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Just need to talk to my friends (144)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Rescue Mom, I've had tick bites (ones I didn't find until they were hurting) that made a big knot that lasted for two or three weeks.  We have Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever here.  Every summer there's at least one or two people who get Lyme Disease with terrible problems from it.  I remember two or three years ago a man had it and was paralyzed - don't know if he ever recovered.  When I was much younger there was a man who lived close to our town, in the country, who had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and passed away.  It's scary  here in the summertime, especially if you get out and about in the pastures and meadows - or even the yard.  Every so often there will be one on the dogs (never have found a big one on the GPs) but on smaller dogs we used to have, that would get as big as your thumb and be gray - sometimes they'd fall off on the porch or steps.  They start out little and get bigger and gorged with blood.  Enough of that awful subject.   Sarah, you would know one if you saw it - about the size of a lentil with legs and they can move fast.

     I'd love to see your beautiful flowers.  So, do they ship vegetables from elsewhere in for your use?  I guess mostly citrus is grown there.  I don't believe I could stand it anywhere that was hotter and more humid that it is here in the summer - but, we always have cooler weather to look forward to.

     Your biopsies don't sound like any fun at all.  Hope the reports are good. 

     Well, I was sitting here, doing nothing except watching TV and worrying about when to get creepfeed for the babies.  I saw the weather and we won't get rain today until about 4 p.m. so decided I'd go get it today.  I called the feed store and gave them what I needed and paid for it.  Told her I'd be there in about an hour.  Got ready to go - got dressed and realized I've almost forgotten how to dress to go anywhere - had on striped jeans and a plaid flannel shirt (I did have on a coat).  No one saw me except the guys who loaded the feed.   Got into town and went by the credit union, then on to get the feed.  The guys had it all ready with my receipt so got it loaded in about ten minutes and headed home.  No other stops.  I was only gone about an hour. 

     I went out one way and it was muddy - ditches full of water and since I got stuck a while back was leary of coming back the same way.  So, came back another way and it was much better.  Got the mail while I was out and saw the girls - they were all down in the pasture across from the mailbox.  Mike's girls were across the road so guess they were all talking with each other.  Put the fortified grain I bought for Rose Bud in the trunk of the car and the PU backed into the carport.  I'll give the babies some creep tomorrow.  I checked this morning and they still had a little bit.   So, glad that's done and I won't have to worry about when to go.

     Maybe next week I'll get into town to the grocery store - and the Dollar Tree.  Like that store - you can find things there you can't find anywhere else. 

     I opened the Chewy boxes this morning and sprayed the cat and dog food sacks and cans.  I'll bring them in later this evening. 

     It's nice to have you all to talk with - and I know I talk to much - guess that comes from living alone.  I talk to dogs, cat and cows - even stop on the road sometimes and talk to cows who are along the fences.  And, I fuss at Judge Judy.  I don't for the life of me know why I keep watching her show because I get so aggravated at her rudeness. 

     Hope all of you are enjoying the afternoon.  Rescue Mom - is your weather warm down there?  It's much below average temperature here - in the upper 50s and 60s - should be in the 70s and low 80s.  In three months we'll be wishing we had this cooler weather.  I checked on QVC and my Gerber Daisies should be here by the end of the month.  These are perennial instead of annual - so hope they do well.  My two new Knock-Out roses are doing well - they're a salmon color.  Really need to trim the others.  I was worried about my Queen Elizabeth rose but as I came in I saw some new growth on it.  Happy about that.

      Sorry, forgot about the poke.  It is called poke salit but everyone here just calls it poke.  I don't know if the leaves are poisonous but the berries are, I'm told.  We only pick the small leaves when they first come up and are about 6" tall.  You wash them, then cook them in water, drain off that water and cook them again in water.  This time you take the poke out of the water and put it in some oil or grease to fry a bit.  You have to cook it the right way or it will really give you diarrhea.  I've also eaten it cooked with eggs like you cook wild onions and eggs.  Have you all ever eaten wild onions and scrambled eggs?  Delicious but such a hard thing to clean those tiny onions.  There used to be lots of wild onions along the roads but I hardly ever see them now - guess that's because of the road graders digging them up.  They have wild onion and eggs dinners around here sometimes - never been to one but have eaten lots of them.  You clean the onions, chop them and cook them in a skillet in water until they're tender, drain off the water and pour in beaten eggs and scramble them together.  I like hot sauce on them - vinegar on the poke.  Both of these things are really good with brown beans (pintos).

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra wrote:

    What worries me about ticks is wouldn’t know one if I saw it.  

    I had already gone to bed but ccouldn't sleep because my arm kept itching.  I thought I had a mosquito bite, and turned the light on to check it out.  I instantly recognized it was a tick because the head was buried in my flesh like something from a horror movie!  

    One thing I like about Southern California is there are not a lot of wild insects here.  But my cat Simon (the one who ate the bird) brought home a lizard.  Apparently Simon broke off its tail or ate it, because when I saw the lizard, I thought it was a twig, from the way it looked.  I went to pick the twig up, and it ran away!  Oh my, another shock!  Eventually, Simon chased it out of hiding and I was able to capture it into a jar and put it outside in the grass on the other side of my complex, away from Simon.

    We have a lot of bird of paradise plants, along with many native desert-type plants and other flowering plants.  It's very colorful here in SoCal.  I prefer not to have too many flowers close to my home, because I don't want to attract bees.  Bees come, anyway. We had a beehive hidden within the walls of my neighbor's balcony, adjoining my balcony.  The beekeeper who came to remove them said the hive had been there for seven years!  I couldn't believe it!  I had never noticed any bees there in all that time, and I used to eat dinner there and even sleep on the balcony on hot nights.  I was very lucky not to get stung.

