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Just need to talk to my friends (198)



  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 793
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    Good morning

    Well the dinner yesterday was moved to today. That's fine. Stuff happens. No appointments today, so I will have time to clean house, cook and rest.

    Yesterday was also "move in" day for another of the Greatgrands. He is a sophomore at the University of Alabama. He's a good kid. Comes home for the summer to work and also keeps a part time job while taking a full class load. Last year he had an Internship with a Probate Court Judge down there. He plans to go to Law School.

    I finally have finished organizing all the documents required by Arlington National Cemetery and will email those today. They assign you a case number and they want that number on each page of every document, so my DD in Ohio made that happen and emailed the documents to me. My Probate Court date is in September. A Guardian Ad Litem has been assigned to look for "potential heirs" that may want to make a claim on the one insurance policy that did not have my name on it. I've decided to stop stressing about that, "it is what it is". I have a charm bracelet that has that saying on it, lol.

    DH has less dizziness, I started giving him Meclizine. His primary care ordered vestibular physical therapy (the ear crystal thing) yesterday and sent a referral for an ENT specialist. The march to recovery continues.

    We have a short trip planned next month. Hopefully that will happen. Unless DH is still not able to drive. The trip is a 3 day music festival at the Georgia Mountain State Fairgrounds and we take the motor home. This will be our 3rd year to attend. Gospel, blue grass and a little country music. I cannot drive the motor home. Much less over winding, country, mountain roads. Even more less, I can't park that thing. Ugh. So, here's a winged prayer that he is better and we are able to go. I guess learning to driving that thing needs to be on my To Do list.

    Hope everyone has a good day. BBL

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning everyone

    HB hope things work out for your son.

    Iris I’m sorry about your heart failure. I’ve been wondering from the things you said if that wasn’t what was going on, so hopefully the medication will help you to feel better. My nephew isn’t going to college in Boston. He was just there as part of his flight from Thailand to back home. He enjoyed Thailand, he said the ties are very nice. He did not enjoy the flight. It was a little over a day and a half coming back home.

    jerilynn hope physical therapy is able to help your husband.

    take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning everyone!

    Busy, busy, busy here as usual. In the garden, I'm harvesting green beans, tomatoes and cucumbers. I finished harvesting my carrots. Sometimes I will plant some lettuce and spinach for fall harvest, but I don't plan to this year. I'm just too busy with the garden and look forward to a bit less gardening work. Recently, I've been thinning/dividing/removing iris, hostas, phlox and ferns. That is heavy, dirty work. I need to do this with my daylilies too. And just general neatening up. You see, I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my garden! It was stunning 3 weeks ago but things are winding down. The daylilies and phlox are no longer in bloom. I have lots of black eyed Susans blooming still, and coneflowers. The coneflowers are doing their fall thing and the goldfinches sit upon the flowers and pick the seeds out to eat. The knockout roses look great but the hybrid tea roses are blooming sporadically (they don't like heat). We have had a week of cooler weather. The heat will be returning this weekend.

    We had and still have hundreds of hostas, mostly in one bed along the fence row we share with the horse pasture. They've been there for 20 or 30 years and never divided. I couldn't walk through without plants touching me, and that thickness left room for weeds to hide underneath. I didn't count how many I dug out but LOTS. I had to hire someone to remove them from the backyard for me (they're heavy, and buying lawn bags would have cost me more than having the person move them and dispose of them). I paid him $80 and it took two guys about an hour to move them. He has a place on the back of his lot where he dumps them. I'm going to try and find a pic of our hostas to post and if I can't find one, I'll take one. Oh, yes, and a problem with the hostas is that they are a shade plant and we have lost 4 trees from that area in 2020 in a storm so many are not in shade. They can get rather fried looking in deep summer. I do have 1 large tree back there (tulip tree) and the hostas shaded by it look beautiful.

    HB, I'm sorry for what you're having to deal with with your mom. The worry, and the work helping her sort through things that could be kicked to the curb so to speak. You are a very faithful daughter and I wish it weren't so hard for you. She does sound like a fashionista. Lots and lots of clothes!

    Iris, I was so sorry to hear you have heart failure. I hope that the medication improves your heart function and that you feel better.

    Lorita, what a lot of rain! We are having rain regularly the past few months which is a real blessing as we were in drought for 4 years! It rained Monday and Wednesday this week. I've only had to water the garden as a whole once this year - I do keep the pots and the veggies watered but the perennials do fine with the amount of rain we've been getting. I haven't watered the lawn at all this year.

