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Just need to talk to my friends (173)



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hello everyone. Just a quick note. It's hot here, like much of the country. High 80s and 90s. I get my outside work done early in the day. 

    Our son and his wife and kids will be over for dinner tonight. We're going to grill brat patties. I also prepared kohlrabi, green onions, baby carrots, and sweet little peppers to serve with dip. They are all from the store, not my garden. Not much to eat in the garden now. Too hot for the lettuce and spinach. Beets, carrots, kohlrabi and cucumbers will not be ready for awhile. I also made a fresh strawberry pie. 

    Our Texas kids will be up next week. Looking forward to seeing them.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Reached 100 yesterday, but had a 5 minute shower early evening that cooled us down a little. Now its 97 and looks like another shower is on it's way. Yesterday and today the weather pattern hasn't been the norm. Usually rain comes from the south or west but this has been coming out of the northeast. 

    Ok some of you with medical knowledge, Lorita you worked in urology. Was looking at my lab on line and urine showed a 3 on blood; wbc and rbc high, but CBC on WBC and rbc was ok. Confused why it shows high in urine but not CBC. I dont feel like I have any infection and it's been about 1 and 1/2 years since completion of radiation. 

    Lou has a Dr. appointment monday so tommorow and Monday will be a fun day, plucking chin hair, nails, hair trim and makeup. 

    I'm ready for some front porch homemade cranked icecream. I can remember growing up and on occasions we would crank out 3 or 4 different kind; vanilla,  peach, strawberry and banana. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Hot as all get out here and very little air moving.  Just got back from seeing the girls.  I think I saw the new baby -  legs are not quite straightened out yet but he was in the shade.  Guess the other little ones were together somewhere in the middle of them.

    Mike called as I was walking into the house to give me an update on the baby.  Sidney, the girl who helps him on farm calls is caring for him.  He's taking his bottle morning and night and gets up by hinself!!  They've fixed him a little pen inside where the dogs are.  She carries him outside to let him walk around and he said he's even trying to run a little.  Still weak but improving!!  She's named him but he couldn't remember what it is. She's like me - names everything.  That news makes my day!

    Got to ask him how high Steve needs to hang the electric wire so they can get under it with equipnent.  I think we put it underground because if the front-end loader was up up it was almost too low.  He'll talk with Toad and let me know.

    Beth, your menu sounds really good.  Love fresh vegetables.  Have fun.

    Ron, I'm ready for ice cream, too.  Now if I don't buy it I make it in the Ninja but just not the sane.

    Not sure why the readings are different.. Maybe a little holdover from your last UTI?  I bet Jo will know but haven't seen a post from her lately.  Maybe just drink a lot of fluids.  I wouldn't worry about it if you're feeling well.

    Good luck with getting Lou ready for her appt.  Those chin hairs are elusive.

    Haven't done diddly squat this afternoon.  Getting lazy in my old age.

    Enjoy the evening and stay cool.  Almost impossible to do.  Do wish the wind would blow a little more. More caladiums are up.  Judith, did you get yours planted?  I still have ten or twelve left to plant.

  • Sandymac
    Sandymac Member Posts: 15
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments
  • Sandymac
    Sandymac Member Posts: 15
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    46F, 8C.  Sunny they say.  Was quite cool yesterday.  North wind was a bit chilly.

    ExTex hope transition goes smoothly for you Tuesday.  Dementia is one of life’s tough battles.

    Nothing like  the taste of a tomato warmed by sunshine Larue.  Glad you were able to get a few out.  Though life would ease off as I got older too.  That has not been the case.  Every stage has it’s issues it seems.

    Lorita always something to fix aye.  Yesterday got spring cleaning done on my screened in porch.  Feels good to get that done.  The windows are big and heavy.  I don’t know exactly what happened but next thing I knew the window was leaning forward.  Couldn’t stop it quickly enough and through the screen it went.  The screen is big also.  When I moved here had one replaced and cost $60 I think.  Probably will be higher this year.  My BIL has to take it in his truck.  Will not fit in my suv.  My BIL is thinking about trying to replace it himself.  We found a large enough piece of screen for $13 on Amazon.  Could not find any locally.   My BIL is pretty handy so he might pull it off.  Will see.

