Just need to talk to my friends (150)
Lorita, It is still there she posted it today at 1:17. Judith I am sorry it upset you. Hugs0
Lorita, It is still there she posted it on July 12, 1:17am. Judith I am sorry this hurt your feelings. Hugs Zetta0
Thanks...I am willing to wait for an explanation in case I misunderstood.0
Ended up with a bad bruise to the left of my knee, scraped knee, soreness at thigh, back, left hand and neck, but walking and talking so nothing to complain about. It really showed up on me grocery shopping and bringing on the groceries. Dont remember if I told it before but at the grocery store I push Lou's wheelchair and pull the buggy behind me.
Never answered Shirley's question; no I didnt have a implant just a shot every 6 months for 3 years. What reminded me is I'm having a hot flash right now. Dr. told me he could give me medicine to help but didnt want to unless the hot flashes became unbearable.
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Jo's experience at the DMV was much better than my experience at Michigan's Secretary of State (our version of DMV). I needed to renew and I need a Real ID-compliant license, but I renewed online last renewal so they made me come in.
All in-person renewals are only done by appointment. I made my appointment in March and today was the day. I made my appointment before the government extended the Real ID deadline to 2023, but kept the appointment because I was afraid I wouldn't get another one for 4 months and that would be past my license expiration. Line outside the office, a line of chairs inside that were social distanced....about 2 hours later I was at the counter. All done for another 4 years.
I have a little fur child who's 15, and I love him to bits. I adopted him when he was 8 years old from a shelter (I think his previous owner had to go into a facility). I purposely look for the older dogs because I know they have a harder time getting adopted. He's a miniature poodle. When I'm having a rough day he sure does lift my spirits.0 -
I'm glad you like the cobbler. Did you put a scoop of ice cream on top. Mmm
Sorry you are hurting from the fall. Hope you feel better soon.
Do they give you your shot in your stomach?
Bill still has hot flashes after all these years! He said he did not know how women can put up with them!
He can barely walk now due to the lost of cartridge in his joints. I walk beside him to keep him from falling.
I have to remind him all the time which leg to step with first so he won't fall.
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To JFKOC (Joanna Fitzgerald Kennedy O'Connor (or is it O'Connell)??
Wow -- you are taking offense at nothing. I am so glad that your adoption was seamless, but perhaps it did not occur across ethnic or national lines. I assume you are in your 70's (not sure why I assume this) but adoption is very different now. It was hard to adopt 30 years ago when we managed it. There have been multiple issues, depending on the child and the adoption context -- issues that simply would not have arisen in an ethnically or nationally homogeneous adoption. A lot also depends on the personality of the adopted child -- some have no problem with it, but others can feel that they were abandoned, want to find their birth parents, which we have always supported. But I repeat that having a very much wanted and loved adopted child can be, and often is more complicated than having a biological child. Res ipsa loquitur.
BTW, I do love the photo of you hugging your husband. Mary
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Ladyzetta, that 17 year old cat went fast! It was probably a blessing. Yes, I will keep my seniors comfortable. When my allergist told me I had tested highly allergic to cats, I told him I wasn't getting rid of any of them. He then said they shouldn't sleep on my bed. So they have been banished from the bedroom, although they do sneak in on occasion.
When I first moved to California 40 years ago, I began to leave food out for a lost cat, thinking it had escaped from one of the neighboring condos. No one reported missing a cat, so I kept him. I named him Humphrey, after Humphrey Bogart. My neighbor told me about a cat at her beauty salon that they were going to send to the shelter. So I adopted her and named her Patty. Unbeknownst to me, Patty was pregnant and gave birth to four lovely kittens. I gave one kitten yo my neighbor, who named him Smokey. I gave the remaining three Alaskan names, since I had recently moved from Alaska. Their names were Sitka, Nugget and Tlinglit, which is pronounced "Clinkett."
Later I found two more cats, but I don't remember how I got them. One I named Dex after Dex Dexter, Alexis' husband on Dynasty. Remember that shows? I was fascinated by the nighttime soaps. The other cat I named Jesse.
Tlinglit lived the longest, 16 years. He lived for three years without any teeth having lost some and having some needing to be extracted. But he ate dry food well. I took him to get him picture taken with Santa Claus.
Zetta, I take my current cats to a pet hotel when I go away. I had a very bad experience once. I had asked a young woman neighbor to watch my cats for pay of course. When I returned, I found Sitka locked up in a cabinet and Tlinglit was almost dead from a gaping wound! He had been injured before I left but I didn't know it. I got him to the vet for surgery and IV antibiotics in time and he pulled through. The young woman denied knowing anything. Also, I think she had her boyfriend over because my bedspread was wrinkled! I decided then, no more neighbors! I used professional pet-sitters afterwards as long as I had that group of cats.
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Good morning,
JoC hope there are no broken ribs. If there are remember to splint with hands or pillow and deep breathe. S. RRT lol.
