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Just need to talk to my friends (173)



  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Happy birthday Ms Lorita! I so enjoy reading about all your baby calves. Your Texas neighbor. 

    Didn’t mean to intrude but just had to wish you a blessed birthday. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Thank you, Joydean.  You didn't intrude.  We're always glad for someone to post.  Glad you enjoy reading about the babies.  Since you're in Texas I imagine you all are as hot as we are in Oklahoma. Your flowers are beautiful.

    Well, the longest day of the year, 14 hrs. 37 min. is almost over. Downhill from here at least for the hours of daylight.  Wish I could say the same for heat but it will only get hotter.

    The Westminster Dog Show is on showing herding dogs.  Maybe I'll see a Pyrenees..  I see two sleeping on their beds right now. Sheena's in front of the fan cooling off.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.  See you tomorrow.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Hope you had a great Birthday Lorita. 


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes

    Do you hear that sound?  The sound of water?  It arrived!  It’s lovely!  

    I hope you’re dreaming nice birthday dreams, Lorita.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning, 

    79F, 26C.  

    Ron enjoyed that Peanut Butter cake.  Thank you.

    SQBEAR, Joydean nice seeing you on the porch.

    ExTex hope things went smoothly yesterday.

    Good for your son Zetta.  I imagine Google may have been how my BIL learned to replace the window screen too.  Know it made your day, and was probably a good feeling for your son too.

    Enjoy that new washer Day.

    Take care everyone 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Good morning.  Going to be a scorcher today.  I'm watching a documentary about astronaut Gene Cernan called "The Last Man on the Moon."  So interesting and what a life he had.  He raised cattle after he retired in the mid-1970s, I believe longhorns.

    I've moved all the furniture back to its normal place after they took out the old and brought in the new machines, and I'll pick up a little later.  

    If it's hot where you are, or really anytime - make sure you're drinking enough water!
  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
    500 Likes Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Insightfuls Reactions

    I hope you enjoyed your birthday, Lorita- I wanted to say hi before the clock strikes 9:30 a.m. and it is a full 24 hours since you officially made your appearance on the planet a few years back What a difference you have made, even in just the last few years on this forum. You have to me, and so I say “thank you!” and may this year bring some wonderful blessings and new adventures. 

    Yesterday was a blur with new hospice agency delivering a recliner, bedside table, commode, rollator, nebulizer & masks, oxygen & extra tanks, floor pads, and giving a tutorial — then the old agency came and got their equipment so we had double for a couple of hours. Stuff everywhere. Then a call with their 24 hrs team due to a toothache for DH (I think that’s what he meant about chin hurting), found a delivery box of incontinence supplies on the porch and I was just running in circles. Lol. The new company seems great and if they can find vaccinated volunteers for me I may have a bit of home help soon. Will see! 

    When I looked up it was 1 a.m. and still sticky hot. I finally dozed off and missed the cake but am having it with my coffee this morning: thanks for saving me some!

    Have a good day everyone! 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Butterfly, I read your post just before 9:30. Thank you for the kind words.  I hope I've helped someone just a little bit.  I know being on this thread and forum has helped me through seven years of caregiving for Charles and through losing him and being alone for seven years.  Every morning I look forward to seeing everyone's posts to see what's going on in their lives.

    I remember them bringing the big oxygen machine and learning how to use it and all the tanks, late night medicine delivery and all the rest. So I know how yesterday was for you.  Maybe you can get some rest today.

    Shirley, thank you for the birthday wishes. Always  good to hear from you.  Hope you are well and that Bill is doing all right.

    Day, I heard that new washer going last night.  So glad they finally delivered it.  Doesn't it feel good to get all the laundry done? I have some I need to get done, too.

    The Directv person comes tomorrow to put in new boxes and do the upgrades I've put off for two years.  I'll meet him on the front porch with a mask. I probably will have a hard time learning about it -don't like changes very much.  

    Darwin called yesterday for a visit.  So good to hear from him.  He has a new pickup and says he's having to learn about all the new gadgets.  I probably wouldn't know how to drive a new vehicle.

    Drove out to see the girls  this morning.  Stormy was determined he was going to go so as soon  as I opened the gate he got out of the yard before I put on his leash.  I think he enjoyed the drive.  some of the girls were standing in the pond and some were grazing.  The little babies are so cute and so curious about the Gator.  Enjoyed being out with them.

    I topped off the water tank in the lot but didn't need to water.  Thought about planting the rest of the bulbs in the bathtub but  it was just too hot.  I'll do that when it's cooler.

