Living with Alzheimer's - A Caregiver's Journey
My wife was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's eight years ago when she was just 60 years old. I have been her primary caregiver every day since then until her death last month. As a means to help me cope with this terrible disease I wrote a detailed journal of my experience over that entire time. The writing is in two…
Overwhelmed? It is the loved ones of those with Alzheimer's who bear the greatest burden.
It is the loved ones of those with Alzheimer's who bear the greatest burden, and often care for them at the expense of their own well-being. It is common for family members and loved ones to find themselves thrust into this nightmare completely unprepared and ill-equipped for it. Sadly, much will be damaged or completely…
Another Let Down
Just venting my frustration. We found a Dementia Support Coffee Group, held once a month at Brothers Leagues Club, held in one of their small meeting rooms, it has an attached kitchen and is on the ground floor surrounded by gardens and trees. Lovely. So each month we would go, meet up with people and their carers. Then we…
Doctored: Fraud, Arrogance, and Tragedy in the Quest to Cure Alzheimer's
Been hearing a lot about this book recently through podcasts and interviews with the author. Very important to know about this misconduct in the Alzheimer's research field. It's so discouraging to know this is happening. Doctored: Fraud, Arrogance, and Tragedy in the Quest to Cure Alzheimer's…
Should I take DH to out of state wedding?
Our grandson’s wedding is planned for late March out of state and I’m struggling with whether or not to attempt the trip. Our choice is a 5 hour drive or flying (direct, non-stop). DH is wheelchair bound, incontinent and has major balance issues. He’s in moderate (maybe late stage 5) range. He recognizes family members, is…
Overwhelmed? It is the loved ones of those with Alzheimer's who bear the greatest burden.
It is the loved ones of those with Alzheimer's who bear the greatest burden, and often care for them at the expense of their own well-being. It is common for family members and loved ones to find themselves thrust into this nightmare completely unprepared and ill-equipped for it. Sadly, much will be damaged or completely…
Vermin Rat and Mouse Problem
About four years ago California's Governor Newsom banned rat and mouse poison replacing it with birth control in an effort to save the mountain lions and wildlife. Unfortunately this has created an increasing epidemic of vermin. The entire neighborhood as well as others I speak with locally are suffering. This is…
To all caregivers Merry Christmas....
Oh how the holidays have changed. Blessed are the caregivers like me.
Holes in the walls
Our father has been cutting out holes in the walls, creating a significant challenge for my sister and I. We have so many repairs to do after he dies. We have found that taking away tools does not deter him from causing damage, as he resorts to using alternative objects, such as metal rods or other items he can find in the…
Our Father is Obsessed with Turning Off the Utilities
One of the most challenging aspects of caregiving for a loved one with late-stage untreated Neurosyphilis dementia, GPI, and tabes dorsalis is managing their behavior and preventing them from causing harm to themselves or others. Recently, my father has developed a concerning preoccupation with utility services, such as…
Pooping in the Shower
Recently, we've observed a concerning shift in my father's behavior, which has added a new layer of complexity to our caregiving responsibilities. While my father's actions may seem intentional and without shame, it's essential to understand that this behavior is likely a result of his cognitive impairments and the…
Am I being overly concerned?
My husband is in the mid stage Alzheimer. He showers 3 times a week. On the days he doesn't, he will get dressed before he comes out of our room. I am usually up hours before him. He will put his clothes over his PJ's, won't change his underwear, socks or tee shirt. It drives me crazy. Should I just happy he does it 3…
Neurologist Book on what he learned from his own AD
The December 7 edition of the Washington Post had an article by Daniel Gibbs. He practiced general neurology for 25 years, and treated some patients with dementia. He had two copies of the APOE4 gene. His PET scans showed elevated levels of tau. He was part of the phase 3 trial for Aducanumab, he developed ARIA and was in…
Today I want to rant, I’m tired and exhausted, I really thought I had a handle on all this, I love communicating and writing on this site, it balances me and helps me to understand that I am not alone but today I feel so despondent for the last few days all I want to do is cry. I don’t want this any more 7 years is enough…
Today is our anniversary
DH doesn't remember that it is. I have not mentioned it. He was always the one to remember the dates of everything. Just makes me sad.
New here, are there any books aimed at the person who has dementia?