    I hope to not do diddly squat today lol.  Will have to check on my plants.  Beth I’m still getting lettuce.  Have moved my pots to north side of house.  Have discovered a couple of marble sized tomatoes.  Will not count any chickens til they hatch.

    Take care everyone

  • Sandymac
    Sandymac Member Posts: 15
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hello everyone…….just decided to pop in and say hello.  New babies Lorita, how lovely. It must be so nice to see them around you again.     Extend. I’m so sorry you are going through the process of putting Bonnie in care…I know how hard it is, but sometimes  it has to be done and in the end it really is the best for both.. my blessings to you both.   With all your heat I am so jealous. It is so cold here….nothing like your snowy cold, but cold by my standards!  I am cooking hearty stews, soups etc  and just drooling over your salads, watermelons.   I hate being cold.

    We are part of the commonwealth and last weekend was a long weekend holiday for the queens's birthday,   and because it was her jubilee we decided to have a good old Aussie BBQ to celebrate, and of course, we had to dress up….photos follow …..no sorry my file is too big and the photos won’t go ..but we looked pretty spiffy

    And Jo…complaining about your fuel!!!  You are paying 1.90aud ltr . compared to our 2.90aud approx.   We are off to NZ in Aug and the prices there are even worse. Up to $3nz ltr.  And we produce so much oil here in Australia. Go figure!

    Well, I know I said last time that we were going to Western Australia ….but my husband changes his mind like the weather,  and fuel is so expensive at the moment for caravanning so we decided to travel o'seas soooo….boooked.  NZ August/ September (held over from last year)….  Thailand Nov/ December….Antarctic Nov 2023.     Canada, Alaska not booked but planned  between I think ……     And I Don’t Like Cold !!!      

    We had a biiiig American RV which we just sold and he said. "Not investing this money, going travelling).   Woo hoo!   My head is spinning, not used to this sort of planning., Thailand was decided in one night!    He has been to all these places before and wants to take me to them now.  Except Antarctica…but it’s something we both want to do.  Sounds ridiculous when I say won’t travel in Australia because of fuel price but we can always do that later, and we aren’t getting any younger to do these other things!  I’m so lucky to have married this man.

    Cheers all.  Sandy

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Another hot day on tap.  If you're walking there's a little breeze but that's all and it's too hot to walk much.

    Set the alarm for 6 so I could put Vectra on the GPs but didn't get up right away so it was about 6:40.  Did Stormy first, then Sheena.  Always scares me to do this because I worry about reactions even though I've used it for three years.  I'll keep them out a couple of hours, then keep them in the bedroom a couple more hours.  They can't be near the cats until it's completely dry.

    I drove over to look at the girls.  Wanted to see the new baby.  There's twelve little ones, I think 13 or 14 since Jan. But about a dozen the same size.  So cute to see them  together.  They're so curious about the Gator-' guess they think it's a big green cow.  Really  enjoyed being out with them.  The baby is doing well.  He was laying down but got up and found mom when I stopped to talk to him.

    Sandra, I'm so happy for you.  You sound so happy with your new man.  That's what my grandma would say instead of husband.  All that travel sounds exciting.  Can't believe you're going to Antarctica and you not liking the cold.  I would gladly share this awfully hot weather for some of your cold.  I much prefer the cold.  At least you can put on more layers.  Enjoy all that exciting travel while you can.  We need pictures for sure.

    Sara, sorry about your window.  Good you didn't get hurt.  I hope your BIL can fix it.  It is always something that needs to be fixed.  I have some touch up painting I need to do in the utility room and a little more in the bedroom but will wait until I  can have windows open because of the fumes.  How's that for procrastination. Can't believe you said it is chilly there this morning.  Enjoy it while you have it,summer begins in two days.

    Tom still isn't home.  Seems lonesome out there.  I choose to believe he has found a wife and new home.  I miss Tom and Jerry.

    Isn't that wonderful news about the baby?  I thought the girls would take care of him.  Good for Sidney - she is such a sweet girl and loves animals and is so much help to Mike.