Ron I have had very few hot flashes. When I did they are not very comfortable, feel for you and Bill. If I could get to a big glass of ice water that always helped. Don’t know if it would make you more comfortable or not but worth a try.
Thought about you a few days ago Judy. Nice looking cobbler. Hope to try one soon. Orchards here saying good crop year if nothing happens between now and August. Don’t know how all the rain we are having effects them. Last year they all got killed.
Lorita back to your cobbler. In the eight inch skillet do you use one small can or two cans of fruit?
My uncle’s funeral is tomorrow. Not sure if I’m going or not yet. My one sister is seeing if she can get Thursday off and if she can I may go with her. My one sister can’t go because they are closing on their house tomorrow. She would deal with any emergency with mom. Like JoC dread Columbus, not LA, but bad enough for me.
Giving more rain today.
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McCott, My son and his wife adopted 4 children out of foster care. Because of their history, they have "issues." Son and wife were fully aware of those issues as they fostered them for over a year before adopting them. I am glad there are people willing to give these children a chance, and a much better life - I don't think I could have handled what they have gone through. I THINK it would be different, adopting a newborn - but then again, I haven't done that so can only give my opinion.
It's another gorgeous day in Colorado today! We are on vacation.
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ronald71111 wrote:
Never answered Shirley's question; no I didnt have a implant just a shot every 6 months for 3 years. What reminded me is I'm having a hot flash right now. Dr. told me he could give me medicine to help but didnt want to unless the hot flashes became unbearable.
Hot flashes. Ugh. I used to get them so bad my hair would get wet and the back of my shirt sweaty, it looked like I'd been digging a ditch outside. I will tell you that after a couple of years of that I did go and get something to calm them down because it was to the point where I couldn't even go places for fear of having a hot flash. Within 3 days they were gone. More hormones, of course but my life was really impacted by them.
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Well, had my post almost completed and it disappeared. I won't try to repeat and will write more later today.
Everything's okay today. Anthony is coming today to service our generator - he called to see how the roads are. Got in touch with Bryon - he and Shane will mow later this week. He's been in Kentucky with his son at the Baseball World Series. They lost the championship game.
Ron, sorry about the bruises, scrapes and soreness. A fall can really upset the apple cart so be careful. I imagine going to the grocery store is a chore pushing Lou's wheelchair and pulling the cart. What about having your groceries delivered it you have option. I wish I did.
Sara - that recipe calls for a large can of fruit, with juice. I have a couple of small cans (13 oz.) of peaches so would probably use both of them. I don't know how many ounces are in a large can - is it 22?
Mike came last night and gave both GPs allergy shots with pills to follow. Also gave Sheena a shot of antibiotics. He thinks that will take care of it and I'll also spray Derma-G on it. He said if the hygroma continues to grow it may turn into a tumor and have to be removed - that would mean it's CA. Scares me. I bet anything, and he agreed, that her first owner probably had her on concrete which caused the growths.
Waiting for a callback from the Case Manager at Valir. They gave me the wrong name yesterday - she called this morning and gave me the right number. Can't get in touch with Sarah. I'm really worried about her going home and being by herself but nothing I can do about it.
Iris,, interesting about all your cats. Sometime I'll tell you all my cat story. We only have six now (four inside, two outside).
Only had a couple of hot flashes so can't add anything to that discussion - except I'm glad I didn't have more.
It's cool here this morning but will warm up with higher humidity. Hope everyone's well today.
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Been dreaming a lot about a road trip lately! Can see it now; drive over to Dallas to see oldest son, than to Plano to visit oldest brother. After that it's time for Missouri for visit with youngest son. Time to mosey on over to Iowa for nephew and nieces visit before Kentucky trip. Go through Puducca where one of Lou's aunt's use to live, over to land of the lakes, drive into cadiz where she grew up and end the trip in Hopkinsville where we got married. On the way home would have to drive by Fort Campbell where we met and on over to clarksville where some of her family live. Probably circle back to Nashville for the grand old Opera before heading home.
I've had good dreams about the trip and how well she handled it and nightmares about the trip from hell.
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Ron, that sounds like a dream trip, doesn't it? You know if we're not physically able to make trips like that, we can always dream about them and it's almost as good and a lot less tiring.
You mentioned Clarksville - is that the one in Arkansas? Many of my grandma's relatives lived around Clarksville and Russellville. I remember the trips we used to make down there to see them and how much I enjoyed it. I love Arkansas, especially the NW part around Eureka Springs.
Do hope your soreness is beginning to dissipate but it may take some time. I know it's taking longer for my soreness to disappear since I'm more mature.
The generator man just left from checking our generator - he comes in July and January. I told him next time I see him it'll be cold weather. He's such a nice person.