    Mint, you are fortunate that your mom has gotten rid of a lot of things already. When we moved my mom to AL and were selling the house, we had a lot to deal with. We ended up taking some, selling some to vintage/antique dealers, donating some and filling 5 large (boxcar size) dumpsters. Then, at the very end, we had an estate sale dealer in and she bought everything left. That was a very stressful time in my life. Glad it's over and the house is with their "new" owners. That was 2015. When Mom went to AL, we furnished her apartment with couch, chairs, dining table and chairs and bed. When she moved from AL to SNF we called 1-800-Got Junk and they hauled it all


    Mint, glad your nephew had a good time and made it home safely.

    JeriLynn, you sound busy as usual. I am glad you are able to let go a bit with the probate thing. I hope things go smoothly for you and it can get the loose ends all tied up soon. Your meal sounds really good, especially the chicken alfredo and the pineapple cream cake. If you have netflix, you might like watching the "Blue Ribbon Baking Challenge." Those desserts they made, wow, hard to believe. Sounds right up your alley. I loved the show. Hope your DH is feeling better soon.

    Jo, you are missed. Thinking of you Joan, Zetta, CaroLyn, David, Ron, Judith. Have a good day everyone!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Flip house remains on hold…story behind this is not interesting…

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning ,nothing going on except hot weather and grasshoppers. Stormy and I went to mailbox and the hoppers were clinging to the windshield. Beth, those hostas are beautiful. Do they all bloom?

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    Hello, just got back from my exercise class just as it started pouring

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I used to make a smoothie every morning, but I haven't for the past two months because I have been very fatigued. I only eat fruit and yoghurt, or take-out. I used a personal blender, not a big blender. (This is my post from last night which didn't get posted.)


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, here in SoCal we have iridescent green fruit beetles that fly around. They are the size of a quarter. My cat Simon used to jump up and catch them in his mouth. Then he would flip them up and play with them like he had caught a mouse. I found plenty of them on the balcony. Sometimes I could set them on the ledge and they had enough energy left to escape and fly away.

    After the first day on my new blood pressure med, I'm getting some lightheadedness. I have to let my body get used to this new med, Entresto.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Iris, those beetles sound awful. I do not like bugs. Sounds like Simon had fun with them though.Hoppers seem worse here since the rain but grass is greening up.

    Be very careful and don't fall. Just sit until the dizziness is better. I hate trying new meds. My doctor has given me scripts for two different antidepressants over the last couple of years and I haven't taken any.

    I am craving a Frosty because of the tv commercials. Guess it's a good thing that I'm 30 miles from a Wendys.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, The hostas all bloom. Some have white blooms and some have lavender blooms.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Beth, did you buy all those hostas or did they multiply and you divided them. Years ago they had hostas across the front of part of our VAHospital and they were beautiful but not as much as yours. You should have a chair out there so you can just sit among them and admire. How is your husband - hope he's doing well.

    Ron, how are you doing? Hope things are slowly improving. Reminds me that I should call and check on Todd.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Beth so beautiful. I could never do all of that. I avoid things that multiply.

    Every time i see a grasshopper Lorita i think of you. I just about always see them when i am out. Don't see damage from them though.

    suppose to have several days of cloudy weather now. Hopefully we will get some nice rain.

    take care

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 793
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    Morning. We wound up taking one of the Great grands to the ER yesterday. She was having pain that sounded like a kidney stone. It wasn't. This 16 year old girl was F.O.S. !!!!! ( the medical slang for severely constipated) So I "doctored her up" and gave her and her other guardian a lesson in better food habits.

    DH and his late wife took custody of this child when she was 6 years old and about to be put in foster care by the State. Since that time, when DH's wife was ill, the child went next door to live with another of DH's granddaughters. (her cousin by blood and prior to adulthood, also in legal custody of DH and late wife).

    These family relationships are very complex and DH has no biological children of his own. But these grands and great grands all, in one way or another, have been raised by my DH. He still has shared custody of the 16 year old, had previous custody of 2 others and has housed at least 6 of them in prior years. It's complicated with a long history of dysfunction, drugs (the kids, not DH), and deception.

    So here I come along and put a foot down to the dysfunction "nope, we don't live that way. This is how you are expected to conduct yourself, these are the conditions upon which we will "help' you and this is how your children are expected to behave at my house." I actually have a good relationship with all but one. They call me to ask advise, to ask how to cook something, to ask about everything about finances and how to plan. We take each set of Great grands shopping for clothes at the beginning of the school year and again for the summer. We're very involved in their lives.

    So that was yesterday until 3pm. Then I finished cleaning my house and made dinner for the other set and that was an enjoyable evening.

