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Just need to talk to my friends (144)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning,

    Have heard of the hyacinth bean but have not seen it.

    A friend always cooks her beans in an instapot.  I don’t have one because I don’t want something else to store.  Don’t have a lot of cabinet space.

    Heard Dr Daniel Griffin NYC talk just a little about those of us who have quarantined have been affected by this past year.  He referred to it as Fear of Normal.  I liked that.  That is how I feel, doing my best to push through that.  Like when I choked on steak, made myself finish it, afraid if I didn’t, wouldn’t eat steak again.   Wish they would talk about that a little more.  Guess reassure us that have been fully vaccinated to put on our mask and keep our hands clean and do what we want other than eating in a restaurant.

      My uncle in Kentucky mentioned a lot of restaurants setting up outdoor dining.  Explained to him that it is much safer.  Heard the other day it’s 20 times safer when outside.  

    Judith push is on means there will be a lot of seeds to sow now.  My house starts looking like a green house. 

    Take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning all. I didn't get any mulching done yesterday, as it ended up raining. We did get groceries and last evening hubby grilled chicken grillers with jalapeño and cheese sauce inside. Delicious. Today we are celebrating my son's BD (it was actually yesterday), having them over for dinner. Brats, burgers, fruit plate, potato salad, baked beans and chocolate cream pie. 

    It's about time for me to plant spinach, kale, kohlrabi and lettuce. I have a few greens coming up in the garden, must have wintered over. I'll get rid of them and start afresh. I have 3 old fashioned laundry tubs. Hubby drilled holes in the bottom for drainage and they make lovely planters. So as not to use too much potting soil, we first place water bottles in, about 1/2 way or a bit more, then soil. Since annuals don't get long roots, they don't need a lot of soil. I will be planting them with the most lovely, vining type of petunia, Supertunia 'Vista Bubblegum.' Right now I have some violas in one of them. As far as the tulips go, I have probably 25 clumps-I plant maybe 25 in a hole together. Most, in one area, are red, yellow and a red-yellow combination. If you wish to see my most favorite tulip ever google 'Banja Luka' tulip - oh, so gorgeous! Looks like a Rembrandt - ha. I also have some red/white candy stripe tulips, pink tulips, purple tulips and pink species tulips. New to my garden this year are 'Angelique' double tulips (not blooming yet). I have probably 800-1000 daffodils of different colors/varieties. I've dug and given many away in the past. Lots of Virginia bluebells in my yard too, and a few trillium. Spring is a lovely time! 

    I have been unable to attach photos because I cannot figure out how to make a picture smaller. I use a Mac computer, someone tried to tell me how to do it but that was for a PC.

    I'll be reading, and will write again later this week.   Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, Beth, your lawn/garden sounds gorgeous.  So many beautiful flowers - I bet you can hardly wait for spring to come so they'll be in bloom.  Have you ever seen parrot tulips?  I think that's the name.  Many years ago we had some of them and they were really lovely - they had fringed edges and there was also a big one that had layers of petals - maybe that's the one you have that hasn't bloomed yet.  I need to go out and look at my "one" tulip.    We also had some pink daffodils years ago - I guess something happened to those bulbs because they're not here any more.  Our flowering almond is almost bloomed out so right now that's the only thing we have in bloom. Clematis will be blooming before long - I always look forward to those.  The roses are doing well and should be blooming in two or three weeks, however, it's going to be only in the 60s here the next two weeks with night temps in the upper 40s and 50s so it may take longer. We never raised kale or kohlrabi but did have other greens.  Those wash tubs sound like good planters.  I have two long water tanks and a big round one that have gotten holes in them that can't be fixed - they leak water - and they would be wonderful planters for things like spinach, lettuce, radishes and even onions but it would take so much dirt to fill them.  They're probably 5-6 ft. long and at least 2 1/2 ft. tall.  I do have five or six small mineral tubs that are only about a foot high so if I plant anything I'll probably use them.  I have three that are stacked together and I can't get them apart - will have to have Bryon do that for me - can't hold one end and pull on the other at the same time. I hope you can find out how to post pictures - I'd love to see them and I'm sure everyone else would, too. Sara, I can kind of relate to what you mentioned.  We've been cautious for so long, it's kind of hard to loosen up a bit.  I know it will be for me.  I will continue to wear a mask and even gloves if I go to the grocery store.  When I went to Atwoods the other day I did wear one glove because you have to sign your name on their little contraption and so many people use that.  I've spent a good portion of the morning out in the pastures trying to see if everyone was okay - took me forever to see all of them.  One cow, Gray Lady, broke away from the others and was determined she was going to go all the way to the county line.  This is kind of unusual unless one's going to calve - so I went after her and got her back.  Don't know why she did that but she's back.  Then I kept coming up one or two short.  Where we lived in the MH we had a big garden west of the house that is now grown up in berry vines.  Finally saw one heifer in there next to the fence so walked in and got her out. Almost afraid to do that because I'm always afraid I'll jump a wild hog - but I didn't.  Finally after checking the south pasture and finding nothing I saw everyone.  So cute - the two tiny babies and two other little ones were bedded down with one of the moms and another calf.  They're all laying out in front of the house and around that pond enjoying the beautiful sunshine.  It's chilly or was chilly this morning - wore a jacket and hat. That's all that's going on here.  Tomorrow if the barn guys come I'm going to ask him if he knows someone who trims trees.  The company we like to use is over in Arkansas but they're really good.  They have a chipper and several young men in the family who are very fast in getting limbs into the chipper.  I hate to cut back trees but when they get so big and close to the house it's better to do that if they can. Didn't get to watch much of the morning shows but they're all pretty much alike so guess that's okay.  Nothing planned for today - but think I will try some rice in the Instant Pot.  You know I haven't eaten meat in years nor fish in probably seven or eight years, maybe more, but the one thing I can still remember the taste of and really liked was Spam.  There's an advertisement on TV of this woman frying cubed Spam and then adding  peas and carrots and mixing that with rice in a bowl.  I can just imagine how good that would be - but I won't try it.  Will do the rice, carrots and peas with soy sauce.  Normally I sauté onions, celery and carrots, then mix with rice and soy sauce.  Will be glad when I go to the grocery store for those things - except won't eat celery yet unless I peel it.  After being so cautious for so many months I think it'll be kind of hard to pull back. It's beginning to get daylight a lot earlier.  Now, it's daylight by 6:30 so I'll start getting up earlier.  I'm a morning person - really nice to get out when things are just beginning to awaken and enjoy the cooler part of the day. I'll stop for now and have some more hot tea.  Didn't really have breakfast so I'm kind of hungry so may have an early lunch.  Hope all of you are all right this beautiful morning.  Iris, haven't seen a post from you in a couple of days.  Hope things are all right.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Beth looked up the tulip you mentioned and it is beautiful.  Your menu sounds delicious.

