Need some advice
My grandfather (77) has Alzimers and early stage dementia. He has been having issues with his memory and I am trying my best to help him. But I'm having trouble getting through to him. For context, I along with my parents, are currently living with my grandfather. We try to keep the house clean, provide meals and assist…
Our parents both have dementia & anxiety
Dad is 85 and has Alzheimer’s and dementia. Mom is 80 and has dementia and aphasia. They are living in their apartment with aides providing care 11am-8pm 7 days a week. Their conditions are advancing and soon we will have to rethink their care. Dad is getting agitated and verbally abusive to mom, which of course gets her…
A Cautionary Tale: Details Emerging About Hackman's Death
I'll put a trigger warning here. This is difficult reading. It has been determined that Gene Hackman died from cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's a full week after his wife succumbed to Hantavirus. She was among the oft quoted 1/3 of caregivers who died before their LO. Friends describe his wife as fit, healthy and 3…
In-home care for parent--where to start?
I recently moved back to near my family after decades away b/c my father was diagnosed w/ ALZ a few years ago. He and my mom are adamant about remaining at home. My dad has fallen 3x in the past couple of weeks. Does anyone have recommendations for where to begin to search for an entity/agency to start getting in-home…
What has changed in a year and a half
Greetings all. In September 2023, I moved both my parents into my home. My dear mom has Alzheimer's. My dear dad has mild cognitive impairment. They are 85 and 87 respectively. For more background, see the discussion at https://alzconnected.org/discussion/64542/moving-my-folks-into-my-house#latest btw - I copied and pasted…
X2 now
My dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s the Monday after Thanksgiving in 2022. Luckily, it has been progressing very slowly. He lives with my mother and is watched by her full time. On Monday, my mom was also diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It completely threw me for a loop and I am completely devastated. I’m their only son (I…
Expectations of Employed Caregivers
My wife is stage 5-6 AD and at home. She is mobile, can communicate, although usually not correctly, still uses utensils to eat, is not incontinent, enjoys social time with others (not so much with me but that is not unexpected), exhibits confusion, anxiety and agitation. Medication has helped with the agitation and…
Home care services in Omaha
My brother will have to move from assisted living back to his partner`s appartment. I`m visiting from Germany and trying to help. He will need 1)someone to come in 4 hours a day to relieve the caregiver 2)Showering and clothes change 3 times a week 3)some meals brought in. Initially it will be out of pocket. So many places…
MIL Needs Help But Has No Official Diagnosis - We Need Doctor to Come to Her
My MIL regularly does not recognize her family, has no short term memory and appears to be creating false memories, no longer knows how to do things like use a phone, is frequently hostile, thinks people live in her house, has wandered, no longer wants to bathe - I could go on and on - the problem is that she has always…
Took my mom to her appointment on Thursday and we were given an estimate of how long we have with her and I just don’t believe it. She still walks and talks. Yes, she needs care with showing and toileting and only sometimes how to eat. But has so much personality still. Has anyone ever got an estimate and how accurate was…
Checking the weather repeatedly
Our father frequently turns on the Weather Channel throughout the day and night. He runs to the door, looks outside, and returns to his room to turn on YouTube and watch animal videos. Six/Seven times a day now. We imagine this is possibly to ensure the Weather Channel isn't lying to him. This cycle repeats several times a…
This is fine....
Whenever our fathers leaves the room for a bathroom visit or a walk we check his room and photo everything.
It's been years since I've gone anywhere.
I haven't left the property in four years. I work night shifts doing chores such as feeding the farm animals. Always waiting for the cover of darkness, and have avoided daytime interactions with everyone for two and a half years. These sacrifices are what we make for our ungrateful dementia family members we care for.
To all caregivers Merry Christmas....
Oh how the holidays have changed. Blessed are the caregivers like me.
Our Father is Obsessed with Turning Off the Utilities
One of the most challenging aspects of caregiving for a loved one with late-stage untreated Neurosyphilis dementia, GPI, and tabes dorsalis is managing their behavior and preventing them from causing harm to themselves or others. Recently, my father has developed a concerning preoccupation with utility services, such as…
Am I being overly concerned?