Iris - cat story: We've had as many as 30 cats at the barn. Several times two or three of the moms would have kittens at the same time and we'd be overrun. We've given away cats but mostly just kept them. I fed them every day although I know they also went out to hung. Before we had them, we could leave an opened sack of feed in the crib and when we'd go back there would be mice in it. I haven't seen a mouse or rat in the barn for years. Gradually they all disappeared - I know that's from them going out hunting and being caught by coyotes. The only two that are left are Tom and Jerry, both black and white, who live in the carport except in the cold winter when they go to the barn sometimes.. My inside cat, Kitt, is a relative of theirs. When we lost our other inside cats, Phoebe, Suki and Sasha, I brought Kitt inside after his eye surgery. A tom cat had scratched his eye when he was a kitten. He was wild and I didn't think I could catch him but his eye looked so painful I had to try. Thankfully, he let me pick him up and get him to the vet. He had to have the eye enucleated so he became a house cat. A couple of years ago the same thing happened to another outside cat and after the enucleation I left him outside and he didn't survive. Probably something slipped up on his blind side and got him.
He was the only cat inside for a short time. Then Max started climbing the screens wanting inside so he came in. He's a gray tabby. A year ago this past February our neighbor called and asked if I wanted a cat. He had found a cat living among the big bales of hay he had about half a mile from his house. He caught her and took her home. His wife already had a couple of cats and they didn't get along - so I took her. Max was enamored with her - resulting in six kittens a few weeks later. After they were big enough I took them to Happy Paws, a shelter near our home (no-kill). They had a request from another shelter in Wisconsin or Minnesota for kittens. I kept one - Sammy - Lilly and Max's baby boy. They're big cats - we think Savannah cats and can be very rambunctious - they can jump like nobody's business. So, that's my cat story.
When I was growing up we always had cats around the barn but the moms were wild and they'd have kittens way back between small bales of hay where I couldn't reach them. By the time they were big enough to come out of their hay homes they were too wild to catch. I like all kinds of animals and sounds like you do to - with the exception of squirrels, right?
I can't get in touch with Sarah and can't get a call-back from the case worker. I've called twice and left messages for him. So, guess I'll cool my heels and see what happens. Hard for me to do.
Sheena and Stormy have had their Prednisone this morning and went outside after their breakfast. Sheena's still outside laying under the holly near Barclee. It's beginning to warm up so she'll probably come in soon.
Sara - are you making the peach cobbler today? I'm thinking about making one myself - hard to decide between that chocolate cake I make so often and the cobbler. I bought some vanilla ice cream the other day so that would be good with either. Still don't know how many ounces are in a large can of fruit. Anyone know?
Zetta, watching Gunsmoke. I think I'm hooked on that show - and fairly often now I've seen the one that's on but they're still good. James Arness and Kitty have really changed over the years, haven't they? But, guess all of us have. Sometimes I look in the mirror (not often) and wonder who that old woman can be.
I think I'll have steamed broccoli, cauliflower and carrots for lunch and freeze what I don't cook (except the carrots).
Hope all of you are enjoying your Tuesday.
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Ron, you might ask your doctor if there is a contraindication to using "black cohosh" for hot flashes. It is an over-the-counter herbal supplement. I took it for about three years when I had hot flashes.
Jo, I was given a four year renewal last year when the DMV opened briefly for in-person appointments. I had studied hard for three days in order to pass the test. But when I got there, I didn't have to take the test. Whew! That was a load off my mind. Who knew there were so many different stripes on the roads?
I like all the shoe and sandal recommendations. I will look into them. Vionics is at Walmart. My cousin used to wear Clark's from England. Remember when "prices are higher west of the Rockies?"
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Not making peach cobbler today. That will be later. A large can appears to be 29 oz. just seems like an 8 inch pan would get too full. Guess I’ll know when to stop lol.
Probably won’t get to chat tomorrow. Two of my sisters and I are going to funeral tomorrow. It seems to have worked out. My one sister is not able to go due to they’re closing on their house tomorrow. She will handle any emergencies that come up. Dread the trip, will be a long day, but might get to see people I haven’t seen in a long time.
Everyone take care
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Sayra; I did not see that your uncle had died; I am so very sorry for your loss. May tomorrow be a better day with relatives than you expect and may traffic be clear. Take good care - I will of course be thinking of you.
Ron, black cohosh may help women with hot flashes secondary to menopause, but it is not the same dynamic as to your experience. Also, that substance can, as can most substances, also have an effect on meds you may be taking, so best to take nothing without discussing it with your doctor. If those bothersome hot flashes become untenable, it would be worth letting your doctor prescribe for you. I had hot flashes only in the daytime and when they hit; hooooo-boy!
Wondering how everything is going for Sarah's discharge plan. So hope all is going smoothly and that she does well and that you hear soon. I know how concerned you are, Lorita, perhaps this will be the time that all will go great. I so hope for the very best for her.
Oh gosh; that photo of the peach cobbler - may I have some please? Perhaps with a scoop of good vanilla ice cream on top? Perfect for summer.