    Is Vista Bubblegum pink?  How far do they spread?  Do you have to deadhead them?

    Have been contemplating whether to transplants greens and cabbage.  My poppies need to be transplanted too.

    Are the trilliums naturally there or did you put them out?  On the farm there were quite a few trilliums in the woods.  Didn’t realize as a child that we had something special.  There are woods behind me.  Wonder if I could get them started there?  Would have to look into where they do well.

    Seen a recent post from Iris on another thread so hopefully she is doing ok.  

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    My Tectorum Iris are blooming. Such a welcome site. Soon the larger one will be blooming. Then the day lilies and then the Caladiums will be planted.

    The sawdust has been removed (yes, the trees were in the middle of the yard) by Estaban and his daughter. He did not charge me.

    I spent hours yesterday working on a financial problem, Well, working on how not to have it a problem. I have requested an appointment with my attorney. Both children want to come. I have sent written material for them to read before they can attend. 

    Winda came by with some pork Lo Mein. She knew there was nothing in the house to eat except PBJ. Bless her.

    Going to get up to 80 today!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm here.  I realized I butted in about recommending hospice for S when I really didn't know her story.  You all have her covered.  

    I have just about used up my farm reminisces.  I don't have an eventful life like the rest of you.  Not much is going on here.  Once a month I do cat food shopping.  Yesterday, in one store the shelves were completely empty, in the other store there were a few cans left, so I was able to get what I needed for my cats.  Last spring there was beginning to be a cat food shortage, so I went around to several stores and stocked up.  I had enough canned cat food to last me until August. I don't want to go through another cat food shorage. Why now, when things are opening up?  

    BTW, my Siamese cat Simon ate a bird yesterday.  The entire body, beak, feathers and feet.  My neighbor was horrified; she said watching this was like seeing something on National Geographic.  I told her this is nature, this is what cats do.  Simon has caught birds before, but I never saw him eat one.   About eight birds flew into the tree, I think they were scolding Simon for eating their friend.  I checked the tree to make sure there was not a nest being built.  

    I have an older relative who had been living in an independent living senior community.  For the past month she has been in rehabilitation after a hospitaization.  She developed delerium, asking for her deceased sister and denying that she needed hospitalization. She insisted several times that I come and get her to bring her home.  Finally, yesterday she was released to her home, with 24 hour attendants.  She sounded better, so I hope she will stabilize even more.  She is 94.

    Meanwhile, I am here at home.  I'm trying not to be overwhelmed.  I'm figuring out my path going forward, now that restrictions are easing.  A lot of things will be different.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi, back again,

     Beth, I looked up your tulip - gorgeous and so bright.  Love that.  Sara, also looked up trilliums.  They are also beautiful.  I've never seen them around here.

     I have a pretty big area of pretty white flowers in the front yard underneath the wisteria.  It doesn't bloom near the ground but has run up into the Royal Empress tree so the blooms are very high up.  Sandy told me these flowers are Glory in the Snow.  They're the ones I was afraid the cold weather had killed but they're all right.  Hard to transplant because they grow up on a soft stem.  I'd like to have some of them with the wild violets but guess I won't.  I'll post three pictures I just took of them so you all can decide what you think they are.

     Iris, glad to see your post. You did not butt in at all about Sarah.  I appreciate input from everyone. Hospice is what she needs and I think at one time she told me they did put her on Hospice - that was at the same time my sister, her grandmother, was on Hospice.  I doubt this will happen because she's not in the hospital and I'm sure home health isn't back in the picture. Haven't heard from her since she left the hospital.  Don't know what happened there.

     Iris, I'm glad you didn't see your cat eat the bird - that would have been awful.  I have two black and white cats, Tom and Jerry, who live in the carport and barn.  Every so often when I go out there I see bird feathers so I guess they've been supplementing their catfood.  Day before yesterday I went out on the front porch and there was a dead female cardinal laying on the porch.  I have no idea what happened, or when unless it flew into the glass storm door.  I hate that and I love cardinals. 

     About catfood  - I used to order cases of it from a grocery store and had to pick it up to bring home, then bring it in the house, etc.  Now I order catfood from WM or Amazon.  I order dry catfood, dry dogfood and canned dog food from Chewy.com.  They deliver it to the front porch for me.  I let the boxes sit a few days, then open it and wipe down the cans and sacks.  Just did that with the groceries WM delivered Thursday.  Having it delivered is so much easier for me. 

