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The niggling things that add up

M1 Member Posts: 6,711
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no wonder we are all tired. I play a constant juggling game in my mind that wears me out before I get anything done. I need to get the oil changed in the car, the time to do that is before a MC visit, since it’s on the way (but it’s 45 minutes each way). So scheduled it for this morning, but then the cleaners called and wanted to come this morning. Okay, I can leave the door unlocked for them but have to put the dog up, because he’ll open the door if I leave him out and the house unlocked. So leave him in the garage but worry that he’ll scratch the hell out of everything because he wants out. Do I get rid of the dog? I want to, she was the animal lover, not me so much, but then I feel so guilty even thinking about that because he’s a last vestige of our life together. So now I wonder if I should run back home after the oil change, cause it’s a long time to leave him in the garage all day, but then I won’t make it to MC in time for lunch, which she enjoys so much if I’m there. And I need to go, because there was a problem with an agency nurse on Sunday who didn’t give her her medicine on time.

See? I’ve made myself tired just thinking about it. Every day is like that. I want NO responsibility. I want to not have to be on my guard all the darn time.



  • trottingalong
    trottingalong Member Posts: 387
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    my mind is a 24/7 juggling game. The perfect description. I wake up tired and wish I could shut my brain off for just one day. I hope you have a nice lunch with your partner.

  • Quilting brings calm
    Quilting brings calm Member Posts: 2,402
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    Wow, just wow. It’s enough to send you back to bed, isn’t it? Even without the extra cat stuff- which probably has you going ‘ now, just what now / you want me to do what???’.

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    "I am the designated frontal lobe" on ALL endeavors… HB nailed it. And since it has been this way 24/7 for 6 years or so, M1 is right about the exhaustion factor. No wonder many caregivers do not survive their PWD LOs.

    Sobering. Trying to ignore the clutter and missed appointments or calls since I just can't keep up with him and everything else too. I have dropped the ball on so many things it is depressing, but also necessary for me to survive. I hope you all have a moment to rest today, and some peace of mind that we are doing the best we can.

  • trottingalong
    trottingalong Member Posts: 387
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    oh my, you truly fall into the overwhelmed category. I would probably be bald from pulling my hair out if I lived in your shoes. I hope in all this mess you find time here and there for yourself.

  • concerned_sister
    concerned_sister Member Posts: 425
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    Re dog in the garage (I realize this was an example and not the point), can you get one of those dog kennel cages so that the dog is contained when in the garage?

  • wose
    wose Member Posts: 137
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    ”Dropped the Ball” So true @ButterflyWings . The endless lists and clutter has pretty much scrambled my mind. I probably should be benched, I dropped the ball so much lately. My DH even told me he can take over the bills again 🙃NOOO!!! Lord help us all🥱💜

  • ThisLife
    ThisLife Member Posts: 254
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    What a timely post. Captured the feelings of the day. Designated frontal lobe, dropping the ball. I want to get off the Merry-go-round. Holiday weekend so two days without mail! I hate the mail right now. It's an Oh Lord. what now? thing.

  • Quilting brings calm
    Quilting brings calm Member Posts: 2,402
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    We are all just doing so well, aren’t we? I have been sitting at home now for a couple hours doing nothing when I should be doing something. My list of things I should be doing never gets smaller.
    In addition to my earlier post, there’s lots of stuff. One-Like M1, we’ve got a car in desperate need of an oil change. I found that out when I was trying to figure out why the map and courtesy lights wouldn’t shut off last night ( still don’t know).

    HB- the car accident often seems to happen on a day when the stress limit has been extremely over-reached. Hopefully it’s not a major ordeal on your end.

  • Hope5757
    Hope5757 Member Posts: 150
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    Jumping in also.

    @harshedbuzz - you have had a rotten day! Like the others, I appreciate your “frontal lobe” analogy.

    @M1 - would a family member take the dog? Her nephew maybe? That way the connection is still there, but the responsibility is not.

    @Quilting brings calm - we too are struggling with the need for oxygen versus the ability to maintain consistent use. I spend a lot of time watching, aiding and monitoring MIL to make sure the oxygen tubing isn’t being used as worry beads, head band or necklace.

    The hospice coordinator came today and MIL was officially accepted. Admitting nurse is coming tomorrow to go over the forms and get signatures from DH (POA). The visit wasn’t drama free. Coordinator had that hard to describe but unmistakable air of condescension about her. Both MIL and DH found her off putting. But we are going forward.

    MIL is pretty offended that I won’t continue caring for her 24/7. It’s interesting watching her be outraged but not able to express her outrage. She’s had a rally/recovery and is back to eating normal portions. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has gained a pound or two.