    Today, I have no appointments, no deadlines and no plans. DH started a new blood pressure medication yesterday so I will watch him for side effects. Here's hoping for a calm day with no surprises. LOL

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Morning! I went to the council on aging yesterday and played bean bag baseball ⚾️. As much as I enjoy being around others, I still feel out of place, just going through the motions. I'm not sleeping well, Tuesday night just a little over a hour and not a lot better Wednesday. Preacher called last night to check on me and I told him I wasn't sleeping much. He said that he would pray for me to have a better night last night. Now, I don't know how many on our porch are believers, but it was after 5 this morning when I woke up for a good 8 hours of sleep.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 793
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    Ron, I believe! And I'm so happy that your Pastor's prayers (and yours/ours) were answered. 💖

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning!

    Thinking of all of you.

    Lorita, we bought a lot of hostas (we have hundreds). As far as I know, the existing plants spread. They do produce flowers, which of course produce seeds, but as far as I know, we have not experienced re-seeding. The spreading (plant growth) has happened over the course of 20-30 years. It's not rapid growth - lol!

    Very muddy outside so won't be gardening much. I do want to apply Miracle Grow to my petunias and my blueberry bushes today.

    I went swimming yesterday with my church friends - one has her own very nice pool and she opens it up for the lady friends on Thursdays, May - September. So generous of her. One of the church friends who swims with us had surgery yesterday for lung cancer. She had one lobe of her left lung removed. If you would, take a moment and say a prayer for Terry. Thank you.

    Ron, I definitely believe in the power of prayer. When I have trouble sleeping, I try to pray rather than thinking/worrying/scheming/planning future days. I'll either pray specifically for each of my kids and grandkids, or say the Lord's prayer over and over.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 345
    100 Likes 100 Comments 25 Care Reactions First Anniversary

    Good morning to all!

    Beth, I love seeing pictures of your garden and the variety of plants you are able to grow. The hostas are beautiful! You and Mint are gifted gardeners. Love reading everyone's posts and try to come here at least once per day to check on everybody.

    Taking care of my LO is all consuming and when he sleeps/naps, I'm busy with household stuff. I consider myself luck that he's not violent or aggressive, just needs the care of a one year old in every sense which is exhausting.

    Getting ready to rain here. Thinking of all of you xo

    BTW Ron, I agree that you should think about getting and furry friend/companion.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    Helo, to anyone who knows New England, my wife and I are going to Indian Head Resort in New Hampshire and Clark's Trading Post next week for our anniversary (6 years). I have ordered a romantic package (my wife does not know that I have ordered this)

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning that sounds wonderful, David. I bet your wife will love it.

    We had a wind storm last night and it broke the middle limb out of a big maple and Darwin said it had almost blown over an electric pole. Called the electric company to fix that. I am worried every time the wind is strong because I'm afraid the elm will fall on the house. Called the tree company we use and hope they can take care of it and the other three soon.

    Also called the tree trunk carver. He said the tree people will know if the trunk is okay to carve. The carving starts at $3500. Didn't think it would be that expensive.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited August 16

    Ron I definitely believe in prayer. It has helped me many times. I’m thankful that you had a good night sleep.

    JeriLynn hope you and your husband both have a peaceful day. Those children are blessed to have someone that cares about them. If they don’t already, hopefully somewhere down the road, they will understand that. My nephew went to a city school and I think that was good. He became very grateful for his family. Despite his problems he saw he had something that a lot of them did not have people that cared about him. So many children in the position that yours are in have no one. I can’t even imagine that. Can you imagine being that age and not having anyone to depend on. Many didn’t even know where they were going to sleep that night. A patient told me that a lot of them stay in the abandon houses around where she lived. My nephew told me he’s also very grateful that he went there because he can talk to different cultures. He said I have no trouble talking to them because I got used to it at school. He said if I hadn’t went to school there and stayed in that private school, I would’ve never known how to talk to these different people. One of them that he works with who has been very kind to my nephew, and become his friend, is from a big inner city and has had his share of rough knocks. He is overcome that though. I think he did have at least a grandmother who he knew cared about him. That makes a huge difference for some kids.

    Lorita a house not far from where my mother lives has two of those tree trunk carvings, they’re huge. One is a bear and the other one has I think about three cubs in it. I don’t know if they do something that helps preserve the trunk or will it eventually rot down. That they’ve been in the yard for quite a while now, several years for sure, and I don’t see them deteriorating any way that I can notice from the road.

    David hope you and your wife have a nice trip

    Lorita know you guys have had a lot of strong wind out in that area the past couple of days. I still watch Ryan, y’all, but I watch Max velocity more. The other day when he was on one of the storm chasers was showing this craziest cloud I forget what they called, but it was just kind of amazing looking. They kept thinking a tornado was going to come down out of the area but while I was watching it never did. You know I had three trees cut last year just before I got so sick. I sure had a mess when I got home from the hospital that I was not able to deal with very well but it got dealt with. But now every time they’re giving storms and tornado warnings I’m always thankful that those three trees are not around my house. There’s a woods back behind my fence, but even if they fall over the fence, I don’t think they would do horrible damage. They could do some, and it probably would mainly be to my porch, which is better than my bedroom. Hope yours is cut soon for you.