     I heard there's a shortage of catsup!  First TP, now catsup and cat food.  What's happening?  Finally found some small cans of pumpkin.  Still have one package of the frozen pumpkin I bought earlier in the winter but this will be better.  I've wiped down everything and will let it set a few hours, then bring it inside. 

     Judith, your iris is beautiful.  What color is the larger ones?  My sister used to have (guess they're still there) white and yellow ones in the front flower beds and huge, purple ones in the back.  During their flowering she always had a couple in a vase in the house - so pretty.  I don't have iris - did at the MH but they're no longer there.  I should have Sarah or Todd dig up a few rhizomes after they bloom and send to me.  Hadn't thought of that but I will do that.  Lorita thought so much of them.  I didn't like iris when I was growing up but I do now - tastes and ideas do change.

     I'll stop  and see what's going on outside.   Judith, good for Winda - good friend for you.  Tell her hello for me next time you see her. 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sayra wrote:

    Beth looked up the tulip you mentioned and it is beautiful.  Your menu sounds delicious.

    Is Vista Bubblegum pink?  How far do they spread?  Do you have to deadhead them?

    Have been contemplating whether to transplants greens and cabbage.  My poppies need to be transplanted too.

    Are the trilliums naturally there or did you put them out?  On the farm there were quite a few trilliums in the woods.  Didn’t realize as a child that we had something special.  There are woods behind me.  Wonder if I could get them started there?  Would have to look into where they do well.

    Seen a recent post from Iris on another thread so hopefully she is doing ok.  

    Vista Bubblegum is pink. I put it in the laundry tubs - usually put in 4 or 5 plants. By summer's end, they've grown up and over the top of the tub and clear down to the ground. If you put them in a window box, they might trail down 2 feet or so. I don't deadhead them. You could if you wanted to. I buy my "wildflowers" from either Prairie Nursery or Prairie Moon Nursery - both in WI, I think. I order them for delivery. I got some Shooting Stars there and my trillium - I have trillium with white flowers, red flowers and yellow flowers. 
    Lorita, I do know what parrot tulips are but I've never had any. They are beautiful.  Your wildflowers are beautiful! 

    Judith, your iris sound pretty. I have some purple ones, some peach colored ones and some that have variegated foliage and lavender flowers. Also have a yellow re-blooming iris - blooms in spring and again in fall.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Some of the girls taking advantage of a quiet afternoon.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I just did something strange. I had a post to all of you and i sent it to a thread in Caregivers. I must have been looking at another thread and sent my post to that one. (crazy me)  When I discovered what I did I deleted it I was not sure how to redirect the sent. 

    I will try to remember what I said tomorrow.      

    I do remember Lorita I was telling you how pretty your flowers and the girls are. 

    Good Night All, Hugs Zetta     

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good Morning

    Beth if I see those petunias may try them.  Petunias are one of the flowers I dislike deadheading as there are so many of them and they leave your fingers sticky.   Have ordered from Prairie Nursery in past and their plants always did well.  Had a beautiful wild flower garden at my other house, lots of things from there.

    Love seeing the cattle Lorita.  They are one of my favorite creatures.

    Zetta just list my post too.  But short so not too bad to redo.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     It's cold, to me, and very windy here this morning.  Had to wear my coat when I drove out to see the girls.  Kept waiting for Rose Bud to get up - she was laying on the little hill by the pond - she did get up.  Always makes me nervous when she's laying down - afraid she can't get up again.  Drove over to see all the girls - they're coming around the pond up to the house.  Kept smelling smoke, then saw some east of us - lots of it.  When I got back to the house called 911 and he told me they were doing a controlled burn on some property north of Darwin's - not sure how far north.  He told me the name of the owner but I'm not sure where that land is.  Why in the world would they do a controlled burn on a windy day like this is.  Tried to call Darwin - no answer on his cell phone or home phone. 

     Got up early enough to get the trash down in time - Stormy went with me.  I'm afraid for him to go that early because of the possibility of seeing a wolf and him going ballistic - but we didn't see one. 

     Glad you all liked the pictures - that's the view from the south end of "our" porch.  That big tree is at least, at the very least over 70 years old.  I remember it being there when I was a little girl.  We had a gate by it going out of the garden and when we'd pick up potatoes that was the gate daddy used to get out of the garden. 

     So far the guys haven't come to clean out the barn.  I'll give him until 10 and then call to see if they're coming.  Just hate to wait for someone to come and do work.

     Hope you all have a good Monday.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    There are so many!  This looks like a picture from my first grade reader--"cows chewing their cud under trees."  It's so relaxing and peaceful-looking!  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi Iris,

     That's what they're doing - chewing their cud.  It is peaceful and relaxing - they do a lot of that in the summertime.  That's only a few of them - wish I could get a picture of all of them together but it's hard to do.

     We're having a sprinkle and thunder.  Sheena's afraid of thunder so she's nervous.  I don't think we'll get much rain but there's lots of chances all week.

     I haven't done diddlysquat today - just put 150 lb. of feed in the creepfeeder.  That's the last I have so will have to get into town one day later this week.

     Had a nice visit with Carol.  One of her great grandchildren is having an 19th birthday party this evening.  I remember when Mia's father was born.  We were all at a friend's house having lunch for my birthday - can't believe it's been that long ago.  Time flies.