    I hope everyone is all right this morning.  Probably very few of us still have our fathers but I know there are such good memories of them.  

    Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there.  I never called mine father - always called him daddy.

    Time for juice and hot tea.  

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Happy Father's Day to all, the biological ones and those who acted in that stead for a child or more.

    My father had 2 biological ones, but gave of himself to many others.  He was a great role model and so willing to share his knowledge.

    The Dads in heaven will always be in our hearts and are much loved today and every day.

    Lorita, such great news about the littlest baby.  Tender loving care goes a long ways to helping them.

    Hope each of you can stay cool or warm...depending on your weather.

    Have a great day!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Sandy don’t envy your cold weather. You guys definitely get around.

    Lorita so glad the baby is improving.  Wish I could look out my window and see all your cattle of all ages.  Would so enjoy that.

    My S & BIL came and got screen this morning.  In a few hours BIL and nephew were back with it.  He found the screen somewhere locally.  I couldn’t find it anywhere when I looked at the stores online.  Cost me $20 and he did a good job.  Plenty of screen left too.  He told me he bought the gadget to do it with after he saw how much they charged me first time.  Guess he knew that wouldn’t be the last one I would need redone.

    Beth hope you had a nice visit with family.

    Probably won’t be here in am.  Hope to get to store right around 6am, orchard at 8a if Good Lord’s will.  Suppose to meet electrician at mom’s at 9 am.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest 

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
    500 Likes Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hi porch friends - I am trying my best to do diddly squat today too. 

    So far, so good. Except 1 short conversation with 2 bunnies that are eating the blossoms off my discount pansies. And the birds have now eaten the little strawberries that were turning pinkish & had me excited to see them grow. I guess my little container efforts are producing enough for the critters, but that was not the dream lol.

    Have a peaceful evening and night. Will catch up with everyone tomorrow.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes
    Hi all.  I’ve been home for a week since the wedding. It was a really fun time with family, and met so many nice people from the groom’s family. The venue was at a horse boarding ranch and event center.  It was beautiful there with several horses in the pastures near the event center.  There were a lot of colts and moms in pens. I should have taken a picture to show you. My granddaughter, the bride, was beautiful and so happy on her big day.  My son was the officiate and did a great job with the ceremony. So happy it all went well. 

    I’ve been catching up on yard work and getting things back in order here.  I think I’m about caught up. I did the laundry and cleaned a bit today. That was about all I did.  I just goofed off the rest of the day. 

    Sandra, good to see your post. You are a blessed lady to get to travel around and enjoy exploring new places.  I hope you both enjoy the adventures awaiting you.

    Butterfly, I laughed at the kn95 mask misunderstanding. There were a few of us in the airport and on the plane wearing them. Seemed like no one cared if we had them on or not.  No funny looks or comments, so I felt comfortable. 

    Lorita, you have a bunch of little ones. I bet they are so cute to watch. Good news the little guy is up and walking some. Sure hope he continues to improve.  It was hot here the week I was gone but we’ve had rain for a couple of days this week with cooler temps. It’s been nice and welcome the rain. I think we are supposed to be warmer during this week with more monsoon rains next weekend. The weatherman said we are getting into monsoon season early. 

    Day, did you get your new washer?  Seems to be a waiting game for deliveries and also getting help with services we all need. It can get frustrating. 

    Sara, glad the window screen is fixed.  Nice your BIL was able to help. 

    Beth, you keep busy. Your family dinner sounds great. 

    Zetta, I hope you’re finding time to rest.  You’ve been busy with your dog service. I haven’t been to the farmer’s market yet.  My daughter gave me some lettuce out of her garden so I’ve been enjoying that.  Guess maybe next week I’ll go see what’s offered at the farmer’s market. 

    Extex , I’ll be thinking of you on Tuesday. I hope the move goes smoothly.  

    I’ve got to get going so I’ll try and finish responses tomorrow. Hi to all reading. Hopefully we will all have a great week.  Enjoy your evening. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Missing Sara's early.morning post.  Hope things went well this morning.