My husband is in the mid stage Alzheimer. He showers 3 times a week. On the days he doesn't, he will get dressed before he comes out of our room. I am usually up hours before him. He will put his clothes over his PJ's, won't change his underwear, socks or tee shirt. It drives me crazy. Should I just happy he does it 3…
Looking for Live-In Care Resources
Hello. I am new to this group. I didn't know this even existed until just today, and I'm so thankful to have found this page. My mom was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment back in 2016. Slowly she has been progressing, and things have taken a turn pretty quickly this past month. I am navigating live-in care vs full…
Moving LO to a condo
Both my parents have dementia/AD. They both are in the moderate stage and they can no longer live in their house far from any family. My siblings want to buy a condo with my parent’s funds, move them to it and get them 24/7 care. They think my parents will easily adjust. I’m not convinced this is the right solution. I’m…
Costs of early to middle stage care
I am looking at purchasing some long term care coverage. One that I like starts benefits when I can't do two of the six activities of daily living (ADLs), like dressing, hygiene and eating. Others start benefits EITHER for that, or for having cognitive impairment. I assume that there are circumstances in which I could have…
I desperately need help
My husband has Alzheimer’s, I work 40 hours a week, I’ve called everyone I can think of to sit with him , he wanders off from the house, has anyone have a solution, He won’t do daycare and I’m trying my best to keep him out of a nursing home, I have no one to rely on, feels like I’m losing my mind
Lots of strangers coming and going at home
I started with in home care for my DH back in the summer. I'll be honest, I was so overwhelmed at the time, that just having a few hours to myself was amazing. I also had to hire contractors to do many things my husband use to do or that we would do together. I went through 3 cleaning services alone, not to mention the…
Home health and help
So, my father in law has dementia. Me and my wife stay a whole lot with him. We live beside them on their land. They have a will but not a living trust. In Mississippi if you go into a nursing home just your will, will not help save your assets. They have Medicare part b and d I know. My question is will the SS insurance…
In home help
Tomorrow I will be talking with an agency that will provide in home help for my DH so I can do so many needed things that I have been putting on hold since his diagnosis in January. I have been utilizing family and friends to spend time with him when i have appts or do something socially, but some of his needs are more…
Looking for care help for EO Alz Canton, GA
*** closed... thank you *** Hello. I am looking for someone to help my brother-in-law care for my sister. She is 61 with beginning late stage Early Onset Alzheimers. They live in the Woodstock/Canton area. What is the best way to find someone that knows what they are doing? He has interviewed so many that don't quite get…
My great grandmother passed away
My great grandmother passed away due to dementia. Since she was very old, we didn't take her symptoms seriously, which I believe prevented us from detecting dementia early. Looking back, early diagnosis of dementia seems to be the most important thing. She had symptoms of delirium, but we didn't think much of it. It wasn't…
In home care recommendations
Hello! I’m new to this forum. I’m supporting my dad who is sole caregiver for my stepmom who has dementia - I’m not sure what stage she’s in but the disease has progressed to point where it’s getting too much for my elderly dad to take care of her on his own. He’s struggling with accepting her true progression and knowing…
New Here: Looking for support/community for "secondary" caregivers, extended family
Hi Everyone. My first time here. My sister in law was diagnosed with early on-set Alz about 16 months ago (after about 4 years of misunderstood difficulties) and seems to be progressing very quickly. I'm with her at least two days a week as a secondary caregiver to 1) spend time with her and 2) help take some of the…
New Article Sent by my CELA: 5 Medicare benefits consumers should know about. TRUE??
Hello fellow caregivers, My CELA just sent me an article titled, "Alzheimer’s disease and dementia care: 5 Medicare benefits consumers should know" because she wanted me to know that it looks like Medicare Part A will pay for up to 35 hours of in-home care per week for dementia patients who are homebound and require…