    Rescue mom, feel better soon!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    HI,  I just heard that 5800 people who were fully vaccinated have gotten the virus.  Good reason to wear your masks and be careful.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning, air conditioner went out monday and 648 dollars later back working again. Seems like this has been a bad year for my bank account. Also, orkin was out Monday to put the covers on all box springs and mattresses. Had no signs of bed bugs but eggs are so small you can't see them and the covers will trap them inside and kill them. I decided to get a monthly contract to help since I really dont know how they got here. I suspect my neighbor, but other things going on with her I'll explain later. 

    Lorita, Natchitoches is about a hour south of us, use to go there all the time for Christmas lights. Ticks was bad when I was growing up and just thinking about them has me hurting. The worse tick bites on us young  boys was getting one on our private parts. Back then if you went out playing in the country you were going to get ticks on you. 

    Dont know why, but all of a sudden I have poke salad Anne singing in my head!

    Now about my neighbor! I always keep some money in a bowl on the dresser in one of the spare bedrooms. This is kept in case I don't have enough cash on me to pay her, lawn services, ordering carryout or anything else needing cash. A few weeks ago I thought 20 dollars was missing, but wasn't positive. Monday when I went to the grocery store I made sure I had 200 dollars in the bowl and recounted it right before she came over to stay with Lou before I left. When she left I recounted it and 20 dollars was missing. I haven't made up my mind what to do yet and hate that this has happened. I now wonder if she isnt the one that got the 800 dollars! What is hard to understand is later that day she had gone to the store and brought us some cupcakes and a inspirational card which amounted to around 10 dollars. Now why would she steal 20 and spend 10 on us? Lou loves her and she is good company and does a lot for us outside of caring for Lou, but I can't have a thief here while I'm gone. I will confront her eventually but still not sure what I will do. I hate to lose her since Lou gets along with her so well and once I fire her that will create one more problem with Lou, but dont know if I could ever trust her again if I kept her. I do know it would be hard for me to ever trust anyone again!

    I can't win! Lou has been good all week and now all this.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Can remember my mom fixing poke split a few times.  I liked it.  Can remember her saying that the leaves had to be young.  The birds so enjoy the berries.

    Lorita just looked it up, there are 76,681,252 people fully vaccinated in US.  That makes the % of people who have gotten sick post being fully vaccinated with the number you gave .00007% if did the math right.  That is pretty good I would say.  This is why I feel comfortable now doing things with my mask on, which I imagine would make that percent go down even farther.

    Rescue mom here in Ohio some try to grow things not meant tip-off be grown in our region.the one I see most often is banana trees.

    Iris sounds like Simon is a little feisty.  Sleeping on the balcony sounds pleasant.  At my other house, on the outside porch, there was a seat long enough for me to lay down on.  Use to do that once in awhile.

    Ron glad it wasn’t your children.  So sorry you are having to deal with this.  Know it has been helpful  to have someone to stay with Lou now and then, but now you are seeing it looks like you can’t trust her.  

    Made a fresh salad.  Have a lot of volunteer lettuce up.  Hasn’t grown a lot but there are so many plants just took a leaf or two from each one.  Snipped a few dandelion leaves from one or two I left growing in my flower bed as no chemicals have been used there.  Then snipped a little of the volunteer cilantro.  It was so good.  Have not ate dandelion leaves til this year.  Believe I have heard people say they are bitter but I did not notice that.  Not bad for mid April.  

      If you have ever had a fresh salad it is just so much better than regular salad.  I like regular salad too.  Last year my nephew came over and I gave him some freshly picked lettuce.  He told me he couldn’t believe how good it was.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     It's raining.  Got out just in time to get Tom and Jerry fed and to drive down to see if any of the girls were in trouble.  Most of them had already gone up to the MH to graze there for a while.  One of the new moms and the two boys were still in the NE pasture with seven or eight of the girls and Billy the Bull.  The little boys were intent on investigating a place that probably had some water in it - mom was grazing nearby. You seldom see them unless one of the moms is with them - they take turns.  Got in and fed the inside cats and turned on the weather - it was pouring in Tulsa and it just got here about five minutes ago.  We've had about 1.3" so far this week.  Supposed to rain off and on today.  Really am glad I decided to go get feed yesterday.  Maybe later today I'll be able to put a few sacks of it in the creepfeeder.

     Bad news from Tulsa - they're working on a tall building, renovating or building, not sure and a man fell to his death this morning.  They said he fell five stories.  Feel so sorry for the family.

     Ron, glad you got your AC  fixed - always something when you have a house to maintain.  You know you could take away the temptation from your neighbor - she knows you keep money in that bowl so you could put it somewhere else.  I know you hate to lose her because Lou likes her and it's really hard to find someone dependable.  Maybe she felt bad about taking the $20 and thought bringing you the card and cupcakes would lessen the guilt she probably felt.  What about putting a note in the bowl with the money with the amount of money on it - saying something like you did that so you'd remember how much was there.  Maybe that would alert her to the fact you suspected her. 

    If she gave you all the bedbugs, and probably did, she will reinfect your home.  Don't know what to do about that.  When Sarah and Todd got bedbugs they were from a friend of hers.  Took them a long time to get rid of them.  I remember Sarah saying the woman was visiting one day and mentioned she had bedbugs again and she made her leave. 

     Ron, I had that tune in my head all day yesterday, too.