     Zetta - I have a hankerin' for some potato soup.  May not fix it tonight but probably will tomorrow - supposed to be pretty cool all week.  It turned out to be a pretty day after a very cool start.  Watching Gunsmoke- can't seem to get away from watching it - and now Cheyenne.   Doesn't look like there's much on TV tonight that will be good so  may go to bed early. 

     Hope all of you have had a good Monday.  Tomorrow will be two weeks since I had my second shot of the Pfizer vaccine.  These five weeks since I got my first one has really gone fast.  Still worried that things are opening up too soon.  But, Carol and her husband have eaten out since all of this began - braver than I for sure.

     Rest well tonight.  Ron, hope Orkin took care of things for you and that Lou is doing all right. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Lorita today is the day that hopefully things feel a little bit more normal for you. 

    Was a dark wet day yesterday.  Didn’t do a lot either.  Filled some more seed pots and cooked some pintos.  Hope maybe today can get a lot more containers filled after I clean house.  Would like to get those done.  We will see.  Still have several to fill and my back gets unhappy at some point.

    Have been making my own mint tea from mint leaves I froze.  It is so much better to me than the ones I buy.  They are strong almost bitter to me.  Have been adding just a little bit of ginger, honey and cinnamon.  Let it steep ten minutes.  Going to try and grow chamomile this year and harvest it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Yes, Sara, today's the day I can feel fully immunized but if I go anywhere I'll still wear a mask and be very careful - even with things delivered to the house.  Six weeks ago I wasn't even going to get the vaccine but things fell into line and here I am.   Things won't really be a lot different because I didn't go to town often but it is a good feeling. 

     Aren't you glad you got your vaccine before they began to have problems with it.  I saw this morning they'd suspended use of the J&J until they figure things out.

     Be careful and don't overdo - so easy to do when it's springtime and you want to get things done - things will be there tomorrow. 

     I did go to bed a little early last night and went to sleep.  I woke up and thought it must be at least 3 a.m. - it was 11:29 so I had a long night and lots of sleep.  Before I got up a little shower passed through but it's gone now and looks like the sun's going to shine.

     Went out and fed Tom and Jerry after I fed the ones inside.  Then drove down to see the girls - they were all still in the NE pasture.  One cow as far away as she could get was laying down so drove down and around her to see if she was okay.  She was - just late getting up which she did while I was there.  Counted all 41 the first time - that's a first.  Rose Bud was laying down when I went outside but she was up by the time I fed Tom and Jerry and drove down.  I always feel better when I see everyone in the mornings.

     I think I'll make some pumpkin-spice muffins today or maybe two or three mini loaves.  I bought some of the cutest, little ceramic loaf pans a while back and have never used them - that would be a lot less trouble than filling the muffins liners.

     It's in the 40s and the wind's blowing so it's pretty cool and is supposed to be this way for the next two weeks.  Glad I got the holly trimmed because it's really putting on new growth and buds - looks a lot better but it'll take a couple of years to get it back into shape so we can sit on the porch and be able to see what's beyond the holly.

     I'll stop for now and get some hot tea to drink.  Sara, I've never had mint in my tea and never had chamomile tea either.  I tried red zinger years ago and liked it but a few months ago I found some and it didn't seem as good so I drink black or orange pekoe.

     On our local news they're talking about stuffed marshmallows - they're stuffed with chocolate - must be something new.  When we lived in McAlester I was four or five and the neighbor lady who lived behind us always had marshmallows in the refrigerator.  My grandma liked to visit so we'd go see her and she'd always give me a marshmallow.  Isn't it weird the things you remember? 

     Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All,

    The wind is blowing real hard at my house. My son went out and put big heavy rocks on my porch chairs hopefully they are heavy enough. 

     Sara,    Thank you for telling me how to retrieve a post. Hopefully I don't do that again. It is good that I caught it I am sure it would be puzzling to the person who got it.    

     Lorita,     The potato soup does sound real good. I will be going to the store today so I just added that to my list. Congratulations for getting your vaccines and now I am sure your feeling better and safer. Now you can feel safer and go to the store and stock up.

    You guys are all gardeners and enjoy your time outside, I envy you all. As for me I have a hard time just keeping my grass green. I gave up planting flowers a long time ago. I just stick fake flowers in the flower pots and they look good year around. I do try to grow little flowers in pots on my porch. I live in a area that can freeze over night during the summer. My son has sprinklers all set on timers and to keep my grass green they go all day long. One day front and one day back. Too have green grass where I live is special so I am proud of my green grass. 

    You all have a good day and stay warm. Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Zetta, the potato soup's almost done.  Wish you were here to have a bowl of it with me. 

     I remembered a couple of white blouses I bought two or three years ago but had never pressed nor worn so got them out and washed them.   Thought I could get away without ironing - I can with one but not the other.  Also put a couple more in to dry and maybe get rid of wrinkles.  Guess I'll have to get out my 50 yr. old iron and do a little work on the ironing board and press them.  I try to not get anything that requires ironing but seems like they always need to be pressed because of the folds.

    I was going through some old mail from the end of last month - I usually leave them in the car or PU a few days, then to the porch and sprayed, then after they're there a couple of days I bring them in.  I found these in the PU or car the other day.  I hadn't received my last stimulus check so when I checked a statement from the CU there was the deposit back in March.  It's so odd-- the first one was deposited to my checking account in a different bank, the second one came in the form of a check and now the third one was deposited to a savings account in a credit union.  Anyway, glad I opened the statement - I don't always.

     Haven't seen or talked to anyone today and probably won't.  Sarah did call yesterday and said when they sent her home the other day, they gave her a letter stating if she didn't feel better in a few days to come back for admission.  She'll probably go back this evening.  Then, hopefully, the case manager will get things in order for her. 

