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Just need to talk to my friends (150)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,893
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    Zetta appreciate all the hugs you pass out frequently.  

    Lorita it was my dad’s last sibling.  He was 12 years younger than my dad.  All of my moms siblings are still living.  Their ages range from 81-91 I believe.  I have one uncle left and believe he is around 87.  Mom said he fell in his garden recently and hurt his hip.  Emailed him yesterday to see how he was doing but have not heard back which is unusual.

    Have three cousins still living in Kentucky.  Always kept up with them through my uncle.  One of my cousins called me this morning and I told him will probably call him like once a month.  He still farms and he is 68.  His wife has had a lot of health issues.

    Hope those zucchini’s do well.  Tried the patty pan for lunch.  Thought it tasted about like zucchini and zucchini is much easier to deal with so will stick with it from now on.  Had been roasting the zucchini.  Last night fried it.  Was really good.  Mixed 3 parts cornmeal and one part cornstarch.  Sliced zucchini and coated each slice lightly.  Liked it, will do that again.  Wasn’t near as messy as using a liquid with coating.  Seen somewhere that it would work that way due to the moisture in the zucchini and it did.

    Lol that sounds like something I would do cooking eggs.  Get irritated with myself for getting distracted.  

    Thank you day2nite 2.  Like that, oasis in a sea of misery, we’ll put.  Going to try and remember that.

    Noticed mom had not been mentioning the LMG lately.  Yesterday she asked me if I could take her trash this week.  Turns out he has covid so has not been coming around.  I’m thankful he is respectful enough to stay away.  Guess he got it at a family gathering which is where they say the majority of it is being spread now.  His SIL knew she was sick but came anyway.  Mom said he was very upset with her.  Don’t know if he is vaccinated or not, but if he isn’t well???   We live in a rural county and think our vaccination rate is only like 35%.    That is an issue in the rural Ohio counties.  JWe have a lot of Amish and Mennonite .  We also have a lot of political rhetoric in our county which is not the Amish and Mennonite.  Soooo I’d say less than a fourth of us are wearing masks these days.  Lol guess those of us using our mask are probably vaccinated too.  I don’t wear it outside unless it would be crowded.  Inside I don’t if I can keep a good distance.  If I can’t, then I put it on.  Out in public wear it everywhere.  Our numbers are slowly increasing a little.  Guessing there will be a surge in the unvaccinated about a week from this saturday.  Guessing a lot of dimness went on last weekend.  Time will surely tell and hope I’m wrong.  Just heard an infectious disease doctor in Columbus say that 98% of admissions to their hospital are unvaccinated.   Go to my PCP Wednesday for yearly check up.  Going to ask about getting one of the mRNA vaccines, at least one dose for a boost.  Know some people are doing this.  Hope they are cooperative with me.  Feel like a minority of one with this J&J.  You never hear anything about it.  All they talk about is mRNA.  I think if you doled it out you ought to keep us informed so we can make good decisions.  Of course I have a new NP this year.  Will be interesting to hear what she says to me when I ask.  Will definitely effect how I trust her because I am doing my best to keep up on all of this.  Hope she is too.

    Well the sun is starting to shine.  Hope it will dry off so I can go out and mess a bit.  That way you guys will get a break from me.  They say not to handle your plants when they are wet as it help spread disease.  Hear someone’s lawn mower running.  Hope  someone mows for you  soon (((Lorita))).

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Hi all.  Everything’s fine here today.  It’s hot, but clouding up.  I sure hope we get a shower this afternoon. 

    Sara, I’m sorry your uncle passed.  I know you will miss your weekly calls.  I hope your Mom settles down.  It’s difficult when they aren’t compliant.  

    I don’t check in often, but you’re all close to my heart, and I read this thread every day.  It is a great reminder of the friendships we’ve formed and a place we can all come together and share.  I didn’t see the mean post, but hope you dismiss it and carry on as usual.   

    Lorita, sorry about the eggs.  I learned a new method a few months ago.  Bring eggs and water to a rolling boil.  Turn burner off and leave them on the stove for 9-11 minutes.  Cool in ice water and refrigerate.  It eliminates the explosions.  

    Glad you’re safe Shirley. 

    Have a great rest of the day.  Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,671
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     Thanks, dayn2nite2 - I will as long as I can.  I also like how you described our thread - an oasis in a sea of misery.  I hope it does help some of us to get out of the caregiving mode for a few minutes respite.

     Ron, you're right - we would keep the talk going, wouldn't we?  Charles was in Korea but I had a good friend social worker who was in Vietnam.  He also had PTSD and he said when he would hear a helicopter he felt like diving under something and that was many years after he was discharged. 

     Sara, I also like fried zucchini.  There used to be a restaurant in town where we'd go for lunch and they had fried zucchini, sliced roundways.  I think they dipped it in egg (maybe), then in breadcrumbs and repeated it.  I think it was probably deep fried.  We fixed it at home and it was good. 

    I heard today that our state is only 40% vaccinated and many are not getting their second shots.  We had over 400 new cases yesterday so I don't think it's safe to be out and about maskless either.  Also have heard a lot about whether or not a booster will be needed - guess we'll find out before long.  They said there's not as many cases since we're having warm weather but they think it will increase this winter.  Something to think about. They were talking about a hospital in SE Missouri and said it was as bad as it had been in New York when the pandemic was rampant.

      I saw on the news that there won't be any fans at the Olympics this year.  All that building they did and no people will be there, just the athletes, maybe.  The first group that got there tested positive for the variant so they're in isolation.  I know I wouldn't go if I was an athlete.

    We've had more wind today so it's a little better than yesterday.  I called our feed store an hour or so ago to see if there was any way they could deliver a couple of mineral tubs since the PU isn't running.  Learned that the owners have sold out.  I hate to see them go - really good friends - but I also know the guy who bought it.  He used to deliver liquid feed to us.  Nothing stays the same, I guess.

    Sara - I still have some cousins, only relatives I have now except for my niece and nephew.  All the cousins are around my age and not in good health.  Hard to believe we're all this age now.

    I saw a snake when I was at the barn this morning.  I went back in to wire the gate open and Penny, Jr. (the cow with horns, Sunny's mom) was coming through the gate so I waited for her and I saw a snake coming straight towards me.  I just stood there and looked at it.  The ground was black and it was striped, dark and light green, about two feet long.  It got to the door and went around the corner.  Wasn't a water moccasin - don't know what kind it was but it was making tracks (if they do make tracks).

    Joan - nice to see your post.  I'm glad you're still reading.  Wish you could get some rain, too.   I'll try your egg-boiling method for sure.  Sounds safer.  I'm still finding pieces of eggs.  Just cooked some farfalle and when I was stirring it noticed some pieces of egg on the dutch oven I keep on the stove.  Hope none of the cats were in the kitchen when that was going on - must have been some kind of show.

