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Just need to talk to my friends (173)



  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Ron - so glad your trip and visit went well! I can just imagine Lou as a chatterbox. That is such a nice surprise when they get into a special good mood and can engage like that. My DH also can get up at night sometimes still without me realizing it. Worries me a lot when he does that although it is unusual. He is not in a wheelchair and no longer a fall risk like several months ago, so it is more a worry of what he will get into if I'm sleeping too soundly to hear. I hide his shoes so he doesn't leave and that has been working for a good while. Usually he only wakes up to use the restroom, but needs my help so you know how that is. Glad that you have family support and can also take care of yourself with the needed appointments, etc.

    Sayra - It sounds like your volunteer work is going really, really well. Such a gift to share your skills once you are retired and able to choose what to do with your time. I also hope your growing will go well. I am fine with a few containers again this year. Though I will miss the updates on your melons this year like last. Is it too late in the season to start, is that why you said no melons this year? I learn so much from you front porch friends! Cooking tips and recipes, gardening inspiration, and just interesting ideas. I'm so grateful for this circle

    Lorita - what a blessing your intuition said "go and check". That little one was in a mudbath that wouldn't have ended too well. She sounds teeny. Do cows have preemies? I can't imagine the energy Mike must have to do a double-triple load with his vet and animal husbandry responsibilities. Whew! And your "get up and go" inspires me so much as I have shared before. I laughed when you said you strained your glutes by sitting and needed to move more. Even though we definitely get more aches and pains with every year, the funny thing is, it's true that NOT moving can actually be even more painful. I never knew that until I learned it the hard way. 

    Had pneumonia one year and was laying on the couch (divan, sofa, lol) for at least 3-4 days straight. So sick I just couldn't move, dehydrated and head pounded if I even tried to sit up. So I did not. Well, long story short -- by the end of the week of laying on my side, I got something called "frozen shoulder". Never heard of it before, but it is really a thing. It hurt like the dickens when I tried to move that arm, for several months after. So painful that a sudden move by accident almost caused me to pass out it hurt so badly. So, I'm with you..."up and at 'em" for as long as I can. They say "motion is lotion".  I'm going to try to keep being like Lorita as long as I can! Not running cattle, lol, but if I can at least keep up with DH, the house and yard work, I'm going to do it myself and consider it a real blessing that I can.

    I hope everyone has a beautiful week ahead, and stays cool if its hot where you are. Cheers! (That's a tall glass of lemonade to go with plain pound cake if you don't like hot coffee in this weather).

  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments
    Had a nice message all typed and got lost when I posted 
    I am fine. Will try to post later
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Glad you are doing ok Judy.  

    Well we had a storm.  Worse one we’ve had in a long time.  Many trees down, many people without electric, houses and cars damaged.  I did not have damage other than many limbs down.  Very hot and humid.  Heat index tomorrow low 100s.  That is not very common here.  I worked two hours picking up limbs.  My clothes were soaked with sweat.  Didn’t get completely done.  Will try to finish early in the morning.

    My plants survived fairly well.  A few things look beat up.  That’s right Butterfly, our growing season is too short to try and start melons again.  All four of my tomatoes have blooms, think one pepper does.  Lorita I have an eggplant this year.  You have mentioned it several times. Have no idea if I will like it, if it produces.  Have learned not to count my chickens til they hatch.    It is growing and looking nice.  We shall see.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Also glad you're okay, Judy.  Will look forward to your post.

    Sara, I saw on the weather that a big storm went through Ohio.  Glad you didn't have too much damage.  Take it easy out in that heat - it gets you before you know it.

    Eggplants are delicious.  We just to stuff them and also good fried but like okra they really can soak up the grease.

    Called Mike and Saud the little baby was doing okay.  Gave her mire colostrum this morning and will give milk replacer tonight.  She's very weak and hasn't gotten up yet unless she did during the day.  Fingers crossed!