     Sara - the stain from poke berries is as bad as the stain you can get from mulberries.  We had a  mulberry at the MH that had berries - mother said she used to eat them -I tried one and it was pretty good.  Sure can mess up a car or anything else.  The mulberries we have down here don't have fruit, thank goodness.

     That is good news about the percentage.  Does make a person feel better. I will, for sure, continue to wear my mask. 

     What do you all do about the groceries you buy?  Do you let them set outside for a couple of days and wipe down the things to be refrigerated before you put them away?  I've always used those insulated things to keep things cold or frozen but not sure that's the thing to do now. 

     Sara, one of our social workers liked to eat dandelions - said they were good.  I've never tried them - I just like the pretty, yellow blooms.  You're so right, fresh greens from your garden are so much better.  Have you ever planted spinach?  We always did and it was so  good.  The lettuce we liked most was called Butter Crunch.  It made a soft head and was delicious.  When I was growing up mother raised leaf lettuce which was good, too.  Do you grow radishes?  There's one called Easter Egg - the radishes are all different colors, also French Breakfast.  They were good when they were young.  The best one was called Champion - big, red, round and crisp.  The radishes you buy are just not the same.

     I used to sometimes lay in the porch swing when I'd get home from work.  That was during the time I was having a lot of headaches.  Haven't tried that in a long time but might this summer.

    I was close to WM yesterday but didn't take time to drive by their garden center to see if they had plants.  Atwoods always has a lot of plants, too, so that's another option.

     I'll stop and find something for breakfast - kind of hungry this morning.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Know radishes are suppose to be easy to grow.  Have not had good luck with them.  Bought the Easter egg ones this year so we shall see what happens.

    Have not tried spinach.  Have kale, collards and chard.  

    Have not wiped anything down in a long time.  Put it away and then wash my hands well.

    Went to Goodwill and Volunteers today.  Goodwill has a small well behaved crowd, but, they don’t have as much.  Didn’t find anything there.  Volunteers has a bigger crowd and they are a little rougher around the edges.  So kind of have to keep an eye out.  If someone invades my space I go elsewhere for awhile and then come back there.  Worked pretty good.  Believe everybody both places had a mask on though a few noses were hanging out.  Not to bad,  anyways found a silicone ice tray cheap.  My nephew doesn’t like my hard plastic ones.  Looked at them before covid thought that they cost too much.  It’s in good condition and cheap so will see if I like it better.

    Also found a Pullmans Pan.  It is a pan I just found out about.  Is long and slender and has a lid.  Supposedly your bread turns out the shape of a loaf of bread at store.  Should be easier to slice I think.  It was King Arthur brand, in fairly good shape and way cheaper than a new one.  May be awhile before I try it as busy now and have been buying Dave’s bread and buns,  they do not have soy.  Also found an oval shaped loaf made with olive oil and think it will work for a hot dog.  So may be a bit before I return to making bred except for French.  Love the garlic bread I make with it.

    Remember I was making orange vinegar.  It turned out alright and have started flavoring my water with it.  It is good, no sweetener, no carbonation, no coloring or artificial flavoring.  Think my belly will like it and a switch from plain water.  Have pineapple brewing and it seems to be fermenting well.

    Ok lunch time over.  Got behind today.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Sounds like you had a good time and hit the jackpot, Sara.  I've never heard of those pans but I'll look them up.  We always loved to go to Goodwill in Tulsa.  It is a big store, nice and clean and you can find almost anything you want there.  I always liked to look at the glassware; bowls and pitchers are my weaknesses.

     You said Dave's bread you're buying doesn't have soy in it?  What is the soy for?  You may have told us but how do you make your French bread?  I also love it - I use the recipe Julie Child had - you slice the bread down the middle, put on butter, garlic powder, black pepper, parsley flakes and parmesan cheese.  Then toast it in the oven.  Guess you could also slice it and make it that way.

     It's been a dark, dreary, rainy, cold day here.  Can't think of many other adjectives to describe it.  I finally broke down and lit the stove again.  It's been 51 degrees all day.  Next Monday it's going to be 71 and either that night or the next they're predicting 34 degrees and they said it could be colder.  Cold for at least two more weeks.  This isn't good for cattle because the grass isn't growing like it should except for early season grasses - guess we're lucky we have lots of fescue (thankfully not the kind that makes the cattle lose their tails).  Bermuda isn't growing now because of the cold weather. The grass and little weeds are doing well in the yard though.  Talked with Bryon late yesterday.  His son is in a baseball tournament in Tulsa this weekend so he'll come after work one day next week to mow and clean up the yard.

     Saw the cutest thing an hour or so ago.  The girls had been laying down on the other side of the pond - at least most of them.  I was sitting in my chair looking out the front door and saw one of the little babies come into view.  They along with a dozen or so others had been in the NE pasture.  He stood around so I went out on the porch to see what was going on - he kept looking behind him - then, I saw the other baby coming out of the lot.  The first one was waiting for him.  When he got up to the other one they started toward the south end of the pond.  I watched and they went across - just out of the water, then took off running to the other cows.  So cute to see those little guys running and playing.  Just love to watch baby calves play and run with their tails up in the air.  Our vet says sometimes he'll stop along the road when little calves are running and playing and just sit there and watch them.

     Had some Ramen soup for lunch and laid down on the divan and drifted off for a few minutes.  So very glad I got into town yesterday for feed.  I haven't put any in the feeder yet but will try to tomorrow.  I don't think it's supposed to be rainy.  Too wet to get the PU out there so I'll have to put a few sacks in the Gator and feed out of it.

