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Just need to talk to my friends (194)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    It is so very windy and cold today. Nothing going on here

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Thank you I'll try that.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith,that's where extensions come in. You're charged a percentage of what you owe for each !month until they're filed. The reason for my extensions is procrastination. However, I just got home from mailing mine, hopefully they get them alright. I have a routing number and I'll call them in a day or so to make sure they got them. She said they should be there, 25 miles away, by Friday at the latest.

    When I got there there was one silver gray car there. When I left in five minutes there were three cars and a pickup there, all silver gray. Must be a popular color for this year. Stormy went with me - he thinks he needs to.

    FedEx is going to deliver today so wanted to close the gate but GL was very close so had to close it. I told the guy the other day to open it when it's closed. We'll see if it works if if it's the same driver. I think he told me he was a manager or supervisor.

    Dropped by Darwin's to take the Roar to him. Sandy, he called me this morning and said things were about back to normal - thought he'd go cut wood. Told him to rest. When I just saw him he said he was doing alright but not enough to go out to work.

    I just figured out how to set the clock in the car one thing at a time, I guess.

    It's cold and windy here, too, Mint. . Car said it is 44.

    Zetta, I have gotten in the habit of watching Wagon Train every day. Really enjoy it.. How are things with you? Hope all is well.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,354
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    Good afternoon rockers.

    It's a quiet day today. My nephew-in-law is finally installing the toilet and bidet we got mom for Christmas. It was backordered for a while, but then he and niece kind of dropped the ball. His business is really picking up, so it was very gracious of him to take the time. I totally would have hired a more local plumber, but he insisted. Mom is over the moon-- she's wanted one for years because her sister has one. She always wants what other people have.

    I am attempting Commander's Palace Gumbo that @jfkoc posted a few pages back. Breaking down a whole chicken is not my superpower but I'm still in possession of all my digits, so I'm calling it a win.

    I organized my hall coat closet and may have snuck a few items that belong to DS into the trash and at least one of DH's shirt jackets into the upstairs closet. And I rehung everything on space-saving velvet hangers so I don't need to fight to get a jacket out. And it looks so much tidier that I don't have to cringe when they leave the door open.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited March 26

    Anxiously waiting for a Gumbo report. Also a report on those new hangers.

    My understanding is that a request for an extension plus a check for the estimated amount must be sent by the due date. A penalty is charged if the amount sent is insufficient and interest will accrue from date due regardless of an extension. I never pay a penalty but almost always wind up with interest. Do I have this right?

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    "Taxes...thought I was done then started to get "updates" from Morgan Stanley. How on earth can the govenrment expect them to be done by a certain date when the information needed is not complese. Grrr!!!"

    I hear ya Judith!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited March 26

    Judith, the way Sam does it - he. Files for the extension and when he has it done I send the amount due to IRS. Then, after a while I get a bill for the interest accrued each month after April 15. Then I send a check for that amount. I think the extension is for six months. He has gotten so busy I imagine he'll file for the extension this time, too.

    Still waiting for FedEx to deliver. The main gate was closed and GL was almost to the gste. I went down in the Gator with the empty feed bucket and she followed me up to the house. She's in the lot now. Saw a cow away from the others and went to check. Another new baby that mom had away from the others to bond. I don't think it's the one from yesterdsy.I had a little feed in s bucket so gave it to her. Baby knows where milk i s and looks like there will be plenty. Looked after I got home and another cow has come to see what's going on. It is a beautiful day but chilly with some wind.

    Someone.is spreading lime north of us -- looks like a snowstorm! Everything else is so pretty and green. Most of our trees are either leafed out or budding except the big Elm and Royal Empress trees. Need to order caladiums. My peony is up and has some buds. Really hope it blooms this year

    .Addendum: Judith, I know you shop at Trader Joe's a lot. This morning on our news it said their cost of one banana has been .19 for years but they're going to Increase it to ,24. I pay 2.02 for 6-7 bananas at WM. I paid .70 for one big banana at our little store last summer. It was good!

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All Rockers.

    Lorita. I watch Wagon Train and Gunsmoke most of the day. I can switch from 3 different channels and find both of them. Do you watch TVLAND I watch that channel most of the time. In the evening, I enjoy watching the game shows.

    There are so many people on the front porch sometimes it's hard keeping up with all of you. But I do try. I do read the daily post.