    Toad came and did some doser work at the gate at the road and closed ut. Guess they're going to let the little girls into the meado. w.  It's a very heavy pipe gate on a gate wheel.  when I went down just now couldn't open it. Always been hard to open and close.  May have to fence in the meadow and leave it open. Deliveries can't be made if the gate is closed and I need to be able to get out.  Will talk with Mike.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita.   I am so sorry to hear about the baby calf I sure hope she makes it. How is she doing now. I hope your hip is feeling better. I have hip problems every once in a while, but I am lucky XS Tylenol takes care of it. My hip usually hurts after I decide its time to move my furniture around. I don't envy the heat you're getting. I'm hoping we don't get hotter than normal. I don't have AC I use big fans and they do a good job. 

    Ron.   It sounds like Lou enjoyed herself and I bet you enjoyed her being a chatterbox. I am sure Lou was confused with lights on that normally are off. She might have thought you were up. It was nice that you both got out and enjoyed the homecoming.

    Sara.   You are a blessing to your Mom, I am sure at time it stresses you . I wish I could have been better to my Mom. Your a wonderful daughter. I am also hoping I can find a good watermelon. I have not been too lucky with strawberries. Iam going to a farmers market tomorrow, maybe I will get a good watermelon there. 

    The weather here has been strange. Had a lot of wind a few days ago and rain off and on for the last two days. Tomorrow its suppose to be warm. I plan on doing my grocery shopping tomorrow Iam  also going to a farmers market. I have been told they have a lot of good vegs and fruit. Watermelon is the first thing I will be looking for. 

    I have been real busy. My summer pet sitting job is really keeping me busy this year. They have sold their house here and bought one in Idaho close to their  daughters and one in Texas close to their son. So there has been a lot of packing and sorting out what goes to what house. I have been watching this little dog for 10 years and he gets very stressed. So I am there during the day while the packing is going on and the movers are loading things up. Iam going to miss this little guy when they are gone. 

    Hugs to all, Zetta

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Lorita, I hope the new baby will be ok.  I know how hard it is for you to lose one.  Your heat sounds unbearable, I guess we’ll be getting similar weather here this week.

    The lung biopsy wasn’t too bad but now I have to think about what I should do next.  I read the pathology report and it indicated cancer, however the pulmonologist feels it’s inconclusive.  He wants me to have a pet scan and another biopsy.  I don’t know if I want to go through all that and whatever follows.  I’ll be 80 in a few months so maybe it’s not really worth the ordeal.  The hospital is over a hour away and everything will take hours.  My son takes me but that takes time away from his job, not that he ever complains, no one wants to feel like a burden but I do. Don’t know what to do.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    75F, 24C.  Going to be hot and muggy.  Going to try and get going at crack of dawn.  Will take J her groceries this afternoon if good Lords will.  Maybe I’ll stop by thrift store on my way home.  We’ll see.

    Sandy I’m sorry, know it is a hard decision to make.  

    Zetta there won’t be any watermelons at our farmer markets for quite awhile.  Last week got carrots, strawberries, and a vase of flowers.  There was beautiful lettuce, but I have lettuce.  Guessing there won’t be strawberries this week.  The amount of rain we got, humidity and heat will probably do them under.  If they have ever bearing berries might find some more later on.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Zetta, I talked with Mike about 8:30 last night and he said  the baby hasn't gotten up yet but they haven't tried it yet.  Letting her gain strength.  Today he's going to see if he can get her to nurse.  She is so precious, so little.  I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed.

    I know you will miss the little dog after they move.  Probably sort of like he's yours.  Hope you don't have weather like ours.  Hot weather scares me.  When I was a teenager I was helping daddy shock feed and almost got too hot-  couldn't be still.

    Sara, is Jean home that she needs groceries?  Hope you and Zetta find good things at the farmer's market.

    It's 81 this morning with some wind. Weatherman says it hasn't been below 80 for several days.  I don't like it when these big highs settle over us.

    Hip is still bothering me but didn't take but one acet. Yesterday and slept well.  Just need to remember to take glucosamine every day.