    Mike called on his way home from working cattle this morning. Said he had to shower and  changs clothes before going to work.  New update on the baby; He's still doing all right. Takes about a pint and half of milk twice daily.  He said he doubts he weighs more than 25-30 lbs. Sidney takes him outside and he plays with her butting her leg and just enjoying being outside.

    He confirmed what I thought - the cattle that died in Kansas were in feedlots.  Two ranchers in this area about 30 miles apart have lost a couple each of weaned calves. They had made shade for them but they found them in the sun in the corner of  the pasture.

     He lost a big cow, too.  Toad found her by the feed trough behind the clinic.  Tough times for ranchers.

    OU plays Texas A&M today to see who will go to the College World Series.  May watch that.

    Day, I did dream of Charles last night so my birthday ended well.

    Enjoy your day.  Be back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    91F, feels like 100.  Strong breeze, so porch is warm, but comfortable.

    Started working outside early.  Came in about 11am.  Tried to water well, especially containers. Fertilized some things.  Kind of doing it a section at a time. Cleaned in the garage just a little bit this afternoon.  Pretty hot out there so only worked about a hour.

    Lorita the eggplant is a pretty plant so far.  Think it may be getting ready to bloom.  

    Take care everyone

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Hello Dear Flutterby; what a lot of goings on with the equipment going out and in like a whirlwind; but it does sound as though your new Hospice is very much on the ball and thorough; that is a very good sign of their services to come.  May they be really wonderful.

    Lorita, also glad to hear the babies are doing okay; Sidney is not going to want to let her little one go.

    We got our thunderstorms last night and this a.m.   BIG thunderboomers and a lot of dry lightning with only a little bit of rain spit at our windows.   Most folks know when thunder starts to get inside; but sadly a woman went walking in the thunder with her two little dogs in a dry river bed (they are concrete out here) and they were struck by lightening and lost their lives.   I remember being little when we were not supposed to use the telephone or take a shower when big time storms hit in the U.P. of Michigan; do not know is that is still being done or not.

    Had a nasty fraud hit on our credit card.  We never carry a credit card balance; always at zero, and we watch the cards closely - DH checks the two cards  out frequently. On one card, he found someone used it to make a purchase at a wig shop and then a second hair purchase from the same place, and was trying to buy $200 worth of nail salon services.   Bit over $400.  Glad it was caught. Of course, had to cancel the card and get a new one with a new number issued which is yet to arrive.  Adjectives do not suffice. 

    Day!  You got your new machine! Whoopee for the slish slosh sound of clothes getting washed; how nice - now all you have to do is fold a big pile and get it all put away.  If only there was a machine for that. As if.

    Joydean; so glad to have you join the Front Porch folks.  Here you are and we are delighted you are here and have your rocking chair all set for you.  The Front Porch is known for rockers that fit all size backsides and the weather on the Front Porch is always lovely and pleasant despite what it might be off the porch.  Great place to just sit awhile and talk of this and that and nothing.  Sometimes it is our hair, our clothes, recipes, our bodies, our aches and icks; what is happening and not happening and just being neighborly.  Hope to see you again soon - everyone is welcome.

    Mercy me, Ron; that is one delicious cake - thank you very much.  Lorita had to blow out all those candles . . . Lorita . . . . you said you were in your 90th decade . . . did you mean 80 years old or . . . .????  I know you are not 90, and just wanted to clarify.  If you are 90 and still wandering amongst the cattle doing all the work you do, I am going to alert the media and get a sky writer to send a big message!  You are always amazing in all you do, and I am in awe of you.

    Ann; it is good to hear your voice all the way from Mexico.  Hope all is going well and that the weather has been at least pleasant.  Let us know how you are doing, we think of you.

    It will be nice to get your TV all set up, but I am like you. I am SO not good with anything technical.  I am a lost cause without easy written instructions. I felt so amiss until a female attorney I know who is brilliant and so smart in so many ways told me she cannot program her TV and is an absolute loss with anything technical.  A kindred spirit!   Now I do not feel so bad; she is one smart attorney and well respected by her peers, so I can feel a little less incompetent.

    Just saw that Agatha Christie's "Poirot," is on PBS again; love the lead actor, David Suchet; he is absolutely wonderfully spot on with the character.  So nice to have pleasant things to watch in the p.m.; I am trying to do that - far, far, far too much ugliness on the news and so many violent and ugly programs.  I need to rest my brain and air it out from all of that.  Gimme the old black and white movies from way back when . . .  Lots of PBS shows have been a relief from the highly negative programs.

    So . . . off I go; lunch a bit late, but time to get some.  Have a good day and don't forget that tonight the AlzConnected site goes off line for monthly maintenance - the time for this is CT and listed above in red.  That would start at 6:30 pm PST.

    Have a good rest of the day and see you all later,


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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