     Sara, can't remember too well but I think we liked the Easter Egg radishes - they're really pretty because of all the colors.  We never raised kale or chard and have never tasted either of them.

     Don't you hate it when people wear a mask and leave their nose uncovered?  Glad people are at least wearing masks up there.  I only went to the CU and feed store yesterday and just saw four people -  no masks on any of them.  The girl at the CU was behind glass so that was fine and the boys loading feed have never worn them.  Guess they can't lifting all those heavy sacks. 

     Ron, I'm glad to know, or at least think, that your relatives didn't take the money. But, it's sad that your neighbor may have.  Maybe you'll figure out a way to let her know you know and still be able to let her stay with Lou when she needs to.  Hope you're feeling well.

     Enjoy the rest of the day.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    Pest sprayer was here this morning. The spider I killed Wednesday night was a Brown Recluse. I saw a second  one Thursday morning  under the bathroom sink ( same area). It was too fast to kill. He said just to check my bed before gettin ing.

    The young man said I would know if I had bed bugs. 

    Great inside day today. Rainy/dark and chilly. Everything green  loved it. My gardner neighbor said not to cut back growth that looks dead yet...there is still  hope.

    I fixed 4 pork chops with onions and will eat the last one tonight. I was eating them for lunch with some wonderful fresh asparagus. I need to eat the last one for dinner before it gets "iffy".

    Saturday night I will watch Prince Phillip's funeral.

    I have a meeting here Monday morning with family and an attorney so will be busy tidying this weekend.

    Monday I am making chicken chili (Ina Garten) for 6 Monday night.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Judith, love asparagus.  Have you ever tried baking it?  Really delicious cooked that way. 

     Watch out for those spiders.  I was bitten by one years ago while I was sleeping.  It bit me on the front of my thigh and it swelled so much I felt like I had to hold on to my leg to keep it from falling down.  Glad you got things sprayed.

     I've never seen a bedbug but they say they bite so you probably would know if you had them. 

     It's cold here today - 50 degrees - didn't get above 51 and now the weatherman is talking about possible snow flurries Tuesday or Wednesday.  I went out just now to get a package I saw UPS leave outside the gate away from the house (not at the road) and the girls heard the Gator and here they came.  Guess they think we're back to winter and feeding.  Luckily I did get enough to feed them two more times and I'll try to do that tomorrow.   I think we've had something over 1 1/2" of rain so it's very muddy. 

     The news just said there was another mass shooting at a FedEx hub in Indianapolis - killed several.  They said there has been 51 since April 15.  Seems like the shooters are mostly younger men.  Makes a person wonder if what we've been through this past year is partly to blame.  You just never know when something like this will happen.

     Judith, I have a couple of Heavenly Bamboos that are pretty big.  They look completely dead - I did cut one back and there's still green in the stems so I think it will come back.  Haven't done anything to the other one but it's probably the same.  Some of the shrubs are leafing out again but there has been damage - even on the leaves of the Southern Magnolia.  I wonder what all of this cold weather's going to do to the peach crop.  I was by the Asian Pears a day or so ago and they're completely leafed out but I don't know if they've bloomed.

     Feel sad for the Queen.  Many of us know how she feels.

     I haven't done anything today except feed cats and dogs - didn't even get to feed Rose Bud because there were too many girls around her - I will tomorrow.  Guess I need to find something for supper before it gets too late - I like to eat supper before 6 (ten minutes left).

     Enjoy the evening and have a good rest tonight.  There's snow north of us in Nebraska and in the NE.  I had a good friend whose birthday was April 10 and she remembered having snow on her birthday - in Holdenville, OK.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Judith, your brown recluse reminded me about being bitten by one on the butt many years ago. Luckily where I was working had their own medical and the Dr. gave me a shot and prescribed medication. I was lucky if I wasn't taken care of right away people could have said I was a half a--.

    Also on the bed bugs, not all feel the bite and you might not know it. Check your mattress, they hang out at the foot and head.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    Hold onto your mittens....it is supposed to snow here Tues!!!!!
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Lorita soybean oil is in everything.  Have hypothyroidism and soy is bad for thyroid.  Wish had known that years ago.  When did become aware of it decreased my soy intake by probably at least 90%.  Didn’t think too much about it.  When went back following year my thyroid medicine had to be drooped by half.  Have remained vigilant about avoiding soy.  Why I make all my own salad dressings.  Miss ranch from the store.  Like the ranch dressing I make but not the same.

    I used couple of different French bread recipes but they are basically the same.  Think they are basically flour, water, salt and yeast.  

    Wish could sit on my porch and watch your cattle.  Love seeing cattle in a field.

    Was a cool, dark day yesterday.  Sun didn’t shine til around 3pm.  Sun is shining brightly this morning.  Hope it is a beautiful day.  Some things sprouted so got some tomatoes planted.  Planted my peas as can start the on top of refrigerator.  

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Judith, it's supposed to be 71 Monday, then possible snow flakes on Tuesday - you all  make get more than we do over here.  It's cold this morning, too, 46 I think he said.  I'm not looking forward to 100 degree, humid weather but I like it a bit warmer than this.

     I just spent an hour or more outside - fed Tom and Jerry, then drove way down to see the girls.  Saw a little calf with some cows as far away as they could get so drove down thinking it was a new baby - it was one of the two little ones, both were there.  I saw all but one of the girls and I think she was just over a little rise.  When I first went out on the porch I saw Rose Bud in the south pasture laying down.  She's at least 21 and it scares me when I see her laying down.  Came back in and fed the inside cats, got Tom and Jerry's feed ready and when I went out again Rose Bud was up.  I had fixed her feed pan last night so took it up to  her.