    Sandy, what a hard decision to make.  A lot to consider.  I'll talk with you after I'm sure you're up.

    I thought an ant had gotten in my ear last night.  Really bothered me. Thought I could feel something moving around. Seems okay this morning.  I need to start taking an allergy pill each morning.

    Stormy has come to associate the driveway alarm with something coming through the gate so he barks when it goes off. When the little girls get close it triggers it.

    Hope all of you are well this morning.  Stay dry or cool if you can.  Bryon called last night -may now thus afternoon or Monday. Told him not to worry if he can't today. Steve is coming tomorrow to fix barn lights and durectv  guy is coming on my birthday to update my tvs.  Too much going on!

    Back later

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    J is still at NH.  I get her avocados and apples. Make her popcorn.  She eats meals there.  Once in awhile she will ask for a different fruit or sweet potato chips.

    Got out in yard a around 6am.  Picked up rest of tree litter, cut some stuff to dehydrate, deadheaded, weeded.  LMG showed up, so my yard is caught up.  Now will have to maintain.  Came in at 11.  Stay out of sun rest of day except to put little fences up this eve.   Looks like some peppers are starting to set buds.

    Get a free meal at job if I want, up to 6.50.  Had not tried it.  Yesterday had pork, kraut, mashed potatoes.  Got it to go.  The potatoes had more than butter and salt in them so didn’t eat them, was afraid belly might not tolerate them.  Pork and kraut was good.  Made me some mashed potatoes.  Have enough pork left over to make two bbq sandwiches.  Pretty good deal.  Will definitely start checking out what is available.

    Hope to go to thrift store this afternoon.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, good that you can have a meal at work.  Have fun at the thrift store.  Charles and I used to like to go to them.

    How much are avocados in Ohio?  Last one I bought wss $2.99 and not too big.

    Got in touch with the fence builder.  He's in the hay fields so don't know when he can build the fence.  Got to bale hay while the sun shines and it's really shining now.

    Guess they can put a lighter, temporary gate up.  Only have a few things ordered now but will need dog food by the end of next week.  We'll work it out some way.  Things never seem to go smoothly, does it?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Small avocado is $1.29, bigger ones $2.50.  I buy a bag of minis.  To me they are as big as the small ones.  It has six for 4.99.

    National weather service confirmed that there was a tornado in SE part of our county.   It was a weaker one.  There are still people without power including J and one of my nephews.  I was unable to get to where she lives.  The road is completely blocked off.  There is an UPS truck entangled in a bunch of wires.  Don’t know if they fell on him while he was driving or what.  That is close to where J resides.  Went on to car wash and it was closed.  So I wasted a half hour of gas.  J was unable to call me so guess I will try again tomorrow when I get off of work.  Sometimes things don’t go smoothly Lorita, you’re right.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, you had a big storm, didn't you? Bad weather everywhere- tornados, awful heat and the floods in Yellowstone.  If something isn't done to stop global warming it will continue to get worse.  Won't be a good place to live in 50 years.

    I need to go out to check the barn and dread it.  I was out there earlier to get a clip from the back rubber that is no longer up. The little girls have spent a good part of the afternoon at the gate with the alarm so it's been going off.Kept Stormy upset.

    I think if we don't close the heavy gate with the slide closing and just use a chain it might be okay until we can get the fence up.  It wasn't so awfully hard to open and close when I was younger- not so now. Getting older and weaker is no fun.  I think I did  the right thing in selling the girls and leasing but it was hard.  At my age, any change is not welcomed, at least for me.

    Sara, hope you have a good workday tomorrow.  Are there many covid cases in your hospital.  Heard that Dr. Saudi tested positive with mild symptoms so it's still around, probably always will be.

    On that happy? note, I'll stop and go check the barn.

    Sandy, it was good to talk with you today.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Sandy.    I am sorry you have decisions like this to make. I don't think 80 is that old I am pushing 77. If I had a decision to make, I guess it would depend on how I feel. Please don't think you are a burden on your son and please don't let that be what your decision is based on. Your son loves you and I am sure he wants the best for you. 