    Ron. You and Lou are so sweet, she is lucky to have you.

    I'm doing well Lorita, thanks for asking. I keep pretty busy doing little things. I will be pet sitting for 3 days starting tomorrow. I only have 2 people I pet sit for now. There would be no way I could have kept up with all that I used to have.

    We have been getting a little rain snow and sun all in the same day. I will be glad when it warms up so I can get outside and enjoy my porch.

    My daughter and SIL move into their new home in 2 weeks. I will be flying to Arizona and spending 2 weeks with them after the move. Iam still thinking about the move there but too many things have to go my way to make things work out.

    It pretty much depends on how much I can sell my home and property for.

    Take care all I read the daily post, Hugs to all Zetta.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Glad things are going well, Zetta. I'vr wondered if you saw many moose this past winter. I know you love your place and if you move to Arizona you'll miss the woods and animals. It'll be a complete change for you.

    I do watch TV land and fetv, both good channels for old shows which I like. I watch Emergency, Adam 12, Barney Miller and Leave it to Beaver. I enjoy watching the beautiful, big cars. I like my car but liked the big ones more. This Equinox is a couple of inches wider and longer than my Mustang. Stormy is getting usedto getting in and out of it. Still haven't figured how to get Sheena in.

    Enjoy your pet sitting. How many dogs will there be?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita. They have 2 pugs and molly will be with me. Molly has grown up with them. They like each other most of the time. 😁

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sounds good, Zetta. Glad Molly will be gping. Have fun.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,354
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    Good morning porch people.

    It's still dark here and chilly. We'll have rain later and then again tomorrow.

    At the rate things are going, it'll be July before the swale dries out enough to get a mower in there. I'd love to plant a rain garden in that space, but I don't get along well with that neighbor and she's just too dense to get the concept.

    @jfkoc The hangers are fine. Not life-changing. I don't know that they really save any space. They're larger than the plastic ones I was using and more suited to DH's polo shirts with sometimes get a bump from the plastic ones. But the texture is grippy, so getting shirts on them takes a bit longer.

    The gumbo was very good. I cut up a massive roasting chicken and have only a breast portion left from 3 people. I'll share the rest with mom. DS ate quite a bit-- 2 helpings which is rare. DS said "it's OK, not very flavorful" and doused it with lots of hot sauce. Despite his disappointment, he ate both thighs and a drumstick.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    Think it is suppose to be a little less windy today. Hope maybe I can get a little work done outside we’ll see. if not plenty to do inside also.

    A YouTube channel I watch out of California all their spring calves are starting to be born now. The very first one was stillborn and I could tell that really bothered the guy and he was afraid that maybe it was a sign of things to come if he had done something wrong. There’s been several since then and they’re all healthy.

    JoC don’t know if you’re still getting to read here or not but if you are just want to say hi and still praying for all on here. Joan no you are probably busy with all the house stuff going on and hope that’s all going smoothly.

    take care, everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning rockers! Will be on my way to the VA in a few hours to start the dental inplants. I believe today will only be for bone graph and tomorrow the inplants. I have mixed emotions, excited that I'll soon be able to eat with my teeth in and dreading what I'm having to go through for it. Because of the bone graph the whole process will be about a year.

    Easter Sunday Lou and I will be married for 57 years. In a way it will be a sad day knowing she will not understand the significance of the day.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    ahhhhh taxes - The IRS is not on my good list. I filed on January 23 and should have received my refund before now, but they are "reviewing" my filing for no particular reason. At the beginning of March they sent me a letter telling me they can take up to 60 days and not to call before that time is up. Nice. Sigh.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, everyone, seems like things never run smoothly. We probably wouldn't know what to do if they did though.

    It's cold and sunny here, 34 degrees. Just fed Gray Lady and put her in the paddock- FedEx will deliver again today. Aggravates me some that when I order from WM they divide deliveries to three at least. Something is coming today from Edmond, near Judith.

    Day,hope the tax thing turns out ok for you. How are you getting along by now? Did you know that Carolyn Gracie, QVC, now has her own business "Girl Next Door". Of course plants and gardening things. Hard to believe she's been gone from QVC for over a year. Good to see her back on QVC.

    Jo, we really miss your posts. Do hope you, your son and husband are vetting along all right.

