Recos for Certified Elder Care Attorney (CELA) in New York State?
We'd like to find a good CELA in New York State. Some questions: Do you know one you can recommend, or a good resource for finding one? What should we do to prep for our appointment once we find someone? Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.
time for a hospital bed?
My dear husband is incontinent, and it is no longer reasonable to share a king size bed. He is I would say later stage 6, fully ambulatory, but has aphasia and really can do no activities of daily living by himself. Since I'm getting him a twin bed anyway, is it time to go ahead and get a hospital bed for him? I do not…
Trying to help from out of state and feel like I'm drowning.
First of all, I'm very relieved to have found this resource. I have so many questions and worries, and many sleepless nights over the last couple weeks. I have a stepmother who was diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer's awhile back, so I think it's likely progressed since then (probably stage 4 now if I had to guess). I…
Caregivers need to know this.
I was deep in it a few months ago. I know what you're going through. I know how hard it is to balance anything in this losing battle. And unfortunately, it is a losing battle. There are no laughs immediately ahead. But as hard as it is to figure out, you need to have a plan when it all comes crashing down. I didn't and it…
Is my situation crazy? Need advice
Hi everyone, I am very new to this group. Just joined 5 mins ago lol. I am 23 years old and I live with my father, 56, who was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. He was diagnosed through a PET scan after going through a year and a half of scans, tests, workups. This diagnosis was given to us April of this year, 2023.…
Questions for Assisted Living
Our father was recently diagnosed with LBD. Right now, he is living independently with home healthcare and family support. The family would like to start looking for possible assisted living facilities. What are some important questions we should be asking when touring these places? We've found checklists online, but I…
My stepmom and I are just beginning to deal with my dad's dementia care.
I am new here, and I need some help. We have known about my dad's dementia for about 7 years. It has been a slow decline in memory with a huge uptick in anxiety. The primary doctor ruled out Alzeimer's, but we aren't sure if that was done correctly. He has all the signs of being in the middle-stage. Now, his decline seems…
Figuring out double rent
Hi there! Has anyone experienced this and how did you handle it? My In-laws currently rent. My Mother in Law is considering downsizing to an independent living apartment at a community that also has assisted and memory care available. My Father in Law has dementia and we suspect in less than a year he'll need memory care.…
New Caregiver, Overwhelmed
My 80 year old dad got diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a few weeks ago. He’s had problems with names and words and math for several months but until recently, it had not progressed much past that. Now he has problems with understanding his finances and figuring out time spans. He is a retired civil engineer, so this is a pretty…
Caring for Two
My 92-year-old father has Alzheimer’s. My 89-year-old, visually-impaired mother has been his primary caregiver until this month. My sister and I live together a mile from their home and have seen them daily for the last couple of years. Last month while my sister was out of state, I came to their home after school and…
Another Shoe Dropped - May need to start working in the office
Hello Again. Thanks to everyone who offered support and assistance on my recent transportation conundrum. Today, another shoe dropped as we were informed that, starting in September, anyone living within 50 miles of one of our corporate offices must start working in the office 3 days/week. This is after being told many…
Mom with Mid-stage AD, dad running on empty - Is this our future?
I have been on this site for a few years. I started visiting as I realized mom has AD, and dad will not admit it. They refuse to get tested. I needed to know what to do with this new dynamic, and how to care give to parents who will not acknowledge any decline. Dad handles every aspect of their lives. Mom is 85 and dad is…