    Temp is still a bit elevated - don't know why though.  I haven't had a temp over 98 in two or three years.  I feel okay - won't have to go out to see the girls this afternoon except to make sure no one got stuck in the cowshed entryway. 

    My stomach's been bothering me a bit so tried some greek yogurt.  It is not sweet so added some sugar.  Pretty good - Kitt loves it.  I used to make yogurt so guess I should get some fat-free milk.  Don't know why you can't make it with Vit. D milk. 

    Nicole - the weather this morning was talking about how hot it is around Las Vegas.  Hope you can stay in and stay cool and hope your uncle's doing all right.  I think our heat index is supposed to be around 105 today.  I don't like hot summers but so far we've been pretty lucky because it's been cooler.  Hope that continues.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,671
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     Red delivered my two mineral tubs and fortified grain so I'm good to go as far as minerals are concerned for a couple of months.   He's a different "Red" than the one I was thinking of.  This man worked inside the feed store so know him, too.  He's the brother of a neighbor.

     Nothing else going on tonight, I hope.  Saw the girls coming out of the barn and that mud I was afraid of is really deep - one big cow kind of struggled to get through.  They have four legs so harder for them to get bogged down.  Maybe the calves came out the other way.

     Thanks again, all of you, for your support.  Don't know why she feels like she does toward me but won't let it worry me - enough other things to worry about.

     See you tomorrow.  Rest well tonight.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,139
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    Lorita, don't worry about her - she's a bitter person.  If it makes you feel any better, she hates me more - she used to always post how I didn't belong on the board because my profile (which I haven't updated in years) states my mother had AD.  Oh well.  For sure she's not an animal person so she would never understand.  She'll come back at least once complaining about being censored and spreading some more of her ugliness, so don't be surprised.  Just report, report, report if anyone sees another hateful post.
  • McCott
    McCott Member Posts: 35
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Quote from Lorita:   " I'm okay - she does this every so often, then deletes her post.  Maybe if she joined us on the porch, she'd feel differently - seems like she does read it." 

    Corrections from McCott: 1)  I have commented on Lorita's personal blog once before, but I have never deleted any comment I have made.  My two comments on Lorita's personal blog have been deleted by whomever manages this site. 

    2) I'm sorry Lorita, but I don't read your blog -- I glance at it once in a while and simply don't understand what it is doing on this site.  I commented once before on that and it was deleted by the admin. 

    It turns out you have been given the space t to create your own personal blog and I realize you have a large and loyal following.   Pardon me for not understanding how things work on this site.

    I had not been here for a quite while because my husband died and so my ALZ life was over.  I am always surprised by how people stay on this site for years, as if life does not go on for many people.  BTW, I have no idea what "sitting on the porch" refers to -- there are no porches where I live -- maybe some people have a deck.

    What is not over for me is the fact that my ALZ husband, overdosed on blood sugar lowering medications by irresponsible physicians, pulled me down in a hypoglycemic faint, giving me a burst vertebra and compression fracture of another.  I have so far had two surgeries for this -- a spinal fusion and a spinal decompression and am scheduled for a third surgery next month.  So I have an ALZ legacy that will never go away.  For me it is not just memories, it is constant pain and intermittent inability to walk.  But I wouldn't think it kosher to create my own blog on an ALZ site to post about what for me is literally "fall out" from the disease. 

    When I reposted recently about tumeric, some people seemed glad to hear from me.  But now I am reported to the authorities, with day2nite, who can't stand me, leading the charge. 

    I do not think there is anything in this post that should be deleted, but I'm sure day2nite will report it, because that's what she does.  I am asking the admin not to delete this post.
    Thank you.. 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,139
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    Mccott, I don’t think one way or the other about you.  Your post was a nuisance and you came into a nice thread and crapped on someone because that’s who you are.  Go talk about turmeric on your thread.

    And as predicted you did another drive-by post-because that’s who you are too.  Enjoy your life.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,671
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    Sandy, I so enjoyed our visit - always makes me feel better when I talk with you.  The picture of the house is beautiful! also the countryside.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this one will come through for all of you.  Thanks again for the wonderful visit and the beautiful picture.  Can't imagine living in such a beautiful place.  I like our place but this one is completely different - there are mountains.  I bet you'd love it there. That swimming pool looks big and inviting.   I wanted to post this instead of calling you back because I know you're reading now.  Rest well tonight, dear friend.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,542
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    Sayra, I am sorry for the loss of your uncle.  

    Lorita, KEEP POSTING!  I enjoy reading about your farm and how you are doing living life on your own terms at your age.  You are a role model for me.  I always wanted to live in the country, after visiting my cousins in the summers when I was a child.  But as a long-time city dweller, I believe it is too late for me to learn to live with wildlife.  I get flummoxed by little lizards and spiders.  I saw a squirrel on the tree outside my balcony and I kept my doors closed for a week until it went away!  I live two streets from CVS, three streets from my supermarket, and four streets from the post office.  Trader Joe's is about ten streets away.  If I had to drive a long way for basic shopping, I don't think I could handle it.  That's why I admire you!

    I read but I cannot remember all that is written and I definitely cannot remember everyone's story.  I try to post something of interest when I post--something relatable. This is not a blog, which would be only one person's postings.  This is a thread of members posting what they want to post, to help deal with dementia in their lives,  no matter when it occurred.  Why should anyone complain?  I started a thread years ago "To Lift Our Spirits" and someone complained.  It was to lift our spirits--duh!  Anyway, this thread is for friends.  People who don't want to be friendly don't have to post or even read.  

    Why does someone want to rain on someone else's parade?  There is do much sadness going on in the world today.  I posted about how this is affecting me on the Younger Onset board.  I am especially affected by the Florida condo catastrophe.  More things are bothering me but I won't bring them up here.  Actually, I look to you ALL as role models of older adults in charge of your lives and marching forward in life.  I'm trying to do the same.

    Lorita, you are a great person for starting and keeping this thread going.  Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Not everyone can be a success but everyone can be great because greatness is determined by service."  Lorita, that's YOU!  You are doing a great service!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,893
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning,

    Thank you  Iris and Joan.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day.  Think you are suppose to get home today Shirley.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,262
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    McCott, I am sorry to hear about your husband and will keep you in my prayers for your pain from surgeries. 

    Please understand there is a lot more to Lorita's blog than just her farm. If you had read her posts instead of just "glancing" at it you would understand. Yes we talk about animals, gardening, cooking and anything else that comes up, but a lot of knowledge about this terrible disease is also shared. I appreciate my friends that have already lost their loved ones giving me advice that only ones that have gone through the caregivers journey can give. A lot of advice has been given to me personally on how to reach out for help as I care for my wife. I'm sure you also would have some good advice and maybe even enjoy a little conversation with friends. 