     Came back by the creepfeeder and knew I had to fix that bar I have wired on it to keep the bigger calves out so decided I'd go ahead and put in some feed after I got it wired back on.  It has a lid on top with two hinges and it leaks some around the hinges and mildews the feed just under it.  I took out my grabber and got all of that cleaned out.  That's one good thing I use it for and the other is getting snakes out of the house (hope I don't have to do that again).  I put tape over the hinges so maybe it won't leak and put in 250 lb. of feed in for the little ones.  So, won't have to do that later today.  It was cold but I was already out so might as well have gotten it done.  By this time Rose Bud had made it down to the feeder and the girls were at the closed gate ready to come through.  So, I'm back in the house having my hot tea and a couple of muffins.

     Stormy and Sheena stayed outside last night and were ready to come in.  Stormy's asleep on the divan and Sheena's asleep on the floor by the divan.  I have a big, soft rug on the floor for her to sleep on but I see the cats have it wadded up in a corner.  She has growths on her front elbows so I try to let her lay on something soft.  Charles had about the same thing but it hadn't gotten that bad.  He leaned with his left elbow on the chair arm and it made his elbow hurt so he had to wear a padded thing on it when he was sitting in his chair.

     Sara, I hadn't thought about soybean oil being in so many things - never noticed.  I'm so glad you found out that was bad for your hypothyroidism and was able to get your medicine reduced.  I also make my own ranch dressing.  Really good for salads or dips.  Also like to dip roasted vegetables in it.  Guess it's good on just about anything. 

     About your French bread - those are the ingredients I use in the bread I make along with some sugar and a tablespoon of oil.  Some day when I'm really brave I'll set it on the dough setting and make a loaf.  I like a little bit of sugar in the bread - makes the toast really nice.

     Judith, I used to watch Ina Garten a lot but haven't seen her show lately - I'll look for it again.  I think she and her husband are such a cute couple - kind of reminds me of Darwin and his wife.

     Last night our weatherman showed winter kill on a Nandina (same as Heavenly Bamboo).  I've cut one of ours back to the green so need to get the other two cut back.  I have a  Glossy Abelia at the south end of the porch and it was completely leafless a week ago - now it's covered with new leaves - but, it needs to be trimmed back some.  Lots to do outside in the yard and I can't get into the mood yet.

     Sara - wish you were here to sit on the porch and watch the girls with me, too.  It's a very relaxing thing to do and I don't do it enough.  They cut back the holly but it's still too tall to be able to see over it - it's beginning to put on new leaves so will look better in a couple of weeks - then, next February will repeat the same thing.  When I'm kind of down I like to go out and just sit with the girls and watch them.  Best to do it in the Gator because if I sit down on the ground, they think something's wrong and gather around me.    Sandy - maybe one of the girls would come over and dial my phone if the Gator turned over when I drove over that ditch.

     Glad I got those things done outside so I can relax and not think about doing it later.  It's supposed to be in the 60s tomorrow so I'll feed the girls either tomorrow or Monday. 

     I'll stop and have some more hot tea.  They're showing caftans on QVC - I love to wear those.

     Enjoy your Saturday.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita—you said something about cows losing their tails in fescue?? Or was it a joke? My dad always had cows on our land in SC and some pastures were fescue. I think they grazed on it, and maybe made hay from it? I don’t exactly remember, but the effect on their tails intrigued me.

    I’m like you with asparagus, I usually put it in the oven. Low and slow if I have time, or higher temp if not. I like it with some char. I used to cook a lot of green, including chard and especially kale. I tried dandelion greens a few times (they grow down here) but Too bitter for me. Not a big fan of beet greens either—but I love beets roasted in oven, then chilled. Add blue cheese and pecans for a heavenly salad.

    Eating more fermented food, and found a Vietnamese lady who makes the best kimchi I ever had, sells at our local “farmers market” (it’s an outdoor market, but no “farmer” about it. I stocked up this morning. I bet Jo can find a lot in Cali). It’s still kind of hard to find good here. But sauerkraut works too, and love that. Wish I could make it like Sayra does! IIRC.

    You asked about the veggie crops in S. Florida. Actually, big ag grows most of the winter “salad bowl” veggies in winter for the entire east coast, at least as far north as NYC. The growing season is around November to March, maybe early April. Watermelons, too, and sweet corn is a huge crop maybe 100 miles north of us. But nothing grows in summer.

    There is not much citrus here anymore either. A new disease called citrus canker wiped out most commercial groves (and most hobby groves and backyard trees) maybe 10-15 years ago. The state had pay mega-millions to growers for destroying trees, done to try to control the disease.  And that land is now growing houses and golf courses.

    The citrus industry is not totally gone—some disease-resistant trees have been developed and planted—but Mexico is now our major source, especially for the juice companies that buy fruit from everywhere, and for the box packers.

    Judith—having brown recluses would terrify me. I have friends who suffered terribly after those bites. So good you found them safely! And great you have an honest exterminator who did not try to upsell you.  If you had bedbugs, I’d bet my own house you’d know it! (At least everybody I know who’s dealt with them. Some react worse than others).

    Our weather has been really hot, near 90, but sunny....I keep wanting to go to beach but then my head and nose itch from skin biopsies. supposed to get a little coolER late Sunday. Just around 80 ha ha. Everybody is complaining we had no spring. It was heat one day and AC the next.

    Now must deal with carpenters replacing our wood deck steps....house maintenance. Ugh.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Saturday,

    Nothing exciting going on around here.