    Sara.   You were so right there was no watermelons at the farmer's market. They had everything else. I wanted a watermelon, so I went to the store and got me one. I also got some avocados, and they are still pretty hard. How do you ripen them up? With as many as you get, they are probably not all ripe. I also like to go thrift shopping. We have a real big Goodwill store I love going in there and just look around. 

    Lorita.  I sure hope the baby is getting stronger and soon will be able to get up by herself. What is the normal weight of a newborn calf?  My fingers and toes are also crossed. I think you just need to keep the heating pad on your hip and baby it for a few days. Sit down put your feet up and relax. 

    I need to go Molly is wanting out to potty.

    Hugs to all. Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Zetta, you asked about softening/ripening avocados. Do it by leaving them on the counter. When they get soft, eat them or put them in the refrigerator to eat later.

    Sandy, so sorry about your situation. I'm glad you moved so you have the support of your son an his family.

    Lorita, I must have missed it. Why are you fence building? I recall awhile back you had to have fence repaired because Sally kept getting out.

    Cooler today, back to the 90s tomorrow.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Seems like we are all quiet on the front porch today.

    I have been struggling with all the ads about Father's Day.  They remind me that my Dad is no longer here for me to let him know just how great a father he was.

    My one granddaughter has 3 young boys, and both my dad and I favored the middle one...he is just too sweet.  Several years ago, my dad lost a dear friend and it threw him for a loop.  I bought him a Care Bear Lion...half for fun and half to remind him that he was really strong.  Since my dad died my mother has been returning some of the things gifted to him.  I in turn gave it to my daughter to keep at her house for when the young ones visit.  As it turned out, the middle one, latched on to it and it became his.  It is bitter sweet since my dad was so fond of him.  Like it was meant to be.

    Life goes on...

    Wishing all of you a great day, better health and sunshine in your heart.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Zetta, the baby is still alive but hasn't gotten up.  Mike says he doesn't know if baby June will make it or not.  He's not one to give up so he'll do everything possible.  A newborn calf weighs between 60 and 80 lbs. But can be quite a lot heavier depending if his mother is a cow or heifer and also the time of year.

    It's so hot here and not much wind today.  I went out to get a chain at the lot and checked the barn.  There's not too many in there. They're probably up in the MH yard under trees.  If there's any breeze at all, it will be there since the elevation is a little higher than here.  All the little heifers were around the gate north of the house for a long time this morning but they've left to find shade.

    Beth is right about the avocados.  Don't let them get too soft before refrigeration. They just need to give a little when you press on them.  When you cut them and don't eat all of it, leave the seed in -helps to keep them from turning brown and keep them airtight after cutting.

    It's not time yet for local watermelons - here that's late July and August.  Best to buy from the person who raises them because they pick them when they're ripe. I haven't eaten any more of the one I bought.  The best way to eat watermelon is to go out in the field, find a good one, break it open and eat the heart.  Beth, my daddy and I did that often.

    Beth, if you live on a farm or run cattle, the fence work is ongoing never stops. We've had at least three miles of new barbed wire fencing built in the past few years.  Still over one and a half to go.  If there's one weak place the girls will find it.  It never ends.

    Steve is supposed to come today to fix the barn lughts.  I thought it was just the security light on the barn but checked  last night and all the barn lights are out.  If I don't look out in that direction at night I don't see the lights so they may have been out three days.

    Marie, I know how you miss your dad.  I lost mine 27 years ago and my mother 13 months later and I still muss both of them every day.  Daddy spent a lot of time at the barn with the cattle so I feel very close to him when I'm out there.  I don't think we ever get over it.I was daddy's Father's Day gift 80 years ago.  It happened to be on the 21st that year so we always celebrated together.

    Such a sweet story about the Care Bear Lion and that your grandson loves it so much.