    By the way my reply to your post was also deleted. Maybe it was because I yelled at you, which I apologize for but I cant help myself when a friend is attacked.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,671
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     Well, what's left of it anyway - the day's almost half gone.  My alarm went off at 6 a.m. this morning and it still wasn't good daylight so the days are beginning to get shorter - and it was cloudy.  The sun just came out about 15 minutes ago.

     Iris, you'd love the country but maybe a person does have to grow up in the country to be comfortable there.  I've lived in this house since I was born - which was in the front bedroom - for all but about two years of my life.  I don't want to live anywhere else and really hope I don't have to. You mentioned wildlife - I haven't seen any deer lately but they're around.  Our vet was here a few mornings ago and he said he saw a beautiful doe on the place east of us.  I've seen wild turkeys, many coyotes and wolves and wild hogs plus all the other smaller animals.  I often see a coyote early in the mornings going back to their den which I really believe is along the west property line - there's lots of trees along the fence and a pond so they have water.  A neighbor once told me he saw deer there, too.    I'm told there are mountain lions around - in fact, our vet told me someone told him he saw a mother lion and her cub a year or so ago.  There's also a black panther.  He found a calf up in a tree last year on the place north of us.  Evidently a mountain lion killed it and put it up in the tree.  .

     Iris, it sounds like you're in the perfect place - not far from almost anything.  I'm sure you enjoy living there just as I enjoy living here so we're both happy.

     I spent almost an hour this morning sitting on the porch steps watching and counting the girls as they came up.  The wind is from the south and it was cloudy so it was really pleasant.  Two of the little babies came up and I went out and talked with them.  Took a picture to send to Sarah.  Everyone finally came up.  Rose Bud was the last one up and I gave her some feed.  But, one of the girls in the barn saw her eating and came out and probably ate most of her feed.  Just now I gave her some more and let her in north of the house to graze.

     Since it was cooler I decided I'd go up and get some Gator gas and gas in the car.  Stormy needed to go for a ride and since it was cooler he rode shotgun.  The convenience store was buzzing - all kinds of vehicles and people.  I filled my four gas cans (only can lift them when half full), filled up the car and put on my mask and went inside.  I went in for ice cream and found what I needed or wanted, not needed.

     I was surprised at how nice the "meat market" building looks but I still hate the idea of it being there.  When I was growing up our little town had a school, cotton gin, post office, two gas stations, a drug store and two grocery stores (one sold feed).  Everything is gone now except a new building that houses the post office and convenience store and a community center.  The building where the grocery store and feed store was torn down (well, all of them were) and the market is build on that site.  Originally our town had a couple of banks, a hotel and apartment building and a couple of lumber yards.  Sometime during the 19 teens a tornado destroyed all but what I previously mentioned and it's gone down since then.  But, it's still my home town.  Oh, we also have a volunteer fire department.

     Enough of that.  My temp was back to what it should be this morning and I feel okay.  I think later I'll put the last 100 lbs. of feed in the creepfeeder - don't have to cook so guess that's my day.  Watching Aerial America.  They had a segment on New Hampshire a while ago and it reminded me of Twink (I'm sure some of you remember her).  So many nice people have come and stayed a while, then moved on - lots of good friends and acquaintances we've made along the way.

     Ron, hope things are well with you and Lou today.  You're a nice man and a good friend - I feel fortunate to have met all of you and all the ones who have moved on.

     I'll stop and get on with my rat killin' as they say.  I've never killed a rat by the way - only snakes.  Stormy and Sheena are inside and sound asleep.  Did I mention I met one fertilizer truck on the way to the store and a PU and another fertilizer truck on the way home - aggravates me.  See, Iris, I'd never survive in town.

     Enjoy your Saturday.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,022
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    McCott...the porch is virtual and you are always welcome. 

    The thread in question is by definition not a blog. There are usually 7-10 regular members from this country as well as Canada, Mexico and Australia. It is much more like the AA chat rooms. Some are new to caregiving, some are in the throws of it and some are in stage 8. My point in that your concern needs to be directed to all of us. 

    Stage 8, by the way,  is very real. There is even a discussion board or Stage 8. I am an artist, a docent at our art museum, still doing design work and studying ballet but a part of me is still invested in this. I  benefit from the posts of others on all of the boards and I still believe that many of the things I learned here can benefit someone else. If nothing else I can lend support...giving back in some small way what was given to me.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,955
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    Very pleased to hear that those who were in the path of Elsa are okay; that is a relief to hear.  Great Shirley will be home today. 

     Lorita, you mentioned "Sandy" and photos. Was that our Sandy from Australia?  Or perhaps another "Sandy" as I did not see any Post or links to photos.  I have a feeling it was a different Sandy other than our down under friend.

    It is wonderful, that for our Australian friend, after all the years of strenuous caregiving, the death of her beloved husband, selling her lovely home and having to make a new life for herself, which even though it was beyond hard, did it with courage and grace.  Then flash to the future - out of the blue, so unexpected . . . .  love came into our Sandy's life and in time, she re-married in May .  So very happy for her.  She of course is a woman from whom I could take lessons - she is a person who keeps putting one foot in front ot the other and making the best she can out of where she is at any point in time.  Yes; I sure could use some Sandy lessons.  I am not as brave. Like the cowardly lion, I need to find more courage. 

    From my viewpoint and I could be wrong, I think that there can be a sort of PTSD after all the years of caring for someone with dementia.  The feelings do not abruptly end with a death and we even have to figure out who we are after such a long time where ourselves were submerged.  I do not think we get out of it being the same as we were before dementia; I personally feel there are changes in ourselves in one way or another from what so many write about and I know that is true for me too. 

    I think losing a spouse to dementia is a far different dynamic; an extremely deeper one due to the spousal relationship which is unique unto each one of us.

    My mother and my step-dad died secondary to dementias.  I was their primary carer and it was years of - well; you all know.  My husband's mother and sweet grandmother also died secondary to dementia.  My GMIL's death was different which I have written about and it was printed in one of the "Chicken Soup For The Soul" books.   I coordinated MIL and GMIL's care and looked out for concerns and all the bits and pieces that meant.

    So many years immersed in the dynamics of all of that while working most of that time; (thank goodness I was salaried),  going mach 2 with my hair on fire.  Interestingly, yesterday I found my mind suddenly went back to my mother and her journey with a behavioral variant of FTD and I feel also a co-morbidity of vascular dementia . . . I found myself wishing I had know MUCH more when I started which would have made me a much better carer and daughter. I did not know what I did not know . . . the knowledge and support I gained here certainly began to make a difference.   I know I did many good things; however, being human, I also erred, sometimes really a lot.  I still find myself wishing I had been much better than I was.  Sometimes, I find myself talking to those who have passed, and I tell my mother I love her, and that I am sorry for the failings and how I wished I had been a better daughter.  Those moments pass, but they do arise every now and then.  As said; human.  