    My cousin and her husband may be coming out for a visit this summer, so I plan to go home and visit my family. 

    I finally have an appointment next Thursday to get my covid vaccine. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All, 

    I have been gone for a few days I am pet sitting again at my friends house. I will be there till Monday and they do not have internet. I found out it is not Llama's but it is Alpaca's that are in the pasture next door. I finally got them to come closer to me so I could get some good pictures so when I get home Monday I will send some picts. They are raised as pets but their fur is sold.  

    Lorita,  I had to laugh when you said you needed to dress to go to town. My little town is a lot bigger then yours and no one dresses to go to town. I live in sweats winter time its a sweat shirt summer time its a T shirt and sweat pant's. Clean ones every morning then I am set to  go.

    Lorita,  I just made a pot of the potato soup but I put bacon in mine. I came home for a few hours to catch up on my emails and make the soup. I will take the soup with me. 

    I watched the funeral this morning, it was beautiful and sad. The Queen  was all alone I guess I did not understand why one of her sons or grandsons were not there with her. She did have a lady in the car with her when she arrived, I wonder who that was?

    Ron,    Would you feel better if you just put the money someplace hopefully your neighbor won't find it. That way she can still come be with Lou when you need her too. I know it is hard when you don't trust someone. Maybe get a lock box for jewelry and other valuables. 

    Sara,   I also like Goodwill there is a big GW store in Bend, that is about 20 miles from me. I go there often. I look at pot pans dishes pretty vases. I also look at sweat shirts. I don't look at shoes and personal stuff. But I was in there last week and I saw a pair of slip on shoes that were brand new and only cost $10.00 I got those. 

    Well its time for me to get going. Take care all I will be gone till Monday. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Zetta, I was wondering about you  - thought you might be pet sitting.  Glad to see your post.     I'm from the old school - when I was growing up we always dressed up to go to town - hose, heels, dresses and even gloves - that was back in the 50s and early 60s.  After that I went to work and dressed up for that - hose, heels and dresses until they finally relented and said we could wear pants with tunic tops.  I still put on better clothes when I go - if I wear jeans, it's to our little town, not to a bigger one.  I don't wear shoes without hoses, mostly knee-highs now.  Hardly ever wear dresses - in fact, can't remember the last time I had one on.  I guess I was just brought up to think going to town was something special so we dressed - but, everyone did back then.  Now, they wear shorts and those distressed jeans with holes all in them -  there's okay if one wants to wear them but just not for me.

     I was going to watch the funeral but couldn't find it.  Judith said she was going to watch it tonight.  It does look like at least Charles would have been with his mother. Did his two boys walk together - or apart?  The Queen will be lost without her Prince.

     Potato soup - I read on the package you could add bacon and cheese - haven't done that but bet cheese would be good.  I cooked macaroni and cheese last night and had that with green beans - still have a lot of potato soup so won't need to cook for a couple of days.

     I made some apple butter just now!  Had never made it.  My parents and grandma did but I never attempted it.  We had crabapples in the garden and daddy made apple butter from them - really delicious.   I had some old apples in the crisper and this morning I was just sitting here and thought I'd just cook them and eat them that way but then decided I'd try apple butter.  It may be a little sweet because I put some white sugar and a little water in to cook them after I'd peeled and sliced them.  Then, I looked up a recipe.  Can you believe it called for apple cider vinegar?  So, cooked them with that and a little water until they were tender, then used the immersion blender to puree them.  Added spices and a little bit of brown sugar and cooked them some more.  I don't like dark and really spicy apple butter so made it like that.  Hope it'll be good.

     Rescue Mom - nope, not kiddin' about the cows losing their tails.  Not the whole tail, just the bushy part.  Ours never have so our fescue isn't the toxic kind.  They do have some trouble with their feet from time to time.  We had a little calf years ago that was born without a tail.  She was the cutest little thing.  I wanted to keep her but we didn't because they use their tails to keep the flies off and she wouldn't have been able to do that.    I like the fescue because it starts growing earlier and lasts later and is even green under the Dallas grass during the winter.  The girls seem to like it, too.  Our hay is prairie hay and some Bermuda mixed in - very little fescue in it.

     Charles was in Korea a long time and he talked about chemchi.  Sounded like it is a little like sauerkraut.  We used to make a lot of kraut and I liked it.  I can remember shredding the cabbage (wasn't good at that) and then mother would put it in a big crock with salt and water, I guess.  Then, after it was fermented, she'd can it.  Gotta ask you, what is IIRC?  I imagine it's used in texting which I don't do much.

     My cousin, Patsy, talked a lot about the vegetable and fruit crops in California.  When they first moved out there, they picked a lot of fruit to make a living.  Now, she says all of the land that used to have orchards and vegetables is filled with housing developments.  Her daughter lives next to an almond orchard and it sounds like that's about all there is now.  Patsy worked in a place where they processed walnuts when she was in high school.  I guess it may be that way everywhere - more people and fewer fruits and vegetables so most of it's imported now.  People around here always had big gardens and usually an orchard - very dependent on the land.  I watch The Waltons and that's kind of like it was here.  Those were the good old times but we didn't realize it then.

     It's 53 degrees here.  I haven't turned on the propane stove but the electric heater is on.  Supposed to be cooler than  normal the next ten days.  Our weatherman talked about a "sweaty May" so heat may be coming.  I dread thinking about the hot summer.

     I just lost part of my post - touched the wrong key, I guess.  Can't remember what was lost.

     Nicole - good to see your post.  I imagine you are looking forward to being able to go home for a while this summer - hope it works out for you.  How's your uncle?

