Just need to talk to my friends(201)
Turmeric is recommended as an anti-inflammatory agent against dementia. Unfortunately I could never get up to using it consistently.
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Lorita it rained here today so the little snow we had is all gone. Yes I am approximately half way between Cleveland and Columbus.
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Yes they catholic mass on Sunday at 10:15 a.m. and it is very nice this the first time since coming to the VA and I was very excited to receive Communion.
After church we went to the local ELKS and had a prime roast dinner. The ELKS do a lot for the Veterans everything is free wherever we go restaurants, movies etc.
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That's great, David. I'm so glad you are settling in and like it. The VA was so good to Charles and I, for all his good treatment, while we worked there and now to me.
Watched the last episode of Yellowstone and will watch it again tonight if I can stay awake. I get so much more out of it the second time. Trying to watch 1923 now but the GPs have been eating dry food sounding like hogs eating coal. Let them.out and kept hearing barking, went out and a coyote was near the yard fence. He and Sheena were talking to each other. Got her inside and now both the GPs have gone in the bedroom to sleep. Hope you all sleep well. Good night.
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Good night.
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That all sounds terrific. Especially the pot roast. Have you ever tried putting a bunch of kale on top of a pot roast, so that it steams while the roast finishes cooking? Really good.
I took DW to the diner this evening. While we were going in, a little girl in her father's arms smiled and waved to us after DW complimented her shoes (tied with bright Christmas bows). Then a whitehaired woman in a wheelchair smiled, waved, and said "Bye" to us as her husband (or Santa Claus, a man with white hair and beard) prepared to wheel her out the door. Then we ate grilled chicken and grilled veggies. I could have made it at home, but it's good to get out of the house.
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I can never sleep when a storm is approaching. I don't know if it's the change in air pressure or what, but it wakes me every time. I hear thunder now, so the rain will be here soon and I will sleep like a baby. Of course, babies wake up every few hours :-(
Good night, porch sitters.
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good morning
I will try and remember to put kale on top of roast. I have always eaten kale even as a child. My mom Always raised it in the garden.
Carl glad you and your DW got a little break.0 -
Sorry I didn't make it to the porch last evening. I was very tired! But what a good day. Lunch was really good, so this afternoon: leftover shredded pot roast on hoagie rolls with lots of different toppings, cheeses and sauces. No pie left, but I have ice cream and caramel topping, and I can chop up some chocolate! I used real plates yesterday but today it's paper. So no cleanup. The kids loaded the dishwasher for me yesterday. First time that thing has been used in a year.
A friend called and we are going shopping today. I don't need anything but it's an excuse to get out of the house. It's supposed to rain for 3 days and DH will be beside himself if he's cooped up in here so I'm gettin' gone while the gettin' is good! I have a blood work appointment tomorrow and doctor visit on Thursday so I'll be gallivanting around town most of the week. We pick up the 6 year old great granddauther Friday for early release from school, so that's everyday this week!
Sunday is Christmas for my girls here at my house. Have a few last minute things to pick up to complete the finger food menu I'm putting together. We'll bake a small ham and have rolls, all kinds of their favorite dips/appetizers and sweets. Easy, peasy. And paper plates!
Mint, your pumpkin rolls look amazing! Do you just add pumpkin to the flour and let it rise? Pull apart the dough? You know I'm not a baker…. It's so good to hear that your Mama seems to be settling in and actually enjoying herself. What a relief that must be for you. Hope your closing goes off without a hitch today.
David, that Chapel is beautiful. But no kale on the pot roast for me. That's about the only green I don't care for. A texture thing maybe?
Carl, what a sweet outing. Little girls and their shoes always catch my eye too.
No babies yet Lorita. The first year DH was here at my house, he came in from the back patio with the little dogs. He said, we cannot leave these little dogs in the backyard alone anymore. Coyotes were lined up at the back fence! You could see their eyes glowing in the light of the porch. Scared me. So after that, no outside after dark alone.
Ok, just discovered I forgot to start the dishwasher.. so I'll get up and get busy. See you later today for an early supper.
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Hello I'm waiting to go home for a few days.
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Lorita, like I've said before it was a hard decision but the right choice it makes it easier on my wife. But it's hard to be away from my family.