    I heard on the news this morning that thousands of head of  cattle have died in Kansas from the heat and humidity .  How awful is that?! It didn't say but I bet they were in feed lots, too close together.  I hate those places.  Heat and humidity is hard on them, especially all the black ones because they absorb the heat.  I saw several standing in the ponds this morning.  All you could see of one was the top of her back and her head.  They spend a lot of time in the ponds when it's hot.

    This tablet changes letters and words even after proofreading, so please forgive the mistakes.

    Sandy, my thoughts are with you today.  Hope you slept last nught.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I had a leaking washer.  No biggie, it was old.

    But I’ve been waiting for my new washer to get here.  Yesterday, then noon today, no word.  Another hour or two before I give up for today and hope for Friday.  Grrrr.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Day, I hope they delivered your washer.  Don't you hate waiting for something?  Seems like that happens here a lot.  What brand did you buy?  I hope you like it. Ours is a Maytag and I fuss at it every time I use it. Really liked  my old Maytag.  This one takes so long to go through a cycle and I can't control the water level.

    Checked my caladium pots and had to water.  Several are coming up in one pot.

    Cute thing today.  I put a box on the floor and left it.  It's about 12x12.  Lilly discovered it and worked until she got in.  She's a big cat and the sides of the box were bulging.  She didn't care.  She slept in it all afternoon.  Cats love boxes.Been a hot day without much wind. 

    Hope all of you had a good day.  Sleep well tonight. 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I'm getting a Whirlpool, frankly it's a basic, cheap washing machine.  It never came.  Maybe tomorrow.  If they would at least call and say "I'm not going to make it" that would be nice, but no you sit and look out the window every 2 seconds because I have to put Keys in the bedroom so he doesn't jump all over the place (in a friendly way).

    I have the Celtics-Warriors on but I'm not really into it.  I'd go back to QVC but they have the "Full House/Fuller House" lady's clothing line on - not really interested.  Maybe it's the heat - It's been near 100 past 2 days but supposed to cool off tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Day, Steve, the electrician, didn't make it either.  Neither did Mike to check what can be done with the gate.  So, I will also say maybe tomorrow, too.

    Heat index here today was 107.  Too hot for anything or anyone. Not going to cool off here for who knows how long.  Summer in Oklahoma.

    We'll hope for tomorrow!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    75F, 24C.  Suppose to be windy and in low 80s today.

    Hope all the things you guys need to get done happens today.

    Lorita I really don’t know if Covid cases in hospital or not.  Can only say that our county is at low risk.  Very few hospitalizations each week, like 2 or 3.  A lot of weeks  no deaths.  If there are just 1 or 2.  Right after Memorial Day and graduations saw a blip up in sewer.  Back down and stable now.  I have my mask on a lanyard and have it around my neck when I go out.  If I’m in a big store, very few people there (I go very early) don’t wear the mask.  If checkout has other people put it on as someone may get in my space lol.  If the store is smaller or several people in aisles I wear it.  Went to farmers market yesterday.  Only one there wearing a mask.  I wore it there because it the crowding at the booths.  Just kind of assess each situation individually.  Keep track of what is going on in my county.  If I would see an uptick would wear it everywhere but right now risk is quite minimal in our county.

    Marie we will forever miss our dads.

    Got to get to work, lots to do.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Sandy, I hope all is well with you today. I know its frustrating to go through all you have and still no answers. When I had different xrays and then a pet/ct scan, concerns were high enough to put me on a "to watch list" and to schedule me  for a lung biopsy if no improvement. The next scan they did the suspicious area had cleared up so I was taken off the list and no biopsy was needed. Praying yours is not serious!

    Had VA primary care visit yesterday and now it's a wait and see for test results. A prescription was written for my arthritis and severe hip pain, lab taken, xrays of left leg fir leg pain and bruise that was still there from fall I took with Lou and her wheelchair one and a half years ago. Also, a consult was put in for upper and lower GI, never had both done at the same time (hope that if they dont use two different cameras,  they at least go down the throat first LOL).

