Newly Diagnosed Mom
Hello, My mother was recently diagnosed with moderate dementia. It seems to have accelerated once she moved into AL, which was her decision. She is well cared for however is requesting that my brother and I call her multiple times a day. Any tips for setting reasonable boundaries while at the same time helping her as much…
New and Grieving with Questions
Thanks for adding me to the group. I am new to this beast. My DH was diagnosed July 17 (Monday) with Alzheimer’s and I am grieving. I don’t even know what to do and it’s hard to even breathe. I just cry. I’ve being seeing his decline for a couple years and when we had a defining moment, it took six months to get the…
The "Oh thats new" moments
I didnt know what else to call this thread. My newly diagnosed husband functions pretty well most of the time. Then moments like today happen. We pulled up to the store and he had the grocery list, but I mentioned getting coffee and he completely forgot where we where & what we were doing there. I just said "we're going to…
My husband has just started Aricept , it is 10 mg. at night.he was recently diagnosed with Parkinsonism/Lewy Body dementia. Have you had good results? Any bad side effects..the neurologist did say it could cause nausea or stomach issues. This is all new ...learning as we go.
Is my situation crazy? Need advice
Hi everyone, I am very new to this group. Just joined 5 mins ago lol. I am 23 years old and I live with my father, 56, who was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. He was diagnosed through a PET scan after going through a year and a half of scans, tests, workups. This diagnosis was given to us April of this year, 2023.…
DH Just Diagnosed
Hi, Amy here. My 63 yr old husband was diagnosed with Alzheimers 2 weeks ago. Been dealing with mild memory & cognitive issues for a while, super relieved to have found this group! I have already contacted Eldercare Attorney. Working on applying for SSDI. Any advice on what else I should do is appreciated. It is such a…
Questions for Assisted Living
Our father was recently diagnosed with LBD. Right now, he is living independently with home healthcare and family support. The family would like to start looking for possible assisted living facilities. What are some important questions we should be asking when touring these places? We've found checklists online, but I…
New Diagnosis for 56 YO Wife...looking for *anything* to grasp on to.
We are stunned, gutted, confused, scared, and heartbroken. Yesterday, we received the results of a spinal tap that confirmed that my 56 year-old wife has young onset Alzheimers. She is due to start Monoclonal antibody treatment (Lecanamab) as soon as the Insurance is sorted out, and will also be starting Aricept as well.…
Online Fraud and Scams
Our father just had his second attempted scam. I was lucky enough to be walking past his room when I heard the discussion he was having over the phone. He allowed someone access to his computer to "run a virus" check. We ended the call and have contacted his credit card company, banks, and financial planner. We don't want…
A Group for My Husband to Feel Comfortable In...
Are there groups for patients with Alzheimers and if so are those groups aligned with the different stages of the disease? I ask because I think my husband would benefit from being a part of a group where he can identify with others and share experiences and learn. But, what I hesitate to do is have him in a group where…
recent fall, dementia diagnosis, close quarters
Hi everyone! I think this is going to be a spilling-my-guts sort of post and hoping to get some insight. Some brief context: we have suspected my dad (83) has had some cognitive decline for years, but he stopped going to the doctor in 2019 and has refused since (to the point of blow-up arguments when we pushed). He lives…
Prevention and Slowing of Dementia
Hello everybody, I'm new to this forum and I've been reading a lot of posts over the past few days. I've been seeing a lot of people who have unfortunately been recently diagnosed with Dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment and are unsure of what steps they can take to reduce their risk or slow progression of disease.…
I started divorce proceedings before we realized he had dementia. He is young, 54. We have been fighting alot. Now i try to discuss things rationally with him and the arguments are worse. He is a very bright man, and he uses my fears and insecurities against me. He acuses me of abandoning him, not caring, everthing that is…
Feeling Guilty
Where do i begin. For the past few years, my husband And i were having problem., financial, personal etc. I was suspecting drug abuse also. eventually i pusued divorce. He moved out but refused to get a job, and support himself in any meaningful way. I continued to support him to the best of my abilities, racking up tons…
new here and it's already bad
Hey yall! So, my dad's had signs of alzheimers/dementia for ages. But I moved in with him almost a yr ago, and when he got violent I immediately scheduled him an appt with his Dr...my dad's never put his hands on me. Ffw to 2 months ago, and i finally got himdiagnosed and medicated. Well, a week ago, he got violent again,…
Hello from a newbie
My DH was diagnosed with early stage mixed dimentia ( vascular & alzheimer's) earlier this month. It has been overwhelming and just personally heartbreaking. Trying to get support service like pt/ot set up. Also trying to get the legal stuff done too. Just feeling extremely raw but trying to stay calm for him too. I miss…
Newbie looking for advice
My 64 year old husband was formaly diagnosed with FTD a couple of months ago. It seems to be progressing so so fast. He's ambulatory but needs help with some ADLs. We found a great doc. We're working with an elder care attorney to get our ducks in a row. He's starting adult day care in the coming weeks (I work full-time…
Feeling guilt and questioning my decision
I’m feeling immense guilt about how to take care of my 77 yo mom. She lives alone in an apartment and I live about 30 min away. I am a 39 yo stay at home mom to 3 young children (ages 3, 9, 11). My mom just got diagnosed with Alzheimer’s after 3 years of my sister and I noticing serious memory changes. She is intelligent…