  • thiaatx
    thiaatx Member Posts: 1
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    I agree with you totally. I ordered groceries to be delivered. What day and time should I pick. If I pick today, they will come tonight and will that be before his bedtime routine? If I do it tomorrow it has to after I go to the Dr or after his Dr appt at 1p. Juat stuff like this all the time.

  • Anna2022
    Anna2022 Member Posts: 165
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    OMG, this is my life today. The dog has been scratching a lot (not fleas) but probably allergies but he is clearly miserable and he's scratched thru fur into the skin. No vet appointments for days. It felt overwhelming! I searched far and wide in the house for the dreaded cone and medicated shampoo. I finally found them both, and my mood improved drastically! Truly, I was about to panic.

    @harshedbuzz I love the phrase "designated frontal lobe!" Genius.

    @M1 - We are not as far along on this journey as you and your partner but I confess that I think about life afterwards, and I plan to not get another dog or another husband. I understand!!

  • Quilting brings calm
    Quilting brings calm Member Posts: 2,402
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    edited May 29

    OMG. Mom called me because her remotes are not working … again. She thinks her spare batteries are all old. I asked her if she had them in right - they each take two batteries and the plus signs both go on the top for some reason. The last time they didn’t work( a week ago), it was because she had the batteries in wrong. There’s obviously a reason that both remotes( two TVs) quit working at the same time. They probably are on the wrong rooms. She asked if I was coming out there tonight. It’s 7:35PM. I’m in my pajamas. It’s a 35 minute trip each way. I told her no and she was offended.

    Like HB, I am the designated frontal lobe. Like M1, I’m tired of being the responsible party.

  • HangingIn
    HangingIn Member Posts: 24
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    OMG, I am so with you!  We are also not as far along as many of you, but I can’t tell you how frustrated and exhausted I am with being The Person Responsible For Everything.

    I guess it’s a good thing that I’m a control freak anyway and fairly well organized.  I have a binder called “Things We Need To Know” in which I outline all the required tasks (with instructions on how to perform those tasks if necessary) and group them by whichever month they need to be done.  But I find that the binder is really just hitting the high spots.  Nearly every day, something comes up that I’m not prepared for, and I have to figure out how and when to get it successfully accomplished.  Today it was trying to fix the lawn mower that went belly-up, and calling the small engine repair guy when I found it to be a more complicated repair than I could manage.

    I, like all of us, am so tired.

  • fmb
    fmb Member Posts: 352
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    I'm trying to line up transportation for five appointments for cataract surgery between now and July 2. Have to get the surgery done while DH is still alive and I have DH's insurance. Throw in a dentist appointment and mandatory state car inspection, running for gas, groceries, etc. and seeing DH as often as I can, and I am completely worn out.

    @harshedbuzz, wrecking the car is one of my worst nightmares. Hope everything works out okay. I have often used the "spinning plates" analogy to describe my life the past year. Designated frontal lobe, indeed! I expect it with DH, but I'm having to do the thinking for some of the AL facility staff regarding his care, too. SMH!

    @M1 You are so right when you said, "We ARE all doing the best we can. That's the bottom line. We are more inclined to give each other grace then we are ourselves, I know this." And that IS the bottom line. I hope you took this evening to relax and rest. The chicken house will be there tomorrow.

  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,711
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    Brenda: makes me feel bad for complaining!!!! Washing their paint equipment in the dishwasher? Drywall mud in the kitchen sink? OMG I hope they buy you a new one. Idiocy abounds and astounds.

    Yes, we all have very good reasons to be tired. It does help so much to have this group here. My energy and ability to bear up seems to cycle, and right now it's at a pretty low ebb. I need to practice LT's gratitude…it's a beautiful spring day. That's about all i can muster right now.

  • White Crane
    White Crane Member Posts: 849
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    M1, thank you for the reminder about LT’s gratitude list. I needed that reminder this morning. It’s a beautiful day outside. The sun is shining. I’m having lunch with friends this afternoon. Last night I met one of my new neighbors and she is very nice.

  • sandwichone123
    sandwichone123 Member Posts: 742
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    First world problems I know, but dh is calling me between 10 and 40 times a day. I don't want to take his phone away, but really I do. Then he leaves a voicemail and I have to (have to because the alert won't go away until I do) listen to it and it's always the same. I know you love me, but seriously….

    I've locked down the phone and he can watch videos and call people on the list. But he only calls me. I can't get my watch to stop notifying. My phone has his ringtone to silent and no vibration, but my dumb watch still vibrates.

  • Denise1847
    Denise1847 Member Posts: 835
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    Hi M1,

    Amen to what you are saying. I have always been able to focus and get through tasks without distractions etc. Now, I am just a scatterbrain most of the time because of so many things to do and the worry that accompanies it. What has helped me is to look back on my life and remember the relaxing times - the vacations, lying on the beach, dancing and having fun with friends and family. You know, like living a real life. Hang in there, M1 - you are a great warrior and gift to our forum.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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