     Ron; I have such respect for all you are facing and how you continue to do all you do; I can only imagine.  Cancer in the middle of all of the caregiving.   Is your radiation treatment completed now?   Sorry that I cannot recall if chemo was part of the treatment.    So much going on; I do hope you can find some assistance with the day to day needs though I know how disappointed you have been with carers in the past.  There are still some good ones out there.  What a blessing that would be to have that in place to somewhat relieve you .

    Thanks for the suggestion Judith, but I cannot just go to UCLA for the COVID test on the day they demand.  It is a four hour round trip drive IF traffic is moving okay to get a 30 second nasal swab.  It is far too far.  We would than have to turn around after the following day and make the drive all over again for my procedure.   My surgery is on Monday; have to be there early a.m.  They demand the COVID swab be done ONLY on Saturday; they refused to let me do it on Friday . . . every place (a myriad of calls over two days ) I contacted, and Googled - a few wanted a minimum of 48 hours; but most wanted 72 hours to turn the test around with results. That will not do . . . . and Sunday, everything is closed; can't even get reports then.  Surgery early Monday.  AAARGH!

     I think I may have found an answer.  I contacted a local med center; no joy from Administration or the ER; but I did get ahold of the RN House Supervisor. She is not on duty that Saturday, but on Friday, I will call her and she is leaving a note for the Saturday RN and will have arrangements made to have an RN meet me in the lobby, lab, parking lot or wherever they want me to be to take the swab. I have to get the doctor's order and will need to check in with insurance cards, but the lab did say they could have results back in about four hours or so. That means I will have what is needed in my hand when I check into UCLA.  I will follow up again on all facets of this to ensure no errors.  So, so, so hope this goes as planned.   Geeze the hoops we must jump through.

     I forgot to check with the surgeon to ensure he does NOT run two operating rooms at once.  Yes; you heard that right; in many hospitals, a surgeon can operate on two patients in different OR suites at the same time, leaving a resident or assistant to perform certain functions when she/he is out of the room - they do not tell us they are going to do that. I will not consent to that. My consent is only for my surgeon to perform the procedure from beginning to end though he will have someone assisting.  This happens not only in university hospital settings, it also happens in non-university settings.  Patients never know it it has occurred. I want the expertise of the surgeon I have consented to as well as less time under anesthesia.  Frankly, I think that double surgeries at the same time should be illegal, but it isn't.  I will check on this next week.

     Link describing that - you will want to put that in your knowledge bank should you or your LOs need surgery to check it out and talk to your surgeon about it - always good to know for sure what is what:


    Sure glad to be sitting with you all on the front porch where the weather is always perfect no matter what happens off the porch; it is hot here at our house today - in the mid 90's.  We are on a flex alert to lower our electricity use.  They want that done especially between the hours of 4:00 and 9:00 pm. Guess that is when people arrive home from work and turn on lights, A/C, use the kitchen and laundry room appliances.    I had always thought the highest hours of use were in the daytime when all businesses were open and people were at work; evidently I thought wrong.

     I hear a little bird peeping outside the window.  It sounds like a very young one; sure hope it is okay.  It has been a bit different with the birds since it is hotter; they have been very quiet. Must be sitting quietly on a leave covered branch with feathers all puffed out to try and keep cool. 

      Well; time for me to take my feathers and get chirping . . . . no hard boiled egg explosions Lorita, how disappointing that must have been to see the mess.  We do our eggs the same way Joan does hers and it works perfectly.

     Off I go into the wild blue . . . . well; to whatever is waiting that I cannot ignore, sending a basketful of hugs to the front porch, see you all again soon,



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,022
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    Jo...I think I did not post the complete suggestion that was in my head. I would spend Saturday night in LA, spend Sunday with something interesting to do, spend that night and go in on Monday.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,671
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     We're under a severe thunderstorm watch.  Just checked the radar and I see the watch which is a bit north of us but don't see anything on the radar yet.  There is some NW of there.  It's 88 degrees and the humidity is 62 so about 20 lower than yesterday.  I wouldn't mind a little bit of rain but not a gullywasher as our weatherman calls it.

     I took a nap, again, not sure how long but there were two cats napping with me.  Was hungry when I woke up so have already had supper.  I'll have one of the ice-cream bars I bought this morning after a bit.  Checked on Rose Bud - she's standing by the yard gate in the shade so she's all right - wind's blowing.

     Jo - I do the same thing as you - telling Charles I was sorry for the times I lost my temper or got frustrated.  I guess we all do that - at least I did. 

     Glad you've figured out how to get your covid test so you'll be ready for your procedure on Monday. 

     I had no idea doctors would have two ORs going at one time.  I know they turn the operation over to residents or assistants sometimes.  How would you ever know if they didn't do the complete procedure themselves?   I have a feeling that's what Dr. D. did with Sarah.

     Speaking of Sarah.  I talked to her earlier and she's going to be discharged Tuesday.  Sounds like everything's in place - home health and advantage plus her supplies.  I hope it is this time.  Nor sure if Todd will be home or not - maybe at least at night.  I think his job in Stillwater is almost completed so maybe so if he doesn't have to go to Texas.  I told her they may have to have Home Instead or some other agency a few hours each day, at least for a while - doubt they'll do that.  She is able to drink broth and drink tea or lemonade.  I doubt there's solid food involved yet.  She can only transfer to a bedside commode now so don't know how she's going to manage going to the bathroom when she's home.  Their bathroom downstairs is small, so small she can't get a wheelchair inside so from the door she'll have to use a cane or hold on to something. 

     I have a question for you, Jo.  We're not familiar with ileostomies so I'm wondering where does all that liquid come from?  She has very little fluid intake and I don't think she's on IVs now but the bag has to be emptied frequently.  I told her to be sure to ask the doctor.  They also have her on a diuretic so she has to go to the bathroom frequently - guess that's so she doesn't retain fluids.

     Jo - the Sandy I talk about is Sasue).  She reads all the time but seldom posts.  She lost her husband three or four years ago (not sure because time gets away from me).  We've kept in touch since she stopped posting. Not sure I should post this but maybe she won't mind.  Her son is going to move to another State and she's going with them.  The house I mentioned is one they're looking at now.  It's beyond beautiful.   She talks about her neighborhood going down like my sister talked about hers.  Guess things never stay the same.  Even out here it's very different from what it was when I was growing up. 

