things are going to get better for your LO; this disease is a downhill journey. Do your best and know when you need to step back and get help when possible. Look at options before you need them; red tape is always there. No one needs the extra stress, including your LO needing help, and your help is weeks or months away. If this board is too stressful, yes, maybe take a break. It helps me to know I'm not the only one and provides some situations I may encounter. Sorry, for taking so long and maybe even venting, but do what you think is best for you and your LO. Take care

  • RetiredTeacher
    RetiredTeacher Member Posts: 71
    100 Care Reactions 25 Likes Second Anniversary 10 Comments

    I am also 68 with a hubby who's 76. My plan is to keep him home as long as I can. I used to tell myself he will be home until the end. I no longer say that's a hard and fast rule. He will get worse, a lot worse. I am strong and I am tough but I realize I'm not invincible. He's 235 and I can't lift him if he falls and unable to help get up. If he becomes combative or violent, the deals off. I've been through domestic violence in my first marriage and will not tolerate it again. Dementia or not. That's a hard no! I hope I can keep him home and will do all I can for as long as I can but please know there may be a time he requires more care than you can provide. It's not failure, just the sad reality of this horrible disease.

  • trottingalong
    trottingalong Member Posts: 529
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  • Abby627
    Abby627 Member Posts: 15
    25 Care Reactions 10 Comments 5 Likes

    Thanks to all of you for your comments. May God bless all of those who are going through this.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,066
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    My husband died at home but the last year I had help and the last few months 24/7 care. It was very expensive but still much less than placement.

    You do what you can and make your decisions based on that.

    Every situation is different, I do suggest you get all of your ducks in a row including Plan B placement.

  • CindyBum
    CindyBum Member Posts: 358
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    I have no idea if my DW will be able to stay in our home until she passes. I do know that she and her sister's placed their mother in MC and about 5 months brought her home with hospice to pass.

  • Abby627
    Abby627 Member Posts: 15
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    God Bless you, Lills! I will do everything in my power to keep him with me. I, too, am an introvert. I love being home. I have the support of 2 wonderful friends who check in on us all the time. My DH doesn’t qualify for the VA help I had hoped for, so I will have to hire help at some point. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. I’ll put it in God’s hands and pray! I will have a plan b in order, too.

  • Dio
    Dio Member Posts: 756
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    I truly envy those whose LO could stay home through the end. I also would have, but DH's aggressive and combative behavior made it impossible to be safe any more. We/I had no other option. Paying for memory care has been a bleed to our savings, but safety came first. Do have a plan B and C in place just in case.

  • Whyzit2
    Whyzit2 Member Posts: 76
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  • Russinator
    Russinator Member Posts: 129
    100 Comments 25 Likes 25 Care Reactions 5 Insightfuls Reactions


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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