    Joan, is your son who officiated the father of the bride?  How sweet that would be.  The setting sounds perfect with moms and babies.  I've never been around colts but think they are so cute.

    The little calves are so cute and curious.  They're like little kids as far as finding and being together.  They were all up in the pasture this morning - it's a bit cooler this morning so may not go in the barn.  This was trash day so had to take care of that early. Stormy helped.  I had been promising to take him for a ride so this was the time.  

    Had to water bulbs and roses when I got back.  Just now remembered I hadn't watered the vinca so went back out and did that.  I may plant the rest of the caladium bulbs in the bathtub.

    I was hungry so had hashbrowns, scrambled eggs and toast.  Was cooking hash browns while I got the eggs ready.  Started to move the bowl and spilled them on the counter- hate doing that.  Anyway, finally got it cooked and eaten.  Nice change.  Seems like there's not as many ants.  Haven't done anything except Zevo.  Maybe it's the drier weather.

    Bryon and his son just came to mow.  The son is about 12 and really into baseball.  He said he has three more tournaments- called me ma'am.  Refreshing.  I'm glad they could come early while it's cooler.  Bryon is off for Juneteenth.  Wonder if the mailcarrier will run.

    Day, hope your washer gets there today.  Seems like everything takes longer these days and costs more.  Feed and fertilizer is at least  double the cost it has been.

    Butterfly, sorry about the pansies and strawberries.  Just think how much those rabbits enjoyed them.  When something eats my plants I try to think that they need to eat, too.  Whatever has been eating the violets in the pots has let them alone for a while.  The violets always come back thicker anyway.  Sweet potato plants are growing like crazy.  Will have to put them somewhere safe so they won't be eaten again - maybe the bathtub.

    Hope everyone is okay this morning.  stay cool or dry, whichever applies where you are. Weatherman is promising 100 degree days later this week , then the High will back off and it'll be a bit cooler.  Promises, promises.

    Enjoy your Monday.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good afternoon

    Hash browns sound good.  Have not had any in a long time.

    The generator did not get done.  Don’t feel like talking about it today.  

    Cool here again today and cloudy.  They gave a sunny day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Not much activity on the porch today! Lou had a Dr. appointment and got a good checkup. Dr. told me to keep doing whatever I'm doing is all the advice he could give me. Guess everyone on the porch knows where I took Lou for lunch; yep, Red Lobster. 

    I told her Dr about my urine lab of rbc/hpf of 182, wbc/hpf of 9 and leukocyte esterase of +3 and asked if I should be concerned about damage from the radiation treatment for my prostate cancer since I dont have discomfort when I pee. He said anytime there is blood its concerning and if I dont here from my Dr. in a day or two I should call them.

    Hot again today with no relief in sight. We have been in upper 90s with a day or two of 100 and we aren't even in our hottest part of summer yet. Our Florida reunion trip has been canceled, to many not able to make it due to time of year my sister was trying to schedule it. Some with children in school, some the location was to far and some not able to get off work.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Hello Dear Ones, been awhile.  So much happening, and then SandyMac!  I have always thought about you like a modern, much improved independent Auntie Mame!   Here you go again - Antartica, Thailand and all points here, there and everywhere!   I certainly have always admired you and  now also your sweet new shiny spouse too.  Heavens, what a go around that is all going to be.  Please do take some sort of little device with you so we can once in awhile hear from you as you do the wandering.  Pictures would be nice, but that may have to wait.

     I so remember that pic of you when you climbed to the top of the bridge - EEEEK!   Still gives me ten days on my five day deoderant pads (old commercial).  If you still have that photo easily on hand, it would be great to send it again as we have so many new Front Porchers who would enjoy seeing it.  Sorry about the BBQ Jubilee photos not making it; would have loved to have seen them.  I did follow the Queen and the Jubilee celebration, it was awesome and also very interesting.   She still has that British Rose of England complexion.   May your travels be wonderful and a joy to both of you.   When do you plan to kick off the wanderlust?  And . . . . do you paint anymore?  I do recall that wonderful one you did of that lion . . . it was a wonderful painting.

