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Is this a stupid question?

But if some one has short term memory loss and is age 85 does that mean AD or just old age?
This year, DH short term memory loss has got worse, seemingly quite quickly. I'm very depressed by this as I feel I'm losing him mentally. Is this the start of AD?


  • BPS
    BPS Member Posts: 174
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    My mother in law had very poor short term memory for many years but it never progress into any other symptoms of AD. She was able to take care of all her daily activities until a couple of weeks before she passed. She was never diagnosed but I don't think it was AD. There are other causes for short term memory loss. He probably should be tested to see if there is another cause.

  • midge333
    midge333 Member Posts: 401
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    Your DH needs a medical evaluation for dementia. Talk with your primary care doctor.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,791
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    Significant memory loss is not a normal part of aging. Especially if it seems progressive in nature.

    You don't mention exactly what your concerns are, but you should share them with his PCP ahead of an appointment so a screening can be done as well as testing to rule out a treatable condition that mimics dementia.

    I took my mom in last spring because of word-finding issues as well as asking me 5 times about plans for celebrating my birthday. Blood work came back positive for Lyme Disease. She improved considerably with treatment, but I still have concerns and am waiting to be able to schedule at the memory center.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,046
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    Please have your husband tested. There treatable causes for memory losses!

    Go on line and read about the diagnosis of Alzheimer's. Then make an appointment with a Dr that will follow the correct procedure for diagnosis. Make certain that Dr understands your concerns before an appointment and yes, you will need to be at the appointment.

    You are the person responsible for seeing that all tests are done.

  • illusion62
    illusion62 Member Posts: 5
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    Thank you all for your replies which has given me other things to consider. I will be going back to Dr with him for another cognitive test as I think his memory has deteriorated since the last one he had last March when Dr said that he didn't need to be referred to the memory clinic. Since then he has been repeating the same question over and not knowing exactly what month it is. So definitely needs another visit.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,046
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    The cognative test usually just indicates further testing is needed. Please google diagnosis!

  • illusion62
    illusion62 Member Posts: 5
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    Thanks. I have already googled and have scared myself silly. I really don't want to face this! I just want to climb down into the hole with him. We have been a very close couple for 35yrs and have shared everything. He is my best friend and soulmate. But I know I need to take responsibility and make another appointment with GP, which I will do. If the doctor doesn't refer him to the memory clinic this time, I will have to think about seeing a private doctor. The NHS is on its knees at the moment.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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