I don’t know what I’m doing
Hello, I am 25 years old. My mom (58) was diagnosed with early onset alzheimer’s recently. She was originally diagnosed with FTD last year, but due to genetic testing that discovered she has 2 copies of the APOE4 gene, her neurologist changed her diagnosis to EOA. Both her parents passed in the last few years from…
Filing for Long Term Care Insurance too early?
Hi, I am posting for the first time regarding my 83 year old Grandma. She has had cognitive and memory issues for years, but in the past month she was properly diagnosed with dementia. I had previously lived with her 3 years ago after she was a scam victim, but after about a half of year, I moved back home. I am now…
Thank Your Past Self
Please take a moment and think about something you did in the past, that makes your present situation better. When I started caring for my parents, as I began each visit, I made a new note on my phone. It was always titled Thank You! Each time I benefited from one of my past actions, I put a hash tag on my note. For…
Memory card financing
hi community, just wanted to get advice on how to finance your DH staying at a memory care facility. Does insurance cover that?
Self-care (for the caregivers)
I'm helping to care for a parent (ALZ) with my sister. Mom even lives in a retirement community (still independent living) so day to day I do have my own life. It is still so hard. I went to visit for lunch today and now feel exhausted and can't refocus on work. I can't even imagine how much more difficult if I had her in…
From NYT: She's Trying to Stay Ahead of Alzheimer's...
Trigger Warning: This article discusses the euthanasia in the context of dementia and capacity to make that decision. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/16/health/assisted-death-alzheimers-netherlands.html?unlocked_article_code=1.xU4.tbXQ.v-oE6OJf1pgh&smid=url-share
Worried about return to workplace
I don't know if I'm the only one here who is a Fed. But now with the return to the workplace my sister and I are scrambling trying to figure out the best way someone can be with mom during the day that is affordable. Everything is so stressful with the info coming from above changing daily - sometimes hourly. I don't know…
Social security disability claim denied
UPDATE 2/20/25: the local office was closed because of a snow storm (no more working from home I guess) so we called the national line and waited on hold for 2 hours (yes that’s right, can’t wait to see if AI decreases wait times in the future) just to find out that the person on the phone didn’t seem to be able to find…
Doctored: Fraud, Arrogance, and Tragedy in the Quest to Cure Alzheimer's
Been hearing a lot about this book recently through podcasts and interviews with the author. Very important to know about this misconduct in the Alzheimer's research field. It's so discouraging to know this is happening. Doctored: Fraud, Arrogance, and Tragedy in the Quest to Cure Alzheimer's…
Medicare and Leqembi
Hi! Anyone out there on Leqembi and have Medicare? My wife is on Leqembi and just turned 65 and signed up for original Part A and B Medicare. We’re wondering how much Medicare pays for Leqembi? And how much is left over for the patient to pay? The first few infusions were given when she was still on my BCBS insurance. So…
New Year
For those of us who placed our loved ones in MC in 2024, the New Year represents the first year we are no longer providing care 24/7. Nonetheless, we experience sadness, worry, and exhaustion as we struggle to reinvent our lives. We cared for our loved ones for so long until we truly couldn't anymore. We don't miss their…
I didn't plan for this:
I am a fairly good planner. I was a project manager, so I know planning for things that can go wrong is wise. I have not planned for the case where I die before my DW. We have wills, POAs, and family members assigned to take over health care and financial matters. However, I have not planned for someone to take over the…
Change of living arrangements
Hi all, first time posting on one of these discussion boards but hoping for some help to support my partner as she navigate’s her grandmother’s dementia. Grandma (in her late 80s) has had several strokes which have accelerated dementia symptoms. Until recently she had been able to live somewhat independently in her own…
Breaking Appliances
My father has developed a tendency to break appliances in our home, adding a new layer of complexity to our responsibilities. Over time, he has managed to break the washing machine, dryer, oven, and now the refrigerator, which is barely functioning due to the damage. We have been left to find alternative solutions for…
Vermin Rat and Mouse Problem
About four years ago California's Governor Newsom banned rat and mouse poison replacing it with birth control in an effort to save the mountain lions and wildlife. Unfortunately this has created an increasing epidemic of vermin. The entire neighborhood as well as others I speak with locally are suffering. This is…
New to the group: Dad diagnosed with MCI, what now?