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Suppose to rain here a few days too. Think it is suppose to start later
The dinner roll recipe does have pumpkin and milk as liquid. They are pull apart rolls. The original recipe calls for cinnamon, Cloves and I think Ginger. I do not like those types of spices in anything but desserts. Ginger alone is OK in some foods other than dessert. So I thought well I’ll just leave it out but I always read the comments. Sometimes you find really good suggestions in them. So somebody said they just left those spices out. But other people said they switched the spices to sage alone. They said they used one to one and a half teaspoons. I think Sage can be a little loud so I was afraid to use them much. I probably used around a half to 3/4 of a teaspoon. I just taste sage now and then but I like it. I might use just a tad more than next time. I tried to link the site but I wasn’t able to. But if you Would like to try them just Google King Arthur flour golden pumpkin rolls, you will find it.
I freeze a lot of my breads biscuits because as you can imagine there’s no way I can eat them before they become stale especially homemade. Frequently I forget to lay them out ahead of time. I’ve been just reheating them in the air fryer and it’s OK but not quite as good as I would like. Today the thought came to me to thaw it for about a minute in the microwave at 20% power. I have never really noticed until today that my air fryer has a reheat button. So then I put them in at 300 and reheated it for two minutes it was perfect. It’s always nice to learn something. So then I thought you know I would like to warm up my soup bowl and I forgot to do that too so I thought I’m gonna put it in the air fryer on reheat. I put it in there for a couple minutes and it was perfect it was warm but it very easy for me to handle. So I learned two things today.
well the closing is delayed for a period of time. The realtor called me a few days ago and said that the guys realtor said everything was ready to go so I thought that was so but it wasn’t so. The poor guy, his money has not been transferred to him yet. It’s a long story but his real estate guy called the bank the man is working with and she said his money should get to him today or tomorrow. They are hoping they can bypass the waiting period as she said she has worked with him on this the whole time so we’ll see. Anyway I believe it will happen it’s just the way it is and of course he’s very upset because he’s afraid I wouldn’t be patient. I would surely want someone to be patient with me if I was in his shoes that would be very frustrating.
my sister said she’s had closing on two different houses that Came up with issues on the day they closed. I bought and sold a few houses and I have never had this problem until this time. My realtor told me it happens more than It don’t happen so I guess I can’t complain. Hopefully it will still happen before the first of the year. That’s what I would like to see happen and I think it will.
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Morning, we had a little rain earlier but about 10 the sun came out. A front came through and is south of us now. It was 57 early this morning.
We didn't have a restful night. Sheena kept panting so moved them to the LR where it was cooler, then thought she might be in pain(arthritis) so got up and gave her a pain pill. So, up and down plus my hip and leg, shoulder and back hurt.
Darwin didn't call at the usual time so about 20 min. Later I called him. It said he wasn't taking calls. Tried again and got him. His phone wasn't working right but seemed okay when he called me back.I stayed in bed until after 10:30 which is unheard of and everyone else slept, too. Slight headache, probably from the change in barometer.
Iris, Judith, Ron, where are you all?
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Well , my computer that worked perfectly when I went to bed decided not to work this morning. After 3 hours of working on it I think I am back.
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Carl, I used to have a cassette tape that played the sounds of thunder, I used it to help me fall asleep. I wish I still had that cassette!
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Judith, glad you got your computer back on track. I've been using my tablets lately and they have minds of their own. Sometimes it isn't even what I type.
Quiet day here except one of the men came to feed and got stuck. He drove down to call the girls so Ibgot to see all of them as they went by the house. On the way back to the feeders he was going up an incline and the truck sank. No tractors nearby so he came down to see if my PU would pull him out. It didn't, I guess because he was loaded with feed so had to call the other guy to come and pull him out. They're still learning where to drive and not to drive when it's muddy.
Sleep well, everyone. Does anyone know how to get in touch with Ron?
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Goodnight. I'm trying to turn in early.
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Iris, that cassette tape sounds great! What I would really like is a recording of the wind blowing through the ancient cedar trees in my grandfather's yard. That is the most soothing sound in the world to me. I can't hear the wind at all in my house unless I leave the window open or the wind is blowing rain against the window, because it is hyperinsulated. We built an energy star house in 2009 and it is very comfortable while being cheap to heat and cool, but it is almost too quiet. I can hear a truck climbing the hill in front of the house, but that's about it.
One of my favorite songs is a recording by Don Williams called "Good Old Boys Like Me." It includes the line "I can still hear the soft Southern wind in the live oak trees . . ." I can still hear the wind in the cedars on a hilltop in the Ozarks, a mile from the nearest paved road. And the whip-poor-will
I was talking to a lady today who made bread pudding from leftover French bread and ate it for breakfast this morning. She used no raisins or other fruit, but used cream, vanilla, rum, and a little nutmeg, and made a white chocolate sauce for it. She let it sit overnight and put it in the oven this morning and shared it with her daughter. She said better bread pudding was available in a restaurant at home (New Orleans) that was a toffee pudding, but hers was second best. I have never made bread pudding but maybe I should. It seems very popular, on the front porch here and everywhere I go.