    Seems like we get over one hurdle and another appears. Got my tax papers in yesterday and last night when we went to bed the security light that gives some light in the bedroom was out. May just be a bulb but getting it changed is another thing. I think we have another bulb but where it is I do not know.If did this for a couple of nights a few months ago so we'll see.

    Mint, this is the time for new babies. They're so sweet. I think it's so cute to see them walking with their mothers - they walk by them almost touching their mother. Moms try to keep them separated from the others for a few hours so they can bond. Gradually over two or three weeks they don't keep them as close. By the time the baby is a month old they can get away from mom to play with the others. Little ones find each other and play together just like kids. Ranchers worry about each birth hoping all goes well.

    We had one born a couple of years ago and again last fall that were premature not even having hair. One was in the barn, the other way down in the pasture. The cow kept bawling and I went to chrck. I could tell she wanted me to follow her so I did. She took me down where her baby was. She just wanted me to see her baby and know what happened.I checked on a new mom yesterday and watched until the baby got up and latched on. You worry until they're born, then until they get up and then until they nurse.

    Just saw on the news that bird flu has been detected in cow's milk in Kansas and Oklahoma. It says the milk from the infected cows is diverted and not sold. Always something.

    Enjoy your day. Supposed to get cloudy later with some showers. Another light freeze tonight. I covered the peony last night so better go out and uncover it.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    It's 30 and sunny 2 more inches of rain tomorrow. Enough rain already

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Sunny and sixties here today. A little wind but not too bad. Getting ready for hair CUT and COLOR today. Yay!!! Have a good day Rockers!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron,good luck with your dental work today. Hope it goes well. You're braver than I.

    Good morning, David. Hope your day goes well and you don't get too much rain.

    Judith, are you having snow or sleet? Our weather says it's very near you headed our way but not the snow.

    Can't get Darwin to answer home or cell phone. Going to keep trying and go.over if he doesn't answer soon. He may have gone to town. Always goes early before Donna wakes up.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Finally got in touch with my neighbor. He said his cellphone was in the. Bedroom with Donna and he didn't hear it. Got him on his landline. He's okay and was cleaning house. Told him to come over and clean mine when he finished. I'm looking at some white baseboards that need some work. When I was growing up we always cleaned all the woodwork with *$%& and Span. He has to do everything now including housework, laundry and cooking. Ron, you know what he's going through.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,354
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    @ronald71111 Good luck today. My husband and mom assure the procedure sounds worse than the reality of it. I have 2 months and 15 days until I get my post. Not that I'm counting or anything. He said I I should get the crown for it in September. I am so over this.

    @dayn2nite2 My friend is going through something similar. Her income is significantly lower since her husband died in August and she wondered if that triggered a deeper look. She's very annoyed.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just got back home with a sore mouth. Had lower inplants today and will go for upper bone graph tomorrow. Found out it will be about six months before upper inplants due to bone graph taking about 6 months to heal. Guess that explains why the whole process will take about a year to complete.

    Going to try and rest some now!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    How long did it last, Judith? Big flakes? It's gotten cloudy here and pretty chilly.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    big flakes...not very long, then rain

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Dear Porch friends, I have become a medical taxi...lol.

    Last Thurs. took mother for hearing test.

    Today, took SIL for PCP appointment. Things looking real good for him...thank goodness.

    Friday, take SIL for eye exam.

    Monday following week take SIL for follow-up with Neurologist.

    Friday that week, take mother for ENT appointment.

    The following week on Thursday, take mother to Eye doc.

    Of course all these appointments are at least an hour and a half one way from where we live.

    Not looking forward to it, but am glad I am able to help them.

    In the midst of all this need to get my taxes done and have spring checkup on AC...lol.

    As long as we have safe trips, I won't complain too much.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited March 27

    Marie, you're going to be one busy lady! You're such a good w to take everyone to their appointment s. I know that means a lot to them. Just drive carefully. Glad your SIL is improving.

    Learned a couple more things about my car+ had wondered about the auxiliary power ,- raising windows without motor on, etc. Just like you're starting it but without foot on brake. Also when you stop it reminds you to look in the back seat,- Stormy twice and a box. Really good for people with small kids. In Oklahoma every summer several babies or small kids die after being left in hot cars. Bit by.bit I'm learning.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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