     Had planned on shampooing my hair so guess I better stop and get it done.  It takes quite a while to dry.  Maybe it'll be cool enough and windy enough on the porch to dry it out there - hate to use a hairdryer because my hair makes me look like a wild woman by the time it's dry.

     I stopped at the mailbox on the way home but didn't bring in the mail so guess I better get that and spray it.  Yes, I'm still spraying mail and packages and wiping down things I buy at the store or have delivered.  I think I mentioned I wore a mask into the store this morning.  They did have a sign on the door telling people if they were coughing or sneezing to wear a mask.  No one was in the store except the clerk and two men who were checking out - no masks.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 907
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    We have had rain off and on Friday and today. Very glad for it. However, some areas to the west of us got very large hail - some said to be as large as tennis balls! We had very little hail, and it was small, no damage here. So far we have gotten almost 2.25 inches. I saw on the news that all of CA is in drought; saw dry, cracked soil. That's very concerning for food production and also wildfires. I hope and pray for drought all over our country to end. 

    Lorita, your home and your lifestyle seem to fit you very well; same as for Iris. It's good we are all different; we cannot all be farmers, or doctors, or salesmen. The world needs various workers. I'm not on a farm nor am I in a large city. I live in a suburb, a town of about 10,000. I grew up in a town of just 400 people and my graduating class had 48 members. 

    Iris, glad you are happy in your city. You are close to places you need to go which is important. 

    Jo, praying your surgery goes well. So glad you were able to figure out  how to get the Covid testing done "on time." 

    Have a good evening and rest well!   Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,671
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     Beth, glad you got some rain.  Always good to get a good shower or rain in the hot summertime.  I'm watching extended weather coverage of the front that's coming through our State.  There's flooding in Tahlequah and SLC (scary looking clouds) west of Tulsa.  The storm chasers have seen several funnels from a cloud around Drumwright.  None have touched down and hopefully, it will keep going south.  Our weatherman just said Tahlequah had 2" of rain so far and it's still pouring.  So, I probably won't be watching much regular TV tonight. 

     I did see part of a really cute show - Meerkat Manor, and before that a little of a show about primates.  Remarkable how they take care of their little ones - same for all animals though.  Cow/calf story: I looked out after the girls came out of the barn this afternoon and saw Penny, Jr. coming through the pasture from the back of the barn.  I thought her calf was behind her but she came through the gate and back to the gate to the corral to get him.  He had lagged behind and hadn't followed her out of the barn.  They really take care of their babies.

     Mike called a while ago.  He's been moving hay this afternoon and had just finished.  I saw the hay after it had been cut a day or so ago and this morning I saw that it had been baled - pretty great big bales.  Said he was going to hang it up (as Charles would have said) and get out of the weather and maybe be able to stay home tonight.  He had seen Darwin and said he was doing well but didn't think his wife knew much right now - she's still suspicious of him.  So hate to hear that.

      It's so sad, Beth, to see those pictures taken in the west of the lakes that are so low - so sad for everyone out there.   Joan - I saw on the news that it was 111, I think, in Grand Junction today.  So, guess it's hot where you are, too.  So far (knock on wood) we've had a pretty good summer - nothing much over our normal summer temps.  So hope that continues. 

     Everyone is in the house and I think they're all asleep so right now all is well here.

     Beth, I am just where I want to be.  There's things I'd like to do but just not quite able anymore.  Charles and I would tackle and do most everything but there's things I just can't do and the weather has been so wet that I haven't been able to get spraying done on there's weeds that I hate.  A couple of days ago I mentioned I saw a big rig spraying on the farm east of us.  He was spraying cockleburs (from here it looked pretty and green).  Today, everything over there is brown.  So, evidently his spray worked.

     I'll stop - I've begun to ramble.  Do wish all of this weather would get over with before it gets here.  He just said they were having a heavy thunderstorm in Tulsa.

     Sleep well tonight.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 79
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Hello porch friends,

    We made it back to Florida today.

    So good to be home. Bill was so tired. He said I'm not going anywhere for weeks.

    I told him if we have another storm we will go visit our son. That seemed to be okay.

    I hope to get some rest next week.

    Got some Fresh peaches, squash, corn,peanuts on our trip. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,893
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    The main downtown in our county is all older buildings too. It had went down hill for many years.  Now they are working on rehabbing it slowly.  Many of the nicer old buildings are being restored and some are being torn down.  Some murals have gone up.  Is definitely starting to look nicer and they have more plans.

    Jo hope the covid testing works out for you.  Speaking of covid, you receive what you need, when you need it sometimes.  Yesterday vented a little frustration about lack of J&J info.  Well yesterday listened to Dr Daniel Griffin out of NYC as I do every Saturday.  He is well respected by his peers regarding covid.   He will tell you if he disagrees with the cdc.  He agrees with cdc that it is best to not get a mRNA booster at this time as we have no studies yet about safety of this but he said that cdc is suppose to be looking into it.  He said J&J has great Tcell response even though antibody response not as good as mRNA.  This means you may get infected more easily but will be effective at preventing you from getting severe disease.  Then found a very recent Twitter on J&J from Shane Crotty out  of LaJolla Institute in California.  He’s highly recognized in field of virology, immunology and vaccinology.  He has been spot on about everything he has said since very early on in pandemic.  So will just continue to watch for guidelines regarding J&J.  The LaJolla  lab has a study going on now regarding all the vaccines and how they are doing.  Will be looking forward to that paper as it will include J&J, I believe.

    Also heard a flu researcher talk yesterday.  Was extremely interesting and another day will talk about that.  Maybe closer to flu season.  Enough of my nerdiness  for today.

    Shirley hope your peaches are good and that you get lots of rest.  Bought pie crusts last week for a peach pie.  Both orchards in our area say peaches will not be ready til August.  

    Giving lots of rain this week.  Have three tomato’s starting to turn,  going to go pull them this morning if the rain breaks for a little bit .  Tomatoes don’t like excess rain.  Neither does dill.  Noticed my dill does not smell like dill.  Looked into it.  Caused by too much water and/or cool weather.   Think I’m getting some real zucchini’s setting on now.  Picked my first okra pod ever yesterday.  Several more are setting on.  Discovered two more watermelons so that makes three.  We shall see.

    Hope everyone has a pleasant day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,671
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     It's nice and cool this morning and mostly cloudy. We had half an inch of rain last night - the wind blew some but don't know how bad it was.  There was quite a lot of thunder and lightning - Sheena's afraid of thunder so she was sticking very close to me.   That's about the amount of rain we needed - just enough to freshen up things and not make it muddy.

