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I moved my DW to memory care today

The move in went ok. I told her I needed surgery on my leg and rehab after. She understood but I could tell she was suspicious that it was a permanent move. We have been together since I was 20 years old. It absolutely killed me to leave her there. I know she feels abandoned and afraid. This is the worst day of my life. I really wanted her to die at home but I was harming myself caring for her at home. This sucks.


  • CindyBum
    CindyBum Member Posts: 365
    500 Care Reactions 250 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Comments

    Oh midge. Though I haven't had to walk over that bridge yet, I can already imagine the pain of having to make that difficult decision.

    Sending you strength and a big ole hug.

  • Dunno
    Dunno Member Posts: 74
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    My wife of 52 years also went directly to MC from the hospital. The move was assisted by hospice, which was a huge help. There have been many very sad days, but I keep reminding myself that she is well cared for and safe. Knowing that helps….Hang in there!

  • Buggytoo
    Buggytoo Member Posts: 112
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    Oh Midge, this is so heartbreaking. I send hopes that your DW will adjust to the new normal and you can find ways to refresh your spirit as you continue to provide love and comfort to her.

  • SDianeL
    SDianeL Member Posts: 1,289
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    so sorry. I know how you feel. It helped me to make a list of things to stay busy. Things you have put on hold. Also remember why you made the decision. It’s best for you both. Hugs.

  • Jgirl57
    Jgirl57 Member Posts: 571
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    Hugs to you and I hope you are able to get some rest. I have not crossed this bridge but ,You are correct , it sucks.

  • Joe C.
    Joe C. Member Posts: 1,005
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    I believe placement in most often harder on the caregiver spouse than our LO. It is so painful leaving our LOs and going home to an empty house. Be kind to yourself in the coming days, it takes some time to adjust to the new reality.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 700
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    My heart is heavy in reading these comments. I just can't imagine. Not only does she feel abandon and afraid but so do you. You've been together a lifetime. So so difficult to do.

    As has been said, be kind to yourself.


  • hiya
    hiya Member Posts: 87
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    I’m so sorry, midge333. I cannot imagine how hard it is. I’m considering MC for DH in the not too distant future. Already, I’m trying to think that it’s actually better for them, socializing, or at least people around, safety 24/7, routine. You can visit snd spend quality time together. Big hugs.

  • White Crane
    White Crane Member Posts: 974
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    midge 333, my heart hurts for you. My DH went straight from the hospital to MC on January 23rd of this year and the pain and grief I felt were crushing. We have been married 57 years and I had wanted to keep him home until the end but wasn't able to. It has taken me all these months to start feeling less lonely living alone. I try to keep busy. I'm at the MC at least three days a week. It's hard, I know, but for your own sake please try to find some activities that interest you and reach out to friends and family. Be gentle with yourself. You will need to grieve this new loss, of course, but you still need to live your life. I'm sorry this is so hard.


  • Carmen M
    Carmen M Member Posts: 41
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    This post is just gut wrenching. I just placed my LO in Long Term Care after respite. The loneliness and sadness I feel is just unbearable sometimes but I know it's the best decision for my LO. I also picture my LO still sitting on the recliner but reality hits and then I cry.

    Hopefully as time passes, the pain will ease.

  • Denise1847
    Denise1847 Member Posts: 875
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    Midge, I know the feeling. My DH has been in MC for 2 months and still asks to come home. I feel so badly for him and guilty when I leave him. I was mentally and physically dying at home caring for him. I know I cannot bring him home and stay healthy. He doesn't grasp the amount of deficits he has and the care he needs. Hang in there and know you are not alone.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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