    Ms. Zetta, what is that Oregon weather doing now, it has been full of surprises and hopefully the May snow has now gone away; the rain is what makes the state so beautifully green; if only we could get some here.

    Lorita, I am delighted to hear the baby will make it. Thank you to Ms. Sidney for her dedication; awesome and wonderful.   I hope your hip is improving; arthritis is not for sissies, that is for sure.  Last year, out of the blue, never had a problem before, I had a dreadful 10/10 severe hip pain - unable to stand and any movement was excruciating.  Had a hip injection done in Interventional Radiology in a med center; did not hurt, it was done under fluoroscopy and not a bit of any pain since.  Thankful for that.

    Am sorry to hear about the barn lights; boy, it does seem to be one more thing after one more thing.  We find that just in our suburban house and you have a whole ranch! 

    We do not have any growers out here to get sweet watermelons from.  There are some "farmer's markets," but no guarantee the goods come from a farmer's garden; some of the purveyors buy their goods from the food mart outlet in LA and bring them to the Farmer's Market and pretend they are home grown.   Oughta be a law.

     Sasue, I can understand your situation; it must be a difficult decision, whatever you decide will be what is best for you.  I am willing to bet your son does not find you a burden; he must love his mother and wants to be there for and with her.  Let us know what you decide and how you are doing.   

    Ron; that UA; RBCs and WBCs, well; it seems there is something perking about in the urinary tract . . . could be a number of a variety of things; and no, the changes do not have to show up in your CBC.  Sometimes a UTI can be "silent," that is; no physical symptoms but lab will show up some changes.  When you have your appt., the doc should be able to address this with you - AND since it is a change in a lab, since the docs office did not contact you, it is perfectly okay for you to call them and ask what the doc wants done if anything at all.

    Flutterby; my goodness, now growing bunny and birdie food - how very kind of you!  By now I am sure they are telling all of their friends about your outdoor cafe.  Sorry about your lovely plants.

    And Day; did you get your new washing machine yet?  That was remiss that no followup was given to you. By now, if you did not get the machine, you must have quite a basket of laundry to have to do.   Sure hope the machine has made it.

    ExTex; I am sorry for the stress you are experiencing with tomorrow's approaching placement of your beloved Bonnie; that is not at all an easy thing to do on so many levels.   So many years, and you have gone such a long time in your loving care.  I so hope all goes smoothly and that the transition is easy and peaceful.  Let us know how you are, we will be thinking of you.

    LaRue - 35 years running a barbershop!  That is HUGE.  And then, all those quilts and sweaters, moss does not grow on your north side, that is for sure!   You are a force to be reckoned with.  Your Post reminds me of my friend who loves to grow veggies, but her joints no longer permit her to be on the ground.  Her grandson built her multiple large raised garden planters, and he used copper strips around them to keep the snails out; they cannot go across copper.  We have a lot of snails out here.

    Sayra; oh no, that dratted generator.  I am sorry.  You sure are a wonderful guardian angel, you are a born carer.  And free food from the hospital - that is a nice perk to take home.   I am like you though, I must watch what  I put in my tummy or I will pay for it for sure.   Had a breakfast meal my husband wanted to buy from his favorite restaurant on his birthday; I ate most of mine with omelet that had ham and with home fries and buttered toast, well; let's just say I am on the second week of a GI tract meltdown.  NOT worth it, that is for sure.  I remember when the GI tract was younger and did not attack me.  Sigh.  Glad you got your window screened without so much expense and ado.  Lovely to have talented family members.

     Joan; what a wonderful wedding, it must have been truly beautiful and your son officiated; that is really special.  Our sweet little grandchildren, our beloved  little cuddlers, grow up so fast it seems to happen in the twinkle of an eye.   I am glad you had such a great time sharing that special day. 

    Not much happening here, weather is still not bad; 70's to low 80's, but not for long; those bad days of summer will soon be here.  Gosh Lorita, 107!   I so hope your AC is working well.  My big concern is that Edison is already saying they are going to have blackouts for electricity when the heat goes up.   Not a good thing. Wonder if there are any effective rechargable battery operated larger fans out there.  If there are, it would be good to get a couple - one for me and one for DH.  At least that would be helpful.