     Got out early and was going to put the last 100 lb. of feed in the feeder but just as I got the rod back in place I heard something and Stormy, who had gone with me, was on alert.  Finally saw someone up at the house so drove back up.  It was Mike.  He'd come to borrow the Gator to check his girls this morning while it was cool.  He said he would check our girls as he drove back to the county line.  I walked down behind the barn and saw all of them.  It's wonderful to get out early like that when everything's waking up and it's so nice and cool (not always the case for sure).

     Sara - glad you're keeping up with everything about the booster shots.  It's  kind of confusing but I saw Dr. Jha yesterday and he said he didn't think the people who got the Pfizer vaccine would need a booster until next year.  I don't think he mentioned the other two.  Dr. Fauci's on TV now - I'll see what he says.   He said if you're not vaccinated you should be really concerned about the variant.  Said all of the vaccines we've used are really effective against the variant.  He said 93% of democrats are or will be vaccinated while only 49% of republicans say the same.  Cannot understand that at all.  Also said they were still doing studies to determine whether or not boosters would be needed.  Doesn't think so right now but maybe later.

     Sounds like your garden is doing very well, Sara.  How do you think you'll cook your okra when you get enough?  I think I've mentioned we always used to slice it and toss it in meal, then fry it.  Really takes up a lot of grease or oil but it's delicious.  Charles and I liked it cooked in whole, small pods, in a little water and vinegar to cut the slime.  Just be sure if you break the pod and don't fry it to use a little bit of vinegar.  This really works - okra can be really slimy.  The Okrafest will be in the town where I shop next month.  We've never been but they cook okra every way you can think of.  It's a hot weather crop so guess August is the best time for the festival.   Mother always made pickled okra with the very small pods.  I never really cared for it but she loved eating it.  Patsy said she bought it at Atwoods and it was very good.

     Shirley, I bet you got those peaches and peanuts in Georgia!  The peaches around here will be very scarce this year.  Porter peaches (Porter is a town where they have orchards) will be very few this year because of the awfully cold weather we had early this year so any we get will probably be imported. Porter peaches are famous for being so good.   I know you and Bill are tickled pink to be home.  Just have a good week of rest and doing nothing more than you have to.  Glad you're safely home.

     I've never made a peach pie - always made peach cobblers.  The cobblers we make have a bottom and top crust - I think many recipes only call for the top crust and sometimes that's biscuits.  I also make a quick cobbler with canned peaches which is very good.   Now, I'm just making myself hungry for a peach cobbler.

     Going to stop and finish my juice and have some hot tea.   Enjoy the day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,893
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Well it is dark and has rained some.  Did get my tomatoes that were turning off of the vine.

    Plan on roasting my okra.  Not going to cook any of it at this time other than roasting.  Going to roast some squash for lunch and will throw the one okra on there too.  Somebody on here helped me with roasting green beans.  Getting them brown enough now and liking them.  Sorry I can’t remember who you were.

    I like listening to Dr Jha too.  He has always been calm, even handed and accurate.  Also like Dr Monica Ghandi out of San Francisco.  She is a very upbeat lady.  Just like some of the ones I speak of often because they explain why more in depth.  I like to understand for myself.  Once some of my students were telling me something they were learning in class that the medical community was starting to change their mind about.  I said why are they starting to change their mind.  An older student laughed and said that is Sara,  why?  I have no problem changing my way of thinking if you can give me reasoning that makes logical sense from things that are evidence based.  

    My nephew starts an EMT class in late August.  He is maturing, went out and did it on his own.  Thinking possibly about fire school and you have to have your EMT for that.  Hope it works out for him if meant to be.  Think I would have PTDS if I did that job and he is kind hearted.  But a lot of guys love it, and we surely need them.  He asked me if I would help him.  He is the one I helped with geometry.  So we are going to start trying to work a little bit ahead to give him a jump start hopefully.  Told him even if you change your mind and do something else it will be knowledge that will be very helpful to have in life.  He is coming over today I think.

    Ok I’ve rambled enough on this dark day for now

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 79
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    SC has more peach orchards that GA. They are very plentiful this year.

    Have you ever had a white peach? They are so sweet and created in SC.

    I like to make the old fashion peach cobbler:

    Cup of flour, cup of milk, cup of sugar. Stick of butter

    Mix together pour over cut up peaches. Stir.

    Bake until golden brown on top. about 30 minutes.

    Also got some squash, zucchini, white corn.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    This peach talk takes me back…yes, SC does have more peaches than Georgia. Several family had orchards there, which was a treat for sure, but ruined me for buying peaches in stores. You just can’t ship a ripe peach.

    My first summer job was in a peach cannery. Of course it was seasonal, ran 24/7 in season, and pretty much nobody worked there except young teens, older women, and people who could not get other work. We didn’t have many immigrants then as I recall. It was not real clean, and very tough conditions. Those canneries don’t exist anymore, probably an economic thing, but there’s no way they could pass current safety and health regs.

    I really love fried okra, but it’s a process for sure! And love pickled. That’s about it.  I tried roasting okra, did not turn out well. All those things that supposed to reduce sliminess never worked for me

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,262
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Care Reactions 250 Likes

    Oh boy, peach cobbler has my mouth watering and also craving some good old homemade peach ice cream. Talking about fried okra, my mother made the best fried okra I've ever had. The flour mixture she used stayed completely around the okra. Any I've had since has always had most of the mixture off.

    Came a heavy thunderstorm around five this morning dropping a lot of rain. Still expecting more later today and tommorow but is nice out right now. Just finished Lou's regular breakfast; quiche, bold egg and grapes.

    Forgot to mention my georgia peach experience. Shortly after my brother in law and his family moved to georgia we went to a peach orchid. I wanted to bring a bushel back when we left and put them in the trunk. Wrong move, summer and peaches in the trunk of a car ripens them quickly. 

    Lorita, I need to ask you a question. You use to work in urology, does a harmone shot cause a small, pebble size, hard knot about two inches to left of navel and approximately one inch below that spot. I've felt a hard knot there for a couple of months, but since it doesnt really bother me i cant ever remember to mention it. I have a appointment with my urologist Thursday and hopefully will remember to ask. 


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    PS re: peonies, pork rinds, and pets…

    I really love peonies, which do not grow anywhere where I’ve lived. But today I saw some fresh cut stems, blossoms still tightly bud-like, at Trader Joe’s!!  I often buy cut flowers, but have never ever seen peonies available anywhere before. They were pricey (for me and flowers)  and I am very curious to see how they open. (If they don’t open,  I’m gonna be irritated).

    I also got hot pork skins/rinds at Trader Joe’s—except these are plant-based (no pork) and baked, not fried. I did not expect much, but wanted to try them, and wow! They really DO taste like regular pork skins! (I know this is not for everyone And, as I should know by now, when TJ says it’s hot, it IS hot. I like hot, what most places call hot, is not to me. But these have definite kick.