Had my pre-op appt. today for my pending UCLA procedure. No fractured rib - thank goodness! What I have is similar to a pretty nasty costochondritis. If I am still, no pain. But boy oh boy; when up moving or doing anything, YIKES! Has me groaning. Somehow making noise seems to help. (Grin.) Sometimes it hurts to breathe deeply, but I have found if I raise my arm over my head on the affected side, no pain - hurray - I may look like a monkey if doing this in front of anyone, but hey; this monkey doesn't really care that much.
UCLA sent me a 30 minute online educational film on anesthesia today . . . . geeze, should have counted how many times they said "and possible death . . ." That was comforting. Getting so close. Thursday I go for a blood draw and UA. It is getting closer and closer . . . . I know if this were not a four hour trip there and back I would feel much more settled, but being so far and being out of my area of having knowledge about them has me unsettled. So glad you will all be there with me. Remind the surgeon to wash his hands will you? Also think if it was only one side getting lasered I would feel more inner calm, but both sides. Honestly . . . .
Judith, how are you doing? Is the museum keeping you busy or is it in a quieter time right now? I always thought it would be wonderful to be a museum docent; can only imagine how wonderful it must be to be inside the museum before the doors open or after it closes. Quiet time to ponder the great art. Better than chocolate!
By the way; everyone at the doctor's office was masked. No one without one. MD said that the majority of his patients have all been vaccinated with only a few exceptions that are still resisting. He has done his best to bestow knowledge but that is all he can do. So many admissions and deaths increasing; new cases almost all young unvaccinated people. All four of our adult kids are vaccinated for which I am grateful.
Whoops; cell phone going off, gotta go - may this be a good evening for everyone,
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Travel safely, Sayra. Years ago I tried to get my relatives interested in a family reunion because we only got together for funerals. But the reunion never happened. It is very nice to see family that you haven't seen in a long time. My childhood family lived fairly close by, but in adulthood we live scattered all around the country and even overseas.
Lorita, you have had an interesting history with cats. I think on some level cats enjoy living free and hunting. Simon would like that, because he liked to roam and catch things. But he and the others have gotten used to the comfortable life inside. My condo complex is set back from the street, so there is little risk from traffic. But we do have coyotes and I worry about hawks, although I do think my cats are too large to be carried off by a hawk.
I never heard of a Savanah cat. I see they are huge. I have one big cat, Adam, that I think is a Siberian cat. His fur is so thick, he would be well protected from the cold. I worry about him in the heat. I have a Furminator to remove the undercoat. Now I just have to use it. When I look in the mirror I see a capable woman, but in reality I am not capable. I feel weak and I have trouble getting things done. It's worse now with the heat, even though it is not that hot.
I used to do more with my cats as far as playing with them. Now they have to entertain themselves. They get fed good food and they have clean litter. I let them outside so that they don't stay cooped up. I want them to have good lives.
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I didn't get the cobbler made either. Sara, I think I made it in the 8" cast iron skillet but it's been years and the memory is not what it used to be. Maybe you should try making it in a 9x9 dish. I may make it tomorrow and I'll try the skillet . I had most of a head of a big cauliflower and quite a lot of broccoli so I fixed a big dish of it with carrots to steam tomorrow and froze the rest with the food saver. Also peeled a few potatoes and cut them up and cooked them almost done, then in the oven a bit. So, I have meals for several days - still have farfalle I cooked a couple of days ago with some cheese.
Sara, I know it's a sad day but I hope you and your sisters can enjoy being together - at least you won't be going alone. So sorry for your loss. Have a safe trip - we'll miss your posts tomorrow.
Jo - Sarah doesn't answer her phone today and have gotten no return calls from the case manager. Yesterday they told me the wrong person and, of course, she wasn't in the office - learned she was the wrong person when she called this morning. So, guess she's sort of shut me out for now. I'll wait until she calls. Thanks so much, I also hope things go well this time.
Jo, think of it this way - maybe it might help a bit; this will be a one-time thing, having both kidneys done at the same time. So, you won't have to make that trip and have all the dread a second time. I can't imagine having to travel two hours in all that traffic but I guess the traffic's bad everywhere out there. I think I mentioned when I went up to the convenience store, I met one truck going and two coming home - irritated the heck out of me. I also noticed when I went to Muskogee last month that there seemed to be more traffic than when I was making that trip every day - maybe it was just me.
Iris, Lilly, the mother cat has a small head; her son, Sammy has a head like his father - big and round. I know he's a yard long. He runs in front of me and lays down and stretches out. From the pictures they don't look quite as big as the Savannah cats but they're striped - probably mixed. They can be very loving and sometimes really irritating.
I got my new DynaTrap today. Had the gate to the driveway closed and happened to look out and the mailcarrier had left the box just inside the gate. It's brick red and not as big as the other one - I think this one takes care of mosquitos and other bugs for 1/4 acre, the other one must have ben 1/2 acre but all I care about is getting rid of the bugs on the porch and in the yard. Our house has blue siding with white trim and gray rocks up to the bottom of the windows. We painted the three outside doors cranberry and I made two screens for the windows on the front porch and painted the wood cranberry - that's why I got a red one - to match the cranberry color. We had new windows put in a few years ago and they took off the screens and were going to throw them away. I retrieved those two and remade them.