    Not much is happening here.  No plantings since the word is that the water restrictions will be going up and there is no sense in planting anew; it is a shame, but it is reality.  We hope we can keep some of our greenery alive - we live in "interesting times," on so many levels.    I saw the most beautiful counted cross-stitch kit; a copy of an old fashioned floral painting; no blank spaces, it is tempting, but it is also quite large so I would perhaps never get to the end of it.  I did so much very tiny stitch counted cross-stitch and had some framed; I chose only really nice items and it does indeed take time. I got one of  those large magnifiers that hang from the neck and rest against the chest so one can hold the fabric under it while stitching- it really helped get the job done.  Perhaps since the heat of summer is coming, it will be a nice respite here and there and it takes no power.

    Got aunts debating those special Bidet toilet seats - I started a Thread asking for information.  It is a big deal for them; two in their mid to late 90's and one to be 101 and ALL of them independent with their intellect intact. Busy, busy as bees; especially the 101 year old one who has a strenuous daily exercise program regime and helps organize and run the activities in her senior building. They all live independently, have no mobility issues and are doing well.   They do better than me!   Now; my DH thinks since I am getting information that we should get one of  those seats in one of the bathrooms and give it a try to see how we like it.  Oh me; oh my, sounds good, just hope it all works okay.  The things are not cheap.  I am now obligated even more to try and get the information right and the choices right; this is a big purchase for the aunts.

    Still doing some reading; decided to do some Jonathon Kellermen re-reading, it has been years since some of his books and I am doing them in order written.  Wish there were  more Maeve Binchey books I have not read, but alas; I have read them all several times - all in order written; what an amazing author she was.   There is also a good author; Louise Penny from Canada who is also a very good author with great characters and hers must be read in order as the characters evolve. Binchey, one does not have to do that, but it is best as a character from a prior book may make just a quick appearance in a later book and while it is not necessary, it is nice to know.  My books are my sleeping pills at night; start to read in the dark with a bitty book light and soon I am nodding off. Of course have to stop myself from reading in the daytime very much as I can get lost in a book and forget about time. 

    Speaking of time, it is time to wrap this up - may all be well and go well and warmest of thoughts being sent out to everyone,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning


    Yes JoC, so not worth it.  Last day I worked they had meatloaf and marinated chicken.  Didn’t look appealing so skipped them.  Will watch though and get something from time to time.

    Judith hope you are alright.  Haven’t seen your name anywhere that I can recall for a few days.

    Lorita Happy Birthday, believe today is your birthday.

    The heat, rain and wind have pretty much ruined the strawberry crop.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Happy birthday Lorita! I'll bring my peanut butter cake to the front porch this morning!!


  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
    Legacy Membership 25 Likes 10 Comments

    Happy Birthday Dixie!  I wish your weather would ease so you could spend your day outside with your girls.  Have some cake and ice cream and know we would love to be on your front porch with you for this special day.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Happy Birthday Lorita!

    Sending you best wishes for a wonderful day.



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Today is your birthday?   Well - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  Since the weather is always perfect on the Front Porch no matter what it is like off the porch, we can all gather and eat some of Ron's Peanut Butter Cake - I will bring ice cream and some balloons . . . our Lorita Dixie; a bit more mature, but always awesome!  And shhh, I think there are some bottles of champagne in the frig for later.   So hope you have a happy and whoopee day, Ms. Lorita - you are a marvel.

    Yesterday was a surprise - we went over 100 and it was sticky. Ick.  Well; weather report is telling us that we will have thunderstorms beginning tonight into tomorrow and it will also be over 100 in many areas, so icky-sticky will be the outcome.  Big worry is that the lightening will ignite brush fires in the hilly and forested areas which is a huge concern.  So hope that does not happen.  Guess summer is here without warning - it was nicely cool until a day or two ago.  It happens.