    About the cat that “adopted” us: he’s still here, still a total love bug, and completely underfoot (as zetta I think discussed) even though I’ve stepped on his toes a lot. I will let you know when I fall over him, which is bound to happen. Oddly (or maybe not) he stays well away from DH.  Zetta, you were right about soft food, much less mess with that than kibble, ha! But I don’t want to start that regularly.

    The only sort-of problem is our old poodle, who has always been the “only child.” She is not aggressive with him, but she is so jealous. She pouts if the cat is in, will try to get between us, or if not pouting will stare forlornly at me. Or stares at him, and follows him everywhere 2 inches from his rear. Etc. Its awful! We give her at least equal attention (maybe more, cat still wants out at night). But she is obviously not happy with T.HE. Cat (remember that TV show from ‘60s?)

    Any/all advice is welcome.

    I browsed cat toys on Amazon….OMG there are so, so many, and so creative. We have lots of chews and balls people gave the poodle. But the poodle has never given a fig for balls or toys of any sort, and the cat doesn’t respond much to balls. He does like to chase a string around. That may do for a while, there were too many choices for me today.

    Ron, your peaches in the car trunk made me laugh and wince at same time. Spoiled peaches are so nasty!

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,955
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    Glad you are home safe and sound, Shirley.   For me too, there really is no place like home.   Bet your husband is feeling much better in his own bed and chair.

    Goodness Beth, hail the size of baseballs. Definitely not a good thing to say the least. Glad you did not have that where you  are. Our son's town in Oregon got hit about a year or so ago with large hail . . . .  he had to have his good roof repaired and one car that was out of the garage had dents in it.  Evidently that hail storm came unannounced and it was a doozy.  

     Peaches. Oh how I love fresh, tree ripened peaches.  Never find such good things at the store and we have no orchards where we are in Southern California.   I had mentioned before about a person at work whose father had a very prolific very old tree that produced the best peaches I ever ate - they were large, so juicy and filled with wonderful flavor.   Have never had one like that again.

    That reminds me of a ridiculously strange, "meant-to-be obscene" phone call I received some years ago.   My husband, a police officer, was working night shift that month.   In the middle of the night the phone rang which woke me.   I was about 3/4 asleep when I answered the call.   I said my hello when I answered; and the response I got was a heavily breathing man who said, "Georgiapeckapeaches."  Huh?  "What?"  I asked in confusion . . . . then heavy breathing with "Georgiapeckapeaches, georgiapeckapeaches, georgiapeckapeaches."  Upon which having woke up sufficiently, I slammed the receiver down.  Geeze.  Must have been a random call, never happened again.  Sure was weird. 

    Being raised in a tiny town in the U.P. of Michigan and then transplanted to SoCal, I had never had okra.   Later, in SoCal, I did have some, but it was SO slimy . . . . .ugh, ugh, ugh!   Never knew there was a special way to fix it, etc.  Guess I should get around to trying it again.  Seemed as I recall, it had a rather peppery taste. 

    Sayra, your garden sounds awesome, and three watermelons!   How fun and satisfying it must be to harvest food you have planted and have it at a meal. That is awesome. I think the best peas I have ever eaten was when I lived in a different house with a larger yard; I had planted peas.  Oh my; nothing like standing, picking them and opening the pods and eating them immediately off the vine.  I think if the color green had a flavor, that would be it.  My tomatoes tended to split,  think too much water.  Zucchini was always good even though it threatened to grow overnight and take over the entire house.  Boy; that is a prolific vegetable!

    Good idea Judith, thank you; but no can do for staying at a hotel for those days.   Preparation for surgery begins on Sunday into Sunday night and then early in the wee hours on Monday before we leave for UCLA.  Not to mention being pretty darned tense since they are going to laser both kidneys instead of the initially intended just one; that does make me a bit jittery.  I had not expected that.   So glad you are all going with me, I know you dear folks will help calm my spirit.   Thank you Zetta; wish you were here too. 

    I know the surgeon has an excellent, stellar reputation, but still . . . . and then, the worry after surgery done and I am cleared, is  having to drive a minimum two hours to home in dreadfully heavy traffic praying there is no accident traffic jam on all five freeways we must use - big time pain concern as well as hoping the newly implanted stent does not cause any leakage which stents can do . . . .sure will be glad to get rid of that; supposedly in one week.  So hope and pray all goes well and that I will be able to get back to my usual self.   Not that my usual self is all that great and without issues, but it was much better.  (If only I could get my old self from say; 20 years ago!) 

     So much stuff re the COVID situation.  The church we used to go to has re-opened with no masking or distancing.  I was hoping they would make a statment that no masks for those who are vaccinated and masks for those who are not; it would be hopeful that people would be honest and do the right thing as there is a very high elderly population in the congregation.  But no, there will be no difference, all unmasked and shouldered together in the pews singing hymns and all.   They are also re-instituting the coffee and sweets in a fairly small gathering room with small round tables after service.  Once again, plenty of time to expose folks.  Some forget that the protection from the vaccines for COVID A is rated about 88% in some studies, with others saying 99%; yet no big studies over time re Delta. We need more data re the Delta variant publishing the post-vaccine break-throughs which has certainly shown up.  Israel that has done very careful studies indicates that the Pfizer vaccine is 66% effective against the Delta virus.  That means that 34% are still at risk. 

    The idea is that if one has protection, if one gets the virus, then one is far less likely to end up in the hospital or ICU.  Okay; but reports are that even with that, the Delta makes many pretty darned sick. Others not so bad - guess one would have to know ages and co-morbidities that make a person more susceptible for becoming more ill, but we do not know that as yet; no data. Kind of like the flu; some get minor cases, others get horribly ill.   So . . . . we at our house will continue to mask and do handwashing.

    QUESTION:  I am being mandated to provide that long COVID test stringently 48 hours prior to my admission to UCLA Med Center; BUT . . . . are all the UCLA staff coming in contact with me vaccinated?  Doubt it.  Tis a question I would like to ask; wonder if I will.  Probably better to ignore; in pre-op, surgery, recovery and post-op, one does not wear masks.  Well; I can sure think up alot of ways to wonder about things. Time to let go of that line of questions.

    Lorita, as per your question; the ileostomy output will be very watery when it is early after surgery; this should or may thicken to a paste-like consistency over time; although some continue to have watery output and there are processes that can help with that.  Ileostomies are done higher up the GI tract; colostomies are done lower . . . . the longer and lower the food, etc. goes, the more liquid is absorbed, the ileum does not have the time to do that.  Here is a link that discusses that . . . it is from a British writing, but is accurate.