    Sister is coming back week after next and we are driving to ruston to get peaches from one of their peach farms. Also, we have a blueberry hill close that you can pick your on blueberries. Everytime I pass it when Lou and I are out for a ride I start singing I FOUND MY THRILL ON BLUEBERRY HILL. Where did you find your thrill; did you find it on blueberry hill are did you get your education out behind the barn (loved to hear little jimmy Dickens sing)

    Oh well, enough Tom foolishness! Hope all is well today.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, I just checked and our county and the one that borders our farm have only had three cases, no deaths, in the last week.  So, that's good news. If cases don't go up this fall or winter we'll be good.

    Don't work too hard  today. Sounds like you're having goid weather after the storm.  Hot as blazes here and very little wind after so much this spring.

    Went to the mailbox this morning. Hasn't been for four days. The mailbox was full and it's a big one. Looks like since the gate has been closed FedEx has been leaving the small things in the mailbox.  I took chains to leave for them to fix the gate but it was already fixed.  Temporarily until the fence is in. I had a salt block in the carport so called Mike to tell him I was going to put it out for the girls. They haven't put out mineral tubs yet.  He told me Toad hadi worked on the gate.  Thinks he put on a guy wire so it would swing and raised the gatewheel. Works pretty well.

    Good news - horhe said  the baby sucked a bottle a little bit yesterday and is trying to get up.  He has her inside where the dogs are.  So she's holding her own.  He said she was a little early and had a hard start laying in the muck.  He volunteered the information so he sounds hopeful.  There's a couple of girls who work in the back and I bet they work with her when they can.

    Ron, Blueberry Hill was my mother's favorite song.  I used to play it for her on the piano.  Fats Domino was so good.

    There used to be a blueberry farm East of us and we picked berries there once.  Quite an operation but they're gone now.

    I hope all your tests come back with good results. The hard part is waiting.

    Love peaches and peach cobblers. The first year Charles and I were married we went to an orchard to pick peaches. At that time there were a couple near us.  I heard a noise and turned around and saw Charles on the ground. He had climbed the tree and fell out - guess he saw some good ones high up.  So, don't climb the trees!

    Tablet is almost not of power so will stop and charge it.  Enjoy the day!!

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lol looks like my plans for washing clothes won’t be happening, doggone it.  I was SO looking forward to it!

    It’s glorious weather, breezy and low 80s.  Keys and I went for a nice walk.  

    Maybe tomorrow (doubtful).

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    60F, 16C.  Going to be cool today they say.  Sounds like it is windy out too.

    Got a lot done yesterday.  Still have plenty to do today.

    Discovered two little tomatoes yesterday.  Got some more greens frozen, harvested more herbs. Some of my flowers are starting to bloom.

    Take care everyone

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Has been the morning.

    They turned off power to houses in moms area.  A fairly large area.  Was suppose to be back on at 11pm.  Now they are saying 11pm tonight.  One of my sisters in this area also.  Bought her breakfast and got her water as there is a well there.  Will take her lunch and some water from my house .  Bought just a little til I could get back.  Others may not have a source for water.  Her generator did not kick on at all.  Hope the guy can get there to fix it Monday as planned.

    Guess I won’t get much else done today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Lol as soon as I posted this mom’s neighbor texted me power was on. Mom called me just a little after that.  Maybe I can get a little done.
  • extex
    extex Member Posts: 62
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments

    I haven’t been on here very much lately, just too worn out to provide any input worth mentioning I guess.  Also, finding time is a problem.

    I began this journey pretty strong and brave, I thought, 12 years ago.  I was sure I could overcome whatever alz threw at me.  Now I am completely beat down and defeated I feel.  Consequently, I have visited several memory care facilities in our area in the last few weeks.  The ones I visited all seemed to be pretty nice places.  I made my final selection last week and did the paperwork for Bonnie’s admission on Friday.  She will be admitted this Tuesday.

    I never thought moving someone into a care facility could be so much work.  There is a ton of stuff to do so I better get at it.  I’m burning daylight.  My daughter will be here this afternoon and is staying for a week to help.  Rachel (caregiver) will also be here on Monday and Tuesday to help with moving. I’m praying this goes well for both of us.