First time posting here, glad to have found this group! My dad is a widower and lives alone. In the past few months, his memory and cognitive skills have noticeably declined. Primary care doctor referred us to a neurologist and my dad scored 20 on the MOCA. My dad was very agitated by the appointment, said he didn’t trust…
Seeking Advise - I am 25
I am 25 and my mother was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s at 60. I am new here and need help knowing what to do. She’s about in the mild/moderate stage. My father passed away 2 years ago and the only family around is my younger brother who is 22. She has a sister that lives about two hours away. Family and friends…
Lecanemab 3 year data
We listened to a presentation the other day by doctor at Duke University. He mentioned there is 3 year data now on lecanemab. He presented the info in a support group for those who are getting lecanemab or who may be interested in getting it. Open Label Extension Data Shows Lecanemab’s Continued Effect on Alzheimer Disease…
Costs of early to middle stage care
I am looking at purchasing some long term care coverage. One that I like starts benefits when I can't do two of the six activities of daily living (ADLs), like dressing, hygiene and eating. Others start benefits EITHER for that, or for having cognitive impairment. I assume that there are circumstances in which I could have…
For Older Unmarried Couples, Caregiving Obligations Can Be Murky
Gifted link from the NYT. An article about caregiving issues specific to older unmarried couples. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/10/health/elderly-unmarried-couples-caregiving.html?unlocked_article_code=1.ZE4.JvyT.QUUSabGS4hNM&smid=url-share
BIGGEST FEAR, DW MC and what about the whole SEX in MC with others?
Help me navigate the negative thoughts I am feeling. Let me start by stating. I am feeling a tremendous amount of grief. The person in my wife’s very fragile frail body is not the woman I married. I must now consider placement In a memory care home, but I cannot shake this. I have been taking care of her 24/7 now for over…
New person, first post - Trying to be the rock
To say I'm frustrated would be an understatement - my dad was finally diagnosed with dementia/alzheimers along with anxiety, depression, and OCD/fixation. We could sort of see signs of something not being quite right with him a year or so ago and I had to push my mom to get testing done. The first specialist they were…
Trying to Do What is Best
We are about to hit the wall with rehab discharge and getting my mom into AL instead of letting her return to her IL apartment. This is going to be very hard since her perception of her abilities and safety issues does not align with reality and she is itching to get back to her bridge games and friends. She has a left arm…
Special needs trust
We’re meeting with a lawyer to go over our wills. There’s going to be a discussion about “self settled special needs trust” vs “third party trust”. My wife is turning 65 on October 12. She was just diagnosed this year. I’m thinking a third party trust would be fine. Does that make sense?
Painful Delusions
For about 7-8 years my step dad and I were the main caregivers (we luckily eventually had in home care almost 24/7, but we still managed a lot) for my grandma with dementia, my mom completely checked out and couldn’t face it. It’s been about 8 years since my grandma passed and now my mom is showing signs. We are still…
Recommendations for senior communities
Hi, my parents are thinking about moving to a senior community in the Boston, MA surrounding area. They want a community with indep/assisted living/memory care options. They are also interested in not for profit facilities, since costs are so high in the Boston area. Does anyone have any first hand experience with any area…
If you are not convienced, let me share this...
Most caregivers know that you should plan as early as you can. And plan for contingencies. Murphy follows Alzheimer's around like a puppy dog. (Murphy's law that says if anything can go wrong, it will.) My 81-year-old DW was officially diagnosed two years ago. She is now in stage 4 or 5, depending… She needed hip…
Memory Care or Keep trying at home
Is there some magic way to know when the time is right to have your loved one in a Memory Care Facility? A tipping point? I don't want to, for some reason. But I'm exhausted . I feel it would be more for me than him if he went there. Is that the right reason? He is still considered early stage. But the care needed is…
FIRST TIME PARTICIPANT: My AAIC code did not work.
All last week I tried to log into ALZ.org online to view sessions, but the staff wasn’t answering emails during the conference and is now in vacation until the 12th of August. Can anyone explain to me how to use the code I was provided to log in online? I learned today from a YouTube presentation that the videos only…