    Ron I think it’s normal to feel a little odd and out of place going to new places now under a new situation. Almost all of us that kind of makes us a little uncomfortable sometimes. But if you continue to do it, you will eventually start adjusting somewhat i feel and will be more comfortable with it

    Beth, I bought peaches at the Amish, stopped on the way home and got a piecrust so I hope I find time to try your peach pie today. At least I’ve got the first steps accomplished.

    take care, everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited August 16

    Ron, I also believe in prayers. I say prayers for all of our friends every night. Things do get a but easier but it takes lots f time.

    Can't get in touch with my tree guy. I bet they have gone on vacation before school starts. Anyway they wouldn't be able to do it today. I had planned on having all four taken out when the weather cooled. Heat index is already 196 and it's just noon and there no wind today. I know another tree guy who has done work for us but Adrian has all the necessary equipment and a crew-' all family. More storms predicted for late this afternoon and night. It's the down bursts that occurs when a thunderstorm collapses. We're in the edge of the worst weather predicted. We may need some of those prayers tonight.

    Mint, the tree carver told me he puts a wood preservative on the carvings to protect it. braid even a layer of paint on the flat surface will protect it until it's carved.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I'm glad your pastor prayed for you and prayer was answered.

    Beth, you gave me a very good idea! I will pray the Lord's Prayer and other prayers when I have insomnia, which is mostly all the time.

    JeriLynne, when I was a pediatrician, I saw several adolescent girls like your greatgranddaughter. They need to work on their diets, and increase water. Also, some girls don't feel safe using the restrooms at school, so they "hold it in" for too long. A regular time of elimination after breakfast is important. This stimulates the gastro-colic reflex.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Trees need to be taken care of. Bad branches removed and entire tree thinned so that wind can move through it. It is expensive mu not as much as a limb causing damage.

    I have "stumps" saved for sitting on or small table.

    Ron…remembering back I did not do anything "fun" after Dick died. I did a lot of puzzles. When I did forage out it was to the museum where I studied and l led tours. Lou's death is very fresh. The pain you feel is acute. Time will soften it but the grief will always remain and you will remain forever changed.

    That said…you will be "OK".

    mint…was it a roll cloud?

    Jerri…family…….I will share that my sister embezzled money from our mother.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 793
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    " when I was a pediatrician, I saw several adolescent girls like your greatgranddaughter. They need to work on their diets, and increase water."

    Iris, thank you! I did go over those things with her and her Cousin she stays with (who has 3 children of her own - but they are boys). I texted both she and the Cousin this morning to check in and remind them about the water today. I sent some funny POOP memes. She responded that she had her BIG stanley cup full of water with her at school. And she told me she loved me. And so did the cousin. So, I'll just keep "hovering". lol

    I've just come in from cutting 3 acres of grass. Still have the side, very back yard behind the fence to do but I had been out there almost 3 hours so I gave it up. We have wind, rain, hail and lightening headed our way so I got as much done as I could. I've been up since 3 am so I'm going to get a shower and serve leftovers for dinner.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Judith, they trimmed that tree and others last summer. The elm and three others in and near the yard died earlier this summer. The elm is very old but the other three are fairly young Royal Empress trees. Guess it was the drought. Lost a big magnolia late last year. Also two trees in the meadow have died and Darwin has lost several

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Judith I looked it up as there’s no way I would remember. It was called tornadoic supercell of the year, it was in Kansas on August 14 I think. If you just Google that, a picture of it will come up.

    wanted to mention this earlier and forgot. Just a new type of scam that I became aware of today so thought I would mention it so hopefully if anyone else runs into this, they won’t get scammed. My cousin received an email that look like it was an invitation to something sent by another cousin. Luckily for her it would not open so then she sent it to my aunt to see if my aunt could open it. Then my aunt remembered that it happened to a lady she had worked with and it was a scam. Then they contacted my cousin who it appeared to be from. She had not sent it. When my aunt told me about it, then I message my sisters about it and one of my sisters had got the email also but she hadn’t got around to opening it up yet, so that was good. I did not get it. But I’m guessing someone has hacked into my cousins contacts. Oh my, anyway, I guess the moral of the story is if you get an invitation to something you’re not expecting you better make sure that it truly is a legitimate invitation.

    Beth I got the pie made and it looks tasty. Hopefully it will have chilled by supper time.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Mint….fabulous cloud…you can actually see some movement.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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