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I didn't plan for this:

FredW Member Posts: 12
10 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Insightfuls Reactions 5 Likes

I am a fairly good planner. I was a project manager, so I know planning for things that can go wrong is wise. I have not planned for the case where I die before my DW.

We have wills, POAs, and family members assigned to take over health care and financial matters. However, I have not planned for someone to take over the primary caregiver role. As caregivers know, taking on the primary role is a BIG deal. It is life-changing.

When I (we) decided to stay in our home in rural Western PA, I knew the burden was on me to make it work. But, what if I die before my DW? That means her closest family member, her daughter, has to give up her job and either move into our house or find a place for her mom to live out her remaining years, or move Mom into her home, 3 1/2 hours away. That's asking a lot. Most remote family members have no idea what it means to be a primary caregiver.

What got me thinking about this is that I need to have my artificial aortic heart valve replaced again. The first one was supposed to last 15 - 20 years and I recently found out it is failing earlier than it should. If I do nothing, the odds are I'm not going to last two more years. My DF is in stage 4/5 and she may outlive me. If I die on the table, there is no plan.

What do you think? Should I contact her daughter and have a 'come to Jesus' discussion about caregiving?

How many of you have thought this out? Do you engage the backup primary caregiver to help make a plan now or do you just let them handle it if I bite the dust before my loved one?


  • midge333
    midge333 Member Posts: 288
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    I don't know the best answer to your question and I am anxious to hear what others say. I have had ongoing discussions with our adult children regarding "Plan B". In the last two weeks I have visited 3 MC facilities and my DW is now on the waiting list at all 3. Two of my offspring live about 40 min away, the third lives 1000 miles away. If I go down, my kids would stay with her until she can be placed at one of the 3 MC facilities.

  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,700
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    so sorry you are facing such a serious surgery. Yes, you should talk to her daughter right away. And you should consider a respite Mc placement while you recuperate, I would imagine at least six weeks. If she accommodates well you can make further decisions from there

  • Lkrielow99
    Lkrielow99 Member Posts: 57
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    I too have health issues. My plan almost mirrors Midge333. DH is in stage 5, and has anosognosia and does not believe anything is wrong. I went to 2 MC facilities and place his name on the wait list. One is our local VA and he will qualify. That’s my preference. His family and boys are MIA, but I keep them updated. If my condition becomes terminal I will place him myself.

  • ThisLife
    ThisLife Member Posts: 254
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    Your DW will be cared for in your home is your plan. If someone else needs to take over there needs to be another plan in place. Probably unrealistic to think DD is going to give up her job. It's better to have a discussion now with whoever will be taking care of her while you are out of commission or the unthinkable happens. And then implement a plan.

  • SDianeL
    SDianeL Member Posts: 875
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    I didn’t have a plan B and last December I was diagnosed with aggressive cancer. I had no choice but to place my DH in memory care. I placed him for 30 day respite care and they approved for an additional time while I got him approved for VA care. I would speak to the daughter and look into respite care at a memory care facility while you recover and also get on lists for memory care if you pass and the daughter can’t care for her. Perhaps an Elder Cate Attorney for trust?

  • JJ401
    JJ401 Member Posts: 311
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    There is another option besides DW moving in with daughter. Assisted living/ memory care.

    I had a health issue earlier this year and realized DH could outlive me. I’m stable now, but realized I should talk to his daughter again.
    I sat down with her near the end of 2021 and discussed DH’s diagnosis. She lives about an hour away, and we only see her 2 to 3 times a year.

    I talked to her a few weeks ago. I told her that I had assembled (what I call) a death book for DH. It has all the information about assets, pension, doctors, etc. that she should need. I talked again about how DH can’t live alone. I emphasized that I don’t expect him (and he would not want) to live with her. What she would need to do is find him a place in an assisted living/ memory care.
    I asked her to come look a the book so she could ask any questions she might have. Will she come? I have no idea. But, based on how often she has visited or called him since informed of his diagnosis, probably not.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I think if you haven't been getting regular help from the daughter so far, you will probably be severely disappointed at your suggestion her mother move in with her or that she could take over caregiving while you are recovering.

    If you don't have the surgery, you might live 2 years. She will outlive you.

    If you die on the table, she will outlive you.

    I think your only choice is really going to be a facility. You are not in a position to put off or not do the surgery. I would tell her you need to fix up your heart, pick a facility for her, place her, have your surgery and recovery, and when you are COMPLETELY HEALED AND CLEARED BY YOUR DOCTOR, bring her back home. If you see she is comfortable in the facility, I would give some thought to letting that be permanent if you can swing it.

    Leaving arrangements to be made by others is a terrible idea.

  • Quilting brings calm
    Quilting brings calm Member Posts: 2,397
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    Something that you need to accept before you talk to your daughter: She isn’t going to do it the way you do. She’s got a job and other responsibilities. She’s not going to quit her job, move and be your wife’s 24/7 caregiver. Will she make sure her mom is taken care of? Probably - but it’s going to be in an AL/MC.

    I suggest you start looking for those in your area for at least your recovery time. Start looking for onesin your daughter’s area so you can recommend ones that you think your wife would be a good candidate for.

    Discuss finances, wills, etc with your daughter so she has a clue what to do if you die.

  • ronda b
    ronda b Member Posts: 73
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  • lenbury
    lenbury Member Posts: 13
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    I think a plan B is called for. Although right now I am healthy I spoke with my son about a situation where I am not able to care for her. In the short term we would have 24x7 home health care and then eventually get her into a decent memory care facility. Good thoughts sent your way.

  • Jeanne C.
    Jeanne C. Member Posts: 796
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    I have a safe box with copies of all important documents (legal, insurance, IDs, etc.) as well as a flash drive with containing a spreadsheet with all account login information). My POA and my husband's secondary POA know how to access it. I included both POAs in the final review of the legal documents with our CELA. And I had a very serious conversation with his secondary POA about his care. Considering that my husband is already in hospice and I'm only 54, I hope we're being overly cautious here, but anything can happen and I didn't want to take any risks.

  • ????
    ???? Member Posts: 24
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    We all are in the same boat. 60% of spouses-caregivers die before the ALZ patient, that is just a fact. So we all should make plans for what may happen. My wife found out three years ago that she has ALZ. Since that time my wife, daughter and I have discussed this issue and others. I am having some heart problems and will see a Cardiologist in a few weeks. Anyway if something happens to me first my wife could not live here alone. We have discussed some in home care, and at some point Memory Care. We would not want to expect our daughter to give up her job and life to take care of her mother.

  • mrahope
    mrahope Member Posts: 527
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    You've gotten some excellent suggestions here. I want to add another item, just in case you haven't thought about it. My DH and I had set up wills years ago in a fashion typical of many married couples: If i go first, he gets everything, if both are gone, then the kids inherit equally. Since we placed DH in the spring, I've needed to re-work my will such that my funds will be placed in a trust for his care which DS will manage. I surely hope it doesn't come to that, but this will give all of us peace of mind.

  • Bailey's Mom
    Bailey's Mom Member Posts: 39
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    FredW…In much the same boat here. Had a mitral valve replacement 4 yrs ago…it is still working ok, but the constant stress and unhappiness is taking it's toll. If I had known that I would be in this situation then I would not have had the surgery, and won't have a re-operation if one is needed. No children, close family or help at all in this, plus DH has anosognosia so won't hear of a will or any legal documents. I will need to consult with a CELA soon, even though the cost is exorbitant. There is a very good chance that I will die before my husband, but if I am still living, I do not want to end up penniless when he needs expensive care. Would be very interested in what you decide to do. Good luck!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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