    Just wanted to let y’all know.

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes

    Happy Saturday,

    I used to live for the weekends - even after my retirement 15 years ago, I never quite transitioned out of the notion that Monday-Friday were work days and recreation had to wait for the weekends. Of course, my "job description" changed fairly dramatically over the years. I look back at my life before retirement and wonder where I found the time and energy to run my barbershop for 35 years, raise two sons, go on to care for grandchildren, be the chief cook and bottle washer, volunteer in the community, tend a garden and can the harvest, and still found time to make hundreds of quilts and sweaters over the years. I honestly thought life would become more relaxed in retirement and it did - for a few years. Unfortunately, dementia stepped up to fill the hours and days with unrelenting obligations that leave no time for recreation of any kind. I miss those weekends spent at a ballgame, a day at the beach, or a whole weekends spent camping, fishing and hiking with family and friends. I miss attending Sunday worship and the fun fellowship with my church family. They say the Good Lord doesn't give us more than we can handle. Sometimes I have my doubts.

    We finally got a respite from the unrelenting rain this past week. I found some help and some time to tackle the weeds in the landscape, prune shrubs and trees, and get the lawn mowed and edged. Even found the energy to clean out a couple of the vegetable beds in my raised garden so I could plant a few tomatoes, peppers, and summer squash. I'll be adding some salad veg starts this week if the weather cooperates. In April I had decided against putting in a garden this year because the arthritis has stolen so much of my strength and mobility. The idea that I wouldn't have the joy of taking a salt shaker to the garden to eat tomatoes right off the vine this summer was too much to bear. Instead, I'll be restrained and plant only a small space - the rest will lay fallow. My mouth waters just thinking about the tomatoes.

    Extex - Sending you hugs and moral support as you navigate the challenge of finding placement for your LO. Twelve years as a caregiver takes an incredible toll and I understand how very difficult it is to finally let go of that commitment for the sake of your own well-being - as well as your LO. I hope all goes well and smoothly for both of you. My DH is solidly in Stage 6 and I am working on future plans for his placement in a VA facility. Long waiting lists will push the move out 6 months to a year down the road, barring any catastrophic decline in his condition. I, too, thought I could endure whatever this dementia would throw at me. It is hard to admit defeat, but I take solace from the number of caregivers who say that placement was ultimately the best decision.

    The weather is back to gloomy skies and wind today. I had hoped to potter in the yard today while DH napped. It's looking more likely that I'll be spending the day indoors. Feeling the need for some sort of comfort food. I guess I'll go on a hunt through the pantry and freezer for ideas. 

    Have a blessed weekend everybody.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Sara, glad the power came back on.  I know how hard it can be when it goes off.  Ours has been off for two weeks at a time always in the winter.  Hard when everything is electric.  Gosh, wish it was 60 here. Supposed to be near 100 today with 107 heat index and very little wind.

    Extex, sorry it has come to this point. You've been a good and faithful caregiver for Bonnie so you have nothing to regret.  She'll get good care and you can rest and visit.  But, I know it's hard for you.  We all know how hard it can be.

    Steve came this morning to check out the barn lights.  Not good news.  He checked the electrical box and I think he called it a direct short.  The wiring from the box to the barn is underground - he pulled some of it out and it was fried.  Guess we had a lightning strike or surge during one of the heavy thunderstorm s last week.  All f it will have to be replaced, overhead this time.  He's going to check prices and go from there - if he can the materials.  We don't use the inside lights much but really miss the security light, especially when we have to do something out there at night.  Always something.  And, we have lightning rods on the barn.

    Day, hope your washer arrives today.

    Another new baby yesterday.  Not sure when but saw a cow come out of the pond and lay down. Drove over and there was the baby.  Looked later and they were gone - went back over and I think I saw the baby moving to another pasture with the girls. Always afraid the cow will stake out a baby in the hot sun.  Didn't see them this  morning.

    Back later.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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