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Mint, I'm sure you'll be glad when your real estate closing is history. I have sold six houses and some lakefront lots, and I always felt like I needed a shower afterward. I think it is because there are too many parties to the transaction, each one thinking the others are trying to cheat them. Buyer, seller, banks, sales agents . . . I own no real estate now but the house I live in, and I'm going to stay here as long as I can.
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JeriLynn, I didn't know you got tired. But of course you do. An electric motor would get tired with all you do.
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I never ate kale until a few years ago. My mother didn't raise it or cook it, and I guess my MIL didn't either because DW never made it. I really like it, and bok choy as well. I have always liked cabbage, kraut, or slaw with meat, and kale and bok choy are similar. Broccoli, too.
A local barbeque place makes a coleslaw with horseradish and that is the best coleslaw I have ever had. DW doesn't tolerate smoked meat, but the slaw at the diner is almost as good and I order it or broccoli for us whenever we're there. We eat at the diner frequently. DW can't cook anymore, and she thinks the sign "Danger, men cooking" in the firehouse kitchen on Chicago Fire isn't a joke. Besides, it gets us out of the house. The diner is a relaxed place, and the owners and servers know us and treat us well.
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good morning
IrisThere are many YouTube sites that have nature sounds. You might be able to find one you like for thunder. Carl I don’t know if you can find one for wind blowing through the ancient cedar trees or not, but you could put it in and see you never know.
i enjoyed hearing the whippoorwill, has been a long time. Don't know if I have ever heard one in Ohio but use to hear them in Kentucky. I always liked hearing the Bobwhite too. Haven't heard it in a long time either.
Never dreamed I would own two houses. And yes, I will be glad when it’s history and I only have one. The man got his check yesterday and so as soon as it works out for everyone, I guess we’ll get it done.
Like I said, we ate kale from the time I was pretty young. I’m not sure how my mom came to raising kale. I was born in eastern Kentucky and I don’t remember either side of my family eating greens. That’s kind of odd in a way because I hear Appalachian cooks talk about turnip and mustard greens. My mom did raise bok choy one year and it was really good.
Carl nice that you and DW have found a place to go relax and feel comfortable.
Guess I will go with the flow today. I have some wash I can do, will try and work on fixing buckeyes today if I can, continue decluttering my kitchen and be on call for closing.
take care, everyone
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Good morning,
Well DH had a roast beef on a hoagie roll for supper. Hope y'all enjoyed yours! I picked up a girlfriend yesterday and we shopped until she made me drop. She's hard to shop for/with. BUT, I found her a pair of black silky pants and a blouse to match to wear to her Parkinson's party. She is an organizer with their Boxing Club in town. Her late husband had Parkinson's. Took her to lunch, we got some gifts she needed and I exchanged 2 lamp shades plus bought wrapping paper @ 50% off at the Home Store. A good day.
Mint, I will look at the King Arthur website. While your closing got delayed, it sounds like a done deal. My late husband ran a Closing company for a bank. Always last-minute stuff. And it drove him crazy! I'm glad you're able to see the forest beyond the trees.
My daughter in Ohio sent me a text yesterday asking "Should I assume this GINOURMOUS box on my front porch is from you?"…. yes, lol. There's still one more to deliver but it may not make it by Christmas. If not, she'll have it in time for her birthday on Jan 2nd.
All my shopping is done. So, wrapping today and tomorrow and I will be ready!! Also, found some frozen crab cakes yesterday that I can use to stuff some mushrooms for the other granddaughter for our Christmas gathering: that was the last thing on my grocery ingredient list.
OK, lab work this morning. Black coffee with no sugar or 1/2 & 1/2 for me this morning. YUK. The Starbucks on the corner from the Doctor's office will be my first stop. 7:30 am appointment. DH goes to Tullahoma this morning for his allergy shot. So two vehicles, two directions for us today. After he gets home, he'll probably go fire up that tractor to see if it runs to suit him before he buys it. At this rate we'll be building another barn in the Spring.
HB, How's your Mama? Home yet?
Have a good day everyone, I'll see you when I get back home.
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Good morning to the porch people.
We'll have a brief break from the rain today which I much look forward to.