     Zetta - I'm just going to plant a few flowers in the bathtub and a couple of pots on the steps.  Also want to get a geranium - I just love the smell of them - reminds me of when I was a little kid when mother always had geraniums.  My caladium bulbs will come in about a week, I hope, but I won't plant them until the ground's warmer.  I want to put vinca and dusty miller in the bathtub and petunias in the two pots on the steps.  I have a big, tall pot by the tree outside the kitchen window that for the past few years has had wild violets in it.  This year they didn't come up and bloom so I thought they had been killed by the cold weather.  I was by there yesterday and the pot is beginning to fill up with violets.  Most of the others are bloomed out already.  I gave Carol a little pot of them years ago and she has them all around her house - yesterday she said some of hers are white - mine are purple and white variegated.

    I'm watching the local news and they just gave a recipe for Overnight Oats.  I think I tried that once and didn't really like them but may try them again.  Have anyone of you tried them?

            Better go, I think the soup's done so don't want to let it stick.  Enjoy the afternoon.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Very quiet day on our thread today.  The soup was delicious.  You know I think you could add almost nine cups of water.  I always add a little splash before I warm some.

     I guess tick weather is here.  I've found a couple on Stormy - both dead and a week or sos ago found one on my arm - alive. I think I found one on Sheena, too - dead.  Tonight I found one on my head - again , alive.  Where or how in the world can you get a tick on your head - but, I've had that happen before.  Guess I'm going to have tostart wearing my tick collar.

     It's thundering and Sheena's nervous - so I brushed her and got a ton of hair.  Just checked the radar and there's a lot of rain west of us - still a county away.  I put up the rain gauge today - don't think it'll freeze now and I like to know how much it rains. The weatherman's talking about how bad the drought is over in far west Texas and NM - says it'll move east.  We're behind in the amount of rainfall we've had and this is the wettest month.  Not too dry here - still driving through water in places.  Need to call Bryon tomorrow to see if they can mow the yard this weekend - it's growing up and snakes will be around since it's warming up. 

     Filled the two water tanks because the girls had come up and were in the garden area grazing.  When I went out just now to turn off the water the two baby boys were at one of the tanks getting a drink.  They stood and watched me and we had a good conversation.  Yes, it has come to this - having a talk with Pat and Mike.  They were very curious but wouldn't come close enough to the fence to touch my hand - they will.

     Something's going on in the section east of us.  I see lights so it must be a tractor working - can't figure out what they'd be doing this early in the season.  Maybe he's trying to get a head start.  I had heard the guy who owns it (doesn't live there) is in bad health so can't figure it out.  None of my business anyway.  Just an old nosy woman wanting to know what's going on.

     Didn't get the muffins made today - will do that tomorrow.  Sara, did you get some more grow bags filled and ready today?  How many more do you have to do?  Is your yard shady or sunny?  It's hard to find a place in ours that is sunny - guess the only place is along the south fence and in the corner where the water hydrant is.

     I'll stop - just rattling.  Ron, are you all expecting rain tonight and this week?  Hope Lou is doing better so you can get some rest.  Will be good if you're feeling better, too.

     I'll see you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning

    Your guys potato soup sounds good.

    Have all my grow bags filled now.  Getting closer to having seed pots all filled.  Still have plenty of pots and 5 gallon buckets to fill too.  Will just keep taking my time.  

    All my volunteer lettuce is starting to grow.  Have plenty of volunteer cilantro too.  May not have to buy lettuce soon.  Had fresh lettuce on my sandwich last night and tried a few dandelion leaves too.  They say they are a good for you.  Had never tried them before.  

    Made mulch last summer.  Have been mixing it in with my potting soil.  See have volunteers popping up in grow bags.  Maybe I’ll get some nice plants.  One of best tomatoes last year was a volunteer that popped up in the garden.

    Have shade and sun in my garden.  The hardest area for me is one that doesn’t get sun til a little after noon.  Gets pretty warm there in the evening. Does anyone know some things that will do well in this type of area.  Nothing I have tried so far does that well there.  May be the soil too, not sure.  

    Hope your chairs stayed on the porch Zetta.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     We had an inch of rain last night - water standing everywhere.  I woke up once or twice during the night and it was raining.  Supposed to repeat this evening and tonight, tomorrow and most of the day Friday.  I didn't realize it was getting dry around here but evidently it is so good we got the rain.

     Drove down to see the girls and met four little kids coming from the creepfeeder.  They walked a quarter mile to it, ate some and had to walk back to the girls.  Finally saw everyone, I think.  Rose Bud was up closer to the barn so I came back and got some feed for her.  I only have enough for another time for her so I'm going to have to get into town soon.  It's 51 degrees with a north wind so it's cold.

     Sara - sounds like you're going to have all kinds of good things to eat this summer and then into the winter from canning and/or freezing.  I can remember how excited Charles and I were when our garden things would start to come up.  We've grown just about anything you can think of.  One year we had beautiful cauliflower and broccoli.  Also raised Brussels sprouts (love those) and bok choy.  We both liked eggplants so grew several kinds of them - classic, ichiban and the small, white ones that actually do look like eggs.  We made lots of stuffed eggplants, really good.  It was hard work getting the things into the ground and taking care of them until they started to produce.  Then, again hard work taking care of the things they produced.  I remember being in the kitchen canning tomatoes.  Sarah was helping and we'd dip the tomatoes in hot water, peel them and can them.  We also made lots of salsa/picante sauce.  I'm too old for that now but it was fun when we were doing it.