I haven't done much after I got the vegetables frozen except lay on the divan and watch TV - did take a short nap. It's pretty nice out with some wind blowing - supposed to be a bit warmer and windier tomorrow. We have good chances of rain beginning Thursday evening and over the weekend so I hope Bryon can mow and Shaun can do his job at the barn. He has several men working for him and they're really fast. When they did some repair work on the barn, they were here and gone in a couple of hours and did good work.
The Porter Peach Festival is this weekend but they said there will be very few local peaches - guess they'll have to import some. They always have peaches and ice cream for the people who come.
I keep thinking of that peach cobbler and how good it looked - might have to make one tomorrow.
Zetta - I've watched several episodes of Gunsmoke today and, again, Miss Kitty was riding the stage which was held up and Matt had to rescue her. That lady should never get on a stagecoach - something bad always happens. You know I like the older episodes when Chester was there. I get really tired of listening to Festus - wonder if people really talk like that? Hope you're well today.
I'll stop and get some more water to drink. Jo, there doesn't seem to be any way to slow down the days - they just keep ticking away. Before you know it the 26th will be here and the next thing you know it'll be the 30th. Time flies.
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Sayra, my prayers will be with you and family tommorow.
Jo., dont know how many times prior to my many surgeries over the years I've been told and had to sign off that I read that even death can occur. I'm still here!
Lorita, Clarksville is in Tennessee, Fort Campbell is about half way between Clarksville, Tennessee and Hopkinsville, Kentucky
You guys have me craving peaches, guess I'll have to drive over to Ruston and get some. They always have a peach festival there.
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Hello All,
Lorita, I think we see the same Gunsmoke's. The one I saw today Miss Kitty was on the stage. I have not seen Chester in years and Festus talk does not bother me. He was so uneducated he can't even wright. I think he is funny. I am sure it upsets you not being able to talk to Sarah and her case worker not getting back to you. As you say there is not much you can do, but worry. You sure have had a lot of cats. I hear barn cats are good for keeping the mice away. I hope Sheena's elbow has started to improve.
Ron, It sounds like you are planning a wonderful trip, even if it is only a dream. Maybe someday you can try a shorter trip with Lou and see how she handles it. I hope your bruises are getting better.
Sara, Travel safe and I am glad your two sisters will be traveling with you. Funerals are not fun to go to but this way you will be able to see family and friends. That will be nice.
I guess I am lucky I have never had hot flashes if I did I guess I did not realize it. You are all making me want a peach cobbler. I really don't like making things like that, my son does not like things like that so I guess I will be the only one eating it. I know I can freeze some but I really don't have a lot of will power.
Jo, Good news you did not have a fractured rib. Like Lorita said time flys and before you know the procedure will be all done and you will be home recovering. What time are we all leaving for the trip to the hospital on the 26th? I am in the same time zone as you and I will be thinking about you.
There are a few fires in my area, none are close but we are getting a lot of smoke. The closest one is a 500 acre fire and it still is not that close. They have started evacuations and they have the High School in my town all ready to help the people. The High School is pretty close to me. It is about 15 miles away. I am always prepared to leave. The only thing I worry about is if I am not home and Molly is. I am never too far away from home so I can always come get her. She goes with me most of the time but with it being so hot I leave her home more then I like.
Sleep Well All. Hugs Zetta
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Hi all,
Speaking of peaches, my cousin who lives in Altalnta sent my uncle and I a box of peaches. Very sweet and juicy. I had to slice and freeze the rest. My mom made the best homemade peach cobbler. It had the lattice crust on top and a crust on the bottom. Her crust was so buttery and flakey.....yum. I remember she won awards for her cobbler.
Alas I don't talk to my mom anymore so I can't ask for her recipe.
I will be flying home tomorrow and not taking my iPad so will not be on the internet until I get back on the 22nd. I have so much to do I won't even miss the Internet.
I've told my uncle I was going home tomorrow, caregivers would be here for 3 days/2 nights and then my cousin and her husband would be here until the 23rd. He was not happy and said "no, he didn't need a babysitter." So I told him his only other option would be to go into an nursing home until my cousin gets here...that shut him up. I hate to be so blunt but at this point my uncle doesn't get to make the decisions. My cousin and I are guardians for a reason.
I would love to go home and sleep the whole week but family and friends are making plans, but first I want to spend time with my grandson.
Take care all I will "see" you when I get back.
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Hi - my last post of the day!
Nicole - have a safe trip. I know you'll enjoy being home for a few days. It's hot where you are now and I imagine it's hot at your home so the weather won't be too different. We'll miss seeing your post and will be anxious to hear what you did when you were home. Wouldn't it be nice to sleep for a whole day? Guess we'll never know.