     Joan and Jo - we haven't seen a post from either of you for a while.  Hope you're both all right.   Also, Barbara, hope you're okay.

     I'll stop before I lose more of this.  Going to go check on that apple butter I have cooling.   I think I'll put it in a LocknLock container in the refrigerator.  Oh, I did get my crumb cakes yesterday.  Opened the box this morning and wiped them down and froze them (all but one).  Also got the nicest expandable strainer-type thing to fit over the sink.  I think that will be good to put silverware in before I wash it - and afterwards.

     Hope all of you are enjoying the afternoon.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Went out to check the girls before nighttime. Couldn't see everyone until I drove down among them.  I saw one cow, by herself  standing very still,  away from the others - so drove over and she has a new baby.  She's not friendly so there's no way I can get them to the barn by myself.  Guess I'll just have to let them stay in the pasture.  I did close the gate to that pasture so everyone will be in there tonight but it's 40+ acres so hope either she comes over toward the barn or they go over toward her.  I have driven a cow and new baby almost a quarter mile to the barn before  but this baby is too new for that and it'll be dark before too long.   The baby did get up but didn't see her/him nurse - he was still wet so he's very new.  If things were normal at Darwin's home, things would be different - but it's no one's fault and can't be helped. Everyone else leaves new babies out in the pastures so guess I'll have to learn to do that.  We've always brought them to the barn for a week or so.  Things change.  The two little ones will discover the new baby in a day or so.

     The news showed a video of a two year old boy being caught underneath a Peloton treadmill - he escaped finally but they're trying to get them to do a recall.  I had heard about this a few days ago.

     What time is the funeral on TV tonight?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    I was totally wrong about the funeral as I found out when I turned on the news this morning.

    Lady Susan Hussy, a Lady in Waiting, was in the car with the Queen who ,at age 95 almost, got out of the car with no assistance and walked the length of the Chapel with no  help.

    It was a beautiful service and I liked the military parts. It did seem a bit odd that all of Prince Philips badges, sashes, medals and such were on the altar.

    The boys walked separately to the funeral but William, Harry and Kate teamed up for the walk back and Kate soon dropped back leaving Harry and William chatting together back up the hill to Windsor Castle.

    Another baby cow? Seems like a lot this year. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Wish I could have watched it but just couldn't find it.  Good the two boys were able to get together and visit a bit.  I heard that Prince Phillip planned the funeral himself and wanted a Range Rover to carry the casket.  Were they married 70+ years?

     Just three so far this year, new babies that is but that makes a dozen small ones. I don't feel too good about leaving the baby and mom out in the pastures but as long as other cows are around, maybe it'll be okay.  Many years ago we never brought them to the barn - just something we started doing as we got older.  I'll be up at daylight and be out in the pasture to check in the morning.

     The sun was shining a while ago and it says it will off and on tomorrow.  I hope so.

     8 p.m.  I can sleep tonight.  Decided I'd see if she'd come up with the baby.  Got over there and there was another heifer and Little Bit with her.  She was laying down with the baby directly in front of her.  When I got there we heard the coyotes go through and she was on alert immediately.  She got up, pushed a little bit on the other heifer and started toward the barn.  I'd drive behind her a bit, get out and urge her on with the sorting stick.  Then hurried up and opened the back corral gate.  She knew exactly where I wanted her to go - headed straight for the gate and went in.  All this time, every time she'd stop the baby would try to nurse.  So, she (I think it's a girl) and baby are safe in the lot tonight.  Gave her some hay and fresh water.  Good that I got them up because I was able to let the girls and other babies through to the other pasture and creepfeeder. 

     You know I bet she remembered that she had been up in the lot when she was little - not sure, but I wouldn't doubt it.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita wrote:

       Now, she says all of the land that used to have orchards and vegetables is filled with housing developments.  

    When I first moved to California, there was an attraction called Lion Country Safari.  You could drive down the freeway and see the lions lounging on the hills, just like in Africa!  Now that land is all developed into housing.  Imagine being able to say, "I live where lions used to roam!"  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Have not eaten beet greens.  Hope to try and plant some beets.  Will see if I get around to it.  Tried two years ago and was not successful.  Will try in container this year if I find time.

    Eat quite a few pickled beets.  Like them in my salad.  Maybe if I’m successful will try roasting them.  Like them cooked with a little butter too.  

    Glad you were able to get a vaccine appointment Nicole.

    Zetta I have given very good shoes to Goodwill, some close to brand new and good brands.  My feet are picky about shoes.  Buy the same types of things you do.  Had missed you, glad you are ok.

    How did your apple butter turn out Lorita.  See they are giving us a couple of cold nights here too next week.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Thank you, Judith, very thoughtful of you to post those.  I felt so sorry for the Queen sitting by herself with her head down.  It will be hard for her to be without him after being together 73 years.  Losing someone you love is hard.

     Iris, how great to be able to just drive by and see lions. Bet they had lots of onlookers.  Sad that our Country is changing so much - nature doesn't have much of a chance anymore.

     Nicole, I'm also glad you've gotten an appointment for your vaccine.  You'll feel better after you've gotten both of them.  I know I do but still not venturing out - maybe soon.  But, things are opening up too soon for my liking - but that's just cautious me.