     We got a report this morning that in Los Angeles County, for only the last three days, the known cases of COVID are now well over 12,000 - just in three days and that does not include the number diagnosed at home; only the cases diagnosed in medical settings. Worse; the number of newly hospitalized cases for the last three days is over 600 adding to the large number already there.  We are told if this uptick continues, we will, in a few days go to the high alert category and are in all probability going to go to mandatory masking again.  I frankly think that many people will refuse to mask; but that will not include us.  We are already continuing to mask.  

    The national decline in reported numbers of documented cases that are "known," was already reported to do so during the summer months, but the numbers are expected to rise again come winter.  We shall see.   Hope for a newly safe beefed up vaccine as well as people doing what needs to be done to lower risk.   Enough about that; just surprised at the numbers going up so steeply in our area.

     Laundry to get done today, it creeps up and then shouts BOO!  as the basket fills up.  Not as much of course as when the four children were at home, (that was laundry pretty much ongoing), but still getting attention with just the two of us. 

     Was thinking about taking a drive down to the ocean, but it is going to be too muggy and hot today and also a concern - omigosh; filled the tank at CostCo and - $96 at the discount rate about 25 cents a gallon less than the usual gas stations!   What we would have done for money to do this when we were young and starting out, I do not know.  It is so hard on those with significant budget concerns and especially those with lower incomes needing to drive distances to work.  The State of California is going to open an investigation into why the cost of gas is so high . . . good luck on that . . . will cost a "penny" to do that and who knows how long until an outcome IF they can actually get honest information.  It is a simple G & A situation:  Greed and Avarice.

    Lorita, Byron's 12 year old son sounds like such a sweetie.  Our great-grandchildren are being raised in Louisiana and they too use the term, "Ma'am" and "Sir," liberally.  They have such good manners, ala southern style.   Our state does not foster that; sometimes (well a lot) we do not feel we are a good fit here any longer.  Such willful and me, me, me behavior and lionizing of the badness and outrageous - sometimes I cannot understand the need for this as it attracts and perpetuates terrible behaviors.  Oh goodness; look at me, sounding like an old lady - well; at least a far more, "mature" one.  Next thing you know, I will be yelling, "Get off my lawn!"  (Insert smile here.)

    Got my good sized box of Hallmark cards ordered online.  Most of them good cards but for the first time in ordering Hallmark online, got some that are just not the that good of quality - junky cheap looking - first time ever for that from them.  Will call and see what they have to say; I do not send out frank junk to others which makes it look like I do not care.  Oh my; one more time that a company cheapens their product.  Stuffy me, but it is also my money and average expectations only.

    Can you believe it is only a couple of weeks until the Fourth of July?  Full throes of summer and it seemed to come so quick.   Hopefully no fireworks except by the city - the city outlawed fireworks here, some years ago, but every year there are scofflaws and every year there is a fire or terrible injury.   Prior to the law forbidding home fireworks, there was always a house that caught fire and burned; mostlly due to bottle rockets. I so remember when we were kids using those cherry bombs under cans and setting off strings of firecrackers - lucky we did not hurt ourselves.  Always had the safe and sane fireworks or our children which we set off after BBQ and had homemade ice cream afterward.  With homemade brownies.  Miss  the little ones, but have great happy memories.

    Off to get myself going . . . once again, Happy, Happy Birthday to our Lorita - may this be a very good day and may your "new year" be filled with many blessings, both large and small.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Good morning. Happy Birthday Lorita. Have a peaceful and happy day. The wedding officiate was the uncle of the bride. It was a very special day. 

    Looks like the low 80’s are predicted for here today.  Not too bad.  Rain is coming back later this week. I’m hoping we’re getting out of the drought.  

    Hope you all have a nice day. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    I want to thank all of you for the birthday wishes - made my day. Thank you, Sandy for the e- card - it's beautiful. All of you are special to me.  Can you believe I'm into my ninth decade of  life. .  I was born at 9:30 in the morning- breach birth- almost didn't make it.  I wasn't breathing so the doctor had laid me down and was taking care of mother.  Grandma happened to see my foot move so I did make it.  My sister said I didn't open my eyes for nine days but I think she had that mixed up with puppies or kittens.