Zetta, we used to always take Barclee with us except in hot weather. It gets so hot so fast in a car even with the windows down a bit. I still miss that little guy - guess I always will - I remember all of the dogs we've had in the past and it's as many dogs as the number of cats we've had, inside and out.
Thank you, Sheena's knee looks better to me. They're both comfortable since they had their allergy shots. I have to give each of them a prednisone tablet for the next ten days. I use sliced cheese to get it down them. I divide a slice in three strips, put the pill in one slice and fold over and then I have about a third of the strip left. I give this to them first, then the piece with the pill in it. I don't think they realize they're taking medicine. I sprayed Sheena's elbow twice today with Derma-G- she reacts but I think it's the noise of the spray.I hope it doen't continue to get bigger so he won't have to do surgery or it doesn't turn into cancer.
Sounds like all of us are craving peach cobblers, doesn't it? Guess it is truly peach season. I like canned peaches, too so I always keep those little cups of diced peaches to appease my craving. I remember when I was growing up we always canned peaches - either ones we raised or ones we bought. We'd have a bowl of peaches and sit around the table peeling and slicing them - of course, with peach juice running down our arms and off our elbows or hands. How good it was to eat a piece of peach every once in a while. Mother also made pickled peaches - we'd peel and halve them, then pack them in the jars with the round side out. They were so good and so pretty. I think most of those peaches were Elbertas.
The GPs have gone to bed and I'm about ready. Dry eyes have really bothered me today - odd that some days it's worse than others. Hope all of you sleep well tonight. Nicole and Sara - hope both of you have a safe trip. We'll miss you.
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Good morning,
My mom told me that her feet and legs are bothering her a lot at night. Do you guys have any knowledge of something she could rub on them at night that might ease the pain a little. Feel like she might be willing to do that. Could get it for her tomorrow.
Thank you
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Hi Sara,
Taking a big drink of Tonic Water before you go to bed helps. I used to do that and it really helped. A friend told me about it - she drank some every night. Also putting a bar of soap under the bottom sheet close to the legs helps. I've done that, too, and it did help. Maybe it's psychological but if it helps, that's okay.
Sorry your mom is having that problem - really interfers with a good night's sleep. Hope you and your sisters have a good, safe trip. I know it'll be sad but you'll enjoy being together and seeing other family members.
So, Stormy's having diarrhea. He has had for quite a while. Sometimes I notice but not always. Last night I did. I was thinking maybe because when I feed the cats and they finish, sometimes they'll leave some food and he'll sneak in and eat it. Guess I'll have to call the vet to find out. He acts like he feels all right and eats well. Seems like there's always something.
Cool and pretty windy here this morning. Sarah called last night about 10. Todd didn't make it back to take her home so had a friend do it. She was waiting for him to come home when she called. The friend was coming back to be with her until he got there. As usual, a mix-up with her medications. She didn't get to take home with her medications she'd been taking and WM didn't get her scripts filled to pick up. Some will be ready this morning and some three or four days later. A couple won't be available until the first of August. She didn't even have any pain meds last night. She seemed excited to be home and to see her pets.
I'll be back later.
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Lorita, so glad that Sarah is feeling delighted and happy about being at home; I can well imagine. I am sorry that there is a medication issue. With doctor's order, some facilities will permit the patient to take home the rest of their medication they have in the facility pharmacy; that may not have been thought of. In retrospect, sure would have been helpful if Discharge Planning worked with the doctor to have all discharge ordered prescriptions and crucial stoma supplies filled and available before she went home so she would have a seamless discharge; but that is now water under the bridge.
If she has Home Health coming in they should be there tomorrow the latest depending on the order for them. The day after discharge is not filled with Home Health unless there exists an urgent need. It may be possible that they can help to speed the medications being filled. August first - wonder what drugs and why. If WM could not fill those particular meds due to an internal supply issue, it may well be another pharmacy would be able to do so, Home Health, if a good RN is assigned, may be able to assist with this. Pharmacies can transfer a prescription from one pharmacy to another. If an insurance plan uses only certain pharmacies, and if those assigned pharmacies cannot accommodate importantly needed meds, they will often approve getting them from another pharmacy.
So hope all goes well and that Todd got home okay and is able to be with Sarah through the rest of this week.
The news is rife with information of the dreadful spreading of the COVID Delta variant, and this is without the full July 4 celebrant outbreak which we will see later. Some areas have over 3,000 new cases per day; in LA County, we are seeing over 1,000 cases per day and climbing. It is dismaying to see those numbers climbing and especially to know it is pretty much preventable.
Saw excellent interview two days ago with UCLA based physician Infection Control specialist. He is heartily disappointed with the CDC's stance; feels we have opened up too fast and too completely without cautious oversight. Looks like he is right.