    So; did you get your hair washed as planned?  I did mine yesterday; usually every other day.  I have curl to my hair, but still blow it dry - takes a bit of time as hair is thick, but it would take forever to dry otherwise.   About five weeks or so ago, had it cut, the beautician cut it WAY too short, and it is still too short.   It will grow, but I will have to be careful what I say to her before she cuts.   I had said, "Boy; I sure do need a trim, it has really grown to much."  Next time, I will keep value statements to myself and communicate better.  I seem to always have a learning curve.  

    I watched the Tour de France yesterday; so interesting.   Tried to find it today as they were going over the Pyrenees, but alas; did not find it.  Will have to Google it to see when the next TV broadcast is on what channel; they continue well into July.  NBC had the one I watched; I probably did not have the right time today.  Cannot believe how they go over those mountains, and those riders are SO, SO, SO thin.  As are their bicycles. I understand the bikes are about $2,000 each.  Not an ounce of fat on any of those guys.  Sigh.  So that is what we all need to regain our slender figures, but have to laugh at the specter of us all in those stretchy bicycle shorts and helmets huffing and puffing and falling over even on flat ground . . . it would be a comedy series for sure.  

    Noon; time for me to get a move on.  Have to fold some laundry - still have not found out how to have it fold itself and put itself away.   I will not fuss; I remember the days of hanging it all out on clothes lines, this is way better.

      Bye for now dear friends of the front porch,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,671
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    Back again,

     Sara - how nice of you to help your nephew.  I know he really will appreciate that.  Hope he gets to do what he would like to.  You're so right - knowledge is something you don't lose and will always help you.

     You know I've lived in the country and had garden produce all my life and have never had roasted okra - to me it seems like it would be crunchy but that's just me.  I did comment before that I do love roasted asparagus so it might be good, too.  Your lunch sounds really good.  Glad you got your tomatoes picked before the rain. 

     Shirley, when my parents moved to this farm in 1936 they planted an orchard - all kinds of fruit trees.  They planted some white peaches which ripened around my birthday, June 21.  They were delicious - I can still remember the taste.  Do they have canned white peaches?  Kind of seems like I've seen them.

     Your peach cobbler sounds like the quick cobbler I make.  For it you melt 1/4 lb. of butter in an iron skilled; mix together  1 C. flour, 1 C. sugar, 2 tsp. baking powder, l tsp. vanilla and 3/4 C. milk.  Pour this over the melted butter, then add your large can of fruit and bake in a moderate oven about 45 minutes or until browned and bubbly.  I've also made many of these with fresh berries.  For that I add some sugar to the berries and heat them until the sugar dissolves.  I've never used fresh peaches but bet that would be really good.  Peaches are good any way you have them.  I have a 30 oz. can of sliced mangos - bet that would be good too.  I think I'm hungry!

     I have two 15 oz. cans of canned peaches and I think a large can is 26 oz. - is that right?  The peach cobbler thing has my mouth watering, too, Ron.

     Ron, I bet when you opened that car trunk you had a wonderful smelling experience.  I can just imagine how good those really ripe peaches smelled.  Reminds me - Charles and I went to a Huckleberry Festival in Jay, Okla. years ago.  It was hot and we bought some huckleberries and put them in the back seat of the car.  The whole car smelled like huckleberries - made me hungry.  When we used to go to Eureka Springs and Rockaway Beach in Missouri we  would go by a little café that sat on a high cliff overlooking the White River.  They had the most delicious huckleberry pie - that with ice cream was beyond belief.  We always made a point of stopping there.

     The rain storm you had was what went through here last night. It was pretty bad north of us but by the time it got here it had weakened.  I doubt we had much wind and only 1/2" of rain which was just right - and it made it cooler today.

     Rescue Mom - I had no idea that SC had more peaches than Georgia.  I've always thought of that as the Peach State.  I'm glad there's lots of peaches down south this year - not so here.  Our front bedroom is painted the color Peach.  Love that color.

     I watched the best tennis match this morning - the men's finals at Wimbledon so haven't gotten much done.  I do have a load of clothes drying and as soon as they're dry a nap is in store. 

     Jack called this morning - first time we've talked in quite some time.  He sounded good and has been to town about once a week.  Says he's still wearing a mask - he hasn't been vaccinated.  He says a few people are still wearing masks.  When I go, I will.  We need to keep in touch more often.  His daughter lives in Modesto, CA and she told him it was 117 yesterday.  I did hear this morning that the western part of the US is into their third heat wave of the summer.

     Clothes should be dry so I'll stop and get them out and folded - and socks matched.  I'm sure I'll end up with an extra one - or maybe should say with one missing.  Seems like that always happens.  I'm ready for that nap. Only took one day to get into the habit.

     See you later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,955
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita, go back up to my last Post; I had to leave it to take a call, but  did go back and answered your question . . . . it is there.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,051
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Care Reactions 25 Likes

    Hello All,

    All this talking about peaches makes me want some. Lets plan a outing on the front porch and all bring a peach pie or a cobbler and some peach ice cream. I am jealous of you that are getting some rain. In my area heat records are being broken. I would sure love a day of rain. 

    Lorita,  When talking about a small town it reminds me of a small town we used to go through on the way to Grandmas house. The town is in California and its name is Duncan Mills population of 21. It had a small bridge you had to go over and a small store. We have a real small town in Oregon its about 80 miles from me its Shaniko,  it is a ghost town. I drive thru it often and I do see people.  My little town is growing the pop is 1970 and I think that will change the next time they put up a new sign. We are growing so much they are planning to put another stop light in town we only have one. We do have a lot of stores and a few fast food places.

    I sure hope when Sarah gets to go home there will be someone there to help her, it really sounds like she should not be alone. I love thunder storms, right now there are a few fires in Oregon started by lightening, that is our biggest worry right now.

    Jo, and Lorita,  I also talk to Dan often almost every day and I will probably do that for the rest of my life. At times he even answers me.

    Jo,   that was a good idea Judith had about the hotel. Maybe think about staying in one on the day of surgery so you can rest up a bit before the drive home. 

    Shirley,   It is nice hearing that you and Bill are home. Please get some rest and enjoy being home. It is n ice hearing that your house suffered no damage. 

    Sara,    You have a nephew you can be very proud of and it is wonderful that you will be able to help him, that is something he will always be thankful for.

    Rescue Mom,  You are a good lady to let yourself  be adopted by this lonely cat. I am glad my daughter took my little kitten home it sounds like it keeps her pretty busy. She has a older cat and the baby thinks she found her Mom. My daughter feeds them hard food then on the weekends she gives them soft food. The big cat knows when the soft food day is here. 

    Take Care all and have a good restful Sunday. Hugs Zetta 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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