Jo C— I can feel the melancholy in your memories. It speaks volumes that you can find gratitude in them rather than bitterness. Life has certainly dealt you an unfair blow.
I know what you mean about the transition from a big and boisterous gathering to something smaller. As a teenager and young adult my parents hosted 50-75 friends and relatives for brunch each year. Mom and I spent days putting things together. Things got smaller as my parents' friends' kids had families of their own but after they retired and moved away it was just DH and DS; it was a real adjustment for me although DH much prefers it.
Carl— Thanks for the information on turmeric. I may have to give it a go. My left knee needs replacing but I'm not in a position to pull the trigger just yet. I'll pass on the kale. I'm just not a fan which is weird because I love bitter— spinach, bok choy, broccolini. Nothing makes me crazier than when it turns up in a "healthier" or "modern" upgrade of a salad.
Mint— Bummer about the closing. These things do have a way of sorting themselves out in the next couple of days. I hope it is like that for you.
The rolls look really pretty. No lie, I started to salivate when I saw them. My nephew-in-law make a potato roll that looks similar. The King Arthur website is great for recipes, but I get most of mine out of DH's old copy of Beard on Bread.
Jerilynn— That sounds like a lovely lunch. Good luck with your bloodwork. I hate fasting bloodwork— it's so annoying.
Mother went home Saturday night at 7:30pm. DH and I met friends for an early dinner and then I swung around to collect her. They were aiming for a 6pm discharge, after a final IV steroid and inhalation treatment, but I figured under the best of circumstances this hospital can't get someone out the door in less than 2 hours, so I chose dinner. I didn't figure the Saturday night B Team would be any quicker and I was right. The time stamp on discharge was 7:25.
She was happy to be home, and her cat was very relieved to see her. I get a weird sense that the cat intuitively knows how tenuous her situation is being the care of an 86-year-old woman. She frets over mom more than I do. In fact, I factor the cat's behavior around mom when deciding on things like ER vs PCP. On Sunday morning, she wasn't in great shape. The visiting nurse has been but hadn't made sure she'd taken her morning meds. When I showed up, mom was sleeping and she'd taken some of the meds out but not taken them. I got her fixed up and said I'd be back. When DH and I returned, she was much better but her portable concentrator wasn't working. I'm not sure if she'd drained the battery or what. I switched her to her massive in-home model with a plan to sort that out the next day.
Alas, on the way home my stomach started to churn. By midnight I had the worst ever bout of what I assume was food poisoning. I was useless yesterday. I spent the entire day in bed sipping water. I scheduled mom's post-hospitalization visits to PCP and pulmo. I rescheduled her eye injection as she won't be still enough on 30mg of prednisone to do this safely. I'm not 100% today, but I need a quick recheck with my dentist for the implant. Tomorrow the cat sees the vet again and mom sees her PCP. Thursday is pulmo.
Pulmo's associate wants mom to have a swallow study. They're thinking COPD and 2 bouts of pneumonia is 60 days is likely prandial aspiration. This wasn't on my COPD Bingo card, but it makes sense. She chokes and splutters when she starts coughing while eating. I don't think she realizes the seriousness of this development which is odd given that aspiration pneumonia is how dad died.
HB1 -
Good morning, it feels good to be home for a few days. Am going to the Senior Center for their Christmas party. I go back on Friday to the VA but then I will be home December 23 for Christmas with the family for 4 days then return to my "New home" probably until Easter.
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Morning my porch friends.
David I bet it does feel good to go home for a few days. Then you'll be ready for your other new home, at the VA! I' glad you can so easily go back and forth.
Oh HB, food poisoning is so awful. That just takes so much of you energy, it drains you, literally! Try not to completely over do it or your body won't be happy with you.
Yesterday we had 2.5 inches of rain in thirty minutes, then the sun was shining. About a hour later we had another downpour that lasted over an hour. And it was 76 degrees. Such very odd weather we are having this winter. My rose bushes are setting on buds!
Time to get ready for our daily Zoom. And of course there are things I need to tend to today.
Be safe everyone. Back later.
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Morning, cloudy and cool this morning but supposed to warm up. One day is cool and the next one warm. Odd weather for sure, Eagle You know the saying " if it rains while the sun is shining, it will rain tomorrow at the same time".
Quiet day on tap for me. I think I'll go have my oil changed Thursday when it's warmer..
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Yes it feels great to be home for a few days
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off to meat market…craving for chicken with fettucini and capers…they will cut and pound the chicken for me
Commonly Used Abbreviations
DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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