    When I was growing up we always had eight long rows of potatoes in the garden.  It became the norm for daddy and I to dig potatoes on the 21st.  So at 9:30 we were always in the garden knee deep in potatoes.  I always enjoyed that and miss doing it.

    Hard to believe I'm this old until I try to do something  I did easily ten years ago. Time passes.

    Ron, the peanut butter cake sounds delicious.  We'll all enjoy a piece of it with a glass of iced tea on the porch this afternoon.

    Good friends are a wonderful thing and I feel blessed to have all of you for my friends.

    Toad came and fed at 7:30.  I went out to see the girls but as soon as they ate, they headed for the shade at the MH to stay cool.  Hope they can because it was already warm.  I'll see all of them later today.

    Thanks again.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes
    Happy Birthday Lorita.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Happy birthday, Lorita! I hope you enjoy your day!
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mxnmomma
    mxnmomma Member Posts: 5
    Legacy Membership First Comment

    Happy Birthday Lorita.  I hope you have a wonderful day.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All.

    Happ Birthday Lorita, I am so glad you moved your little foot. I am looking forward to Ron bringing the PN Butter cake. Sounds Yummy. The hash browns and scrambled eggs sounded so good I may have that for my dinner tonight. That and peach cobbler. 

    Iam sure you love having all those babies around and that the baby at the vets is going to make it. You saved her life. My kitties not only love boxes they also love bags. When I go shopping and have the big brown paper bags I always put one on the floor, they love the noise it makes and they will climb inside of the bag.  

    Beth.    Thank You for the info on the avocados. I left them on the counter for a day and they ripened up and were delicious. It is nice that you have family coming around I bet they love the BBQs. I love BBQs  

    Ron.   I am glad that Lous doctor told you that your doing a good job taking care of her. We all know you are. Your a perfect husband. I am looking forward to the cake we will be having later today. 

    Extex.   Your also a perfect husband and how lucky Bonnie has been having you there for her. You have a very loving daughter. Your in my thoughts.

    Sandy.   I am so happy for you and your dear husband. Enjoy your travels. I love hearing about therm. 

    Sara.  I am glad you had help with your screen door. I need to brag about my son. Last week my dryer stopped so I was going to probably have to pay for someone to fix it. My son looked on Google and got a part for $6.00 and fixed my dryer. 

    Jo.  The weather here has been nice. Not too hot just comfortable. I guess we are going to have a pretty hot weekend. We also worry about lightening in the summertime. I am also waring a mask when I go into the stores and other places. I am surprised how many are not. 

    Joan.   What a lovely wedding your granddaughter had. Iam sure the horses really added to the background. As far as me getting rest, I try. The people that I have been a pet nanny for, for the last 12 years, are moving out of Oregon to Texas. They are in the packing mode now. They will be leaving here the end of August. I will miss them and the little dog and the money. But I am looking forward to being lazy. I was disappointed in the farmers market I went too. The fruit and vegies I get at the store I think tasted better. FM did not have watermelons so I got one at the store and it was pretty good. I am sure they will be better soon. 

    My son mowed the yards so today I will be clipping around the house. I will see you all later on the front porch. Have a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes

    I'm sitting on the couch waiting.  It didn't come yesterday, I called this morning and it is now past time for them to be here today.

    If I don't post, send a welfare check for me and they likely will find me under loads of dirty clothes....I'm wasting my days off afraid to leave the house fearing I'll miss them.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Thanks to all of you who sent birthday wishes since my morning post.  So appreciate each one.

    I've had a nice, quiet day.  Talked with Carol a couple of times and Darwin called.  Carol sent some old pictures of people we used to go to the canteen with and also celebrated birthdays with.  The cake and ice cream awaits.

    It's hot and still outside.  I just came back from closing the gates.  Opened them this afternoon so FedEx could deliver and needed to close them before the little heifers left the shade.  Some of our girls are already in the pond.  Maybe I can see them without going out in the pasture.

    Hope all of you are well this first day of Summer.  Only 3 1/2 months til cool weather.

    Day, I bet you could bite nails right now.  I know how frustrating waiting can be.  

    Thanks again.  As I said I am blessed to have such good friends.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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