     Found out who was doing the controlled burn - he lives a couple of miles NE of here. Heard he was burning off sage grass on some prairie land.  We have a lot of it around, too, but it'll disappear some during the summer - it's all dry, kind of in clumps and far enough apart to not bother the girls too much.  I want to get the pastures sprayed this year so they won't have to be mowed.  Always something to think about.

      Heard a little about Darwin and his wife this morning.  Mike said when someone calls she thinks it's one of his girlfriends and it takes him two or three hours to get her settled down.  I guess I caused problems when I called Monday about the fire.  There was no answer so he's probably not answering his phone because of her.  So sad for him.  We all know how confining caregiving can be but to not be able to even talk on the phone would make it even worse.

     Going to stop and make some toast.  I mix peach preserves and peanut butter together and have it on toast - really good.  Usually have Malt-O-Meal but not in the mood for it this morning.  Forgot about trying the overnight oats but was thawing milk so may do it in a day or so and try it again.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Sara, don't work too hard.  Sorry, can't think of anything that would benefit from the hot, evening sun.  You really don't want the hot sun on tomatoes.  Our neighbor puts up sheets to shield his tomatoes from the hot, afternoon sun.  We always planted corn on the west side of tomatoes to shield them from the sun.  Peppers might do well if you raise them, or herbs - maybe beans - not sure what all  you plant.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Glad all your babies are ok this morning Lorita.  

    Forgot to mention the  area is in front of the house, faces west.  There is two huge locust trees in front yard too so maybe sooner or later, if I keep trying things, will find something that works.  

    Got my bread seed Poppies planted.  Hope to plant the other poppies after lunch.  When I looked it up they supposedly tolerate frost.  Have to plant them.  My plants are growing  so fast this year.  These first ones are really nice.  Know I cannot plant petunias yet.  Hopefully can keep pinching them back.  Plants have not usually grown this quickly.  If they don’t make it will try to plant later next year, just love poppies and have not had any since left my other house.  If even a couple make it, will probably always have them.  They self sow well.  

    Went to a bakery this morning and got four donuts and a cinnamon roll.  Cut them in half and froze all but three halves.  Have been wanting a good donut for months.  This bakery is a little bit of a drive but worth it.  Went to a local bakery back in fall. Donut tasted stale, won’t be going back there anytime soon.  Bought some at the bulk store and they were disappointing too.  Just ate half of a jelly one and it was fresh.

    Use to go to bathroom, close door and turn fan on to talk on phone without mom hearing.  Poor D probably can’t leave her alone that long.  Did a lot of texting but D may not text either.

    Talk with you later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Got my muffins made and already taste-tested one along with Lilly.  She seemed to like them, too.  I put mini chocolate chips in them.  You know, anything's better with some chocolate in it.  Even got the dishes washed.  I have one of those wooden dishdrainers that doesn't take up a lot of room on the cabinet and ast night after I went to bed I heard a loud noise in the other part of the house and this morning found the drainer on the floor - only had a few knives and forks in it so it was okay.   The other morning I found the container of AP flour on the floor in the pantry and it was on the top shelf.  They must go wild after I go to bed.

     Sara - I had petunias in the bathtub one year and they got really leggy and not blooming much.  I cut them back halfway and they flourished after that.  So, don't be afraid to cut them back.  Do you plant the seeds?  I've never done that, always used plants.  When we lived in the MH we had one of those big, black, wash pots by the steps and we always had dark purple petunias in it.  They had lots of petals - think they were called snowball? or something like that.  We bought those in Bixby at a farm store - haven't seen them in WM.

     Do your locusts bloom?  We have a couple of them in the edge of the garden and they're beautiful when they bloom - the blooms are white and look kind of like wisteria.  I think there's a white locust and a black one - one blooms and one doesn't but not sure which is which.

     Don't know anything about poppies except they're very pretty.  I think it's the American Legion that uses poppies on their posters.  Never heard of bread poppies.  Do you ever grow hollyhocks?  That was one of Charles' favorite flowers and I could never grow them.

     The mulch you made last summer must be really good to make your plants grow so fast.  We never made mulch but when we had the garden at the MH it was in an old chicken yard - talk about growing!  Now I use fertilizer out of the barn when I need some. 

     Love doughnuts - especially the cake variety.  Haven't had one in a long time.  The grocery store when I go has packages of cinnamon rolls that are very good.  Usually get two and freeze one.  Not sure now if I want to do that.  You know I bought a doughnut pan a few years ago- never used it.  You can make the batter and bake your own - never tried it.  Looks like it would be hard to get the dough in around that hole in the pan.  When I was working I drove through a tiny town (smaller than ours even) and there was the best bakery.  If I had time (usually did or made it anyway) I'd stop and get an apple fritter and eat it on the way to work.  Love apple fritters but never have made those either.

     Thanks about the calves - they are so cute and stay so close together.  They will be life-long friends - but they're both boys so can't stay here.  Makes me sad.  I had kept the girls out of that pasture for a couple of days waiting for the guy to clean out the barn.  Still haven't heard from him and it's muddy around the barn now.  When I let them in, they've only come out one time - late yesterday - then went back and spent the night.  There's a pond in that pasture so no need to unless they need protein from the tubs. 