Hello, I had the slum test and was found to me on the border of mci and dementia. Thyroid test and b12 test came back normal range. Waiting on diabetes and will have an MRI on Friday. I am wondering if there any books you can recommend that are directed towards the patient and not necessarily the caregiver. I found a lot…
Following our Request
Mom moved in Sept 8th, she has moderate dementia, almost no short term memory, long term is pretty good, last 11 years or so are fuzzy. She was mild to moderate until she got a UTI and low sodium and was hospitalized for 3 weeks, now she's fully moderate. It's difficult because she can remember how to use the chair to get…
I am a caregiver for my mother and brother I also have Alzheimer's
I took care of my Mother, Brother and myself . At time I was in a stage 2 of Alzheimer's My mother recently died , and I have my brother still to care for though it is getting harder and harder. As I am in stage 3 .I would like to see if I am eligible for trial but I have not heard any thing yet .Or perhaps I got lost in…
sleeping 15 hour or more a night, falling asleep during the day.
Dear Alz-connected friends: I'm back because my DH is now sleeping well more that 12 hours at night and falling asleep in front of the TV. I thought he was in mid-stage VD, but this behavior is increasing now. He is MY Caretaker, so I am now caring for him. He fell backwards in the kitchen this afternoon after getting out…
Will a distinct dementia diagnosis make a difference?
My mother is 88 years old and has been demonstrating mental decline for many years. She lives with my Stepfather who has been doing the heavy lifting almost exclusively for the years of this decline. 8 months ago, they asked to move closer to me because they knew they'd need more help as time progressed and they wanted to…
If you are not convienced, let me share this...
Most caregivers know that you should plan as early as you can. And plan for contingencies. Murphy follows Alzheimer's around like a puppy dog. (Murphy's law that says if anything can go wrong, it will.) My 81-year-old DW was officially diagnosed two years ago. She is now in stage 4 or 5, depending… She needed hip…
The End of Alzheimer's
Hello, i'm new here. Months ago, my husband asked if i'd research Alzheimer's for him. He's noticing some congnitive decline. i resisted but then this book came to me: "The End of Alzheimer's" by Dr. Dale E. Bredesen. i read it and am 1/2 through his next book: "The End of Alzheimer's Program". i'm wondered if anyone here…
Asking for help( caring for a loved oned showing signs of dementia)
Hello everyone, Me & my mom would like some advice. We are currently caring for my grandma & she has been showing signs of dementia. We have been to multiple doctor appointments, just waiting to hear the results. Even though she hasn’t been diagnosed, we’re pretty sure it’s dementia being that in runs on her side of her…
New to this forum. Diagnosed over 4 years ago
Not sure if this is the place to introduce myself; but I had Encephalitis twice - from West Nile Virus and Powassan Virus AND Lyme Disease 7 times. Dr. told me the viruses started this ball rolling. I was doing well, dealing with changes in my life, except not driving. I haven't accepted that well. I've been going between…
Hey dear people, again, new to this and can't imagine this journey that I'm on and how long it will last without losing my mind... I'm not being disrespectful, it's just where else can I voice my frustrations and worries~ so my DH seems to find a topic (finances, an old worry, etc.) and fret for hours on end, going into…
Anyone have experience with how long Seroquel will help with hallucinations and delusions? DH has been on it now for about 2 months and it has worked great with hallucinations but he is beginning to have them again. I’m almost at max dosage for him (can still add half a pill or 25mgs). I really don’t like how it makes him…
A real conversation between MIL and DH
The movie Yours, Mine and Ours is blaring in the background. MIL is very hard of hearing so everything is always at 90% volume. ********** DH: I want you to try this cookie. It’s not too sweet. MIL: (suspiciously) What is it? DH: it’s a cookie. MIL: What? DH: A COO-KEY MIL: What’s a COO-KEY? DH: You know what a cookie is!…
Decisions have to be made…
I finally got the official paperwork with the diagnosis with my father’s dementia being official. He has signed Medical POA, and Durable POA. He probably won’t remember any of it, despite it being notarized and all. Adult Protection Services along with the doctor says he is fully capable of making his own decisions. He…
Unsure about my diagnosis
I had a brain scan that showed my hippocampus is at 5%, but no tau tangles so it’s not Alz. My speech is slower then it was, I forget things all the time, I have trouble with thinking things through. My emotions are ridiculous. How long before I’m lost?