     Sara - I also love pickled beets.  Mother used to make them every year.  She'd cut off the tops (leaving about an inch of stem) and cook them in a big pressure cooker (the kind you latch down all around it).  After they were cooked, daddy would bring them outside and we'd let them cool a bit and I'd peel them.  I actually liked to do that.  I'd take one in my hands and the peeling would just fall off.  Then she'd quarter them, depending on size, and can them in the juice they cooked in after she added spices and sugar.  They were so good.  I've never eaten Harvard beets - to me they look like blackberry cobbler but I understand they don't taste anything like it.  Occasionally they'd have them in the canteen and one of the social worker always got them.

     I remember once when I was at work Charles decided he'd cook some.  Guess we had raised them or he got them from mother.  Anyway, she said he called her and asked how to do it.  He peeled them while they were raw and had stains on everything.  Patsy has told me that Atwoods has a really good brand of pickled beets.  We never ate the tops of the beets. 

     Have you ever raised turnips?  Those tops and mustard greens are eaten around here - I've never eaten either but I do love spinach cooked until just tender.  Turnips get sweeter after a frost so they're a fall crop in Oklahoma.  I think I mentioned one year Charles dug a hole, lined it with hay and put turnips in, covered it with a tarp and dirt and we had sweet turnips all winter long.

     It's cool here this morning but some warmer.  The sun is in and out.  When I went out this morning to feed Tom and Jerry, the two little boys were at the corral visiting with their little sister.  I took a picture of them looking through the gate at me.  They stayed around for a long time - one of the moms and Rose Bud were not far away.  Also got a picture of the new baby - she is a little girl.  Gave mom some more hay and opened the gate so she can come out of the corral north of the house to graze if she wants to.  Right now the new baby is her whole world - nothing else matters. When I was giving her more hay she was talking to the baby the whole time I was in the lot.

      Sara, I haven't tried the apple butter since it's gotten good and cold.  I have a feeling I should have cooked it a little longer to make it thicker but it'll be good.  I remember eating apple butter sandwiches when I was growing up.  I mentioned daddy made apple butter and applesauce from the crabapples - he was a wonderful cook and baker and he'd make a cake and put applesauce between the layers. It was so good - I can taste it now.  The longer it lasted, the more moist it would get.

     Drove out and saw all the girls.  Stormy wanted to go and was crying as I left so when I got back I took both of them, Stormy and Sheena, for a walk down to the pond.  The little boys were laying down by the pond and acted a little scared of Sheena.  Both of the GPs are bigger than the little boys so guess they do look scary to them.  When I got back, they came in the house, had breakfast and have gone to the bedroom to sleep.

     Nothing going on today that I know of so I'll stop for now and see what's on TV.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning, been a busy one! Washing, cleaning and grocery shopping.  Picked up some broccoli for Lou; she loves it and I blanch her some for most meals. 

    I took Lou to the grocery store with me, not to hard to push her wheelchair and pull the cart behind me. I just got off the phone with my neighbor that has watched her for me and told her that Lou and I went to pick up some takeout breakfast and went to the grocery and I wouldn't need her. I told her I wanted to start taking Lou with me more and all she said was ok. I thought this was the best way to handle it since I do know she took the 20 but dont know for sure about the other money.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, IIRC means “If I Remember/recall Correctly.” You’re right, I think it did start with texting. I’m on other boards where posts are expected to be short, and my apologies for my fail on this board style. But they use a lot of such abbreviations; I’m always having have to ask Mr. Google for explanation!

    Your babies are adorable. My dad mostly kept black Angus,  and some Holsteins.

    Sayra, if you ever try beet greens, I cook them like other greens. But if I kept stems, I would start them first to get a bit more cook time. I also loved and made pickled beets. Carrots and jalapeños, too.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    I love turnip greens and mustard greens.  I don't cook them, I only eat them if someone else cooks them or eat them canned.  My aunt used to pickle beets. I loved hers, although I never ate other beets.  The baby cows are darling!  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Ron, sounds like you've figured out how to handle the situation for now.  Hope it works out okay for you.  I imagine Lou enjoyed going to the grocery store - probably hadn't been in some time.  I know Charles enjoyed it.  He always pushed the cart and read labels while I did the shopping and getting things into the cart.   Maybe you can rest some tomorrow since it's been busy today.

     Judith, thank you for the YT link.  I enjoyed watching the services.  Lots of pomp and circumstance.

     Rescue Mom - glad you enjoyed the pictures of the babies.  Our cattle are Brangus - big cows - but since we're using an Angus bull they're not quite as big.  When I was in school I knew a family who had a dairy.  I'd visit there sometimes while they were milking - those are huge cows.  Used to be several dairies around here but they're all gone now - things are changing.

     Iris, I don't think I knew you could buy mustard greens in a can.  I had heard you could buy poke salat - Patsy told me that.  Guess anymore you can buy almost anything canned. 

     Glad you liked the pictures of the calves.  They are so sweet.  Have you ever been around cattle?  The little ones are not afraid of you the first day after they're born - after that they really don't like for you to touch them unless you fool with them a lot.  Saw something sweet today; When I went out I saw the cow but not the calf.  I asked her where her baby was and she looked in a certain direction and said something - then I saw her calf who had been laying down, get up.  You can ask them where their baby is and they always look in the direction of the baby.  They're very good mothers.

     I'm tired tonight - haven't done much except get the trash together to take down by daylight in the morning.  Hate having to do that so early.  I think I'll go to bed early.

     Saw an interesting movie tonight - Nebraska, made in 2013 with Bruce Dern.  It was nominated for several academy awards - don't know if it won.  It was filmed in Billings, Montana; Buffalo, Wyoming and Rapid City, South Dakota.  Interesting looking country - very flat or at least what they showed was.  It was filmed in black and white. 

    Hope you all sleep well tonight.  See you tomorrow.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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