      You know, Sara, I've thought that Darwin could put his cell phone on Vibrate and keep it in his pocket and when it rang he could leave the room to answer it - maybe that would work but no way to suggest it to him.  He did make it to the vets a few days ago to pay a bill - guess she was asleep and he felt he could leave for a few minutes.  That's really dangerous though - she could wake up and not know where he was and wander off.  There's a creek north of their house so it would worry me.  A couple of times I went to town for less than an hour when Charles was asleep, early in the morning.  But, you never know what will happen that would delay you getting home so I never did it again.  But, he loved to go to town so we went together.  I feel sorry for him but as long as she feels like she does, there's nothing I can do.  So, he's really isolated except for our vet or his hired hand stopping by occasionally to visit. 

     Feeling like I might need to test another of those muffins - they're addictive.  Does anyone know how to make a dry cakemix.  Guess you could put all the ingredients for a regular cake except the liquids.  That was my last spice cake mix so thinking how I can make one myself.

     I'll be back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I got a tick in my arm on night when I was visiting in VA.  It was one of the scariest nights of my life!  All I could think of was I was going to die from some tick disease!  I called my health plan's advice nurse and she told me how to get the tick with the head out of my flesh.  Whew, I was so relieved when it let go.  My uncle had come in from mowing the lawn, and they thought that it landed on the sofa where I sat down after him.  I had never seen a tick before nor heard of anyone having a tick.  Now I'm kind of leary of the country.  Ugh!  Lorita, how does a human wear a tick collar?  Is it like a flea collar?  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning

    Lorita look on, iambaker.net, there is a cake mix recipe there.  May be easier to just Google iambaker cake mix.  I took a picture but realized it will be way too small for you to see.

    These petunias are old fashion ones.  Hope to place them around veggies.  Have had holly hollyhocks in past.  Maybe I can find a transplant or seed pack.  Had already been thinking about having one or two.  Bees like them.

    My locusts are trimmed up high.never have really noticed if they bloom.  They must because I get seed pods.  

    Well going to be a cold windy day.  Guess will go get moms groceries and mess around a little bit.

    Take care

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Iris, I almost laughed about the ticks! I (and most people I knew) got them a lot as kids, at camp and plying in the woods. They’re gross, and a pain to remove, but we didn’t think too much about it. We al just had to check daily if we’d been out in the underbrush/woods. There was no Lyme Disease around there so that wasn’t an issue.

    They turned into more of a nightmare when we were boating along the Minnesota/Canada border several years ago and would go on land to explore and walk around. Up there we got dozens,  I’ve never seen so many ticks! It was unbelievable. We used spray repellants, but they were no good at all. (I think Lorita was joking about a tick collar for humans, but maybe not). Nobody thought about Lyme Disease much.

    I am so envious of all your flowers. We have some flowering trees in Florida, and a few shrubs, but now that the weather is getting so hot and wet (as usual this time of year) those flowers are  done. I especially loved the tulips, daffs, hyacinths and petunias where I grew up. But bulb flowers don’t grow here in S. Fla., never enough cold. I tried with an old refrigerator, but no luck. 

    Nothing much going on here of interest, I am dealing with health issues and doctors. Same old, same old. All in all,  I’d rather be in Minnesota, ticks and all.

    Lorita you mentioned Red Lobster cheese biscuits a while back. You can buy that mix, with the Red Lobster logo, at many stores and online. You do need to add cheese, if I remember right. I used to make them, they were very easy, just add the cheese and some water and and drop the dough on a cookie sheet. (They were drop biscuits, not the ones you roll out and cut).

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Rescue mom know doctors and not feeling the best get wearisome.  Was good to see you on the porch though.  I watch a YT channel out of Southern California.  Last week he was on vacation and stayed at a beautifully landscaped place.  Birds of Paradise were growing in the landscape.  Here of course the only way you see them is as a house plant.  Do you have them in Southern Florida?

    What worries me about ticks is wouldn’t know one if I saw it.  Have walked in the woods a lot but don’t do it anymore because of the tick thing.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     It's chilly here this morning - 55 with a north wind and clouds. Supposed to have rain later today, and tomorrow.  They say we need rain so guess that's good - just don't really like the mud. 

     Drove down to see the girls and drove through mud and water going to the other side of the pond to make sure everyone was okay.  They were scattered all over the 40 acres so had to really look.  Luckily, they're black and stand out pretty well against the green grass.   Checked the creepfeeder and there's still a little feed in it but will need some pretty soon.  Trying to decide if  I'll go in  Saturday or Monday when it's supposed to be 71.

     Iris, I was kidding about the flea collar for me.  But, if there was such a thing, I'd wear it if it was safe.  I get ticks all summer because I'm out in the weeds and grass so much.  The bad thing is when they get in a place you can hardly reach.  The last time I was at my doctor's office he told me he'd just dug a tick out of someone.  I either use tweezers or my fingers to pull them out.  People used to use a lit match or some kind of heat to try to make them turn loose.  Tried that once on Charles - didn't work.   Since you weren't used to ticks I imagine it was scary when you found it.  You never know when you have one until it starts to hurt.  The worst kind of ticks is the tiny, tiny ones, smaller than the head of a pen.  They get on you and make a red, swollen place the size of a nickel before you realize they're there and they're hard to get off.

     Thanks, Sara, for the website. I looked and found that to make the cake mix you can keep and use when you want, you still have to cut in shortening.  Maybe I'll just stick to buying it because I'm not sure the shortening would be all right- but, guess it would because it sits in a can or container out of the refrigerator.  Might try it.

     I love petunias - the old fashioned kind especially because they have a fragrance.  The newer varieties I've tried have no fragrance at all but are sometimes prettier.

     Rescue Mom - I'm going to look for the biscuit mix - Zetta  had mentioned it before.  I love the biscuits and I like drop biscuits - much easier to make. 