Anyway; here is interesting info re some of Europe's having to turn around and re-close after having opened and the steps some are taking as it is a full-on pandemic once again; it is a cautionary tale for us:
Reminds me of that Shakespeare quote: " . . . . something wicked this way comes . . . "
So; once again to say that it is up to us to take precautions even if fully vaccinated. While most who are extremely ill with Delta are the unvaccinated, there are though, many cases of fully vaccinated getting a break-through virus. While most of the break-through cases are mild, if one is elderly, and/or immune compromised, the break-through can be harsher. When they say, "mild," that means no hospitalization. While some get only mild upper respiratory symptoms, others get hit a bit harder. I would imagine those who are elderly and with compromised immune symptoms are at greater risk for that.
Saw on news that 11 RNs who were fully vaccinated contracted the Delta Covid variant from being at a house party. They got mild symptoms like having a cold. Fortunately, one or more of them realized what was happening and they got tested and are now isolated. Can only imagine if they were not tested and did not realize they had Delta what would have happened when they returned to work with patients at the hospital. Stuff happens. Wonder if other party goers from that party were tested. If not and if only mild symptoms they ignored, then they would be Delta spreaders.
Guess many people will be continuing with usual Covid precautions. My personal bias was that we should have held on a bit longer while opening with a bit more caution and oversight, but it is what it is. Who knew Delta would come creeping and lurking around corners with bated breath waiting to do its worst . . . . according to multiple MD specialists, this definitely will not be the last variant; there are more to come as the virus continues to morph and change.
What bothers me is to hear from these specialists that as the virus continues to mutate and mutate ad nauseum as it will; it will finally evolve sufficiently to gain a big foot hold where the vaccines will no longer be effective against those mutations. The virus always looks for a host and will evolve to reach that goal and continue to evolve even after that. Looks like science will have to run to keep up with all of this and hopefully developing more and more effective vaccines to meet the challenges. Hopefully. This is a huge worry by those in the medical science field. However; all of us human beings also have a part to play in all of this. Not all understand or care about that.
It is up to us people how we do. But then I am speaking to the choir; it is the hestitant and nayers that compound and perpetuate the problem; yet they do indeed have their rights. France is considering even removing those rights and demanding all citizens be vaccinated. Cannot imagine that happening here . . . . can only imagine the hue and cry and oh goodness; the politics and behaviors that would cause. So; that was part of this morning's news.
Big issue in SoCal; 17 million gallons of raw sewage spilled into Santa Monica Bay requiring closing of a large area over two large beaches until it clears. Omigosh; what a nightmare. Time for some good news to come around methinks.
Today is Sayra's uncle's funeral; so hope all goes well for her family and for her, especially with that drive she was not looking forward to.
Keep on keeping on, and may Lorita's niece have a very good post-hospital time of it. That would be wonderful.
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Jo, I think things were opened up too soon in view of the variant. Talked with Carol this morning and she said there were 3x more cases of the virus (variant) in our State this month than last. Either she or someone she knew told of someone they knew that had contracted the variant even though they were fully vaccinated. It didn't get into her lungs but the brain fog along with not feeling well were awful. She couldn't remember anything for five minutes. The variant is really bad in States surrounding Oklahoma - Arkansas and Missouri for sure. We may all be back to wearing masks - at any rate I will continue.
The plan Sarah told me was for her to take home her remaining medications, however, she was otherwise occupied with getting ready to go and the shift changed or something happened that the nurse had to check medications and by the time Sarah got there she had signed off on them and Sarah couldn't take them with her. Sarah didn't know which medications were out of stock until the lst. It seems like it's just a comedy of errors. She's going to check today to see if Asbury Pharmacy is still open. We used that one for my sister and they were easy to work with and also delivered.
The case manager did manage to get the oxygen to her house, shortly after she got home. So, now she has to have O2 all the time. She says if she takes if off for five minutes her oxygen level really dips. They gave her some kind of backpack that holds a couple of small oxygen tanks that will last about one and a half hours. I've seen advertised on TV some kind of backpack oxygen that makes it's own. I'm watching for the ad again today.
Judith - she found out that Marvel is the nurse that does the stoma work so she called and left a message for her. She said she did like Marvel - I didn't remember. She said in the discharge papers they gave her it said Home Health would be there today. I just tried to call her and she didn't answer.
I think she and Todd were going to pick up her medicine and also get her second vaccination this morning. She said she was supposed to go back to Valir 3x/week for six weeks for therapy. Asked her how she was going to get there - guess she'll have to schedule it with Sooner Care. Don't know how that will work because she can't get around very much. I really don't know how she can make it at home by herself but we'll see.
Had a nice really long (2 hr.) visit with Carol this morning. Had to interrupt once to call the carpenter (they're coming about noon tomorrow) and another time to answer a call from the vet's office. I had called to ask that he call me to talk about Stormy's problem. He said it sounds like he needs to be wormed. He seems fine, eats well but just has the loose stools. Also asked him about Vectra flea meds for the cats. He said he'd ask his hired hand to drop the medicine off in my mailbox when he comes this way (every other day).