     I've often wondered about places like Florida and the south where it's always warm - do the flowers bloom all year long?  Here, we have drastic temperature changes so we have certain flowers and shrubs in bloom during certain times.  If you plant something like zinnias or marigolds, do they bloom all the time or just for a time and then rest and rebloom? 

     I need to call Bryon to see when he can mow.  The yard is getting pretty tall.  I won't have him mow north or west of the house - if it gets bigger I can let Rose Bud or someone else in.  I want to keep it in good grass for the time when we have another baby. 

     I have a slight headache on the right side of my forehead this morning - guess it's one of those oversized sinuses my doctor found.  Also the damp weather doesn't help the sinuses either.  Weatherman said we may have mid 30s north of here a couple of mornings next week.  Another reason I don't want to plant caladiums or flowers until it does get warmer.  I think they're supposed to come sometime after the 22nd.  Judith, when do you plant your caladiums?  I know yours will be in the ground so just wondered. 

     I'll stop and have some more hot tea and take my allergy pill.  Still lots of allergens around - grass and trees.  Seeing quite a lot of poke around.  I haven't cooked any of that in years.  Sara, do you eat poke?   I remember a social worker friend of Charles would come out and pick poke - even dug up some roots to transplant into his garden in town so he'd have poke.  Love it with a little bit of vinegar on it and with brown beans and cornbread.     Oh, Zetta, I had potato soup last night with corn bread crumbled in it.  Really tasty.

     Ron, are you close to the town of Natchitoches?  Last night one of our local TV stations had a show entitled Trips on a Tankful.  They took a trip to this town in Louisiana saying it is the oldest town in the Louisiana Purchase.  Never good get the hang of their pronunciation.  It was a really interesting show -  they made trips that would only take a tankful of gas to places in Oklahoma, down to Fort Worth and even as far as Memphis.  Didn't realize there were so many interesting places to go to in Oklahoma.  We've been to a lot of them but never heard of many of the others.  Also didn't realize there was a town in Arkansas called Paris.  Knew there's one in Texas but have never been there either.  Sara - I have been to Cleveland - Oklahoma.

    Ron, hope things are good with you and Lou this morning.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Sayra, I’d bet anything you would know a tick if you saw one! They’re not tiny—are easy to see on your body unless they’re in a place you can’t see at all. That’s why we had friends/parents/spouses etc. help check if we were in the right place and “season.” Ticks did not hurt or cause sores IME, but we found them before they got big.

    And yes, we have Bird of Paradise, lots. We do not have zinnias, nor marigolds, nor begonias, basically no flower you see in states north of here. Local Horticulturists/yard people used to about people who come from up north (north could be Georgia) and insist on growing flowers and garden like they did back there. Just does not work. It’s too hot, sun too intense, too wet, too many weird plant diseases, and plant-eating bugs. Winter, summer, no matter. Also no soil, just sand, but people can buy dirt if they want. It’s all the other factors that make it virtually impossible. (Of course, like most things, somebody CAN do it, with enough money and time. Insert jokes about the sole  $100.00 tomato here)

    We had a neighbor who grew a few rosebushes but he was out there for hours every day, and bought in truckloads of dirt etc. then hurricane came...

    Many commercial growers do produce veggies, but only in winter. And in sand, and with so much fertilizer required  it’s ruined lakes and rivers. The veggies are big and pretty, but tasteless.

    OTOH, we have flowering trees like poincianas and golden shower. Many people grow hibiscus. My favorite is frangipani, AKA Hawaiian lei flower. Ginger makes a big, showy “bulb” flower kind of like bird of paradise. Lots of bougainvillea, too, which can be big and spectacular, but has big thorns and needs much tending. Most of those only bloom in late winter and spring. But in general we have tropical foliage plants, not flowers.

    DH before Alzheimer’s worked with, and on boards of, some public gardens and sites/attractions that feature Florida plants, so I used to hear a Lot of what works, or doesn’t. It didn’t sink in with me, though, someway, I have the proverbial black thumb....did have good luck with some orchids I thought dead and tossed in the hedges. They actually grew and bloomed spectacularly!! Some say neglect is the trick

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Sheesh, tick bites are NBD for me. But earlier today I had biopsies taken off my nose, plus a big patch off the top of my head/scalp. I had basal cancer surgery on my nose a few years ago, but I forgot how much the deadening shot hurts in your nose. And, I found out, same for scalp. 

    I’ve had the shots/biopsies elsewhere (because Florida) but they don’t hurt *anything* like nose and scalp. The surgeon said those areas are most sensitive because there is not much “flesh” there. But jeez, I’ve now got this big bloody 1.5 inch bare bloody circle on top of my head. No bandaids because hair. 

    Nose got a bandaid. The nose surgery from before was pretty much invisible, and NBD after all healed, but a big bare (bald??) spot on my head? Ugh. OTOH if I was younger I know I’d be more upset. But now they both hurt, deadening wore off, and I’m going to be a baby. 

    Lorita, we used to eat poke leaves, when I was a kid in SC. We always called it “poke Sallit” unsure of spelling on that, sort of like salad but not said like that, and not to be confused with raw salad. I always heard the raw poke leaves were poison, not sure about that. My mom boiled it, IIRC, like other cooked greens. Ate with vinegar or hot sauce. It grew wild, it was just a fun thing to pick and eat sometimes. (Now I will have that song stuck in my hairless head!)

    I’m also fighting allergies, from oak tree pollen. If I don’t take my allergy pills, I get terrible sinus headaches and chest congestion. At least the allergy pills prevent that.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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