It's nice, so far, today because there's a really good breeze going. The girls were up around the MH so didn't get to see all of them. I thought they were still up there but went out to open a gate for FedEx delivery this afternoon and I heard them in the barn. I'll have to keep them out tomorrow. I found a new crepe myrtle coming up in the grass out by the Royal Empress tree. Tried to dig it up but the ground's too hard - will have to wait until we have rain (maybe this weekend) to transplant it. Still haven't figured out where to transplant the gerbera daisies so they'll have sun.
It is very scary to see what's happening with the variant and the spread. You see these things on TV where people are crowded together with no masks - just a hotbed for the virus. Wonder what will happen this winter the flu season begins again.
Saw on TV news just now that prices on everything has gone up - almost 50% on used cars and a lot on groceries. I watch Andy Griffith and The Waltons and I've seen signs in the stores on those shows showing prices - like 39 cents for two pounds of coffee and under a quarter for a can of pink salmon. I always think back to the year Charles and I got married (1971) when Velveeta cheese (2 lb. I think) was 79 cents and on sale for 59. I think it's around $6.00 now.
Carol and I can talk for hours (and do) - we grew up in the same area although we didn't go to school together. We know a lot of the same people and they lived closeby so shopped at the same stores in our little town. She was so sorry to hear that the old Westmoreland Building had been torn down and replaced by the meat market. Seemed like everything we started to talk about morphed into something else. Guess I'm the oldtimer in our area now. It's amazing how our area has changed but also remained the same in some respects.
I'll stop for now. Hope all of you are well today and staying cool. Just heard the generator come on for it's weekly test run. Fed Stormy and Sheena and gave them their Prednisone in a little bit of cheese. Stormy was leery so he must have heard me talking to the vet this morning and suspected something. Gave Sheena her med and then he took his.
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I am 99.9% certain that she did not like Marvel or would not let her in. It was a negative.
Asbury has been out of business for several years. But others will deliver.
Walmart usually calls around to ill a script so there must be a back log at the company.
I think Sarah will need to Uber to Valir. Lots o people I know use Uber. It is fast easy and not very expensive.
Remeds.....my experience is that one does not leave with any meds unless they are a sample. Re oxygen....no smoking by anyone!!!!!!!
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Watching the weather - Beth, I hope the bad weather isn't close to you. They just showed tornados around Stanhope and Lake City. It's been warm here today, heat index is 95 but we have wind so it's not too bad.
Judith - I hadn't thought of Uber - that would be much better than Sooner ride which is just a little bus. All the other things you mentioned are right on. She hasn't been able to smoke for 70 days - said she missed it but I told her she'd been off of them for that long and to not begin again. She'll do what she wants but I will remind her of the danger around oxygen.
About 45 minutes ago I went in to get some more ice and the freezer part of the refrigerator opened very easily. Something had fallen down and caused the door not to close completely - I hope that's what it is. Things were melting some. I pulled things away from the back so the air could circulate and I'll check it at 6. I can't handle something else going wrong right now - things tend to pile up. Seems like I could have a repairman of one sort or another out here every day of the week to get things done. Some things I can put off for a while, some I can't. Got an e-mail a couple of days ago that my maintenance contract on the washer had run out so I'll have to renew it. I've had that washer five years and every time I use it, I fuss at it. Just takes too long to do a load. If I'd known I'd have had my old Maytag repaired instead of getting a new one but you know 20-20 hindsight.
Girls are out of the barn and most of them are in the pond. I checked the barn and two girls are still in the cowshed. I want Shaun to try to build up the ground at the door to the cowshed so water won't run back into it and make it so muddy. I have no idea how they're going to do this but I won't stay out there to watch. Do hope they wear their boots!! Maybe they can take out the muddy part, then pack down the dirt. Sara - I wish you were closer - you could have every bit of what's going to come out of there. Guess I'll have them try to distribute it the best they can north of the barn - don't want it on the east side so it won't run down into that pond.
World News is talking about how bad the variant is - saying it might not peak until the fall. Not much of anything you hear on the news is good news.
Still trying to figure out how to use certain things on this phone. I did text with Carol a few times this afternoon - she's going through old papers and sends me a picture every so often - but, I can't find how to punctuate. I can watch the how-to videos online so I'll do that when I have time or am in the mood.
Supposed to rain late tomorrow evening and Friday, Saturday and Sunday, then hotter weather next week. Hate to say it so early in the summer - but, I'm ready for fall!
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Alarm system is on the blink..I have bypassed what I can...they will be out Monday.
Working on getting prepared to lead tours. I have decided that the new exhibit is not so much art..In addition to docent tours we are given the opportunity to check in for an hour during the weekends and be in the gallery with an Ask Me Tag. I like it except one has to be learned enough to answer a question.
Spent much of the day with youngest grandchild getting his car repaired and picking out his 21st birthday gift.
The weather is pleasant if one does not have to work outside.
Sink hole is stable at the moment.
Commonly Used Abbreviations
DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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